
Consumer Feedback Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"The day before was one of the worst-rated games in Steam history, not just because they lied or misrepresented, but because it was a bad game full stop."
"At least these other companies on this list took responsibility. Some of them are still trying to fix their pieces of [expletive] to improve them. Not you. That was never your intention."
"People have been talking about the microtransactions, yeah, I see chat keep mentioning that it's $2 to change your appearance."
"I'm not really a fan of this update. I feel like I wasted my money."
"This game released unfinished, and it deserves to have that as part of its legacy no matter how good it could have been or one day might become."
"This looks awesome. I had a lot of fun trying this one."
"Having a small agile group of people that can easily change things based on consumer feedback is, in my opinion, necessary for success in the industry now."
"Royal Vanilla - their best vanilla fragrance."
"If they did more listening to the quote angry gamers, I bet their sales would increase."
"But it was really just so nice that they actually exceeded those expectations. You love to see it."
"Tell us what you've bought, tell us if we're wrong down in the comments below."
"Microsoft is actually listening to this stuff, and that's great. I think this is good for people."
"I do think that these were worth all that crazy amount of hype no because they're really just average eyeshadows they're not crazy crazy good but I think that's something you guys probably already knew."
"It's really hard to complain about how this panel looks when displaying either SDR or HDR images."
"I want to slam on Nintendo for making such a lame port, but dude, this game is so actually good."
"I will never be buying from Daily Harvest, both because of the effects... but also just the overall way that Daily Harvest has handled this whole situation. I am not a fan."
"This laptop will be plenty. You can check the comment section of that video, a lot of people are green after purchasing the laptop, they're saying yes, this was the perfect amount of performance I didn't need to spend way more money."
"You have made the difference, you have influenced the marketplace, you have decided that the quality and the variety of picks needed to be improved."
"Don't rush it. Audiences were appreciative when you took the time to redo the design of the CG Sonic."
"Mouse has paid a lot of attention to the products and accessories, and it shows."
"It's refreshing stuff right and I feel like that's that's really that's great you know and then always in the future some of the smaller nitpicks can be fixed."
"It's curious why we're 2 and a half years into the switches lifespan and you only have white and gray backgrounds."
"I'm really very keen to see how people feel about what's been shown so far, and now that we have the price, the release date, and the pre-order info, there's six months to go and a lot of stuff we still don't know or haven't seen."
"It's great that Nvidia are listening to consumer feedback and taking steps to avoid the launch day mess."
"This feels like an early access title more than it does a complete release."
"Got my valve index thanks to your recommendation a few weeks ago super happy with it as always your videos are great."
"Feedback whenever you're talking about a product that is being sold is almost always useful."
"Review bombing is an excuse that filmmakers and media use when they make a shitty product"
"I think overall I would give this product an A+."
"It's well designed... that's how you know that it's well designed."
"See what you want about stadia but they've been doing a great job making amends for a rough launch it works really well the June pro list is awesome and you can still play it for free I believe."
"I don't know, I think brands should stop partnering with Fabletics."
"Is this supposed to be the companion Cavalry? It looks cheap, I will say that right now."
"People are dismissing the entire game over petty [ __ ], for example, people are giving it negative reviews because it doesn't have ultra-wide screen."
"I love the little bit of moisture content that's in this product."
"The only one that isn't A+ is this one, it's more like a B+, definitely is workable but it's just a little bit more hard-pressed."
"It wasn't enough. They had to leave a pathetic little thumbs down review and make all of their pitiful demands."
"Your feedback is taken and you can have an influence on which products make it to the stores."
"I would go ahead and give this out of 5 stars a 1.5."
"Honestly these taste really bad. I mean it's something, it's good for you. They're not all winners you know, you can't always take."
"Pokémon's main problem is a lack of innovation, whereas Animal Crossing's main problem is basic quality of life issues and the lack of innovation."
"Passengers riding in the back seats have reported good legroom and a smooth ride, well mostly smooth."
"You've got the reviews at the top and the name of the product."
"Apparently it's good. Most of the stuff is good."
"It's gonna be really funny to hear these reviews and just listen to these people just rip these products apart."
"These cards are almost certainly higher margin. Nvidia are trying to be as well-motived as they can, so situation, let us know what you think. See you next time."
"Nintendo listened to criticisms and made a great unit."
"Two people said separate occasions that it's more comfortable than their own bed at home so I'm really really happy with it."
"It says a lot about a game when you've never actually played if you've only heard bad things."
"If those are a 10 out of 10, these are like an eight or a nine."
"They could actually come out looking a lot better if they said okay, we've heard you, we'll reconsider this feature."
"I think Samsung's definitely onto something with this shape."
"Why not give the fans what they're asking for?"
"Listen to us Victoria's Secret and bring back the damn Angels."
"Thankfully, the second game borrows from the first title and fixes almost every single one of my complaints."
"Half just sounds really cool but in all honesty, this is actually a lot better than half."
"This is one of the most self-inflicted L's that I have seen in a bloody long time in the games industry."
"Hit that like button, hit the subscribe button."
"It's honestly a little fascinating how much concerns of the Switch have changed over the last four years."
"I think that these middle mixed reviews tell the true story for this game."
"Read between the lines and use it to help improve your products."
"Listen to what they're saying and give them what they want."
"This update and decision dice and EA have taken in my opinion is not going to work."
"I'm just so thrilled to see a company taking our hobby space seriously and making a product for us."
"It's one of those things where you see other people enjoying it and I could read reviews about it."
"So durability everything I've seen on the Internet is good... everything I've seen in person mirrors that."
"Would you consider this as a replacement for your GLC 400 or GLC 43? We're looking forward to your remarks."
"Is the R5 everything you wanted, or is it lacking a key feature?"
"It's a month or two after release, so we'll definitely be looking into that, and if it's still a problem, then that is going to be a big problem for 12th gen."
"Companies that didn't listen to their fans haven't done very well in recent times."
"99% of respondents said they would recommend the Model 3 to their family or friends."
"Are you happy with what you guys put out to the public compared to like the samples?"
"You need to pay attention to what people want and the feedback they're giving you in order to succeed."
"Now like I said, all of these cases are available for all three phones. Hit me up in the comments, let me know what y'all think about these."
"Karen gives a bad review because she doesn't like that they have one breakfast option."
"And to see just how bad all this can get, let's go back to PG&E, arguably California's most hated company. In fact, a quick skim through any PG&E affiliate's Yelp page gives you just a taste of that because you'll find reviews like..."
"This just doesn't feel like a new and modern luxury SUV on the inside."
"If I had paid $129 for this, I would be a little bit upset."
"Low sales numbers initially turn Square Enix off of the idea but after a while positive Fan reception is what gradually opened them up to making a sequel."
"It's a slap in the face to fans of the franchise who have supported it for so long."
"It should not have shipped in the state it was, we should have listened to our gut."
"Did anybody ask for this? Is there a single gamer who thinks this is worth risking the game turning permanently unplayable?"
"If you want Alphalete to bring back the short sleeve amplify tops... comment that down below."
"I couldn't be happier, this is a very immersive product."
"Comment below on what you think of the new 2021 models."
"Give me a reason to use these added features."
"Hope you enjoyed let me know down below what you think about this GameStop debacle."
"If people unsub and it's not fun, Blizzard gets that message."
"Are you seeing a trend of half-assing a pack and then trying to correct it?"
"This is the most disliked pack... since Sims 4 history."
"Most of the comments were positive... people saying they would want to try out and buy it."
"Goodyear tires... hold pressure really well!" - Patrick
"We must benefit from our hindsight and tell Blizzard what we want or we may just be on a course to make the same mistakes over and over again."
"This is the first time that we've seen a camera company... that's taken something and allowed it to adapt to what people want to use it for."
"So if there are more brands that you want to see me do this with, leave them in the comments."
"We have milk that is substantially thicker, it is substantially warmer, that's what we asked for and that's what we got."
"And I think the main takeaways right now are, you guys watching our videos love the Switch."
"They need to stop with this, they need to chillax with that, you know? Relax EA, relax."
"I think they should fix the bugs and make it a better, more stable product."
"In terms of the audio quality, I've been hearing pretty decent things."
"It's really cold it's a bit sour I understand what you guys are saying now come on."
"We really are like I still don't get the complaints that they're like not being anything to play because there is so much to play."
"Nintendo actually listened. This is incredible."
"Whenever you introduce microtransactions into a game that didn't previously have microtransactions, you're needless to say gonna get a little bit of mixed feedback."
"If you were one of the people that complained about the previous model having really wild and crazy looking wheels on the Calligraphy trim level, you're gonna be happy to see that Hyundai has gone for a totally new look this year."
"That's it for Wave Three guys, the Toy Animatronics, really happy with them. Let me know your thoughts, take care, lots of love, thanks for watching and I'll see you all next time."
"Definitely huge differences and upgrades so I am appreciative of thinkway toys of at least."
"It's not the worst case anyone's ever made, it's just that at $150 and with the amount of hype it's received, it's pretty disappointing."
"Despite all those flaws, would I purchase this van again? Absolutely."
"EA sports can you please explain to us why you have this safety round still sucking when you get most rounds give me 97."
"This video was supposed to be 'Hey, GE and Brighton switches by Jasco, cool product we'd love to use and show how cool it is.' It turned into 'You can go yourself.' Like, honestly, I just want to rip every single one of them out of the wall..."
"The loudspeaker quality is actually quite good."
"Let me know in the comments down below what camera you guys think is the perfect fit for you."
"They're really showing that they listen, that they learn, and they just continue to innovate."
"If I roll up at one and it doesn't work, you're getting that video."
"This game had a couple bugs a couple issues but I was actually really surprised... for what we got I think that that's a benefit to everybody."
"Overall, I am very happy with how these speakers turned out."
"I want answers, I don't want fixes for the game."
"It's my favorite Windows laptop up to now, but Dell, if you're watching this, you need better quality control."
"Overall the digital flavor siren aversion 2 gets a rather positive thumbs up from you guys."
"Was it everything that it was made out to be?"
"Thank you for hearing me out and listening to me talk about products I'm not loving so much."
"Let me know about your experiences with that down below, also what about new Pokémon Snap doing very well overall especially compared to its previous entry back in 1999."
"This is clearly a game that is losing some of its audience. I think people were asked to have an incredible amount of patience with this game and I think that has not really been reciprocated in the quality of the product that they've got right."
"Absolutely insane and as a result we've seen these launches the 40 70 TI the 4080 the 40 70 and now the 4060 TI eight gigabyte completely flopped and nobody is buying this nonsense out there."
"You're not making the product that I'm actually saying I want."
"Customer reviews are really, really important."
"Even though we got a lot of hate for it, we really didn't like the Canon g7x."
"In general, the reaction on the internet has been very, very positive to these. I haven't seen very many people saying that they don't like them."
"We are interested in your comments what you want to see in your next V series."
"These tires are really honestly way stickier than I was expecting."
"We try to pay attention to the feature and functionality a lot of you guys want."
"Round of applause for elf to everyone who has been suggesting to do a full face elf cosmetics firstly thank you guys because I found a lot of amazing products."
"Does it work? It looks really interesting and I actually kind of like it."
"Are you tempted by the Oppo Reno 10 5G? Be great to hear your thoughts down in the comments below."
"A good review can put a company out of business."
"Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase: Not bad, a solid 7 or 8 out of 10 for me."
"Do not give it a one-star review to compensate for people who have given a 10 star five star reviews."
"Criticism is healthy. All marketplaces are better off with criticism because you let people be heard about their real experiences, both good and bad."
"Let us know if you want us to buy this by giving this video a like and letting us know down in the comments below because we may if you there's interest enough. But right now. I'm going to have to deny it because I ain't paying $1,500 for it."
"Returnal is currently sitting at an 86 which is great." - [no name mentioned]
"I think one of the reviews said that, I don't know from the screen."
"If you guys happen to be one of those people, I am happy to report that it is easily worth the wait."
"It's pretty damn cool they're finally starting to listen."
"Thank you Nintendo, this is everything I ever wanted."
"I really hope this game absolutely bombs in sales, that way they learn."
"Sometimes Disney actually listens and makes a change."
"They nailed it with this special themed cosmic edition." - Random Frank P
"A bit disappointed these lights were supposed to be each strand was supposed to be a different color but they've actually just put them in a single color each time."
"Let me know in the comments what you guys think about the iPhone 8, do you think it's worth it, do you think it's not worth it?"
"I just want more, I want more unsaturated boba."
"So all in all, I'm really happy with the products."
"My final thoughts on the new pumpkin spice palette are that I absolutely love it."
"We always listen... we always want to give players what they want."
"I'm a stickler for detail and I love this handle."
"Thumbs up in terms of Impressions but this is a first impression this is not a review."
"I actually really like these...I think what's immediately apparent about this fix-it stick is that it's extremely easy to use."
"I've heard nothing but great things about it. I've just never seen it."
"It's brands like that who are human enough to acknowledge those opinions and respond to them without any marketing bs."
"Final Fantasy 16 did not meet our sales expectations."
"Who approved this shade range? Are you okay?"
"You're giving me something and forcing something on the fans that they don't want instead of following what the fans want. The fans are pretty much your cheat sheet."
"Overall, I'm pretty happy with the brand, there's definitely some products that I think I'll keep trying out."
"Sony delivers a lackluster PlayStation Classic... something felt a bit off... it's just not really been selling." - Rich, WhatCulture Gaming
"That's the best thing we've ever gotten from something, honestly, that is pretty insane."
"Lancome if you're watching please take notes."
"Sony really listened to the feedback and came out with something that got a lot of people to switch."
"The upgrades and the additions that they've added are truly the types of additions that consumers were asking about."
"It does everything great... nobody's gonna complain about this other than the price tag."
"Do you know how much [__] we have to put up with to be able to enjoy video games in 2023 and you're out here complaining about the start screens?" - Response to Mark Kern's tweet.
"These salted caramel ice cream bars are a huge favorite according to my keto viewers."
"Consumers who feel neglected or exploited will naturally return that in kind by abusing the user review system."
"My only complaint about this is the jar packaging."
"The Resident Evil Village producer balanced the game's horror factor in response to feedback."
"Help me your thoughts I want to know what you guys think about these wigs tell me what you like the best from this video."
"Well, guys, hope you enjoyed the video. Let me know if you're going to buy this thing."
"Ask how close the demo club will be to the eventual product."
"Brands actually really appreciate honest feedback."
"All of this could have been avoided if you just rejected ideology and instead made great games."
"I haven't bought any bundles over in Vanguard... the game is absolutely in shambles."
"I'm interested to see what the initial feedback is."
"I'm really really happy with all the products that I tried."
"You actually earn cash or amazon.com gift cards you guys can earn iTunes gift cards simply for sharing your opinions to help improve products in different industries which is really nice."
"Instead of taking away features why not give us new features?"
"None of my complaints really about the brand come from the product."
"The reputation that these have online is rather poor."
"Thanks for always giving good quality reviews."
"Let me know if you guys have tried any of the spring scents and if you have which one is your favorite."
"It's decent i'd give it four out of five stars."
"It feels like it's about 75% complete right now... versus playing the final polished game." - Paris Lily
"I love that they're doing this. I love that they're like they're reading the comments like oh yeah okay let's try that."
"On the whole, first impressions of this new nozzle, it is a great improvement on the nozzle that came before."
"Absolutely nothing! Can I get another icon? If you get another icon, this is finished. Like, honest, like, just forget about all."
"So guys, would you buy one of these or would you buy one of the European competitors? Let us know in the comments."
"I always like retail, obviously hobby is what, a little under two thousand dollars a box sometimes depending on where you're looking could be around two thousand dollars so that's very, very expensive."
"We just listen to the consumer and ask them what they want. People will tell you in two seconds what they want if you ask them."
"If you've bought a car on the basis of one of our reviews as well please let us know there because we certainly do like to know who's bought cars after watching our reviews it makes us feel all nice warm and fuzzy inside."
"If Apple can do that whilst improving the battery life and making the camera fun again, they've pretty much tackled every major complaint that I've had with the iPhone all in one go."
"Pause has been listening to the consumers and they've been adapting and changing rapidly which you don't usually expect from a large company."
"If you wouldn't buy a Pajero mini or a jimny, what would you buy instead? Let us know in the comments. See you next time!"