
Multiverse Concept Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Deadpool can go into any universe and prune an individual before they cause that timeline to branch."
"That's the weird thing, is like when you think of space and time, like the reason we have multiverses..."
"The concept of a multiverse has never been shied away from in science fiction."
"The show ends with Madame Webb saying she's still alive somewhere in the multiverse and she's going to help Peter find MJ finally."
"The multiverse already has our minds racing about the different possibilities we could see in the MCU."
"The Final Fantasy Multiverse is a fascinating concept that adds an extra layer of depth and richness to one of Gaming's most beloved series."
"The multiverse is big and wide and then all things grow."
"How does Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse succeed at the whole Multiverse storytelling thing where Spider-Man: No Way Home failed?"
"My little attempt to fix the multiverse of madness."
"Every playthrough of this game is canon; it's just a different universe, you know, like a Marvel multiverse, exactly."
"There are infinite Rick's and therefore an infinite number of realities."
"The multiverse in Hindu cosmology is perhaps as much a spiritual concept as it is a physical one."
"And now I'm surrounded by variants of myself, plus an alligator."
"You are the most powerful thing in the multiverse."
"But whatever the solution is, he who remains was right that the Multiverse cannot exist unchecked and unsupervised."
"The MCU is never going to be the same. We are now officially out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and into the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse, and anything is possible now."
"We literally saw Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs, Doc Ock himself, a blast from Electro, and Doctor Strange talked about how we know basically nothing about the multiverse."
"With how complicated the multiverse of madness sounds, it actually would probably be better to wait for Doctor Strange three for Mordo's return."
"The Multiverse allows us to feel all that weight in a visual way. It's a tool to explore something deeper."
"In the MCU, certain universes are closer together than others, kind of like the branching timelines that we see at the end of Loki."
"Project Pegasus essentially proved the multiverse, it was working with the multiverse."
"You had the universal code to do whatever you want with multiverses... the sky is the limit and they limited themselves."
"With this transformation knowing that if it wasn't for Sora, Ansem would have taken out the Kingdom Hearts multiverse..."
"The best example of a superhero Multiverse film done well is Spider-Man: No Way Home."
"The sequel to the 2016 blockbuster will, as the name suggests, take a closer look at the concept of multiverses."
"There's an infinite versions of the earth coexisting right now."
"To believe that this entire cosmological multiverse was designed and created for one tiny subgroup of a single species on one planet in a lone galaxy and that solitary bubble universe is anthropocentric ly absurd."
"I suppose the multiverse removes God, which I'd quite happily push him away."
"Aliens are probably real but the reason we haven't found them yet is because they're living on planets in other universes."
"In the world of Rick and Morty there are endless possibilities, endless universes in which to adventure, endless hilariously named aliens to meet..."
"It's the ultimate nihilistic introduction to this Multiverse idea where you do not need to live with the atrocities you commit at all..."
"A broken, fractured multiverse is more beautiful than one that makes sense."
"But now because of the multiverse and glitching, he's able to enter the MCU."
"We tampered with the stability of space-time. Multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little."
"The multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple universes together, these universes comprise everything that exists."
"Starfield is a story that wants to tackle the Multiverse."
"Heroes are forged in darkness, defined by sacrifice. There is still hope for the multiverse."
"Our emergent theoretical understandings of quantum physics and relativity give us Multiverses for free."
"Are you even surprised anymore? Like genuinely every time, it's a Multiverse."
"There's so much fun to be had with the multiverse... Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is going to crack it wide open in ways that will have repercussions."
"There would be no more worlds... I think that's why we needed a multiverse reset."
"The Multiverse hypothesis cannot be detected, observed, measured, or proved."
"The multiverse offers up a lot of things for the future and also gives DC the chance to kind of correct the course and get things all in place so that the universe and the mistakes of it are brushed to the side."
"Everything everywhere, all at once, was the best Multiverse film ever."
"I think that these are coming from alternate timelines, some of which we'll visit, most of which we probably won't, but the idea is that we can now, yeah, anything is possible."
"Our universe is not alone; there may be other universes. In fact, there might be new ones being born all the time."
"Multiverse, the new fad. Popular entertainment thing, like that."
"This whole series depicts the multiverse as shards of broken glass."
"From here you can literally enter in and out of any Universe in existence across the whole Multiverse."
"Superman Lois and Clark revealed that when Convergence ended, the New 52 Superman ended up at the beginning of the new 52."
"I think I tore up a hole in the multiverse or something."
"Last night you were in my dream. It wasn't a dream, it was another universe."
"Everything Everywhere All at Once is a really good movie because it's one of the only stories that introduces the multiverse and then actively acknowledges it."
"The Spider-Verse franchise is the superior Multiverse story."