
Transformative Events Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Your little Cinematic Universe is about to change forever."
"These appearances had to be incredibly powerful, overwhelming events in order to transform the lives of the disciples."
"There are big changes here, really big changes, and when you get that death card, there's an energy here of change, beginnings, transition."
"Eclipses can create quantum leaps that land us in new places."
"This is the biggest thing I've ever lived through in terms of a transformative event."
"Disclosure is on the horizon. Very big stuff is coming our way."
"As unlikely perhaps as it seemed in the Roman Empire, when Constantine converted to Christianity and changed the course of history."
"The eclipse season ahead is going to be an extremely powerful time for soul-level healing, ascension leaps in consciousness, and life-changes that will permanently alter your path ahead."
"Nobody really knows me, and after Saturday, that'll be a different story."
"The one word that is so overused is transformative because a lot of things aren't, this is the moment that is a transformative moment for women's sports, this is the moment, it's really exciting to see."
"Something is coming that is going to change everything."
"That day changed my life. I had to go, I was there. It's my Miracle babies."
"Apocalypse as a rebirth, beginning of a brand new age."
"Retrogrades aren't here to break us down; they're here for change."
"The map has been just absolutely changed forever."
"We're going to see shifts and changes after this event today."
"Tonight's interview on Kara's channel is going to be a game changer in the world of astrology."
"Everything you knew about politics just changed in one day."
"The modern world was born in a baptism of Fire."
"It's going to be the birth of something very, very new."
"Discovering alien life, intelligent alien life especially, would be one of the most transformative events in human history."
"This is gonna signal huge social and political changes and a very powerful evolutionary urge for change in many many respects in our reality."
"This story's going to change things forever and this story's going to change the landscape of the Spider-Man mythos and nothing's ever going to be the same."
"Worlds lived, worlds died. Nothing will ever be the same."
"Life is an unpredictable beast, chance encounters could change everything."
"Something significant is going to happen in your life."
"This is going to be a breakthrough moment which will change everything."
"We're about to see an exposure of multiple leaders, some of our most famous Christians."
"The gay becomes the basher. It's a magical day."
"Sometimes I think a tower moment can be a good thing because, you know, the top of the tower has to fall away anyway."
"This is happening. This is true. This is real."
"When those moves of the Holy Spirit begin to stir on the Earth, that's the time Heaven touches Earth."
"Think of these eclipses as pivot points because they are like Uranus transits; they can kind of jump us forwards in our individual and our collective destiny to get us further off the beach, if you like, than we've ever been."
"COVID-19 is causing a die-out of what has not been giving many people life."
"Events that happened next changed the planet forever."
"New moon in Capricorn... absolutely mind-blowing moment in time."
"The reset is occurring very soon. The collaborations are happening, and the time of the twins uniting sets changes in motion. It's a frequency reset."
"This really is a potential sea change moment."
"The universe didn't open a door, it burst through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man grabbed me and dragged me out."
"This is the breaking down of the old ways to create something new."
"The final chapter of this economy is going to be epic, it's going to be biblical."
"We've got infinity war culminating comic movies black panther changing it one way Deadpool to changing to another Aquaman rewriting the DC Universe like just 2018 is everything we dreamed of his kids and it's now that's crazy."
"I believe her Witnesses and experts will be a huge game changer next week."
"I truly think that it's one of the most life-changing things that will ever happen to me."
"We are watching something very transformative take place right now in this country and just because you're not seeing studies or news articles on it yet doesn't mean it's not happening."
"When it rains, it pours. Eclipses bring completions and new beginnings, they don't mess around."
"When the first seal of Revelation opens, the world will never be the same."
"This judgment card is very important because I feel like this is going to be the wake-up call that this connection needed."
"A storm of Revival is coming, storms can look and feel scary but it's me working."
"Sometimes disasters are required... to change us."
"The shift was so radical and so dramatic that it was extremely exciting."
"Once this massive event happens, you can never go back."
"Tower moments happen because something needs to get removed, something needs to be shook up."
"Something is going to take place and it's going to change you forever."
"It's just bittersweet, it's just weird how everything can change in one night."
"Last year had to happen to get me to this point."
"All of this stuff is a stage show in front of us and it's about to come crumbling down."
"We are about to see changes on so many different fronts."
"Unexpected windfall through investments, inheritance, or partner - a powerful time for new opportunities."
"One small seemingly insignificant event can lead to a whole chain of events that causes a lot of changes."
"The triumph of the Immaculate Heart will leave the world unrecognizable."
"Pluto in Aquarius will bring big transformations that you'll never be the same after."
"It's quite literally changed everything forever."
"One decision, one day can really change the course of your life."
"The greatest Revival in human history is about to begin."
"What Jesus did on the cross is the greatest news that's ever been."
"When those events or event happen, the world can never go back."
"It's going to change the minds of people worldwide... it's going to change a lot of the way they see things in their Community."
"It's all to awaken the people on a large scale, to shake people to their cores in many ways, in all parts of the globe."
"This risk might trigger big movement and progress in your life."
"We are on the brink of something really epic and incredible happening."
"Nothing a Lord of Change despises more than the entrapping comfort of stability and familiarity, and nothing it will please more than to see the world broken and made anew."
"We've got to get people set free... we've got to get people saved... It's incredible what's going on here."
"A month of powerful New Beginnings, full of transformational and shocking moments."
"The night Muldoon spoke was the last night I felt peace."
"October is going to change absolutely everything."
"Sometimes, when stuff like this happens, it can be used to clear our vision, rebirth our vision, and open us up in a whole new way."
"Shadowlands truly did change the Warcraft universe in a way that can never be put back into the box."
"Life in New York and much of the rest of the contemporary world was changed irrevocably in the space of less than two hours."
"From the wreckage of humanity rises a new era, marked by ink and splat."
"You passed, there's a major transformation coming through."
"Have you been rebellious to God's word? It's not about us, it's about Him."
"This new beginning is coming in the form of communication, coming in really fast."
"Your whole world is about to change, communication."
"This conference is going to be absolutely life-changing."
"I will never forget what happened that night; it changed me forever."
"Something has to happen to them that makes them learn something about themselves or each other."
"When a house becomes the scene of a heinous crime, it forever alters its identity."
"It's like the fission reaction that sets off the fusion explosion."