
Narrative Analysis Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"The end result is one of the most insane stories to ever exist in the games industry."
"But for our pick, we think that the beginning that manages zero to intimacy most impressively has to be that of Son of Saul."
"But for our second to last pick, we think there's nothing that grabs you by the subconscious and speaks beautiful riddles to it quite like the opening of Ingmar Bergman's Persona."
"There are so many great writing things about this narrative: micro stuff, macro stuff, and even some seriously ingenious meta stuff."
"Moral ambiguity is not inherently a sign of quality. What's more important is the character's purpose to the narrative."
"The big twist of the game is that the events of the other ones are fictional; they were never real."
"This narration in Chapter 100 is basically like the thesis of One Piece."
"But this isn't just nice aesthetically sometimes it's actually important to understanding a character's motivation."
"This explanation grants us knowledge over the width burning out incident in part one but also grants us a much more important piece of character information on ban, his heart and his utter love for Elaine."
"The Stanley Parable is both a richly stimulating commentary on the nature of choice in games and one that offers some of the most enjoyable, surprising, and rewarding choices I've ever been confronted with in a game."
"Finally, we have the Jon plot or that bastard Nights Watch deserter is a MOBA failure king in the north."
"To say that women could never die in stories would be absurd, but it is important to consider the ways that women's deaths are framed and examine how and why they are written."
"Forget that for a second. What is off-screening? Well, it's around the vague definition, but it basically refers to a piece of action that occurs off-screen or off-page that we either hear about or see the results of after the fact."
"In the end, we're left with the same question: Do we want an inspiring story about good triumphing over evil or are we ready to take a harsh look at where that evil comes from in the first place?"
"I think anybody listening to this story will."
"Ciconia is quite possibly solvable from the start; not just the central mystery of who the spies are, but arguably everything, from the main theme to the gameboard conditions to how the story will end."
"The missing Big Mom pirates are a loose plot thread that does need to be addressed."
"There are enough little oddities that make me feel like there are more missing pieces than normal."
"The mainstream media narrative is insane, and people aren't buying it anymore."
"As long as they keep trying to make games with serious stories we're going to continue laughing at the ones that you know are hard to take seriously."
"According to the exhibit, Lady Comstock was murdered by her servant Daisy Fitzroy... This is another great moment for the story as we not only got some key information but Elizabeth is now learning her own backstory alongside us..."
"As we pull the different contradictory threads, you learn a lot more than you ever could have from a traditional narrative."
"I think The Last Jedi is aging well and in the fullness of time there will be a coming around to that story and what it means to the whole."
"I think that looking at all the evidence there is kind of an answer not too well hidden in that narrative."
"Lyon, the sympathetic and complex character... one of the best villains in the Fire Emblem series."
"And I would contend that that's the point that's being missed if you're treating this as only a simple case of one character making the wrong call at the wrong time."
"One thing that Hellblade strives to do is create an accurate representation of psychosis through Senua's struggles with the darkness and furies that reside in her head."
"The relationships have to make sense. What is the motivation of the characters? Why do they behave the way they do?"
"Seeing Archie beaten and then immediately cutting to a lantern wishing to get rid of Archie... it hit me."
"What GameStop showed was the narrative fallacy."
"It felt very much so like, okay, it kind of reminds you of the Pain arc on the surface level. It gives you that vibe, but at the same time, I felt as though it was kind of a debate of destiny."
"Titanic Monarch is more of a narrative tool than the other levels."
"It's just weird when I hear from an anarcho-capitalist that doesn't defend the DMCA."
"Just because the story doesn't make sense doesn't make it a bad game."
"This chapter was refreshing after the repetitive last chapter."
"When a story asks me to understand a relationship between two characters and it being the foothole for the main game, I do expect to see some actual reason."
"I hate that you trying to minimize it's like oh you're quibbling over these little story details the plot the structure that complete framework of the movie does not work."
"What Hades wants is Persephone—all of her, all the time."
"The whole point of the game is the Blair Witch manipulates you, Ellis, into becoming Carver."
"The damsel trope typically makes men the subject of narratives while relegating women to the role of object."
"I think we can read this as a clue that Dany's going to cleanse the weirwoods with fire as a means of freeing the whites and ending the threat of the others."
"Stories like these do the exact opposite of the end solution."
"This is an actual travesty as the classic fallout games hold some of the best stories when it comes to the main plot especially in the entire fallout universe."
"Ultimately, Tarantino's Hollywood ending shows us the real-life limits of our fairy tales."
"Daenerys burning innocent people alive is fundamentally at odds with her character."
"It's surprising how when you look back at the story, each arc ends with some insight into Ichigo's thoughts."
"Arthas was largely in control of his actions."
"Ultimately, this is a story about Ellie, not David."
"Throughout this story, Ellie's character is written to be the light in the darkness."
"David's role in the story does not get discussed very often by fans, and I hope with this essay I've been able to point out how crucial his character is to her journey."
"Incredibly, Ground Zeroes prefigured the events and themes of The Phantom Pain."
"I believe that my job is to cut through those narratives to expose to the public."
"The sequel literally cuts to the chosen killer child... utterly dilute the power of the cold quiet opening."
"The story of San Andreas is better paced, the predecessors had the antagonist appear a few times and abruptly. That's where San Andreas excels."
"Yakuza 2 has one of the best demonstrations on the theme of honor that runs throughout this series."
"I actually think Oda did a pretty brilliant job in this first saga."
"The joy of this series is largely not in just the little details, but the even tinier still signs as it were of understanding and accommodation."
"Bethesda is telling a cohesive Story, one that offers us a tremendous amount of insight."
"Understanding how to find quality within those narratives are going to be huge value adds."
"Uncomfortably dark: Xenogears delves deep into themes such as trauma, transhumanism, and various sexual atrocities."
"Mechanically, visually, and even narrative-ly, Final Fantasy 7 and its remake are two almost entirely different games."
"nobody's really been as bold as often as taro it's where the work finds its worth granted i get it with near but this isn't that video"
"Why those conversations are happening what makes this one so unique."
"I think that the showrunners may have included it as a holdout for hope."
"All the stories point to something else that has nothing to do with the real world as we know it."
"It was suspenseful, emotional, and harrowing."
"Silent Hill's terror doesn't lie exclusively in the aesthetic mood or survival elements; it gives equal importance to subtext."
"I just gotta wonder maybe if they'd started in charge of the character arcs and then it maybe wouldn't have felt jarring perhaps."
"Better Call Saul: a character study over time."
"Zuko's redemption arc was handled brilliantly."
"Project star was based on the part 3 of Dojo Bizarre Adventure."
"Samus has basically nothing to do with it. The stuff with Melissa and Madeline is probably the most interesting part of this story in many ways."
"I think the inclusion of adult Timmy does a good job getting Timmy to that point thematically too."
"They are more and less similar at times, with incredibly similar start and end points."
"Ask yourself, what is the point of this sequence?"
"Light himself is not evil...but sometimes all you need to sow evil in the world is a hopeful dream and a path to achieve it."
"Breaking down the mental barriers between good and bad storytelling is crucial. Tropes are tools, and observing how masters and novices use them is enlightening."
"I really did enjoy it. So they find aegon hidden underneath... it's showing that aegon, he seems to know what's going on. I guess the White Worm told him."
"The last part of this arc manages to strike all the right emotional beats."
"Honestly, I wasn't happy with the killer's motive seeing it but now reading all the discourse and division amongst fans is actually making me like the motive a lot more. It's like the reverse meta."
"It's worth re-reading those chapters for small deviations, rearranged events, and honestly better art."
"She just won't give up on somebody for the longest time, whether it's Serena or Waterford. And namely in season three, it's Lawrence."
"Petscop seems to be a meta-narrative for most creepypasta stories."
"The cinematography was better, I feel like the story was better."
"And there we go, game complete. Christmas-y post-game during this cutscene, what I wonder."
"Toy Story and The Walking Dead: Remarkable similarities in plot."
"Kira independently learned everything about the fruit and its effects by investigating the baseball pitcher."
"It's an incomplete story it's a crime against good writing that what they did here which is also frustrating."
"Zoom out and look at things like story pacing and character development."
"However, nothing that Kira says suggests that he hadn't seen Herrera before."
"Aaron Yeager has changed so tremendously well as a character his evolution is ridiculous in this chapter someone revisits those stepping stones to reveal to us the final face of Aaron and what he's striving for."
"The Last of Us Part Two: A misunderstood masterpiece."
"Allen Wake 2 is a game that you will not only want to play and replay but also decrypt and unpack and consider and discuss."
"The best way to catch psychopaths is to tell the story backward."
"Nami has been subject to more bodily stranger teas than any other member of the crew."
"This isn't some philosophical unified the ending ass Story. The whole point of Pinocchio is about him becoming real by knowing what it is to act like a real person and not a little [ __ ]."
"Toy Story 4 took the arc about as far as I can possibly imagine it going."
"The pacing, the themes, the overall fight itself is super interesting."
"You're not only asking what is the story telling me, but what is the creator of the story telling me."
"Being out of the Fire Nation, you end up finding that Zuko is far more emotional and far more complex."
"They've added all of these human explanations and character traits that go towards explaining their actions. They might not be heroes yet in every sense of the word, but they're on the path."
"Joffrey won, Joffrey the guy we hate, he won, but it's just so amazingly functional."
"Dragon Ball Z teaches an inverted gospel which makes Satan the hero while demonizing the Trinity."
"There's almost a Greek art to it or something absolutely there is it really is good against evil I mean that's what's happening like in the world right now it it really is becoming a wrestling match."
"It's endemic of the way that Game of Thrones is written that there is no Victor loss here."
"There is still a lot of unanswered questions regarding many characters."
"This whole time he's been wanting you know Redemption even though he said I'm gonna like you know defend you brand because of everything I did."
"Kasumi Miwa is going to be a serious threat within the killing games. No, this is not a joke. Yes, I am being serious, and I do think that there is reason within."
"Miwa gets a ridiculous amount of shine within the series considering the fact that she is essentially just a background character."
"I think Joel did the right thing in the last game. The fireflies wanted to use Ellie's immunity to the infection as a way to reverse engineer a vaccine..."
"Griffith's greatest weakness was brought upon by his petty human nature."
"Superman is the light Batman is definitely the dark and no story shows how dark and twisted the Batman universe can be more than The Killing Joke."
"Only Danganronpa can make mass genocide like we just saw still feel not that dramatic."
"Empathizing with Abby before she kills Joel defeats the point."
"The waters are shown as basically being near equal partners to the Isadai."
"All of them pale in comparison to the mighty beat em up in terms of gameplay depth narrative like we're this is a league of its own."
"No amount of lore analysis would touch how interesting and important what's going on right now is."
"All of these arc names I and anyone else bestow are retroactively created after being able to see the full story."
"The show never justifies her actions, but it does help us empathize with her pain."
"It's an interesting spin on it, like the whole trying to recontextualize the story and look at it from this third or this outside perspective that doesn't have all the knowledge."
"It’s almost like they know they are the bad guys, when everyone knows the best bad guys think they are the good guys."
"I'm really starting to like these characters and really understand what makes them tick."
"The Thousand-Year blood War Arc or should I say soul Society being absolutely terrified of another villain oh my God."
"As a result, they stand in stark contrast to the show's earlier seasons that focused on epic journeys, character development, and long throughlines."
"I don't think it's conspiratorial to be suspicious of those narratives."
"The thing that's really surprised me has been how honestly it asks questions and how many rich themes are on display."
"Realistic villains like Frollo contrast the message of who's the monster and who is the man."
"Quirks and Cursed Energy: Navigating the blurred lines between power systems."
"The story arc is always about what George has always said: Star Wars is about the dark and the light, selfishness and selflessness."
"Based on that atmosphere, yeah, based on the tools the game gives me but also kind of the oppression going on here."
"This video is a nice thing to discuss because a lot of people forget how great the tension is of all the other Fighters too."
"The first legitimately good Star Wars villain, Thrawn had layers as well as all the presence."
"His purpose in the story is to make Sam and the audience question what they believe the symbol of Captain America and by extension America in general are supposed to stand for."
"I think what's cool about it is whereas FNAF is animatronic horror stories right where the the monsters are the animatronics it seems like this story is telling a human story with animatronics right."
"Unlike every other character I've talked about in One Piece, this is someone that I legitimately respect. I respect as a human, I respect as a man, I respect as a living entity."
"The main point of the discussion is the infiltration by C rank adventurers."
"We are constantly being asked to reevaluate every character's choices and there's not really anyone whom you can simply assume is always up to something evil or who always has altruistic and pure motives."
"Death is more present in KH than you might initially think."
"Honestly, I've never seen a movie try so hard to build a conflict that isn't there."
"It's about learning what revenge can do to a person but also realizing that it's not going to change anything."
"The realization that Finn is dead recontextualizes so many of the emotions the viewer is grappling with and inverts them."
"When a show does a good three-act structure that you're like I didn't even notice."
"And for those of you who still think that this is just stupid nonsense and nothing more, let me break down the opening scene for you."
"The most I can say is that there are a couple of moments where the prose slips and it gets really funny."
"In their own right, they're still amazing characters."
"Comparing Luke Skywalker to Paul Atreides reveals a stark difference in character development."
"While there are a few too many on the nose needle drops and Mike Wheeler spends most of the season being a whiny turd..."
"Peace Walker's central theme of peace doesn't really tie into the larger Metal Gear theme of identity."
"I actually think my favorite character of the chapter was Kobe."
"The real meat of part two was how Ryu and Bell handled the cards they were dealt."
"Questioning narratives and seeking primary sources is crucial in understanding global affairs."
"Could this ability actually be similar to the echoes of Oryx from the Taken King?"
"Kira isn't some vampire chess master nor is he a battle-hardened warrior like the pillar men were; he was a spoiled brat."
"I thought that was a really compelling storyline."
"Of course Gohan might want to pursue being a scholar still, but it's not going to be his primary motivation here. This isn't 100% the Gohan we know."
"It's logically unbelievably dumb, but the whole point is they motivate his really, really stupid plan with his character, and that's why people understand them."
"Why do I still find the story so compelling?"
"In Undertale, there's a moralizing of the pacifist route, but is that always the right answer?"
"I enjoyed it, but it had some distinct parts, like Lizzie being very analytical."
"It's okay if you don't like certain characters, but be aware that like everything is a cog in the machine of the story."
"I don't think Ginger had a chance after the narrative undercut her so hard."
"Batman clearly shares my sentiment... As I will restate numerous times about this flashback."
"Nobody can deny that Endeavor has had one of the most dynamic character arcs in the entire series."
"Sedan is perhaps one of the most developed characters that exists within the Final Fantasy universe."
"We need to look for the whole story. So often we look for the first part and we miss the second part."
"I don't really think that Bryce could be properly redeemed as a character under any sense really with what we've already seen him do... this guy is evil."
"Honestly, the lore is interesting and genuinely pretty freaky and at times downright scary."
"Silent Hill kind of felt like it had something to say or at least was trying, you know?"
"The evolution of Bret Hart at the beginning of 1997. What's so good about Bret's slow heel turn was the fact that the Hitman wasn't wrong. Bret was getting robbed on a pretty consistent basis."
"His arc actually reminds me a lot of Zuko's from Avatar."
"The Valonqar doesn’t need to be Jaime or Tyrion."
"The underlying themes and philosophies behind 'BioShock' are some of the most interesting parts of the game."
"Making a FNAF timeline: a culmination of evidence, speculation, and consistency."
"Season 5 feels as if it's the halfway point of Steven universe."
"One of the biggest indicators for predicting endings revolves around character arc."
"Despite this being a long, emotionally draining movie, it's the only one on this list that even attempts to sprinkle in high notes instead of taking the stereotypical pessimistic route."
"If you've seen a certain ending, you can honestly tell what the storyline is about."
"Part two of Mushoku Tensei becomes more of an acceptably standard dark fantasy adventure story with a couple of highlight moments that I want to touch on."
"We must question who gets to have power in these narratives."
"This meant the Magic inside the Imperial sword was on such a large scale that it was actually overpowering the effect of his anti-magic which we saw was the case with Conrad too."
"Don't make the mistake of saying 'then the problem was that there were humans.' No, the problem was that they did a terrible job writing those humans."
"I really hope you enjoyed it. Lately, I've been covering these storylines where you have some of the gods failing."
"And I also want to know what do you guys think that the real story is."
"Here's our take on why this trope remains so common and how we can bring this simplistic fridge woman out of the kitchen for good."
"In a massive change-up from the comic, Shrinking Ray survives the Lizard League, which is a big change-up from the comics. How do you think this is going to alter the team dynamics and the story going forward?"
"The narrative just changed if you just take the time to think about it."
"What storyline? What story this one has one and it's worth."
"Cracks are starting to form in David's story."
"The complex plot is already been figured out, it's part of the system. All you have to do is know what those beats are." - John Truby
"Windblown could also reference a group of castaways blown far from their intended destination." - Narrator
"In part two, I look at what I call interlocks and piggybacks. Interlocks are when sequences line up perfectly with each other. Piggybacks are when more general themes or subjects seem to interlock across vast swaths of story."
"The key to grasping the meaning provided by a narrative is at least in part the form the events presented in that story take and the connection between those events and an independent reality are beside the narrative point."
"Aaron can just touch him and then control titan. Nobody can control what they do if they're together. If they decide to come together and do this rumbling thing, they can do it. They can make whatever judgment they want. It doesn't matter."
"Let the statement interpret the story."
"So at this point, it looks like Wanda is the antagonist and SWORD is the protagonist."
"The nature of the story, the ending, creates this massive argument between fans over what happened between Batman and the Joker."
"Batman manages to overpower the Joker and in doing so breaks his neck, he kills him."
"and now was that was the narrative built in here was it just a meme i was reading or was it actually like is this him losing his virginity or was that just like the meme or was it built into the area"
"'Whether or not this is the case, it does nothing to discredit the fact that these stories fit into the same genre of mythology.'"
"NVivo helps a lot in theory building approach whether we are going to apply the narrative analysis of phenomenological analysis or grounded theory."