
Business Advice Quotes

There are 686 quotes

"Excellent customer service retains customers, breeds word of mouth business, and encourages repeat customers."
"I'll tell you everything you need to set up a successful transport company."
"Thinking big is not at odds with starting small."
"You need a website. It's insane, I think you're absolutely insane if you don't have a website."
"Be the best at what you do, not the cheapest at what you do."
"The business that will tell you two things you should never talk about: You should never talk about religion and politics. You should focus on sports and others, but not religion and politics."
"The only way you're gonna succeed in this business is if you last in this business."
"Use the steakhouse to pay off the pasta house. Get rid of the debt."
"When you're offering a price to your customers, always give them three options."
"It must not grow too fast; if it goes too fast, it's not going to last."
"Never go into business with your friends...that rule also applies to family members too."
"You don't try and make a cereal that appeals to everybody."
"Startups will price their products too low... consistently undercharging is the number one piece of advice we give through most startups to fix their pricing."
"The bunker...makes you an absolute ton of money in a relatively short amount of time...this business is an absolute must-own."
"You have to be Chick-fil-A in your life, give great customer service."
"You shouldn't be trying to just make money, you should be asking yourself how can I control risk."
"Your pricing journey: start bold, iterate quickly, and believe in the value of your product."
"There's no point bringing in leads if you can't convert them into clients."
"Ask people who are in business, not necessarily handyman business."
"Brands are the future. You need to build a brand. Now this is a quote from Eric Schmidt, the ex CEO of Google 'Brands are the solution not the problem. Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.'"
"Trying to provide straight-up value to you guys and this will try and cut straight to the point no BS here."
"Stable production is the most important thing for you right now."
"The first thing with our people we got to understand unless you got your documents in order you got a hobby you ain't got a business."
"Labeling the majority of a customer base as racist is exactly why you'll go out of business."
"If you make a good product, you don't really need to market."
"The reason we're giving this advice is because we just want our companies to survive and we don't want a zero."
"I strongly recommend some sort of inspection before the order ships."
"The earlier you catch problems, the cheaper it is to fix them."
"I think you're very investable, I think you are confident, you listen to advice."
"Being very specific will really set you apart from other potential buyers."
"I'm a firm believer that if at all possible you should be into your own business."
"We need to be the complete and total opposite of everyone else."
"So there is the only sales strategy you need to know."
"If you're trying to start, grow, or scale your business, you need to check out my guide, The Business Bully."
"You shouldn't be running gyms, you should be showing gym owners exactly what you showed me."
"I highly recommend every person who exists who's interested in people, money, business, entrepreneurship, long-term anything and just a strong work ethic and understanding life money in the value of your time working hard I highly recommend."
"I think that Tesla should just fix the problem."
"Make sure that you're engaging on social media as frequently as you can."
"Prices have to be reflective of your quality, your experience, your products, as well as your time."
"I think there's a lot of rah-rah motivational speaker business advice out there that is utter horseshit."
"Every single company should have its own domain for security."
"Keep crushing eBay and establish other revenue streams too."
"You don't need a project; you need a product."
"Focus on what the market is telling you, not on the money."
"It's not going to get you audited to put a vehicle in your business. Freaking do it, I want you to write the hell off of that thing."
"Hard workers are dangerous. Lazy competitors are your friends."
"If you're buying this as a business expense then you should go for the MacBook Pro."
"You should actually, when someone comes in and presents a business idea and wants a loan, you should be looking at whether it's a viable business model."
"Never accept a deal that's going to sacrifice the long term."
"It's more important to start one that has the best chance of success in the long run."
"Sign the [__] deal... because in 10 years from now right you own your material."
"Long term, you don't want to be totally dependent on Amazon."
"Don't go off numbers, don't go off blue check marks, don't go off followers. Really do your own research if you're trying to build a business."
"This other comment says, 'Dave, this is perfect. You should make a course about how to make a course which makes you look like a professional billionaire selling a course is amazing.'"
"Whoever provides the most value, always wins."
"Give the people what they want, that's what Conkey told me yesterday."
"Finally, someone who actually knows how to run a business gives a legit view on success."
"If you're making a product and you don't know how to market it, maybe you shouldn't make the product to begin with."
"Niche down and be able to... increase your prices... when you specialize."
"I don't pay any attention to people that come and in hindsight say what was a good investment."
"Your customers are smart. Don't underestimate their intelligence."
"Entrepreneurship is an incredible opportunity... I'm happy to help, happy to give some advice."
"If you don't use email marketing, your business is losing money."
"First thing you got to do is you got to learn to sell one product today."
"Yes, we gotta push the specials, especially the prime rib."
"I want to help you guys... pick a good product and set you up for success right from the get-go."
"Content is King when it comes to affiliate marketing."
"The key to all this is to be patient, track your progress, and optimize your strategies based on what's working best."
"So if you don't truly think it's something that you would yourself be a customer of, don't try to pitch it."
"The worst thing you can do is build a business that you absolutely hate."
"This is the real proper way to do it, so you can build a real long-term business with YouTube."
"Stop thinking for investors... You're gonna find people that love all types of things."
"Never believe verbally any verbal information always get it in writing."
"What's the number one thing you should do? Raise your price."
"If you can't beat them, you've got to join them."
"If you don't make dollars, it don't make sense."
"Your website must answer all the basic questions every client has."
"Stay sharp, stay competitive, and help yourself out in the business field."
"All those books where they're trying to tell you, 'Here's the easy way to making money,' they don't tell you all the luck they had."
"She gives people advice on how to scout locations, what your margin should be, how much product to order."
"Our friends at Shopify can help you. Don't get on the wrong side of these guys."
"Don't worry about losing out on a deal because you're afraid that you're not good enough on the phone or you don't know what kind of questions to ask."
"Build relationships with lawyers, tax advisors, accountants, sales consultants, marketing experts, graphic designers, fitness, mental health coaches. Contacts are the real money network." - Moist Beliga
"Stay cool, don't ever make a business decision with emotional desperation."
"I'm in the camp that was convinced that you need to start off as an LLC as soon as possible to protect your personal assets."
"You guys have got to change the way that you're doing some things in the background."
"Executional skills are rare. Great ideas are a dime a dozen."
"It speaks well, you guys will see in a moment. Basically, the brands could learn from this."
"If you're going to charge on the lower side because you're new, that's fine, but do not undervalue yourself."
"Rule number one: always discuss money with confidence."
"One of the best, if not the best... starting a freelance business."
"For virtual tour businesses, this is a no-brainer purchase. You see how much better in the photo and video quality of this little camera."
"You've gotta have a strategy and execute on that strategy."
"Hit that Bell right now and then relax because on today's show we're gonna be talking about how to price base on production costs market value and the client budget."
"Shorten your lines or your customers will shorten them for you."
"If you're good at something, don't do it for free."
"No one can teach you how to be an entrepreneur because you have your own perspective."
"That's what you've got to look for and they're cheap to advertise."
"Focus on quality first. Make sure you're selling a good quality product and everything else will follow."
"So guys that's how you guys can find 10K per day Drop Shipping products because this is the exact same strategies that I use in my drop shipping stores over the last six years..."
"Keep testing until you find something that works and then scaling is easy."
"Contracts can and in many cases should be negotiated."
"This is business, kid. This Lorne is ridiculous."
"Your job is to work out what your target audience is really, really interested in."
"Lead follow-up is more important than lead generation."
"You really don't have to reinvent the wheel to get rich..."
"Learn to fucking sell because most of the time most people don't know that they need something until you let them know why."
"Your business is too small bro, you got to figure out to get you should be completely focused on raising two hundred million dollars."
"People need to be able to finds you and you need to use every asset available to you to get people to find you it's like if they build it they will come is like not non-existent it's it's not a plan."
"Keep it simple, sleek, and congruent when setting up your store."
"Just because you love something, some idea, you've got to figure out if the rest of the world wants to love on that idea."
"They want to know how to best market it right."
"It's not about you, it's only ever about your customers."
"The 24/7 customer service, do not underestimate how important that is."
"Why U.S. businesses should get out of China now."
"Execution has greater value than the idea... ideas have zero value." - Okay.
"The first three seconds make the biggest difference...so that's definitely the first thing that you want to split test."
"Don't pick a business you're lukewarm about."
"Whoever throws out a figure in a negotiation first loses."
"One of the phrases that I said at some point and I found has been very powerful is the essence of strategy is what you choose not to do. It's the service you don't offer, it's the functions you don't provide, it's the benefit you don't offer."
"Go homeless do not own a home go get a business and let it pay for your home."
"If you're not making profit, you're making a huge mistake."
"You better own something that you can control."
"I genuinely think if they don't do something new to innovate, they're gonna get left behind."
"I totally forget if I answered my own question, but some of the content ideas I have for this channel are... answering your business-related questions."
"Don't undercharge for your course. Pricing under $100 becomes a race to the bottom. Know your worth."
"You do not need FCC certification to manufacture product... you need it to sell a product."
"Just keep going. Make sure when you sell one of these shoes, whatever money you get from that, you buy another shoe. That is the best advice."
"Keep reinvesting, don't trick off on none of this to you later."
"It's better to cut someone too early than too late."
"There's like a saying that goes it's better to cut someone too early than too late."
"If you're not on top of your numbers, then your numbers are going to be on top of you."
"Under promise, over deliver, and that really resonates with people."
"Maybe what you do is listen to the audience the paying customers the ones who will actually give you a positive bottom line."
"This is the key to making consistent sales right here."
"Never give up, know your numbers, find a mentor, read. Everything you need to know about running and starting a business is in a book."
"You have to let people know who you are and why they should give you money."
"The left is really good, they're like parasites, they're good at taking over things. We're much better at starting things."
"I'm giving y'all free game with a very, very small investment."
"You have to believe in the value of your product before you make somebody else believe in the value of your product."
"If you have something that people would pay for, this is your sign."
"If people implemented half of what you said, their businesses would double this year."
"I hope this helps a lot of resellers out there... I hope this tells the younger generations trying to start a business one day."
"It takes years to get a customer, but a second to lose one."
"If you don't know your numbers, you're basically swimming in the dark."
"Once any of those things actually start making you money, you should definitely pay for the software you're using."
"Aim for at least $20 at least $20 profit margin gross profit margin gross profit margin."
"Just because you see a product sold well, doesn't mean that it's good for you to sell because the context of why a product or a design sold well is extremely important too."
"Invest in the right tools, but keep it simple."
"Get a base hit first and then go for home run."
"In a recession, it is a time for you to put your competition out of business."
"Leverage somebody else's cash, leverage somebody else's credit, like somebody else's time."
"Either buy it right at the beginning or when the production reaches steady state." - Elon Musk
"There's no substitute for spending time with customers. Do it regularly, do it often."
"Just do it. Just go right. So we built this thing." - "The best advice I can give you starting a business."
"Hey, it doesn't matter how old you are, just get the right paperwork, get the right insurance, and go sell the service."
"I'm at the top of the food chain, so I am the guy that everyone comes to for references, advice, how to do things, pinning up deals, everything else."
"Online business owners... should focus on sales over metrics like follower count."
"If you can't enforce contract, you shouldn't partner in the first place. Boom, exactly."
"Putting the public in your business is almost never going to work out in your favor."
"The longer you wait to do a deal, the more your value drops."
"Ensure you actually break through the noise."
"I think it's an opportunity, I think it's a smart opportunity for a lot of people to get in."
"Don't sell yourself short, don't give services away, don't give time and energy away."
"Patience, timing, and working smart, that's what we want to kind of leave it with today."
"Identify who your audience is and sell to them."
"Don't rely on proxies, focus on the outcome." - Jeff Bezos
"First you must have something which the world needs and is willing to pay for."
"Why would you say no to something that's generating money for you completely passively?"
"Don't just build whatever's in your head without talking to your customers."
"If a person has not built a business worth a hundred million dollars just don't listen to them."
"Do not let this overwhelm you because this can actually be really fun."
"Have a team that you can trust... it's so important and I highly recommend it."
"Absolute guarantees is something we avoid because that kind of thinking invites disaster."
"If you're doing it right, to sell more expensive products."
"Helping others sell their business can earn you massive rewards."
"If you have a chance to get involved with the marijuana business on the legal side I suggest you do that very fast."
"If you're considering being self-employed... a lot of the information we talk about does apply... but also applies to just being self-employed."
"The best thing you can have is a website and an email list."
"Don't think of marketing as something that always has to be paid for."
"You're always valuable no matter where the market's at if you're valuable to someone else then you'll never go broke."
"Know your cap, pick a transfer that applies at a lower temperature and pressure."
"The quickest way to 70/30 is to focus on adding, not subtracting."
"Your best trade as a business owner? Yourself."
"The jockey, not the horse, makes the difference."
"Stop worrying about commissions, start worrying about educating your customers."
"When you start something, it's never going to be perfect."
"You're spending money on advertising when all you have to do is formalize referral processes."
"You want to be selling a painkiller, not a vitamin."
"Just remember one thing it's not about you it's about the experience."
"Time is money, I learned that early on. Time is money."
"What I need to see from you tonight more than anything is just warmth with the customers."
"You want people to call you, that's the secret to high ticket."
"Build stability, get customers with long-term contracts, create a history of performance, and build a business around people." - Daryl Freeman Sr.
"Are you familiar with this? This is a really simple idea that you can use to keep any business out of trouble."
"I think you're the inspiration and the essence, but if you're going to make Choose Your Attitude a business, I think you need to partner with somebody that owns a piece of it as well who's actually an operator."
"Establishing a brand inside of a niche with a large community is key."
"Running a rental property like a business is so vitally important because guess what? It's a business first."
"Create value, and then they'll give you money."
"No matter what you do, whatever business you own, you have to make sure you have that personal touch with your customers."