
Film Narrative Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"Her death in Deadpool 2 was just genuinely heartbreaking."
"I think the way that it's maybe done in a reverse kind of heist movie where you're watching it from the cop's point of view is really cool."
"It's a film that's willing to stand up and say that this is like it or not the predictable outcome of what the powers-that-be choose to do with its people."
"The love interest character humanizes the hero."
"I wanted this movie to be about Stephen Strange and what makes him tick."
"A cinematic journey into the depths of family dysfunction."
"McLovin is the man. For that, we made it with the boo and everything. We made it!"
"If this movie took place in the real world that would be how it ended."
"But most importantly, both of these films tell the tale of an artist seeking greatness who must first endure suffering and sacrifice."
"It puts Bond on this journey where he does have personal connections to the villain in a way that's meaningful."
"Logan has to be its own little splintered bad ending timeline."
"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was the director's most personal film."
"Namor is a character who's been both a good and bad guy in the past. If he is indeed the villain of Black Panther 2, will he have a shot of redemption later on?"
"Sometimes the real world sneaks into our fantasy entertainment, and the loss of Chadwick is honestly making this Black Panther funeral hit on a pretty deep level."
"...few films have so enthusiastically let audiences know exactly what unpleasantness they're in for from the jump."
"Trinity who discovers an ability to fly reminiscent of Neo soaring away at the end of the original Matrix."
"Ethan Hunt himself is crazy. Now, stay with me because this is a good thing."
"Gentlemen, this is Solomon Lane. Mr. Lane, meet the IMF. And this is why we need the IMF. This is why this agency exists."
"Every chapter, every scene, really is there for this amazing fandom and the world in general."
"Its bleak honesty shook audiences up and injected a dose of grit into a film world filled with wish fulfillment and leftover propaganda braggadocio."
"The chase sequence ends in Jason's shack where Ginny figures out she'd be able to trick Jason by putting on the sweater Mrs. Voorhees was wearing when she was killed."
"Darkseid establishes himself as the ultimate adversary for the Justice League."
"There was a plot twist and actually this time Arnold Schwarzenegger is the good guy which I wasn't necessarily expecting."
"It takes a Palpatine to destroy a Palpatine."
"This to me is the best origin tale told of Batman."
"Last Action Hero becomes surprisingly grounded in the end."
"It feels like the end of the movie is just the tip of the demonic iceberg."
"This moment here will haunt Kylo for the next three movies. A dark side user is at his or her strongest when they are committed to the dark side."
"It lets you feel the emotions so her death it sits there in it and death sequences."
"It treats his feelings towards her as absolutely genuine because they were."
"The movies have shown that you can track through hyperspace."
"The MCU has totally fixed after lackluster first outings, and of course the first person I have to talk about for this is Thor."
"Her love story with Vision was really the essential core of the film."
"The movie was about Reuters' passion for the art, on the backdrop of a war."
"Magic as a character stitches together the places in this movie."
"It's a dark movie that does have a hopeful ending."
"Every specific element which is important to these films' narratives is given the time they need in order for you to become invested."
"This ever charming, always idealistic movie genre all but guarantees a happy ending, after the good fun of a string of wacky misadventures along the way."
"Even so, Boyka who finally realized his mistake, deserves praise."
"They stuck with that family theme throughout."
"I love this film... a level of emotional depth to a superhero's origin story that we rarely get anywhere."
"By the end of the first Iron Man, people pretty much understood that the vague overarching goal that isn't necessarily a storyline but feels enough like one that you're obligated to follow it was eventually shoving these guys into the Avengers."
"Was it caught me at the right moment? Not only was it incredibly satisfying in the climactic battles, essentially a revenge story after what we know of what happened to House of Trades after taking over Arrakis from House Harkonnen."
"The victory belongs to the Riddler here, the most corrupt leaders of Gotham are now out of the picture."
"I do believe that this film can give us a really unique insight for the challenges that we face in dealing with China."
"Because with her just being able to pick up the force."
"The hospital demons in Jacob's Ladder are both physically disturbing and horrifically honest, telling Jacob that he has died."
"Strange's journey through the multiverse is a psychedelic acid trip."
"This movie deals with hate and how people can fall into ideologies they wouldn't otherwise believe due to their surroundings and people they're exposed to in a really great way."
"The early death of a major character can be a movie's defining iconic twist; done badly and it just seems a waste of talent and leaves the audience feeling cheated."
"Avengers: Endgame took that to an extreme length by only showing characters who hadn't been dusted by the snap in Infinity War."
"The film has already been blurring the lines separating fiction and reality."
"By roasting the Manson family in a scene right out of one of Rick's movies, he's explicitly using the power of film to write a historical wrong."
"She initiates the whole, he sparks, she sparks that initiative in him."
"That's how you become wed, that's obviously what happens, and Bajirao kind of knows this, kind of doesn't know this. He's definitely giving a living a part of her, his most deadly weapon to her."
"Ryan Reynolds character flies into the sun, the end for me or is it? Maybe I'll be born again somehow, I'm Ryan Reynolds."
"It's the perfect way to both introduce the character and say goodbye to him."
"Tony Stark's journey through the MCU is symbolized by his hand holding a glass of alcohol."
"Spider-Man 4 should embrace Peter's age and experience."
"This movie represents the start of a new timeline branch."
"Shang-Chi follows a character named Shang-Chi... but the story is really all about his father Wenwu, the Mandarin."
"Hangman's got a long way to go, but by the end of the film, it's clear that he's willing to change if it means being a part of something greater than himself."
"By the end of the film, Maverick has seemingly let all of it go."
"I love when adults in movies take their kids' relationship advice."
"The movie ends with a perfect setup for a sequel."
"And I really like the dynamic they built between Thorin and Bilbo."
"The complicated family dynamic adds depth to the story."
"At root it is a love story... the themes are very big."
"Sherlock deviates from the source material all the time, absolutely fine with that."
"She knows that he is in here hiding in the shadows, and this whole sequence acts as a practice for that Lori and Michael faceoff at the end of his next film."
"This movie actually tries to imbue a little bit of irony and pathos into its narrative."
"Having your trauma be the antagonist of the film or at least of select scenes is something really cool."
"Cargo pushes back against the wider tendency towards modern zombie movies as comedic fun or splatterfest to create a story with real pathos."
"The scene was set up well, and you get that feeling that this is a point of no return."
"This is essentially an origin story, an alternate origin story for The Joker."
"In the fourth movie, I would have set in World War 2 in 1945."
"The protagonists of this final film are pretty much us, the audience."
"It's one man's journey but at the same time, he goes through the entire lifetime of emotions."
"One of the film's biggest moments came when Carol Danvers finally discovered her true colors, both figuratively and literally."
"Into the Spider-verse actually said something."
"Violence Voyager, it's like a fever dream, the pieces don't make sense."
"It's like Groundhog Day but it's about suicide."
"The love story really is the beating heart of the movie. It allows you to have all the wackiness and craziness because you care about these new characters."
"The movie is very inviting, there's an underlying hope to it."
"It resonates on an emotional level, hits hard."
"Logan is stuck in this position where he has to take care of a child and an old man."
"Maybe even a revenge thriller with both them after all of the secrets have been uncovered in the previous films. A full-on ride of insanity that becomes Batman biggest test, mentally and physically."
"Personally, I really want Bruce to go through a grueling time trying to solve the crimes in this movie."
"You have the opportunity to do anything you want... and you're telling a story of the Black Panther Party for self-defense." - Melvin Van Peebles
"The film articulates an idea of the tension between our subjective view of the world and our faith in an objective reality beyond that."
"Up the ante: Make Freddy's victims the main characters."
"When you lose a main character, it's like all bets are off. Anyone can die in this movie."
"Blake rises into the darkness and Christopher Nolan closes off the greatest film trilogy with the greatest trilogy ending."
"It's more about her character and the same with all the other characters in this movie."
"Unlike Infinity War, Endgame doesn't feel like it's in any rush."
"The corrupt and self-serving Catholic Church was the real evil all along."
"Everything with her in the desert trying to just live out her life and figure out what the next stage was I just thought it was really expertly done."
"The beauty of homecoming is how it elaborates on that by bringing the familiar the high school drama and couple that with the hero worship of Tony Stark."
"The visuals are cool and it is distressing to know Cassian was forced to build part of the super laser that will eventually kill him."
"I think that opening the movie with this scene would have really set the themes of the movie into motion immediately."
"Everything is retained in the world of Captain Underpants and it takes itself just enough seriously and just enough unseriously for it to not take you out of the world."
"Resurrections is saying that while we may be caught in yet another loop of capitalism, things have changed."
"Being a replicant is not mutually exclusive from being a human. He's a dad, doesn't matter when it comes down to it. What a hell of a statement for a sequel 35 years in the making to itself make: stop asking."
"Rise of Skywalker was designed specifically to retcon... Force Awakens and Last Jedi."
"Unforgiven presents us with one overarching plot point that serves as the focal point of this story: the mutilation of a prostitute, Delilah."
"At the end of The Dark Knight, an innocent child says Batman didn't do anything wrong."
"I wanted more of him engaging, breaking apart Adonis's life."
"They actually lean into that in this movie and it's brilliant."
"Mildred Pierce is one woman's struggle against a great social injustice."
"Say what you will about this movie, but don't say it takes its time."
"Reagan this time around is the full-blown protagonist."
"I tell the story in a way where I'm searching for something which gives you deeper insight into an essence."
"Sophia and John are just faster saving your best chance of escaping alive."
"I wanted to portray these animals as noble, respectable, and competent."
"It's a zombie movie where the zombies don't want to turn others into zombies or eat their flesh they're actually the good guys."
"Helena represents everything Indiana Jones once was, a jaded Rogue more concerned with chasing fortune and Glory than doing what's right."
"Robert Downey Jr.'s final choice in endgame just felt like the perfect resolution for his character."
"So Dan Trachtenberg this is the story so it'll be said in the past where it will focus on native native americans before the territories were taken over by the american settlers featuring a first nations caste."
"With spider verse 2, it has all these ups and downs and Hills that you have to get through to reach a satisfying end."
"Iron Man was a movie made from scraps in a cave... This movie is an impossibility."
"There's a place for everybody in this movie, and everybody has a place."
"Spider-Man can kind of go off on his own in the MCU."
"Infinity War is fantastic, it's dark when it needs to be, emotional when it needs to be, and even nerve-racking."
"By the end of the film, she would never admit it, but I think she does learn to respect them."
"This movie actively does not pick sides, it doesn't say what side is right or wrong."
"It's a film about truth, about cutting through all the [__] to get to the truth of what we know, what we see in plain sight."
"New Voldemort was coming" — New Voldemort was coming Grindelwald is considered only second to Voldemort in terms of durable dark wizards.
"The trailer implies that Monarch is taking Kong off Skull Island to stop Godzilla who has gone out of control."
"I'm glad I got to check it out and I feel like one of the main stories that Steven Spielberg wanted to tell what this movie was Tom Cruise's relationship with his two kids."
"Join us as we dig a little deeper into the manipulative tactics that the Oracle used on Neo after he finally emerged as the anomaly."
"Arrival: explores how language determines our view of the world."
"I love it when a movie shows a snapshot of a city in time."
"Days of Future Past becomes the perfect X-Men film to tie the two main eras together."
"Black Adam is a movie about the Ascension of the everyday person, the regular people, the people who matter."
"Clint is able to turn Elena by repeating that whistle that she shared with her sister."
"The ending where you really feel something for the character is so harrowing."
"This movie is actually going to give the MCU a reason for why Spider-Man's going to be missing."
"Dudley's redemption from the Deathly Hallows part one."
"Although I was very sad to lose Yondu, it felt like it was a strong move for the film and the MCU in general."
"I hated that kill monger is killed meanwhile in a fucking of post-credit scene we see white ass Bucky Barnes having a Redemption arc in Wakanda."
"We can deal with magic in movies if it seems like it's actually serving the story."
"Sheila suffered through all of that and still has so much to give to this dude at the end of the movie. Okay, could not be me."
"It's not about a story, it's about a day and a night and some time in the lives of these people who are hanging out."
"The entire film is filled with tension that something is wrong and Mima is in constant danger."
"I was just so invested in this movie from start to the end."
"This movie is incredible... It's what makes you fall in love with apes."
"This movie is a dissection of grief manifested, of escaping your traumas, trauma itself."
"Yeah, I'm very glad that the final mother-daughter-centered story is what the film ended up being about."
"...if it's a very internal thing if you can find a way to indicate that that it's being pursued and that it's been achieved then you can that's dramatizing it you can make it and something that you can shape your movie around..."
"It's fitting that this movie using this whole 'fractured memory' device, because in the comics Captain Marvel's whole history is ridiculously complicated."
"Every movie has its own story; it's one big story but every movie has its own concept."
"The film follows this battle between flawed man and unkillable machine as Kyle Reese battles an unstoppable assassin in the striking form of Arnold Schwarzenegger."
"It’s a film that isn’t afraid to take its time, to let these soft moments permeate throughout, painting a portrait like a memory."
"It handles loss, grief, and revenge with the maturity and seriousness rarely seen in the MCU."
"It was the emotional conflict between Steve and Tony that centered the film and drove the Infinity Saga forward."
"In the Flash movies, Zoom would be the villain in the background but also in the ancillary other films."
"As outrageous as this movie is and an amazing spectacle it is, it's based in a lot of like truth."
"They brought a vision of the future that really had not been explored that much in movies until that point."
"I really dig the style of this, the energy, the time travel, what they did with this I thought was really smart and clever and creative."
"The story of the film is basically about two French Napoleonic officers who have a disagreement about something."
"A really good film needs a really, really good bad guy."
"Fate is a funny thing in film and television, and with it so often being decided with moments of despair, death can come at any time."
"What I pitched them was a family drama and a character-driven story that was wrapped in a kung fu movie and a martial arts film in a superhero movie."
"It's a movie that's not trying to play to the lowest common denominator or the broadest audience but just trying to tell that storyline."
"Every 30 minutes, it changes; you get a huge twist."
"It's all telling that story of... social verticality and just how impossible it is to traverse."
"The relationship between Lana and Clark succeeds in creating a new romantic chemistry."
"So we have no way of knowing if any information in the movie is complete or even correct."
"He rescues his father by the way, Pajo had a good point about the rescuing of the Father."