
Exercise Technique Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"The best way, the most proven way to get your bench up if you are a poverty bencher is to just do a lot of it."
"Bodybuilding is all about the stretching and the contraction. It's not about throwing around weight."
"It's not lifting from the knees, it's from the waist up."
"It is so much better to have proper form than to prioritize getting in reps or using weight."
"Activate the core. Think about pulling the hip bones together."
"The hips lead the squat; it's a hips exercise in general strength training."
"Eyeballs down allows you to use your hips much, much, much better than eyeballs looking up to the ceiling."
"One of the features of squatting is not falling down, and if you don't fall down when you squat, then you've done the job of balancing."
"You automatically get depth. It's not even something you have to really think about in terms of depth."
"Proper technique is gonna make you stronger. When you become stronger, your reps are gonna become faster."
"Feet outside the shoulders, toes slightly angled out, and then from here with a nice tight core... all I'm going to do is send my hips back slightly."
"So focus on that three one one tempo almost there perfect finish it off awesome perfect great job."
"Row without cheating, focus on pulling the weight with your back, not your face."
"Proper form is crucial for stiff-legged deadlifts."
"Keep a neutral spine and full pelvic tilt for optimal core engagement in exercises like the whole body hold."
"Giant sets exist for isolation movements. Treat your accessories as priorities."
"Full range of motion: key to optimal contraction."
"Performing quarter reps... are all ways to end up with an injury rather than seeing continuous progress."
"Proper form and focus on the negative and the stretch are key to lifting correctly."
"Anytime you customize technique, you should be looking for the technique that gives you the most stimulus and the least fatigue."
"The skill acquisition of a squat or a hinge is a huge component."
"Because loaded stretch seems to grow muscle the most, and the internal load can be maximized at the stretch."
"Please concentrate on feeling the muscles squeeze using proper mind-muscle connection as you go from the start position to the finish and back to the start yet again." - Coach Greg
"Cadence... slow down the reps... after a set close to failure like, 'Oh my god, my triceps and my elbows feel great!'"
"Lift the chest, squeeze the glutes, push the hips forward again."
"Cobra: lift your chest just using your core strength."
"Remember, when you're lifting with weights, you want to exhale during the exertion part."
"Make it your best one, inhale onto the toes and bend the knees."
"Nice, squeeze still have a soft bend in that standing leg right."
"If I can push this down... abs working now... pull it in a little bit tighter." - Billy Blanks
"Limit excessive spinal motion when you're squatting, deadlifting, performing cleans."
"Decline push-up: effective, but inability to produce enough overload."
"Turkish Get Up is the safest way and best way to build strong and stable shoulders."
"You can't arch your back if you keep your stomach tight."
"You can actually get more muscle load with less weight using better mechanics."
"Don't let your form suffer because you're trying to go so fast."
"With a straight bar, it's hard to activate those lower back muscles."
"Technique degradation leads to increased injury risk and less productive workouts."
"Let's start with the knee up and then externally rotate good so just get that rhythm and then from there if you want to add the hop okay add the hop."
"If you let those shoulder blades completely touch down, those abdominal muscles completely relax."
"Shoulders reaching across the midline that's gonna hit your transverse core it's a deeper layer that helps you cross body do those cross body movements."
"The biggest thing today is the bigger the knee drive, the bigger the arm drive."
"So if you need to rest, go ahead and rest. Three pounds and you're thinking these are getting really heavy, the next time you do this or even right now, grab a couple cans of beans and they can be your lighter ones so don't be afraid to switch weights in the middle."
"A perfect press is a perfect push-up mechanic."
"Remember also, I do have a video available on how to do crunches without neck pain."
"Aligning your left shoulder over your right, pull the lower belly in."
"That setup is so important again upper body up lower back glue to the floor no Arch legs either straight or bent and begin."
"Do a single pulley pull down from here to here and then do a single pulley pull in from there to there and then you decide which one you like better. It's a slam dunk as far as I'm concerned this feels awesome."
"...he does a really good job of pre-tensioning that back from all the way from the traps all the way through the glutes all the way through the hamstrings before he then pulls into that bar."
"Breathe in and sit, exhale on the way up."
"If you're not feeling the stretch, you can just choke up on the band a little bit more."
"The key to stretching anything with a band is to find some kind of anchor point."
"Generally, the side that you turn to, you're going to feel it on the opposite side."
"Just as simple as this doing this movement watch what goes on with this toe as they get the heel spinning out to do that if he's doing this chances are lacking total mobility there's nothing sexy about a mobile big toe line."
"Ryan's squat is a great place to start with your technique."
"To me, you should be going through it like the safest way to lift, especially with squats and deadlifts and complex compound movements, is to go through a series of cues in your mind."
"Keep your ribs pulled in make sure there's no flaring out of your ribcage here."
"The Anchor squat is really good for opening up the front rack position."
"You have to treat the bench press like a mechanical system, and we train the system of the press, not just the muscles that are involved."
"You want full range of motion, make sure the bar comes down, taps your chest, and then you go back up."
"The key to handstand push-up is squeezing your glutes and abs as you come down and up, get tight, get really really tight, that will help you balance."
"Establish proper movement patterns and exercise technique."
"Focus on your form and technique above all."
"Locking out at the top of a push-up, for example, is really great for developing scapular control."
"You want it over the ball of your foot or the middle of your foot, exactly."
"You're not actually trying to move really fast, just get that knee up."
"This class will not only get you there, it will also guide you through proper form and technique to get the best results from every single bar class you do."
"PNF stretching stands for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation."
"Breathe, make sure you're breathing, usually that's the first thing to go so nice deep breaths in and out through the nose."
"Keep breathing, and use the breath to control the movement."
"We're focusing on quality movement."
"Now focus on pulling in the belly button, activating the core, squeezing your glutes, pushing away from the floor."
"If you're using the treadmill or you're using the StairMaster, don't hold on to the sides."
"Imagine someone is pulling a string on your belly button up through your back."
"Pull with your elbows, not your hands."
"The overhand grip is very key, this has really saved my career."
"The more resistance that you handle in a movement, particularly doing it correctly, you're going to stress the muscle that much more, causing it to grow."
"Exhale, curl up into the ball, pressing your thigh, try to keep tension on that ball."
"Proper form is essential to your success."
"The technique that you choose should be primarily based on optimizing two factors: performance and comfort."
"It's important on that one to really keep your core tight and straight."
"Control those negatives, it's going to help make you stronger at doing your pull-ups."
"It's not a squat, it's not a raise, it's a swing, drive it back, lock out at the top."
"During the up phase, we emphasize short foot, we essentially squeeze the toe which then will cause your glute to fire at that particular time."
"We're going to start with flexion, not a pike. We're going to round the spine."
"Go very slow on the negative, pause a little bit, explosive on the positive, and you got a perfect rep."
"Make sure you always engage your core to support your lower back."
"As I pull down, I make sure to point my elbows straight down and into the sides of my back to best target the lats."
"The rower is such a great technique to use for that whole body quick high-intensity exercise."
"Understand how your bicep moves, understand how to control on the muscle you're working."
"It's super effective; it's very simple to just pause on the chest and make sure that you're hitting depth on squats."
"He's not just trying to move around as much weight as possible, but really trying to emphasize the squeeze."
"Tuck your hips and then release to a neutral position, so you're never arching your spine."
"Keep your arms close by your waistline, you don't want them flaring out."
"The Sumo deadlift, when properly done, is done by the glutes; they are the prime mover."
"Now when I say lengthened partial, what I am referring to is doing the partial range of motion in the position where the targeted muscle is in a stretched or lengthened position."
"By performing preacher curls on a cable crossover, you'll get all the same benefits of the regular preacher curl with the addition of constant tension on your biceps throughout the whole range of motion."
"We're not just back and forth like this, throwing weights around; we're really focusing and getting the most out of it that we can."
"It's all about correct form, the technique, and the progression overload over time."
"Form and time under tension are massively important."
"It's not just twisting; it's a diagonal crunch taking these ribs towards the belly button."
"Nice wide lunges, sitting down into those heels, also think about pushing the balls of your feet into that glider every single time you come to a stop."
"Work the negative; might as well get the benefit of the full movement here."
"Focus on the glutes, go slow, breathe out as you lift up."
"With this technique, you can even perform compound exercises without using accessory muscles."