
Identity Crisis Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Zuya knows his true identity and calls him out as Fang tan King, shocking all the teachers."
"As YouTube enters its 19th year and prepares to come of age, it’s ultimately the product of a site-wide identity crisis over what direction this strange social-media-platform-cum-streaming-service should go next."
"After realizing he's not a human anymore, he decides he'd rather die than live a dead living life like this."
"If you are no longer married, if you are no longer on a day-to-day with your kids or whatever, who are you?"
"It's a tombstone of masculinity, what happens to a being that has lost its identity entirely."
"As we drift further away from Traditional Values, it's no secret that we're becoming more and more lost."
"Imagine how hard this must have been for Maya. Like imagine everyone in your life starts telling you that you became your best friend, you need to get back to being your true self."
"Working on such historic items is a blessing just to be able to preserve them for the future."
"You took everything from me. I don't even know who you are."
"You had a dead woman in the machine. I'm not a person. I'm an instrument manufactured by a machine, born in destruction and fire to quench the flames and heal the world."
"Either I come out or I stop existing altogether."
"Cloud's identity crisis is one of the nastiest I've seen a character go through."
"I had a complete identity crisis because I felt like that was all that I was. I was just the smart one."
"I'm in so deep, I'm one of them, I don't know who I am."
"It just feels like there's a bit of identity that's been lost."
"I went from such a high to such a low and so quick and it was such a detriment to my identity and who I was in every respect."
"Sam leans of what really happened to Isaiah Bradley, making him wrestle over whether to become Cap or not."
"Perfect blue is psychological horror with losing oneself being its ultimate fear."
"Walter White's identity is the shadow, that's why he can now ignore things that would have tainted the soul before."
"There's just no identity at Manchester United anymore."
"I was in an existential state of depression because I was being force-fed an identity that was incompatible with the actual kind of person I wanted to be."
"You're operating out of a pseudo-self, find support during this vulnerable stage."
"If you could spend 40 thousand dollars to ask a company about any game sequel or property..."
"If I don't rap, what am I going to do? It's too late to just be unfamous right now at this point."
"Some of y'all need to say I am the orphan spirit, and we are many."
"Purpose: I feel like the biggest issue with E3 and all of these is that they need to figure out what they want to be instead of trying to be all of them in one, right?"
"For a car that never seemed to know truly what it was, it was awfully good at what it did."
"I'm not proud of the man that I've become. I don't even know if I still am a man."
"It's like the company hates themselves or something. They are actively going out of their way to rip out stuff that their fans love that gave their product its identity in favor of being generic."
"I was losing myself, like I didn't even know who I was at one point."
"We've lost religion, we've lost our minds, and everybody wants to be like somebody else."
"Teen vampires: highlighting the angst and social struggles of youth."
"The tension of having Peter Parker's identity revealed is palpable... it's terrifying too... there was some very funny stuff with this."
"I don't even know what to grieve: the woman I thought I loved, the relationship I thought we had, or the person I was before she met me."
"What we are witnessing is not the everyday schedule of a well-balanced man; instead, it is the desperate scramble of a guy who has to reapply a facsimile of identity to his flesh in order to be functional and therefore accepted."
"You're a half-measure. You're not Batman. You're not Bruce Wayne by any standard of measurement."
"He's dealing with lost love, lost hope, and lost identity. He has to redefine himself in this new context, and the only one there to help him is Sam."
"It doesn't feel like 100 Thieves knows what 100 Thieves is."
"This America cannot barely remember that America."
"The idea we have of who we are is suffering from ideas it has about itself."
"There's times where you look in the mirror and you're just like, 'What's going on? Who is this?'"
"With luck, she will soon discover her true identity. Otherwise, she has no choice but to close the door on her past, assemble a new legal identity, and begin her life again from scratch."
"Style identity crisis: leaning into what feels right."
"The scariest thing in the world is to not know your place in the world."
"If my entire existence overnight can shift because of this pill, like who the fuck am I supposed to be?"
"Terra Nort ends up back in radiant garden but he has amnesia." - Lost memories, uncertain identity.
"I have three skeleton limbs dude, I'm not even human anymore."
"You've lost a little part of yourself, the greatest thing ever: your essence."
"When you lose the thing that in your mind makes you you in a lot of ways it really affects you."
"Pooka follows a struggling actor who takes a holiday job as a mascot for the newest toy on the market, Pooka. However, after putting on the costume he develops a whole new persona and personality."
"Our faces are our identity. What happens if we lose our familiar face to catastrophic damage?"
"Slowly losing who you are as a person and everybody around you, that's got to be one of the worst things ever."
"The reason she locked herself in her room wasn't to keep other people from getting in, it was to keep her other personality from getting out."
"You don't even recognize who you are anymore."
"People are losing their identity, and the demons that possess the machines are reestablishing a new identity apart from God."
"Humanoid in the space of one playoffs has called his whole identity as a player in the question."
"There's a crossroad in all of our lives where we're like, do we keep down the online Persona or do we dig deep and actually find ourselves?"
"If you were taught to hate yourself, you will want to be someone else."
"This person feels lost, they don't fit in anywhere, realizing they need to move on."
"As I looked in the mirror, I knew that wasn't me... did I build this character up so big, so masculine that I'm stuck with him for the rest of my life?"
"Narcissistic abuse plays with the fundamental elements of existence and identity."
"The blind betrayal subplot where he is discovered as a synth."
"The devil is trying to hijack the identity of the world."
"The guilt is eating me alive because I'm not my brother. I've been living under a shadow for the past four years—an imposter, a liar."
"Soldiers are not collateral damage ever never."
"You made me who made me this creature, what are you stop your riddles who are you why choose me."
"Miss Nobodies don't survive. You can choose: you're either somebody, or you fizzle out."
"Breaking the armor: It's like being possessed against your will and knowledge by a different personality which pretended to be you for years."
"The worst part is all you do is build the mask, and then when I was 15 and I was told that I was wearing a mask, I realized that there's nothing behind it."
"A lot of numbing and emptiness... feeling dis-separate from yourself or not know who you are."
"How do you live with that? How? How do you live with being who you are?"
"I lost all identity of myself; I was not that same girl."
"It's like you're suddenly questioning your choice to do that, right? It's like your entire life you've been focused on becoming this, whatever this is that you're becoming in this moment and now that it's here you don't know if you want it anymore."
"I grew up without my father. When I tried to reconnect as an adult, he was no longer a whole person. It broke me for a while."
"I feel like we're all in a joined identity crisis."
"What can I do, says Spencer Rattler."
"Satan uses our reality to mess with our revelation, he uses our issue to cloud our identity."
"God, I don't know who I am anymore. I need you to tell me who I am. I need you to show me who I am."
"Is it possible we've created an identity crisis in the church? That we really just don't know who we are, even though we know how to say the right things?"
"Who the hell is this series for? This show has a massive identity crisis."
"It becomes difficult to be sure of anything— Humanity's entire identity is in question at this point and I'm loving it."
"The shocking Revelation that Vader was his father shook Luke to his core, disrupting his connection to the force."
"Insecurity: it's a really vulnerable place to be in when you lose your old identity."
"I'm not a wolf yet. I'd howl with them in the night and taste blood in my wolf dreams."
"That's the mirror between Jake and the villain here is that they're both having like existential identity crises because they're people who are in the quote-unquote sort of like wrong bodies and there's this culture Clash going on and they maybe take different approaches."
"It's become alive it then begins to talk to the duo having a bit of an existential crisis trying to figure out what it is."
"I think he's just going through a little bit of a pre-midlife crisis."
"I have a bit of an identity crisis if you want to call it that i was playing something called the ouija board i was talking to my deceased grandmother b vance she was telling me start losing weight learn how to swim learn how to read get into a technical college"
"I'm having an identity crisis, and no, I'm serious."
"I lost who I was and I felt like I was sitting in the middle of some crazy movie scene."
"I think I was, yes, a self-evident point of like it doesn't even know what it wants to be anymore. So, that's that's kind of really sad to see because we always you know, as a Brit I always looked up to America as like the model of the world."
"People who set their goal to be get the fang job and then they do, and now they have nothing else to do with themselves, they're just confused and lost."
"I feel lost, you know. I feel confused, I don't know who I am. I don't know my heritage. I don't know what I'm completely mixed with. I don't know where I came from. I don't know nothing."
"On paper my life was the perfect image of success, but I had no idea who I was, if where I was going was something that I actually wanted or what my purpose was outside of going to work and raising kids."
"I realized that I didn't know if I ever wanted to write a novel again and what I didn't expect was that that creative identity crisis ended up being the best thing that's ever happened to my creativity."
"It was one of those moments. You look at yourself in the mirror and you're like, 'Who am I? What have I done?'"
"She no longer wants to be Ruby Rose. So who will she become instead?"
"The human condition in its fallen broken state is in a constant state of identity crisis."
"This whole thing, it's an identity crisis. People don't know who they are or what they are."
"Thank you for proving my point that Batman's not Batman the entire movie... he just lost himself."
"We no longer know what it means to be me."
"I'm just lost, and you know, but this whole thing, it's something I've been going through most of my life, honestly."
"80 years he had an epiphany 80 years of not being sure and not being secure in 80 years of not having a definite in 80 years of an identity crisis."
"All of these emotions swept over me. What have I become? I was always a community-centered guy and now... Screw the community center, Joja for life!"
"Borderline the base of it the foundation of it is a lack of self it's an identity crisis they don't actually have the confidence that they seem to appear to possess on the outside deep down they usually feel like they're not only broken they feel like they're unfixably broken."
"I felt really like I had lost myself. I didn't know how to dress, I didn't know how to like come back to work, everything just felt really, really difficult..."
"I just felt ugly in the mirror. I didn't like it. I mean, just... I just... I'm like, 'Who am I?' Like, all these things happening."
"He's wrestling with an identity crisis that's been going on for the better part of The Last 5 Years."
"I've been feeling lost, lost in who I am, lost in who I was, lost in who I wish I could be."
"Batman experiences a complete loss of identity and self-awareness."
"He has no idea where he is, what has happened to him, and worse yet, when asked his name, he has no idea who he is."
"Quarter life crisis can be feeling unsure of who you are."
"We can live in comfort and security, the trouble is we don't have jobs and therefore we lose our identity."
"I can't believe this happened to me. I can't call myself a New Yorker anymore."
"All of this, it's a lie. I'm not a god, and I never was."
"What do you think you would do if you found out you were the son of a serial killer?"
"Losing my identity, wondering have I gone insane."
"The man is Starfleet through and through until Starfleet stops becoming Starfleet."
"I can't stand seeing black people suffering from identity crisis and not having a culture."
"I'm a homunculus. How could this happen?"
"I had been going through an identity crisis for a long time."
"Grievous caught in the throes of this identity crisis became increasingly unpredictable and dangerous."
"I'm going to destroy the scale and use the mirror torn off it to erase myself from this place. Urek Mazino shouldn't look like this."
"I don't really know who I am, but I think that's true for all people my age."