
Character Death Quotes

There are 199 quotes

"Her death in Deadpool 2 was just genuinely heartbreaking."
"We don't want to end up in a scenario where we just end up not caring about what happens, 'Oh, they died? Maybe they'll come back in the future', instead of 'Oh my God, that character is gone. What implications will this have?'"
"Permanence in fiction is so important. If a character dies in a story, they need to be dead."
"The immediate desire when playing is that we don't want [a character] to die because that's sad and we don't like being sad, but the long-term aesthetic desire is for [the character] to die because it drives the conflict of the work and results in a more emotionally fulfilling experience."
"He was killed for shock value, and they were running out of ideas."
"The story of One Piece is set to end with the death of the main character, Luffy."
"If you're going to kill Batman and Superman, make it cool."
"The news of Mipha's death filled all the Zora with grief."
"You had two chances to make me care about a character's death and you fucked it up twice."
"Han Solo's death in the force awakens really impressed me."
"The way that Oda handled Ace's death and then Luffy going, just quitting and having to be carried out was masterfully done."
"Captain America remained dead and Secret Empire never happened, and it was the only death in comics that was never undone."
"Ned's death may just be the defining moment of Game of Thrones."
"Gravity Falls fans believe that there were several elements foreshadowing Stan's death."
"I thought he was really cool, his death was shocking, but that's what these types of shows should have, characters die, and when they do, it should be shocking."
"Would it have had more dramatic impact had Rhodey died? Yes, it would have."
"I don't enjoy having a character die in front of me and I feel all the emotions, you know? I'm shocked, I'm upset, I'm mourning them. It hurts. And then I turn the page and know they're alive because of reasons."
"In the end, it was Monokuma who ultimately killed Leon."
"The pure audacity that George has to kill not one but two main characters in the overall story is insane."
"The death of Luke Skywalker is the equivalent of the death of Superman."
"They really just killed off pops like damn 10 out of the 10. This is how you do an ending."
"I literally cried. This show really killed off the main character like that, wild."
"Finally, I want to say that the Joker's death was quite impactful and in my eyes well done however I feel like Arkham Origins and Night ruin the impact of that death."
"No spoilers, Bretton died so we have a slight hiccup."
"They wanted to kill Lara Croft, and so they did."
"Psycho... I've never seen a movie this old kill off the main character in the middle of the film which I thought was a very ballsy move."
"Neji's death paralleled his father's death in which they both died to choose to protect their loved ones."
"Gwen's death marked a watershed moment in comic history, giving death a profound meaning for a time."
"It's more surprising now someone stays dead. People didn't tend to die like this outside of origin stories, certainly not supports or love interests this close and so brutally too."
"Despite his ultimate soul power, he eventually does die during the fire in FNAF 6."
"The only way he could die was through burning."
"The celebration around the world when Joffrey died was incredible."
"His death was very emotional... he's just a good man who was looking out for the people."
"Death of Gordon Freeman in Half-Life Decay was planned but cut."
"I'm glad Tuesday's dead but I'm also kind of glad that Superman's dead."
"I think killing off a character is one of the rawest things you can do in any type of media."
"I did expect Aaron to die and the way it happened I was actually very pleased with."
"Tony's death marks the emotional high point of Endgame."
"What an interesting and abrupt way to kill a villain. Great death scene, great character."
"If it came down to it and two straw hats had to die I know we're getting really intense with this here but if it came down to it in two to die it would be Zoro and Sanji..."
"Character deaths are a storytelling device that used to be sacred and every time you undo one you're jeopardizing your entire story and need to proceed with extreme care."
"I can see him going to Valhalla. He's smiling, meaning that he died happy."
"Dewey had to die to make it real. To show that this wasn’t just some bullsh*t, cash-in, run of the mill sequel."
"But what makes it even more weird is that Jean Grey seemingly died in 2003's X2."
"DC killed Jason Todd off... this again basically began to solidify the concept in comic books of this triumvirate of sources to say in the realm of comic books there were only three characters that stay dead..."
"Loki's death was brutal and impactful, cleverly done."
"Ned Stark's death is kind of the conclusion of the introduction."
"Ned Stark's death is one of the like the those well done is all my favourite deaths ever a top 10 that's easy."
"Michael Corleone dies, slamming the door on the prospect of a sequel."
"The Batman is dead. Long live the best Batman ever."
"The only thing missing from this awesome trailer is Mothra who did die at the end of the last film."
"Dragging out Ochi's death feels more like torture to me."
"Denji had killed the gun fiend and Aki Hayakawa was now officially dead."
"The best moment in season 5 of the Clone Wars was Satine's death."
"If Rex Lapis has indeed been murdered, then Liyue is in great peril."
"Why can my teammates die but I can't in 13-2? Should Sarah or Noel bite the bullet, you can immediately switch over."
"I can't believe Theon went down, bro. Holy crap."
"When we see a player that can laugh off rolling three straight ones or even worse maybe even a character death that goes a tremendously long way for us."
"This game had the balls to kill off Aunt May again."
"Aerith will always be remembered for her surprising death sequence."
"Following the battle, Aberforth celebrated their victory and continued to run the Hog's Head pub until his eventual death."
"Marineford might be above Water Seven for me. Whitebeard's death... one of my all-time favorite moments."
"Aerith's death: sudden, impactful, unforgettable."
"Whitebeard’s death meanwhile rang in the end of this OLD era and gave rise to the NEW one, making space for Luffy and others to grow in."
"Oda doesn't typically kill off characters like significant characters but when he does when he does they're important."
"It's incredibly tragic and yet it also makes the movie that much more interesting, daring to kill off a lovable character and creating a dramatic choice for the ages."
"It's sad. Kerchak's dying, and that was the first time I learned that movies could affect you."
"The realization that Finn is dead recontextualizes so many of the emotions the viewer is grappling with and inverts them."
"It's the most brutal death she's faced so far."
"Jean offered her goodbyes to Scott, providing one of only a handful of instances where Marvel killed a character without bringing them back."
"The decision to kill off Debra and in the way that they did left a lasting impression on the fan base."
"Though his death felt random and done more for impact than because it made sense, fans were indeed shocked."
"I can’t believe Scarlet Witch had to die. I’ll never forget her."
"I'm so glad he died to that fricken crate dragon. Oh man."
"Kanan's death is the most powerful death scene in Star Wars."
"Having the Master announce his victory by dying and refusing to give the Doctor the satisfaction of redeeming him."
"What anime death left the biggest impact on you where you still remember to this day where you were when that character died and how you felt when they died?"
"Superman had always been one of DC star characters so when they chose to kill him in the early 90s it was a sensation."
"When a character is killed by another human character, the impact of that is felt so much more greatly."
"Luwin's death always makes me cry. Yeah, it's very, very sad. Such a great character."
"The mark of a good anime is if you get so attached to the characters that when they die you feel as though you've lost somebody in real life."
"Deaths of these magnitudes not only devastate fandoms but also spark hundreds of theories."
"Sasha, our precious potato girl, was killed by Gabi."
"If Naruto dies I want him to at least die before everyone in the village."
"Are we actually sad that Richtofen died? The good Richtofen, yes."
"Now you know women can't come back, Felicity's dead, star city's fallen."
"Loki dies pretty early on in Infinity War. Sets a very brutal tone."
"In this version of events, Tony Stark dies of the Extremis virus...okay, all right, that is extremel."
"Spider-Man Deadpool...Deadpool shoots Spider-Man in the head...really, he just walks, he knocks on the door and just shoots him in the head..."
"Cayde-6 is killed by Aldrin in a moment that shocked the Destiny fanbase."
"The tale of Old Man Henderson ended when he died."
"His transformation in terms of morality really comes to this final point where all is lost, including his own life."
"...it's revealed that Robin used to exist in the DCU but was killed by Joker and Harley Quinn..."
"It just felt weird that they're making these actors who actually knew this human being that played this character talk about their character's death."
"Adriana La Cerva: The death of Adriana was not only one of The Sopranos' most brutal moments, it was also the perfect example of just how cruel and clinical this world was."
"Finnick suffered one of the most brutal deaths in the series."
"Robert eventually dies in his hunting greens from a wound that he took in the woods on a hunting trip."
"The movie features amazing animation, a kick-ass soundtrack, and bravely or maybe foolishly kills off memorable characters."
"How do you feel about Chewy being killed by a moon in the New Jedi Order books? I thought it was an epic way for him to go out."
"The death of Gus is so ridiculous in a good way it's one thing I think the show did better than Better Call Saul in terms of the death of a main villain."
"I like John Wick kind of you know dying in the same way that I I liked Caesar dying at the end of the Planet of the Apes movies."
"I was a little bit sad when Vincent died."
"If they're so angry about Kang dying, maybe next time they shouldn't have banished him to the Flume realm."
"Jason Todd's death would go on to have Ripple effects on not just Batman but the Batman Mythos as a whole."
"He died right away, Optimus Prime was not playing any games."
"Irwin's death will never be shown, and that's probably for the best."
"Apparently I really like killing my characters lately, so hatch probably died."
"A character you followed from part one, dies in that same world. It rocked my world too."
"I'm actually really upset that Jean died."
"That the Peter Parker and his reality had died."
"The impact of a character's death in any work of fiction is vastly important to the story moving forward."
"He really gave up. I'm so mad that Leah died, bro."
"Kubo committed to having Yamamoto actually be murdered."
"If you're gonna throw an immortal combat character to die, make it be striker."
"You don't want people to think he just choked for no reason. He's a movie, you know. You want him to know why he's dead."
"Another bit of the movie's fiction involves the death of Arty Piscano who was based on real-life gangster Carl 'Tuffy' DeLuna."
"Clara's death in 'Face the Raven' was really well-written."
"I am so [ __ ] glad that Andrea dies this season."
"The only important deaths we got in the war were Neji and Obito."
"I feel like Oda is feeling more able to kill characters off."
"The death of a main character doesn't happen every once in a while in the main canon because it does."
"If somebody's dead, don't bring them back as a different version of themselves. Game over."
"I would have the movie end with Captain America dying Yes actually dying in this film and from being shot by Crossbones."
"I thought it was ballsy when showrunners will kill off a significant character especially if it has a narrative purpose."
"I feel about Sans' death here the same way I feel about Robert Baratheon and how he died in Game of Thrones. He has the kindest death in the entire damn series, getting exactly what he wants with no downside that he's aware of."
"Jiraiya's death: my personal most emotional death in any anime I've ever seen."
"Neji's death literally hurt my heart. I mean if you're going to take a character like Neji out, you have to do it properly. Him getting killed by a stick, come on."
"Almost every time a big-time character has died in one piece, their final words carry a ton of weight."
"When she died, we were all supposed to be sad... she went on to Game of Thrones and died... then she was in Black Mirror and died."
"I still can't believe that Prince Oberyn died like that. In what world does this happen? Obviously this one, but it's actually crazy."
"They killed James Bond in this one."
"What do you guys think of the death of uh Michael Ironside and Dizzy?"
"His controversial death is still hotly debated two sequels after his last appearance."
"The most impactful scene of this movie is probably the death of Joker."
"Tor's death was cool and was beautiful in a way."
"We probably killed more characters over a span of three years of production in a television series than probably any previous animated series in history."
"Naruto indeed is fine but Kurama on the other hand is passed on and we see the death of Kurama."
"I think that Arthur Dayne had to die there."
"Killmonger's death scene was so incredible, so impactful."
"I love deaths that you don't expect but then realize that they were the only possible thing that could have happened."
"The death of Ned Stark is really the end of that older generation of characters and the beginning of this younger generation."
"The death of Pennywise in the movie is a bit sad and kind of beautiful."
"When the light goes out of those eyes, when Kong loses his life, you see the passing of that soul."
"I did not think that they were gonna kill him off; I was so shocked and really upset."
"When you kill them off, I think you need to have a really, really good reason and tell a good story with that."
"The heart of the series lied in the shock of turning the page and seeing one of your favorite characters die."
"Casey is brutally slaughtered in Scream's hugely impactful opening sequence."
"Hans Gruber drops, and you can see that look of surprise on his face."
"It was pretty emotional... young Billy bit the dust and it was sad because Caroline was in pain."
"Characters don't die, but even when they do die, do they die? Because when does a person die? When they are forgotten."
"The New 52 Superman is dead, he's gone, he's never coming back, and this current pre-New 52 Superman is going to be the new Superman from this point going forward."
"I heard that it could be sassy at some points, but I was straight up murdered by this gothic drag queen pig just for being a delivery boy."
"I still can't believe Gisela is dead."
"Sasha dies, her last words are 'meat'."
"When Dobby died, it was the end of it for me."
"Bakugo's death being here is very potent and powerful because it kind of rings a big message."
"It's crazy to see Archangel just die like that."
"One of the most notable things was the death of Captain America."
"This is going to add to the persistence, everything I fight, everything I find, if our characters die, they permanently die."
"You walk out of that movie feeling like, man, I wish they hadn't killed him."