
Narrative Twist Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"Zuya knows his true identity and calls him out as Fang tan King, shocking all the teachers."
"And just to flex, my man resets time, loses all of his minions, starts from scratch so he can end the war all alone."
"At Snow's execution, Katniss shot Coin instead of Snow, payback for her sister's death."
"Sooner or later a huge plot twist is going to come and you and your evildoers will be thrown back in jail."
"The big plot twist of the Fall of Rome is that it didn’t."
"Jung-moon is the one who killed Gu-tak's daughter."
"The sneak attack of the story is we're traveling forward in time and backward in time to get back to the first sentence."
"After rescuing him, Salah explains that Bellic and the Nazis used a one-sided copy of The Medallion."
"Glenn firmly believed that Queen Alicia would never issue an order to kill her own daughter unless the Queen was under the influence of strong magic, which forced her to be cruel to Rumia."
"His death (which presumably would have occurred several hours later when he reached the ground) is forestalled by Aslan who turns up to blow a wind so mighty it sends the lad flying off over the horizon instead."
"She wasn't killed. In fact, she turns the knife on him and brutally slays him in revenge for what he's forced her into."
"There must always be a Lich King, and now for the first time, there is none."
"It's quite ironic and in a way quite fitting that having insulted Spider-Man by calling him an insect in Avengers infinity war Thanos's big victory will be undone thanks largely to the actions of a guy who goes by the name ant-man."
"Instead, it found the orphan of the Pequod," closing the story with a poignant twist.
"I think it does give off this kind of godly vibe that this fight has now gone up another notch."
"The aliens won. Wait, no, never mind, the hero did."
"The true treasure was the romance we found along the way."
"This is what happened next: a man that I had never seen before appeared in the room as I lay there dying."
"The surprise reveal that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father is quite possibly the most famous scene in all of cinematic history."
"Saving that guy who was gonna kill your wife? What a great way to introduce the Bears."
"The ultimate revelation left my jaw on the floor!"
"They opened up the latch, pulled open the door and to their surprise out of the refrigerator tumbled a little girl."
"This is one of the most exciting parts of the game, especially the protagonist freaking gets shot. Oh, is this boring? This is awesome. Cinema peaked there."
"From everything that we've heard about the story... the idea that he was never there is a very interesting take."
"The brilliance of the Comstock daughter mystery trick you."
"That's a wrap on old Jakey... but fortunately for him, it was not a wrap."
"Just when you think the story is over, there is a twist."
"Prepare for a twist that will make your jaw drop."
"Wanda is indeed now pregnant, and after yet another bump in the night, they head out front to discover a beekeeper bearing that sword logo."
"They flip the script and they make you really question what you're watching."
"The court of owls turning lives upside down."
"Their blissful moment, however, is abruptly shattered."
"What's more subversive than making the good guys the bad guys and the bad guys the good guys?"
"But fuck it, I've got plot armor and here we learn in a twist this was shifter's plan all along."
"A flood gravemind convinces the Forerunners' AI, Mendicant Bias, to turn evil, rendering the war essentially hopeless."
"It's a twist you can put at the end of any movie."
"He isn't defeated. That's right. And that makes him the first Marvel villain that was victorious."
"That's crazy, that is inspiring to me. That's what we should all be striving for: the ability to control our own business, have a system that works specifically catered to what you are trying to do."
"He is saved by Tokiko, the same girl who killed the previous monster."
"So now he comes up with a new story as to how this all played out, and it's dramatic. I mean, to the point where I imagine the police officers investigating this case, detectives were just all like, 'what?'"
"Kessler reveals that he is Cole, albeit one from an alternative future."
"What happened next was nothing short of a miracle, a Deus ex machina so fantastic that Hollywood scriptwriters would call it ridiculous."
"The only thing that could save this story is for it to eventually be revealed that Adam is kind of abusive."
"The nightmare for them was over, however little did they realize it had only just begun."
"The surprise hero all along was actually Hayato."
"He came into an arc he hasn't even been involved in at all, one shot every character and then took the lackeys as his waiters."
"Nice twist, huh? Didn't see it coming, did ya?"
"Yuna makes a bold move, she says that Jin is actually a vengeful Spirit, the ghost of a fallen Samurai out for revenge against the Mongols."
"You really have to unite the world together, and the only way to make that work is to destroy Reverse Mountain."
"Great setting, awesome fight, and I thought the twist at the end was amazing."
"Taii proudly presents his new form to the guild master."
"Ambrose turning heel completely revamping as inside Ambrose hides and lays dormant a fucking heel if WWE can plan this out."
"This is the worst ending possible, but for once in this situation, the worst ending possible is the best ending possible."
"He opens his dimensional pouch and shows the Chief's assistant the incredible amount of food inside."
"Literally has a gun plow." - Unexpected twists.
"Everything we thought we knew about this hero world just disintegrated before our eyes."
"Some of the best love stories start with a murder."
"That whole fight I do find very impactful I do love the moment when you think that nose kills Tony I think that's a great gotcha moment."
"That's the thing that attacked John. I didn't attack John. I saved him."
"And lurking in the background of this moment and many others in Season 2 is Dijkstra's spy owl, who is finally revealed as Philippa at the very end."
"She is not serving Vader, she is hunting him."
"It's the twist that Quake 4 needed to take that classic war story Vibe and add some of the classic downbeat features of older War Stories."
"Allan knows that Zane lied to him, Scratch will return, and he knew it."
"Kawamatsu has now changed these odds quite a bit. I personally think it would be just like Oda and very clever to sort of hide that you're dropping this game-changing information."
"Expectation subversion to have our hero step to the sideline... really powerful."
"That whole thing about becoming a Big Daddy is a one-way street turns out to be [ __ ]."
"Because Marty is extremely good at what he does, and Wendy has now gone full Heisenberg."
"There's no way, there's no way that's a real ending."
"Ava turns out to be an AI created by Tracer Tong back during the events of the original game."
"E. Lockhart creates such a tense atmosphere and, like, you know there's a twist coming but I was not prepared for how good the twist was."
"Conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio."
"This starts a series of unfortunate events; Temporary would then visit a ramen shop..."
"Slicer says, 'I've accepted I won't be adopted, and that is okay.'"
"Unfortunately, Jeffrey still wasn't satisfied, this time he wants us to do something more menacing—kill him, I mean d, we steal the bodyguard's car."
"Sebastian sees Leslie walking away from Beacon, his usual shuffling walk replaced by a confident stride showing us that Ruvik has indeed taken over Leslie's body."
"The Watcher tries to wrap things up together they lived happily ever after but he blinks."
"Seeing crease as a hero taking down evil is an excellent subversion and a great way to develop his character."
"Jon is playing the role of Azor Ahai turned Night's King, and he's giving his Ghost to a Night's Queen to make white shadows."
"The mysterious circumstances took an even darker turn."
"Considering they started out dead, this is probably the best possible scenario."
"That's what I believe to be the big twist that awaits us in Security Breach."
"The prince is the main villain in this... he is an abuser."
"Bunpuku counted his blessings and never blamed others."
"Proving his death pointless, Xavier comes back to life."
"Magneto's powers are coming back, proving the Cure pointless."
"None of them could have expected what would happen next."
"A bullet piercing the smoke changed absolutely everything."
"He literally pulls up his shirt to reveal this thing that's underneath his shirt, and that's when she realizes, 'Oh my god, he's got a bomb!'"
"Oh well, that's convenient. Jack says that he can bring her back."
"A very aggressive and violent looking Clifford took control over all the other dogs and humans in the town."
"There is a theory that the entire movie is all in Joker's head."
"A moment such as this can completely change your opinion about the Big Mom Pirates, which is something that Oda could be setting up."
"In this world and at this time, the princes had to die."
"Within the ranks and he's not the biggest, he's actually looks like the shortest and the smallest but yet, these guys have no idea that this guy right here is about to save all their lives for as long as he can."
"Sometimes you gotta subvert the expectations."
"And then I think that's gonna be the big catalyst."
"Violet betraying Sanji... I love a good betrayal storyline... it's just good storytelling."
"No, Kylo does not die but the good part of him does."
"The last word of two evils introduces Flexo."
"There's a great payoff at the end that this is Bart's nightmare after all."
"The twist in Bioshock is one of the greatest narrative decisions."
"One hell of a cliffhanger and a great ending to the game."
"Normally we'd say this was a happy ending, but since Briar Rose and John only just met, let's call this one a happy beginning."
"The ending has a twist, there's some twists in this one and yeah, it's all in the head, this one is."
"So much potential... but it had an odd turn."
"She's like Gretel, fattening up the kids to eat them of some sort."
"Triumphs turned to ashes: Queen Rhaenyra's victories proved fickle."
"Ashi is alive, creating a moral quandary for Jack."
"Using Robin's death as a bargaining ship, I'll win back my freedom and power. In the end, I'll ruin this beautiful dream and create the grandest death."
"The fact that the world of One Piece takes place in a dystopian regressed future."
"This is such an expectation subversion, but so many of these movies end with the hero being like 'we did it neat,' and then the post-credits scene shows that they didn't."
"The twist just kind of hits you and you're like, 'Oh my god, I had no idea!'"
"But is P going to sabotage us it's gonna sabotage us maybe please no because Poppy is pee in this game guys I forgot that she betrays us bro."
"Ander decides on the choice that wasn't given and kills the game master, surprising the psychiatrist as no one has done that before."
"Sue finds out that she is actually the Crown Princess."
"Wouldn't it be ironic if the one person the Empire feared for so long became their Savior?"
"You heard Alien versus Predator, we're the predators the whole time, what a twist."
"What if Rosamund's 16-year-old daughter is Caroline's wanted fantasy heroine but Caroline got Rosamund by mistake because she and her daughter have the same name, which is very funny."
"Without hesitation, she grabs the knife and slits Arena's throat right in front of Aya, telling her that they don't have time to mess around because she needs to tell her all about the magical girl website that apparently does exist."
"The moment he realizes he’s in the wrong universe is a powerful and unsettling moment."
"It was a stunning twist to his series that the world fell in love with."
"BAM literally had the very thing that he truly cared about just snatched away from him... it's sad really."
"After a heartfelt Taco Jutsu moment, he convinces Obito that what he did was wrong and so Obito prepares to pull a Nagato and use the samsara of heavenly life technique."
"You either die a legend or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"A creepy discovery turned into a heart-warming reunion."
"He's a stone cold killer and then the brother comes up it's like what's going on she's like that plant just grabbed me."
"The tragic story that the happy ending is not necessarily the best ending."
"Perhaps one of the most gut-wrenching twists in all of Naruto."
"What an incredibly dark turn this show is taking."
"Gyllenhaal's portrayal of Mysterio had me fooled. He sold me hardcore on being the good guy."
"Lyle was completely shocked when iruma explained that kaid was a killer spider."
"Everything you know what I'm noticing, every character, their motivations are actually not what they think it is."
"Life sucks here wow okay listen uh I've never played a game that like starts off so beautiful and light-hearted and then they just rip it all away and it's like oh um life's actually red and bleak and you were just in a simulation this entire time."
"You've got to be kidding me! So that's Byakuya's true identity!"
"It's honestly sort of a laugh tale when you think about it."
"When she woke up, she was in her bed with Rick."
"People want to see this incredible twist and see how great it would feel when they encounter this."
"Lucas gets the upper hand and manages to take the killer to the ground the man slowly takes his mask off and lucas stares in horror as he sees his own face looking back at him."
"What if Tony kills Pepper? Could be a powerful twist."
"Plot twist, changes the game forcing the character to make another decision, one that will change everything."
"The twist is freaking sick, I love everything about it."
"Just one of the all-time greatest fake outs."
"Vision's body was gone, but Hayward had it all along."
"It's a wonderful ending that cleverly subverts expectations and introduces an exciting aspect of moral ambiguity to the story."
"It's the victim who ends up being the villain."
"The last shot of the movie to show that the villain has won...good, who does that?"
"Rachel theory suggests she gave Max her powers for revenge and to create the storm."
"This Queen Gibo is going to get a jolt of her own medicine."
"Although she had once believed her to be her greatest enemy, Chell was actually her best friend."
"To a world stuck with World War One technology, he's the end of the world."
"This film goes off the rails in a good way in its last hour."
"Perhaps it wasn't the woman that sacrificed her sister but rather the sister that sacrificed herself for her."
"Everyone, listen! The Nine Tails didn't attack the village on his own accord."
"This ending is sinister as [ __ ]! Despite being from Small Brawl, Sweet Tooth's ending is actually pretty sick."
"Thank you for watching this video, please like and share it with your friends and family."
"The thing that we were scared of the entire movie, we are cheering for. How cool is that? That is power, that is wrestling at its best."
"The moral of the tale of Red Riding Hood: don't trust strangers, but if a picture says a thousand words, the moral of my tale of Red Riding Hood is sometimes you can't even trust a collaborator."
"The show that completely flips everything on its head."
"She's finally found the Demon King's autobiography."
"If it wasn't for the a retinas endurance and courageous acts of a Beauregard that was all she wrote."
"Dolores, Ted, Mary Jane, Pancake, and Shark finally returned and jumped the thugs from behind."
"The villain of the story was not only so comprehensible but also so wicked and surprising."
"It's so cool to return to this world and wait what happened to the red sky?"
"I thought it was over, what the heck? This is like a crescendo."
"With her crazed optimism in full swing, she suggests that he dispose of his uncle and his family."
"Everyone gathered together, ready to fight off Frieza, but a new arrival surprises them—a boy able to turn into a Super Saiyan who defeats the tyrants."
"Ending the emotional turmoil that the students faced as they realized that they were just fictional characters created to entertain a bored and greedy world came as a punch to the gut."
"Final Fantasy 6 blew my mind, the mid-story twist just completely changed how I see narrative."
"I saved the girl, oh Jesus. Oh, oh, oh, well, I know who the killer is, you do? Yeah, I do, tell us, Ray, who is it? It's Toast, it is!"
"Kuma constantly asking where do people want to go and now having that very quietly flipped back to reflect him and his final moments in the story"
"A story which was going to culminate the way everyone expected it to with Oren finally losing ends with him winning huh."
"Maybe weirdest of all is that SpongeBob eventually gets cured of his Krabby Patty phobia when a giant Krabby Patty bursts into his room..."
"For all her lies, Priscilla Ashvane spoke one truth."
"However, Parnassus tricked him into taking a brittle replica, which was crushed upon his hanging."
"The fact that nobody knew or cared what happened with the Cosmo Babylonia and the change of the Crossbone Banger from a royal army into space pirates is some nice storytelling."
"This flips Devil's story on its head since each person deserves to be held responsible for their crimes."
"In this plot, the villain is sentenced to death, but like every good movie, this one has a happy ending... or be it for whom."
"Not just that, the founder and CEO of the show was made to walk the plank by the backyard again. Now get up there and walk the plank!"
"Victor's reveal was a pivotal moment."
"Sometimes bad guys do good things, and good guys do really, really bad things."
"This is supposed to be the most heartbreaking turn in the franchise."
"Ellie is simply the victim of a monstrous lie."
"I just really, really enjoy it so much. I like the idea that the doctor sometimes, you know, by trying to stop something, makes it happen. I think that's like really, really good."
"I put the poison on my body for weeks. If your husband just could have kept his grubby hands off of me, he never would have been poisoned."
"Dead is dead, or so we are told, but we also know that death is not the end, and that the dead can and do come back in the world of Lost."
"Captain America is the biggest do-over that the Hulk's immortality machine offers."
"With the reveal of the Seraphim, all of that has changed, and it turns out that the world government and the marines are in fact, undoubtedly stronger than ever before."
"The defeat of Lord Voldemort marked the end of an era filled with danger, heroism, and surprising twists."
"The people of Udo may have branded him cursed, but they did not know the true power hidden within this boy."
"I loved that it was a why done it as opposed to whodunit."
"Not only was this an incredible shock, but we were also treated to a badass scene."
"Just as we're getting our seemingly happy ending, Homura pretty much betrays Madoka out of love."
"You probably believe me, wouldn't you? But let me tell you, that's not what happened at all."
"Help me, please help me. I'm your father," the flower whispered.
"They achieved a gut punch, as intense as the Red Wedding."
"The man they once called Savior had returned as their greatest threat."
"What makes this twist such a great example of truly fantastic character development is that it not only adds a completely new dimension to Billy as a person but it also forces the viewer to re-examine everything that they thought they had already learned about the character."
"You said it was a ghost story. It isn't. No, it's a love story."
"Loki's alive and he replaced Odin or something, we'll figure it out in Ragnarok."
"He's almost like a judgmental figure; he comes in, so it's an Inspector Calls but with gunplay."