
Customer Retention Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"Excellent customer service retains customers, breeds word of mouth business, and encourages repeat customers."
"Whenever I come across an upset, dissatisfied or angry customer, I always go that extra mile to resolve the problem, as I think it's really important to keep a customer for as long as possible."
"It's always better to sell again to the same customer than it is to have to acquire a new customer."
"One of the biggest unlocks in a business, especially in a recurring revenue business, is figuring out what are the leading indicators that get someone to leave or stay."
"We have about 50% that reorder and we're retaining about thirty percent permanent reorders."
"This Place offers a wide array of tempting, tasty treats that'll keep you coming back for seconds and thirds."
"If you can increase your guest frequency by one visit a month, that's a 12-15% increase in revenue."
"Retention is the single most important thing for growth."
"Amazon can afford to spend a fortune on Prime video because every sign up for sports or dwarves is another person also getting Prime shipping bundled in making them significantly more likely to spend money year-round on Amazon."
"Apple has built up now enough loyalty with its customer base and the strength of its ecosystem."
"Instead of crying over the people that left, make sure that you're actually delivering the most value to the people that stayed."
"Real success lies in getting them to come back."
"If the quality is good, people will continue to go on and on and on."
"You need to earn every sale and continue to earn every sale."
"You want to make sure that you're unique and that your customers are always going to remember your name."
"Getting a new customer is 5 times more costly than retaining the customer."
"You want repeat business that's the best way to to build a sustainable career."
"All profit in business is from repeat customers, never forget that."
"Implement email marketing to retain customers and encourage repeat business."
"If you can't get repeat business, you don't have a business."
"It's so important to have abandoned cart sequences."
"Remember, the number one enemy of streaming services right now is not other streamers, it's churn."
"One of the best things a company can do to win back a customer is to reach out and say, 'We're sorry you had a bad experience. How can we make that better?'"
"So once you're in, you're never done. You can stay with me for as long or as little as you want and everything is always included."
"Lifetime value is important for a business to sustain over time."
"We get the money out like the SEC within 72 hours of us contacting the business, the money is in their account. That's cool, we're not going away after one month."
"What are the unmet needs of your customer that if you were to do these things or improve the product they would be more likely to stay for a longer period of time?"
"The goal isn't to bring players back, it's to retain players and keep the life cycle of the experience."
"As long as you have product, don't give them a reason to go somewhere else."
"I might just need to give everybody a little bonus."
"I significantly raised my prices... it's always better to do more business with a customer that already exists."
"Most Detailers build detailing businesses around constantly getting new customers... it legitimately does not make sense."
"The best part about Highlight is it makes detecting those errors so easy so you can fix them before you have tons of churn on your site."
"Continuously happen, it will put off people."
"That's why you do it, man. Be like everyone's going to walk, they're going to have withdrawals."
"It's actually in Blizzard's business interest to keep these people."
"Have you considered allowing FSD transferability as a lever to allow existing customers to upgrade to a new Tesla instead of being locked into existing cars due to the price of full self-driving?"
"It's always good to get new visitors, but you do have to put an effort to have the old visitors coming back to your site again and again."
"We're playing the long game and we want to make sure we have long-term customers that see value in the product that we deliver."
"Easy peasy but consistent quality will be the key to ensure repeat business."
"I believe if we take good care of the subscribers we already have... naturally, that will lend itself to some form of growth."
"Consistency is key in sales; once people realize that they can get something from you, they want to keep coming back."
"Manufacturers and everybody else have very creative ways to continue to get money out of their customers."
"If you don't have a consistent reason to come back, even the biggest fans are going to say, 'Yeah, I'll just wait for an update.'"
"People undervalue social as a retention channel."
"Discounting to keep customers paying or to get first timers in the door is an easy way out that brings in short-term success at the expense of long-term sustainability."
"A memorable brand is important to stand out from the sea of sellers and get customers to remember you and keep coming back to your shop."
"The majority of those people that land on your site will never come back... That's why it's absolutely fundamental that you have the ability to remarket."
"Why has Netflix been able to have a higher retention rate than any of their competitors?"
"You don't want to rip people off either. You want to keep them coming back. This is one valuable thing I learned from my brother Ferrell: Sometimes you gotta give."
"You've got to give them a reason to come back."
"It's probably safe to say that the longer you've been a customer and the more you've spent on the cards the harder they're going to try to keep you from canceling."
"Even if you just bring in the same amount of people through the front door as new customers, this repeat business will literally double your business within even only a couple years sometimes less."
"Once Sofi has completely saturated the market and picked up all the low-hanging fruits from Legacy bank accounts, well then Sofi has a whole second life of selling more and more services to each of their existing members."
"Every time someone visits, you need to create a reason to visit again."
"No matter what you do, try to get your customers to stick around on a recurring basis."
"Loyalty programs are an advertising strategy aimed at getting existing customers to repeat their purchases frequently and even become brand ambassadors."
"...having customers come back is pretty much the most important thing in every single business..."
"For Chanel, it's never been about selling these bags. They don't want to sell these bags because they know that these classics are their golden ticket to keep you buying more of everything else they have to offer."
"At the bottom of the funnel, businesses focus on converting potential customers and encouraging those customers to return in the future."
"I mean, this is where the repeat guests just start making sense."
"Our goal is to deliver so much value to them in so many different ways that they have no desire to leave."
"Building a foundation of educational content around your product or service can be super effective in attracting and retaining customers."
"the goal is you have to make it so valuable that the person keeps coming back to the freebie"
"Your goal is to reduce churn and increase LTV."
"Service is the differentiating factor to not only getting a customer through the door but keeping a customer through the door."
"You've got to have returned customers, yeah, and you've got to have a good product they want to come back for day in, day out."
"Creating those opportunities that encourage those people to show up at your store also will kind of hook them in."
"They can't let the restaurant lure all of their customers."
"Encourage annual upgrades at the right time. Timing is key when pitching annual plans to reduce churn."
"Lower paying customers churn faster."
"Did you know that 80% of businesses lose customers from not having websites?"
"Making sure that my guests have the best possible bloody time so that they come back."
"The best way for these companies to generate profit is for you to come right back over and over and over again."
"Every single guest needs at least one reason to return."
"The younger you can get a customer base trying your product for the first time, the more likely you're going to have that customer for life."
"Without CRM, you risk losing customers to competitors."
"Of course you'll lose customers if you raise your price but the number of customers you lose may not be as many as more than makes up for it in the price increase it's simple arithmetic anybody can do it."
"It's a heck of a lot easier to get a repeat customer to buy from you than it is to get a first-time customer to buy from you."
"Shops with a low failure rate focus on the lifetime value of the customer."
"They want to do a loyalty program."
"You can have a very strategic reason for having just a freemium use case that actually has retention on it."
"Any company that can implement something like that to keep people coming back should absolutely do so, because customer retention and lifetime value is ultimately what's gonna sort of increase your sales over time."
"Returning customers spend more money, buy more often, and can be counted on to sing your praises."
"Focusing on customer retention is super important because it's going to be a lot cheaper to retain your customers than it is to find brand new customers."
"Increasing customer retention can have a big impact on your bottom line."
"Returning traffic is worth eight times as much to your business as first-time traffic."
"The whole idea here from gamification like trying to make a game out of it, so make it competitive to adding polls to really personalizing it, these are all things that you can do to get your customers back."
"Consistency will keep people coming back."
"Repeat customers are so valuable to your business for the simple fact that is so much easier to sell to a repeat customer than it is to try and bring new customers into your business."
"It's far harder to get new customers than if you can just keep the existing ones happy."
"You're in a competitive industry if every time you raise your prices, you lose customers."
"Retaining customers costs a lot less than acquiring new ones."
"Great marketing might get people in the door, but only great products will keep them coming back."
"You cannot have a huge brand if you don't have repeated customers."
"Disney wants Disney plus users to remain on the platform."
"Specialize your shop to attract your target customer. Confusion leads to customers leaving."
"You want them to be a repeat customer, you want when you say, 'Hey, I found you a deal,' you want them to listen."
"Promotions help us retain our customers not just for a single transaction, but for a lifetime."
"Branding not only helps get your products in the hands of customers but hopefully keeps them coming back for more."
"Over 130,000 companies have grown their e-commerce business with ShipStation, and 98% of companies that stick with ShipStation for a year become customers for life."
"Customers are just going to stick around for longer."
"The wrong pricing can chase your customers away."
"A profitable company depends on its ability to attract and retain customers while denying them to competitors."
"The most important thing in an acquisition is to make sure the customers are going to stick around."
"There's a few different actions you can take. Marketing is the obvious one where you can say that if a customer is part of a given cohort then yes they're probably going to come back seasonally so let's hit them with some communications before then."
"By really utilizing these strategies, hopefully, you can turn customers into loyal fans."
"Activate and onboard new customers, but retain them because that's where the real money is made."
"Customers renew because of what's next."
"Negative churn is SAS nirvana, really. It's SAS nirvana. Negative churn means that every month your existing customers are growing. They're paying you more every month."
"Your best customer very often is your existing customer."
"A 5% improvement in customer retention is equivalent to a 95% improvement in profit."
"Keeping everything on the marketplace allows you to have that retention."
"Any effort to get customers and keep them is branding."
"It's really important that businesses focus on getting and keeping customers and crucially increasing average order value or average customer value."
"...to help you price your products, create a product line people are going to love, attract your ideal customer to your shop, sell to them, and get them to be a repeat customer."
"...it's something that we would like to do a good job of predicting ahead of time because if I know somebody's going to leave the platform maybe I can send them an email with some kind of cool offer to get them to stick around."
"It's easy to turn away a customer, but it is difficult to get them back."
"Opportunities are the initial opportunity and also subsequent opportunities that relate to either a new lead or prospect or an existing customer."
"Once they see your work and how bomb it is, they're gonna be like coming back to you."
"Cold throw is what sells your candle, and hot throw is what keeps them coming back."
"What sets Ecolab as one of the best dividend Aristocrats to own for the long term is its leading technology portfolio, sticky customer relationships, and a large opportunity for growth."
"It's much cheaper to keep an existing customer than get a new one."
"If companies were in competition with each other, you would expect that they would do everything possible to avoid losing customers to their competitors."
"Repeat business is the least expensive form of business development."
"Retention... when a customer becomes a repeat customer, it shows you when they start to really like your product and want to keep coming back."
"Retention analysis... specifically for finding which groups of users stay with your product longer."
"This product is the key to retention."
"It's five times more expensive to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one."
"They're obviously doing something right in terms of attracting the right customers to the platform and retaining that custom too."
"The goal with sales emails is to convert your prospects into customers or your customers into repeat customers."
"Who are the easiest people to sell? The people that you've already sold."
"Is this a good enough vehicle to lure in new customers and keep them around? The answer to that question is certainly yes."
"Reduce churn by improving the product or service."
"Remarketing and customer match are targeting people who are already existing customers."
"If somebody comes in once, they'll come back."
"If you do a good job and start to capture customer data using something like StayFi, you can build your own direct booking website or just give people incentives to return to stay with you."
"We've had triple-digit growth year over year for four years with really amazing repeat rates."
"Email marketing... it's a great way to get people that visited your shop or your website already to come back to your shop."
"Their success with your partnership and solution is going to be the key to that long-term retention and growth that you're all working towards."
"What changes can we make to our product to reduce churn?"
"The churn rate is basically the retention or actually the inverse of the retention."
"Adding polls to really personalizing it, these are all things that you can do to get your customers back."
"Land, expand, and explode became the cornerstone of our customer retention strategy."
"The capacity of a business or product to keep customers over time is referred to as customer retention."
"Retention is essential to economic success for any organization that wants to endure for a long time."
"Our 12-month retention currently is at about 70%, and the repeat rate is almost at 43-44%."
"After it's done, you'll have a really good looking website that is fast, that is good, that is reliable, and that customers will come back to."
"It's less expensive to keep a client than to go find a new one."
"Churn is really important and it's really bad for SAS business projections."
"Access to customers because I've always been a huge advocate for building your own website not only to save money on fees but also because you want to own your customer's information."
"Always make sure that you're building your business before you go out and lose half your customer base."
"If you raise your prices by 5 to 10 a cut, you would keep 90 to 95% of your customers."
"I don't want that for my customers, I want to give them a bottle that they can use up within a few months and then they order again."
"Book the next appointment. Don't let them walk out the door without booking the next appointment."
"The two biggest drivers of profitability are essentially profitability by each order and the retention."
"A five percent increase in customer retention can result in an increase in 75 percent to the top line."
"I love SumoQuote because even after you leave, it continues to sell the homeowner for me."
"Your whole goal and objective should be to speed them through your funnel as quickly as possible so you can retain them as a customer."
"It's important that they get this right, not alienate existing customers but also drive the brand forward."
"As long as the quality keeps up where it's at, I'll continue to order from you."
"You're not just always chasing that next one sale; you're increasing the lifetime value of your customers."
"A healthy brand has repeat customers, people who come back over and over again."
"I'm the guy or gal who's going to do whatever it takes to make our guests happy so they come back again and again."
"We need to be focusing on keeping these people who have come to sewing for the first time as customers and keep them sewing."
"There are always ways to make a customer more valuable over time."
"It's about seven times more expensive to acquire new customers than to keep an existing customer."
"Having customer accounts allows people to come back to your store and easily purchase things without filling out things over again."
"You can set up coupons that will incentivize people to come back and purchase more of your content."
"By improving retention of the customers, incremental margin of the company can actually exceed what the management has guided investors to."
"Very few people cancel their Netflix subscription."
"You can really create products that can generate repeat customers."
"Our goal is actually not to get new customers, our goal is to keep the customers we already have."
"The goal of a good retention strategy is not to completely seal the bucket, it's to patch it up so that we don't lose more customers than we have to."
"The payoff for Uber is much greater if you can get existing users to use more of its service."
"Niche down, right? If we can keep the same customers coming back to the store, it saves us a heck of a lot of time, energy, and effort in marketing our stuff."
"It's easier to sell to somebody you've already sold to."
"If my digital services aren't working, my customers are going elsewhere."
"If you never lose a customer, you will literally never stop making more money year over year."
"If you're going to get into business, get into a business that's going to have repeat customers, that is Evergreen."
"Scalability, returning customers, these are the two points that you really want to take advantage of when drop shipping."
"In general, the idea is that companies should be making dedicated efforts to retaining their existing customers."
"We're like a restaurant; if we serve good food, our customers will come back."
"The burgers are seasoned with a secret blend of spices that keep people coming back."
"There are fundamentally only three ways to grow your business: increase the number of clients, increase the average size of the sale per client, and increase the number of times the client returns and buys again."
"If you're the good store, if you're the bad store, you got no chance."
"It's much cheaper to get revenue from people that, hopefully, you've treated well, that have liked your service or business and want to do business with you again."
"Make it reasonable to where it's affordable for them to come in every week because you want that person to come in every week."
"The loyalty stage is a time to continue to nurture relationships with your customers so you can remain in their minds."
"If the work is good, the people are going to come back."
"Once we have an email, no one can ever take it away from us, and we can keep on making money from the same lead."
"The food got to be good enough for people to come back and keep the doors open because this session is expensive."
"The cheapest customer to acquire is a customer you already have."
"Make effort so that your customer stays with you for a longer period."
"Imagine being able to send out emails or run ad campaigns to customers who are likely to buy from you a second or third time."
"Make sure your restaurant is a place that they want to come back to."
"You want to gain a customer first over and over and then you can slowly raise your prices up."
"Once you've identified that someone might be likely to churn, what you can do is do something proactive and reach out to them, give them an offer."
"Clients will buy again and again and again, provided you build a good relationship with them."
"...they might buy because of the association but they stay because of the product."