
Spiritual Struggle Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"The struggle to spread Islam is the greatest form of jihad."
"Our struggle isn't against flesh and blood but against rulers, against powers, against world forces of this darkness."
"For you to leave off a sin that you crave is much harder and greater in the sight of Allah than for you to do a bunch of good deeds that make you feel good anyway."
"Don't let distress drive you away, draw you near. Closer, so that like Jacob, you say, 'I'm not gonna let you go until you answer me.'"
"Mother Teresa dealt with her Dark Night of the Soul by converting her feelings of Abandonment by God into an act of Abandonment to God."
"You got to go to your gardener Gethsemane and say if it be possible remove this cup from me but nevertheless not my will but your will be done."
"The greatest testimony of being a true follower of Jesus Christ is the war that's within you."
"The toughest opponent you'll ever have to overcome in the spiritual battle is the one you see in the mirror every morning."
"We wrestle not only with flesh and blood but with the gospel. We can stand."
"The temptations of Jesus: a timeless struggle."
"Every redeemed person is a sinner saved by grace who still struggles with temptations."
"It's not the will of God that people feel like God is ignoring and God is silent."
"For the Christian, our battle is now, our boxing is now, the war is now."
"Every time I found myself falling into sin, even in my walk with Christ and I found myself going back into sin, there was a direct correlation with how much time I was in the word."
"Our struggle is not against flesh and blood."
"It's like something has taken hold of your soul and won't let go. That's why you need to pray for Purity, repentance, and ask the Lord to break that tie once and for all."
"The enemy attacks your mind, and the mind is the battlefield."
"Are you living in sin or battling it? Bring it to God."
"Don't allow the enemy to have you question the goodness of the Lord. You will see, you'll see, God is good."
"The dismaying fact remains that Born Again Christians, including leaders, are experiencing difficulties that can find no solution in natural infirmities."
"I don't know of a more potent image to talk about my daily struggle to follow Jesus if not a surrender of desire."
"I made a decision... I am going to fight for my faith with my will."
"Your struggle of faith has been addressed by the grace of the Cross."
"The Christian battle is the first and primary battle every Christian faces is internal dying to yourself."
"If you're not a believer in Christ today, you're suffering that right now. You're being peeled back. For the believer, we're being reminded and we're actually being strengthened by this."
"What do you do when you feel like God let you down?"
"During times of trial, this theology is really spiritually discouraging. It can really steal people's faith from them."
"If it's supposed to work out, it's gonna work out."
"Satan wants to take away not only non-professing Christians but also believers."
"You gotta fight this flesh every single day and crucify it."
"It will be bad... the power of the holy people is going to be shattered."
"Stand firm because you have an enemy. An enemy that wants you to think that just because he is invisible, he is also fictional."
"The fight of faith is not fighting the devil, you're fighting to believe."
"The true jihad is to struggle within yourself to purify your soul and to fight your negative ego."
"The ultimate battle to win the spiritual life is to keep clinging to Jesus."
"The flesh is willing but the spirit is weak."
"Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you stand and shine your Divine Inner Light?"
"We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers with no bodies."
"If you're suffering in life right now, that is a kind of perishing. God doesn't even want that for you."
"This is a spiritual challenge for the heart and soul of America itself."
"Once you crucify the flesh and pornography addiction continues, then your problem is a demon."
"Your heart can be right with God, yet you may still battle with negative thoughts in your mind."
"Single-handedly Prabhupada was fighting material nature bringing the predictions of Srila Bhaktivinoda and Srila Prabhupada Saraswati to be true all by himself."
"The greatest jihad is the struggle against one's own ego, a necessary condition of spiritual life."
"Remember, the devil is the author of confusion - ask God for strength to move on."
"So there's an ongoing battle as a Christian with the flesh because dead isn't meant to be used in a clumsy sense of the flesh, but in a careful sense."
"Your greatest blessing is when God puts you in a wrestling match until you surrender."
"Real spiritual warfare is a battle for truth, it's not swashbuckling demons and binding Satan."
"It's real about the struggle between the spirit and the flesh."
"Jacob is the name that his father and mother gave him. Jacob describes a man of flesh, but Jacob also wrestled with God..."
"Feel ease when obeying Allah, and feel difficulty when disobeying."
"God did not create you to live in defeat, to struggle with sin, to be tormented by your wrongdoing."
"By the time the devil done with you he'll make you doubt you ever received it."
"Intense karma and facing that stuff, you're not alone energetically."
"The default posture of my heart without intervention from the spirit is doubt."
"Depression and confusion are not sinful, they're struggles and trials."
"Maybe I'm not worthy enough to be delivered... Maybe the level of Witchcraft that was in is just too strong for the people doing the Deliverance."
"Are you in a state of backsliding? Have you been slipping and sliding your walk with God and want to stop your backsliding now?"
"Every time the devil hears your feet Hit the Floor he needs to say oh Lord have mercy they're up today."
"Continue in the battle, continue in the fight."
"You wrestle with God and men and have prevailed."
"The reason we have so much difficulty with this is because we met the devil before we met God."
"We are experiencing a spiritual struggle of unique intensity. It's a desperate demonic effort to thwart the purposes of God in this unique generation."
"Often, we are pestered with that leprosy of the flesh that looks to means, to circumstances, to that which is before our eyes."
"You fall, you get back up, but you don't let Shaitan win."
"Martin Luther struggled with many spiritual issues but especially he struggled with the issue of the knowledge of salvation."
"In the Christian life, the greatest struggle is between loving God and loving oneself."
"He wrestled with God until the breaking of day. It's a profound image of the struggle in our spiritual journeys."
"I'm tired of crying about something that happened 12 years ago. I'm tired of struggling in this area. I'm tired of seeing people who don't even have the prayer life I have, who seem to be going further in life than me."
"Some mornings we'll wake up and have absolutely no energy to do any good. I don't want to go to mass, I don't want to pray. Isn't that wonderful? Because anything I do now, I know it's pure love."
"All of us, including our sisters, got to be aware of the devil trying to make us smoke or be wrapped in pride. We don't want to allow personal pride to take us down that path that Satan took. See, and don't think it can happen, you can get wrapped in smoke with pride."
"Why am I stuck? Why do I have these bondages still? I don't understand."
"Let's roll up our sleeves and get elbow deep into the muck with original sin."
"Our prayer meetings that we have are not to just be called a prayer meeting we ought to call them wrestling matches where we come in and wrestle with people to help them get the victory over things that torment the life out of them."
"When you become wealthy, the shaytan doesn't go away, he just changes his face."
"These three temptations lay at the root of all human sinfulness... Jesus goes out into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights and does battle with those three temptations: the temptation to pleasure, the temptation to possessions, and the temptation to pride or vanity."
"Prayer will become more difficult than usual."
"If this amazing thing happened, if we became this new creation in Christ Jesus, if we became full of life, righteousness, peace, we became all of these things in Jesus, then why do we still struggle in the flesh?"
"Indeed Satan asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat."
Paul says, "In my flesh dwells nothing good." This thing which contains nothing good, God has allowed it to remain with us.
"All this misery that you have been made to take on yourself because of your transgression will not free you from the hand of Satan."
"You received messages from the devil and he's invisible he makes you afraid you respond to that he tempts you and you respond to that he restricts your life and you respond to that."
"He can't take away what God has for you, but he can try to delay you."
"Mental illness does not mean no more salvation. Struggles don't mean no more salvation. Trials don't mean weakness in God."
"Guilt hinders prayer, guilt stifles worship, guilt cripples spirituality, guilt blocks the anointing."
"The inward jihad you can't establish justice in the world unless you've established order in your own self."
"The book of Romans is powerful. It's just struggling with how you can be in the world but not of the world."
"The true mujahid is he who wars with himself for the sake of Allah."
"It's possible to be saved, but to still be in chains."
"I didn't think I can get upset with God, but I did, I was just mad."
"Spirituality of struggle...spiritual journey in one word: struggle."
"I started praying that my husband would repent, would come back to God, because when someone leaves the marriage, they are in an act of rebellion."
"There just has to be many ways to approach the church. We want them to be sympathetic about us as we struggle along."
"Please take this away; I don't want to have these questions anymore."
"A true Christian is just as known for their new inner warfare as they are for their new inner peace."
"Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God."
"The struggle will not be for colonies and national rights but for the souls of men."
"Breaking up with my relationship with God was painful."
"One of the greatest enemies to the life of faith is forgetfulness."
"It takes some spiritual violence to fulfill your glorious destiny."
"The fight for our very salvation is just the beginning."
"Spiritual desolation is a work of the enemy; the dark night is a work of God."
"The great enemy of faith is the sense of unworthiness."
"Mara is functioning in various people's lives who are aspiring to the spiritual path."
"The basic teachings of Mani are that there is a dualistic struggle between what we might see as good light or the spiritual side of humanity, and the dark evil and material side of humanity."
"Intercession is a spiritual warfare birth in adversity."
"Pain-filled faith is not a shaking of faith; it's actually because of faith that these questions are emerging."
"When you see people struggling with sin, even after doing their best yet not coming out, it means there is a defect either in our understanding or in our communication of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"The greatest battle that believers fight is the battle between unbelief and faith."
"The devil does not want you to pray because he knows when God's people begin to get desperate."
"It's not a cry that you hear at night, it's not somebody who's seen the light, it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah."
"The blood of Jesus is enough, no matter what you're going through."
"I will tell you of the wrestle which I had before God before I received a remission of my sins."
"The spirit cried and rent him sore and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that many said, He is dead."
"Jesus, thou didst forgive me, but I can never forgive myself for such a sin as this."
"The kingdom of God, the Orthodox Church versus those who struggle against the church and seek to follow carnal desires."
"The spiritual warfare that began to take place in our home was crippling, but God kept me and is with me still."
"Anything that hinders me from dying to self, separating from the world, cleaning my life up, or entering through the narrow gates, anything that interferes with that is Satan's power."