
Economic Observation Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"What can you even buy for two dollars? It's so cheap to refill!"
"I do feel people are really at their limit and borrowing up to their limit to get into the market."
"The United States of America has printed 40% of all the money in the history of our country in the past 10 months."
"It's very interesting today to see markets across the board down."
"Beer is cheaper than orange juice now I know this from years and years of living here I always find it fascinating how beer is cheaper than a regular drink and where is the encouragement to not drink alcohol if it's cheaper than a juice."
"I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed everything is getting expensive."
"Prices of everything go up and the quantities of things available go down but what you can afford is always always always lagging to the actual price increases."
"Wages going up is meaningless if prices are going up faster."
"Peep game: Middlemen make the most money in America."
"Gas prices were going up well before that war."
"We're seeing prices shooting up like crazy... and we're seeing a lot of that happening."
"It's important because right here we're living in a time where it shows you that the economy and the stock market do not have to move in lockstep."
"When there are not enough people working, you do get price inflation."
"China saw that money turned the US into a global superpower and how micromanaging everything destroyed the Soviet Union."
"You're spending more and getting less, and that seems to be a recurring thing whether it's on gifts, groceries, gas, or a house."
"This dilemma is now pushing more people to rent than buy."
"A lot of the speculative euphoria that's been in the market throughout 2021 has cooled off a bit."
"Europe just keeps looking like more and more of a mess." (Repeated for emphasis)
"People don't need your new stuff. They'll just go read, watch, buy the old stuff."
"That dollar is just becoming worth less and less every day."
"Prices have nothing to do with the cost of anything anymore; everywhere we turn, prices are higher."
"Okay, maybe I was wrong. I admit I was wrong. Grapes, I think grapes do pretty well price-wise."
"The companies are spending more, production is going up, and so is the sky falling? Well, I don't know, but it doesn't seem like it."
"The killer feature that people never think through is that if you just go back to a very long term history, there's a 4% bandwidth of consumer spending as a percent of GDP and it never gets outside of that."
"We can all see what is happening to the economy; we can all see the impact this is having on loneliness, mental health, poverty, and delays in cancer treatments."
"It’s about keeping fans hooked so they can keep making money."
"It's Tesla's world and everyone else is paying rent."
"You know the value of the minivan, pickup, sedan, or whatever you drive probably appreciated significantly last year."
"I see tons and tons of money printing already happening."
"Don't listen to what central Bankers say watch their hands."
"Remember, uptrends can last for months; things tank quicker than they go up."
"What strikes in this crisis is the sheer mass and speed of the outflow."
"I see clear evidence of inflation; I see clear evidence that companies are rapidly increasing their prices."
"Price increases and big announcements: just another day in the market."
"Demand is slowly being satisfied as expected."
"The scalper market on eBay has remained relatively flat comparing completed sales from the past week to the same time last month."
"Gold has had a bit of a wild ride so far this year."
"Those closest to the money benefit the most."
"We've been saying for pretty much all this year though we think we're in a new phase of a bear Market."
"I think a lot more people than we think have bought bitcoin."
"This is like at least a thousand dollars a pop. CP really perplexes me."
"There are certain things that just happen under a capitalist system." - Ben Shapiro
"We are experiencing some more volatility in the markets."
"We're going into a time when the senior loan officer surveyed that the FED produces whether you're talking about commercial and industrial commercial real estate residential real estate auto loans credit card loans all that's Frozen right now."
"Bitcoin miners are hardly selling any bitcoin at the moment."
"The world's got trillions and trillions of dollars tied up in liquidity just to get around how clunky the movement of value is around the world."
"Things are so expensive right now this is a better option for a lot of people."
"It's all about disaster, people make more money doing disaster than they do in regular everyday business."
"The hedge fund manager Jim Chanos argues that we are living through a golden age of fraud."
"Look at the chaos that's going on. Up and down, up and down, up and down."
"It's like one chicken breast is like eight dollars and no frills they're like eight chicken breasts for one dollar."
"The best thing that's happened right now is fuel prices really low and gold prices are that's a good thing."
"What we are seeing at the moment is the world is running down its inventory of oil because we've got a combination of increased demand and very high prices."
"It's actually quite helpful for the Fed to see this bubble deflate."
"And thus, The Problem with the Stock Market."
"Even when it cost eight blocks of gold, people were still making it."
"What this all boils down to is one simple fact... there's way too much money to be made."
"Bull markets don't die of old age, they die of euphoria."
"We've been losing cash to China for many years."
"Every recession... there's always been the greatest transfer of wealth."
"I pretty much know no one pays for email, and it's such a core thing."
"It's just common sense because you can't continue to pretend that an investment has value when every place is empty."
"Hungry people are the most productive people, especially where there is a need for manual labor." - United Nations
"Consider the fact that the airlines and the airports are virtually empty right now."
"It's pretty impressive in my opinion that this phone is still selling for the price that it's selling for right now."
"A lot of commodities have been running like crazy."
"In the world we live in today, you don't have to be the best to make all the money."
"From gas to groceries, Americans have started to see prices increase in recent weeks."
"It's the first time in recorded history that we have the Japanese, the British, Europeans and Americans all printing money at the same time."
"Gold goes up on an elevator, it goes up immediately and sharply, it comes down on an escalator."
"Everything lines up to show what a completed correction would look like."
"We are watching the biggest wealth transfer in human history."
"Another place that we have inflation today is take a look at AMC in the pre-market."
"People's pockets are thin. National consumption is weak."
"There are signs of persistent inflation...we need to make sure to practice price stability."
"Trillions of dollars are sitting on the sidelines right now waiting to get into the game."
"Why do rich people seem to be getting richer while you and all your friends seem to be hardly making ends meet?"
"Everything is getting more expensive around me."
"Most people make the same amount of money every single year over and over and over again."
"Every time we go to the store, it's like, wow, we're getting less and less and it's costing more and more; this is crazy."
"They will sell and we will keep buying them 100%."
"This is a very unique time for them normally I wouldn't have said in the last 40 years."
"The price of pretty much everything that we use is rising."
"They've done all this QE, but yet homes are at all-time highs, stocks are at all-time highs."
"Your dollar is disappearing right in front of your eyes."
"Toys are expensive right now, it's ridiculous."
"You tend to think that well the US imports all these foreign-made cars but we actually don't if you look at car carriers and the way they operate most car carriers come into the United States loaded with cars but they leave loaded with cars."
"When it comes to land like they said, they're not making anymore."
"Risk assets go down and perhaps save Haven assets at Gold go up coincidentally the U.S dollar is also ticking up."
"Banks have no money right now and you're going to see major major changes to the banking system."
"It seems clear at this point we are currently in a global economy."
"On Wall Street, people that own assets did nothing to make 24% more money."
"I'm blown away by the price of some of the players."
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the laziness of others."
"I can't complain about the price because we're looking at trucks now that easily exceed a hundred thousand dollars."
"Stress is a multi-million dollar business; that's why I'm never going to be out of work."