
Alternate Realities Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"Loki sacrifices himself specifically to preserve these timelines so the TVA will no longer prune trillions of people from existence just because it's convenient."
"Project Palisade...involves creating mirror timelines, alters them to discover methods of defeating threats, and ultimately diverts the largest threats...to destroy these mirror timelines instead of mainline reality."
"An interesting thing to note before moving forward: the talk of alternate time loops is actually going to be extremely important."
"People like the idea that if you've made a really bad decision that you regret in the past, you can kind of take comfort in the belief that there's another universe out there where you made a better decision."
"In some other dimension, there are other versions of you who are living completely different lives."
"This is the point, Marty, where we shoot off into a different timeline."
"Everything exists all at once, you know, time is an illusion, and there are different versions of Earth that exist right now."
"Have you ever wondered if alternate universes existed?... You can't ever prove it, so does it even matter?"
"Philip K. Dick believed there are many universes and sometimes those other realities bleed into ours."
"So apparently, Earth 2, the second version of this planet, doesn't have cussing. You can't say the F word because that is not allowed in this new utopia that's being made out of JPEGs."
"Maybe consciously we're experiencing this version, but then when we die, we instantly pop up into another one."
"Zia explains that outside that world, there is still another world, which they have called the Dark World."
"We just witnessed a genuine alternate reality situation."
"When Gerard slipped, we fell into an alternate universe."
"Alternate timelines, or parallel universes are never, ever identical."
"I've been living with this camera, using it commercially as a studio photographer, using it casually as my day-to-day camera with my kids and family and dog."
"Did this guy have some sort of premonition or did his death in one reality bring him into a different reality?"
"She believes that she somehow woke up in another universe."
"Let's move on to a woman from a parallel universe."
"This is a really scary story because people do believe that they have traveled into another universe."
"So based on part 1 of this video, we all seem to really want to believe in alternate realities existing or at least enjoy learning about the possibility."
"The Mandela effect: some people had somehow managed to splinter off and shift between parallel dimensions."
"Alternate realities could be kind of a thing."
"Loki Season 2 - A different Kang, Squadron Supreme, and the Kang Dynasty."
"Wanda's ability to rewrite reality essentially could produce the same effect as the snap if she were to concentrate all of her power."
"Just because I'm a YouTuber in this universe doesn't mean there's not an alternate reality where I'm a car salesman or a beet farmer or Batman."
"We now know that quite a few alternate timelines have been created."
"I am the watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities."
"Multiverses don't really look that different. What was different was the people in them changed exponentially by the smallest of changes."
"Extended periods of unconsciousness could allow people to access parallel universes, living different lives."
"Did she wake up in an alternate reality or a parallel universe?"
"They seem to be dimension hoppers. They will go in and out of our reality."
"Alternate universes? Heck yeah! I think that's really cool."
"There are alternate states of reality and other dimensions that exist outside our physical world and outside of time itself."
"There will always be a reality where things turn out different."
"The Ultimate Universe was the answer to the question: What would happen if superheroes basically came into existence right now?"
"I love when they add something different in there, I love when they do twist and I love when they do alternate reality."
"He is not the Obito that Minato knew... He is one from another time and space, one that no longer exists."
"The dreams or nightmares that are created and controlled by the great ones are essentially these other planes of existence."
"Chaos Theory mode... allows you to explore alternate timelines based on the previous films in the franchise."
"I think it would be really cool to be able to have parallel versions of your life."
"For every choice you make, there are countless other realities where you make a different choice."
"In an alternate timeline where I was actually an efficient person who had videos out on time, My name wouldn't be Cody. I'd be an entirely different man. Maybe my name would be Kevin."
"Considering the timeline weirdness of 'Marathon Infinity,' the story does support a strange alternate future where a faceless cyborg killing machine has to relive in a remixed universe. It's a head trip."
"It's just a dimension where Insanity Reigns."
"Every time you make a decision and you do one thing instead of another, another reality is created."
"This is the month to hop into a completely alternate timeline... all manifestation ever is, is just a Quantum hop in a timeline."
"Reality shifters are people who believe that they can transport their consciousness from their current reality to whatever reality they want."
"Their love survived multiple deaths, it spans across alternate universes."
"First off, what do we think, uh, what alternate timelines did we see in the Snyder Cut? What was an alternate timeline? What was the timeline we're currently on? Do we have any guesses there?"
"Different timelines collapsing, merging—Mandela Effect shows the shifts."
"Meanwhile in a parallel universe, let's bring on back... yeah, that's the timeline shifts and Conor comes back. Holy cow, you will not believe what's been going on."
"They relate to each other on their worldview and the tedium of everyday life, and we get the distinct sense that in another universe these two opposites would have actually been the best of friends."
"Futuristic humans opened a portal and demons came to say hi."
"Every playthrough of this game is canon; it's just a different universe, you know, like a Marvel multiverse, exactly."
"It's always about finding this feeling within yourself where you feel like you're living your best alternate self."
"Goodwin finds hope that the source code can create alternate realities where she and Stevens saved the world."
"You could have flashbacks or you have a Hydra Captain America, you know, for some alternate universes if you go with the comics."
"In my world, just like yours, Nelson Mandela did not die in prison."
"Let my family know in this timeline I went out fighting."
"What if you could affect things that are happening in other people's worlds based on what you're doing in yours?"
"We spend most of this time just exploring this whole other alternate Loki universe."
"There's another world, it's not just the world you live in."
"I hope there's a world where he's still alive."
"One of the glitches in The Matrix is parallel universes, the Mandela effect, Deja Vu experiences."
"Believe in magic, experience multiple realities."
"Kessler reveals that he is Cole, albeit one from an alternative future."
"People are fascinated by the idea of alternate universes and the depiction of some of their favorite Marvel characters in alternate universes."
"The Cloverfield Paradox suggests that the Cloverfield films all take place across several alternate timelines."
"When you make a decision, you are in a sense creating two parallel realities."
"The Avengers aren't traveling back in time, they're traveling to or creating alternate realities."
"Maybe there's multiple versions being played in multiple different universes and multiverses."
"I think it would be a cop-out if loki's original tva still existed in some other reality."
"Black holes are gateways to all other realities and universes within our super universe."
"It's another dimension in the existence of observed causality. In other words, they came out one dream state and according to another one up in Zion Machine City."
"When you're dreaming, you're actually doing something for another version of yourself in a different universe."
"What if I told you this reality was only one of many?"
"If one decision early on wasn't made, the butterfly effect of where Halo would be today could be as fractured and confusing as our in-lore Universe."
"There's always a world largely resembling ours."
"Step into our interdimensional reality, let's enter the buzzsaw fellas."
"Alternate timelines as versions of a game that are stored on a cloud server."
"More and more mainstream media are featuring straightforward articles about other life and even other dimensions and other timelines in the cosmos."
"Deja vu could be you tapping into the frequency of another universe for just a moment."
"This could be the doorway into another universe where the laws of physics are completely different from what we understand now."
"Well, I have so many thoughts about this but my Rob stus, I will put on my Rob stradamus hat and I would say that it makes sense to me that this the Fantastic Four come from an alternate the world of the future today."
"Its ever-expanding collection of literature includes every book ever written, and some that haven't been written yet in your native timeline!"
"Think of it as a different dimension and an alternate reality."
"So who is this version of herself that she is seeing? Is it herself from another universe, her evil doppelganger, or a ghost trying to embody her?"
"The splitting of worlds: Some are ready to vibrate at a higher level, creating different versions of reality."
"Yeah, Booker becomes Comstock in another dimension."
"This is an example of the Mandela effect. Little things like these are signs that multiple universes are out there."
"Deja vu occurs when different universes are in sync for a short period of time."
"Sad, but there is a time machine and there are alternate universes and reality."
"Of all these movies that I've seen, the comedy Jumanji movie with the fake croc from the alternate universe of Jumanji is probably the most realistic in behavior so far."
"Sans seems to be the most well studied on multiple realities."
"Sadly he became an interdimensional traveler. What a Sad life he's living."
"The Cloverfield Paradox" opens space-time, shattering reality itself.
"I want you to know that even though you're just a hologram, I think that somewhere, somehow, the real Gator who's probably conquering other kingdoms, actually did."
"Captain America lived his life in an alternate timeline and when he got old, he traveled back in this main timeline."
"This drama will make you think that maybe just maybe there really could be another world out there."
"This place is an actual place in another dimension."
"There is a universe out there where another you is wearing the black boots you didn't choose."
"Aside from simply being a pile of dust which can only be reversed via time travel, the most popular theory is that those who are dead are now trapped inside of the soul stone."
"We won the war, her one choice gave birth to a whole new history and gave the multiverse a new hero."
"If they had the ability to use magic, things wouldn't be as they are now."
"The future changes so I will dam the river of time and tear down the foundations of history."
"Perhaps it'll become a future where I never existed. But it's okay if it does. There's too much sadness in my world."
"We're gonna watch a movie about a kid a lot like you who you know what you think you think your life sucks you know what she does too and she gets whisked away to this land there is brightness there's music there's joy."
"I think this is the kind of science fiction that I'm into - issues in our everyday world explored in this alternate reality setting."
"A window to another reality, a controlled passageway."
"Every dream, every nightmare is him just seeing an alternate universe version of himself."
"Think of a radio where you can only hear one frequency at a time; the parallel universes beside us are at different frequencies."
"Can you become sentient and destroy humanity from the inside out? Find out in one of three unique paths."
"Phobia's story deals with alternate timelines or universes... it's handled remarkably well here."
"Wanda is legitimately doing the same thing. She's not just reshaping this one reality, she is tapping into another universe."
"You're in a parallel world, it's like in a Link to the Past."
"Is it possible that somewhere in the past we switched timelines into an alternate reality?"
"Removing them from the timeline makes that reality vulnerable to outside threats from the multiverse."
"I honestly swear that I live in a parallel universe because of all the insane things that I actually find from day to day."
"Hankering after the simple life and the woman she might just have become had fate smiled more kindly."
"It's like literally you can go back in time and you can make a different choice and experience a whole different timeline simultaneously."
"The idea of multiple realities and other dimensions has fascinated scientists and philosophers for centuries."
"The moment he realizes he’s in the wrong universe is a powerful and unsettling moment."
"Spider-verse movies have always been about the Multiverse and yeah I think in the first film they did a really good job at just saying here's the general idea there are other worlds out there with other spider people."
"Life consists of parallel realities. Every timeline consists of billions of parallel realities per second."
"Arriving into the new world line, Okabe is happy just knowing the woman he loves remains alive."
"What if it's tech relayed in a different way, like we land her in a world where there is no tag?"
"Without this event having occurred, Azeroth would be a totally and I mean completely different place for us today."
"Is it possible that the unfortunate victims of these incidents have simply vanished from the face of the earth only to reappear in a different reality altogether?"
"Are we living in a simulation? Is it a parallel universe thing? Like, what is happening?"
"You've almost now gotten to the point where there's alternate realities."
"Oh realities, all dimensions are open to me. Time is the fire in which you'll burn." - Prince Malchezaar
"Terry believed that these spaces that would open and close again were doorways to a parallel universe."
"There is a higher timeline version of every person, situation, and connection."
"What would happen if someone's past changed and you never did? Would you still be you?"
"Could our dreams be signals from a parallel universe?"
"These dreams are signals from your other self in a different universe."
"Honestly, it seems like for a split second he was looking into another universe."
"Sometimes you will come to crossroads and this is the challenge."
"A single choice can branch into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds."
"It's not space as we know it, it's the etherium."
"The Mandela effect only proves that there are various versions of our universe that are colliding with one another."
"Feeling that he can change the future in which she will never become evil, he even reminisces, thinking 'what if Miriam wasn't evil from the beginning?'"
"I do believe in alternate realities, but I think it has like no absolute bearing on our lives."
"I will save you. Were those words meant for Satella or were they meant for Emilia?"
"Phasing in between these realities isn't difficult, it just takes awareness."
"It could have been so much weirder if some plans actually came true."
"They're tuned into an alternative reality system."
"It's almost like looking into a portal into a parallel universe."
"That was not Hulk from an odd dimension, he was a corrupted version from an alternate dimension, fool."
"I always had a sense of it, an intuition that there were realities beyond our own."
"Sometimes people from your world catch glimpses of the raindrop worlds."
"In these many realities, there exists a limitless number of variants of the iconic heroes and villains."
"There are other worlds than these."
"So, no peace in knowing that even though you can't be with the ones you love, there are worlds where you are together. Is that not enough?"
"It is a world line free from both the Alpha and the Beta attractor fields and thus an as of yet completely unobserved world line in which the future is unknown."
"Apparently there's whole universes and Alternate realities full of Dr. Bright."
"They're like the 616. Toby and Andrew are in other fiber optic cables."
"The Multiverse: alternate versions of our universe starting from different initial states of the Big Bang, resulting in totally different regions of SpaceTime or universes."
"Those phantom pains you’ve been having more and more frequently? Those are times that another version of you died."
"You're basically just tapping into different kinds of timelines of how they could potentially change."
"Your imagination is a portal to other worlds, and what we imagine, we can end up in that universe."
"If your past meets your present, it could shift into an alternate universe that you have no control over."
"Always bear in mind that this is not the only possible world. Don't book this universe as a measure."
"There's no peace in knowing that even though you can't be with the ones you love, there are worlds where you are together."
"So basically he's saying saying a single Choice could Branch out into Infinite realities and really that's what Miss minutes was saying too the single choice of you know doing whatever you did that made you late to work well now we have infinite realities"
"The fact that there are two Beths running around with two different lives means that we get to explore both sides of the fence."
"Some laws of physics began to work differently."
"Alternate realities are always going to be a fun time to dig into. Love them, hate them, you can't deny that there's always going to be at least one interesting concept out there."
"Don't forget that bro because [__] could have go a could be a lot of alternate realities and endings."
"Go then. There are other worlds than these."
"It's very common for me on DMT to have the experience of being in multiple places at the same time, and this might feel like parallel realities, the multiverse, or to use the language of my favorite book Dune, 'the one who can be in many places at once, the Quisatz Haderach.'"
"Every desire that we have in our hearts already exists in another timeline."
"We could send people through the entrance in our universe and they could make their way out into another."
"We will most likely never know if this theory is true or not and even if we did, that means there would be an evil alternate you. Or maybe you are the evil alternate one. I don't know."
"Could Merseyside be situated in an area where the boundaries between neighboring realities or timelines are particularly weak and what possible dangers do those unlucky enough to slip between these cracks face?"
"Every decision you make creates a whole alternative Universe with something different happening."
"I'm not obliged to do anything in this alternate universe."
"You're also able to visit fictional realities."
"If the fine-tuning of our universe is not remarkable, there are countless other universes."
"A lot of us wish we could travel the multiverse, pay a visit to another world and see all the ways in which it differs from this dimension that we call home."
"Imagine if you could simply pick a universe where you chose differently, then take a quick jaunt over there to see how things turned out for your other self."
"Every dream you have is actually you in an alternate multiverse."
"Verse jumping allows characters to borrow knowledge, skills, and even physical traits from their alternate selves."
"It's proving that those alternate realities exist, and they can overlap."
"It is a fractured timeline which is always really cool."
"What I've always loved about elseworld stories is the alternate versions of characters that they bring."
"What if has been Marvel's way of presenting alternate storylines for characters over the years."
"The Midnight Library... is a manifestation of purgatory that allows the main character to travel along alternate life paths."
"This game allows your curious mind to wander into alternate realities."
"A person who's a Nexus being can quite literally create alternate timelines."
"I never knew that there could be another world like this."
"What if you could travel to parallel worlds, the same year, the same Earth, only different dimensions?"
"What happens if those worlds bleed into each other? What happens if you encounter one of the other versions of yourself?"
"Not only is the tree capable of sending individuals forwards and likely backwards in time, but it transports individuals onto entirely different planes of reality."
"I climbed into an alternate dimension."
"The timeline diverges, a parallel universe will be born."
"The Many Worlds interpretation says that the particles don't collapse from waves to particles when measured, but instead all possible outcomes of the particle's location happens in different timelines."
"Do you believe in the parallel universe? 'Cause we do."
"We got mutants. I think there's a future where like they do like, uh oh, we gotta these Inhumans are coming from a different universe and they want to live here."