
Religious Duty Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"Giving Dawa is a responsibility of every Muslim."
"Our obligation as Muslims and our right upon each other is that we make dua for those people that Allah, whose time had come and it could not have come a moment sooner and it could not have come a moment later."
"O people, Hajj has been written for you to this blessed home."
"We need to be busy about our father's business."
"Fear God and keep his Commandments, for this is the whole duty of men."
"We got to start being apostles. We got to start being vocal and explicit about what's wrong."
"We are no longer obligated to rules and regulations; we are now obligated to God."
"God needs his people to rise up like a trumpet in this nation."
"The church needs to wake up, pray, preach, and vote. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice."
"The Bible warns, we warn. We have to warn this generation."
"When God tells you to do something, you do it."
"At the end of mass, we are sent out to bring the good news of God into all things."
"Look at wealth as a means, not the end goal. Use it to serve the Deen and please Allah."
"God commands me to speak up against such things."
"Should you obey God or man? We ought to obey God rather than man."
"Every Muslim is supposed to be a part of the bigger society to make the society better."
"As Catholics, we recognize that we're responsible to tell everyone but that there's more to it than just 'I've done my job.'"
"There is no work that is more important than the gathering of Israel and the building up of Zion."
"He knew he had an obligation before God to pass on what had been given to him, and that was the old faith."
"God's job is not to glorify me, my job is to glorify Him."
"I think as I think we did something which is a matter of the first commandment, God will give us the power and strength to stay anything true."
"We are all called to evangelize, but it starts with our own family."
"Every Christian should devote his energies to the Great Commission and the Cultural Mandate."
"The job of the church is to legislate from up there to down here, to bring heaven into history."
"It is our job to consecrate ourselves and not to worry about what God is going to do for us."
"House Indoril: the legacy of Nerevar lives on in their devotion."
"He wanted me to give it to you. That's one of the jobs of the prophet, is to prosper God's people."
"We as pastors must speak the truth in love and speaking the truth also demands repentance."
"Either be a caller or you will be called cruel to Allah or you will be called by Shaitaan, that is the reality. It is dawah or destruction."
"Every single one of us has that responsibility to share the truth of God's Word with the next generation."
"You don't need man's permission to make disciples, to share the gospel with the world around you."
"The only question you have to ask is with whatever ability you have with whatever money you have with whatever time you have: are you being faithful to Jesus in those things?"
"Everybody evangelize people. You didn't rely on the great preacher, you did it yourself."
"The ministry of the people of God requires all of the people of God to do ministry."
"If you're not praying every day and sacrificing every day for good priests and bishops, you are part of the problem."
"The biggest responsibility of the Christian church is to be a Watchman on the wall."
"You're here, you're a preacher, it's time to be a witness with more than just being a good preacher."
"Decrees are a part of what we, as the ecclesia, are supposed to do."
"It's gonna be a sad day when we get to heaven and realize we had all these gifts we could have used on earth to advance the kingdom of God and we never ended up using them."
"You're fulfilling an ayah of the Quran; you took an opportunity Allah gave you to serve your parents."
"Together we can create an atmosphere of holiness where God's presence dwells." - Hebrews 10:24
"Qurans are not gonna fall down the sky, this job has now become ours."
"I hope you can see how important it is to accomplish exploits in these last days by being Watchmen upon the walls of Jerusalem."
"Our resolve to spread the message of the Gospel to the approximately 8 billion other people on Earth must be uncompromising."
"If we don't pray for the pope and who will and that's going to fall on us and we're going to be reminded on our judgment day."
"If we truly want to experience the fruits of obtaining Allah's pleasure, then we need to act now."
"Someone who strives to fulfill his role as much as he can within the Realms of Islam."
"Any Christian who actually believes that people are going to hell hasn't completely devoted almost every aspect of their life to telling people about Jesus."
"Thanks everybody for being here again. Our first duty under God is to be our brother's keeper."
"We have to help the helpless, defend the defenseless. This is our call as believers in the Most High God."
"In virtue of their baptism, all members of the people of God have become missionary disciples."
"I and the one who takes care of an orphan are like this Anjana."
"Recognize the warning signs and keep ourselves pure and holy unto God."
"Be faithful in what God is calling you to do."
"Delight yourself in the Lord, for duty is a delight when happiness becomes a command."
"Occupying till He comes, standing as soldiers of the cross."
"You've only got the time to do the will of my father."
"If you are a believer in God, then I don't understand this. Why? Because God told us to take care of this Earth."
"We're supposed to be giving the truth to the peoples of the world who don't know him."
"This platform is given you by God. So use it for God's work."
"You must not only save your own soul, but also help save the souls that God has placed in our path."
"If you're gonna call us, shouldn't your goal be to defend the gospel of Jesus Christ, to go forth unto all the nations, to follow first Peter 3:15 and be prepared at all times to give an answer for the faith that is within you?"
"We should be standing firm in faith and serving others in charity."
"Every Muslim, based on their ability, tries to perform their best."
"Pray the rosary, family. If you're a dad, lead your wife and your kids in praying the rosary."
"We don't need to please anybody on Earth, we answer to Allah."
"Help the poor for the commandment's sake. When you help the poor, you are in keeping with God's commandment."
"Every single believer is called to preach the gospel."
"It is our duty, biblically speaking, to be ready and be prepared to give an answer to all of these arguments that are being raised."
"Righteousness as a kingdom citizen is not a maybe, it's a must."
"President Russell M. Nelson has called this the greatest cause and the greatest work in the Lord's Kingdom today."
"You will never ever regret the privilege of being God's spokesperson."
"Christians are called to make a stand against that absolutely."
"Communicate with your children; they are an Amana from Allah."
"Preach the word, be ready in season and out of season."
"Present your body as a Living Sacrifice... which is your reasonable service."
"We are the ones that represent God on this earth."
"Pure undefiled religion: take care of the widow and the fatherless."
"You, son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel."
"Every one of us baptized confirmed received... we're all called to the heights of holiness."
"The conclusion of the whole matter: serve God and keep his Commandments."
"Being a preacher is a divine act of God, and you're not preaching unless you preach the word."
"This gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all the world as a witness against them."
"Manifest God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven."
"It's our duty to submit ourselves to God in all the events of life, happy or unhappy."
"Anybody who speaks about Allah is actually doing something to serve Allah and serve the people that got to hear something beneficial."
"No matter how much we are commanded to expose the powers of Darkness, we have to always reveal the light of the Messiah."
"We decide what's important; Allah decides what's mandatory."
"It is our responsibility to make sure that we can be the hands and feet of God."
"Salt fights corruption. It does everything in its power to stop corruption. Christians need to quit going along to get along."
"For Zion's sake, I will not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake, I will not rest."
"Keep your head into your hardship; do the work of an evangelist."
"The church better wake up and begin to occupy the culture."
"And in the church barely makes a peep, you understand? We barely defend what God has created. The world then because of the lack of us showing up to the fight, the world has carte blanche to redefine things."
"The promise is he shall have dominion, and he is winning the world. All the families are going to return. So my duty is to be faithful to preach the gospel, to win the nation to Christ."
"We just, you and I, love this country, and we're both fighting regardless of eschatology. Our fidelity to Jesus, love for my neighbor, demands I say something right now."
"Allah has a right upon you, your family has a right upon you, yourself has a right upon you."
"God is looking for special forces, not a country club."
"You are carrying the word of Allah that changed the world."
"You are more obligated to understand the Quran."
"We are all ministers together for Christ. It's your ministry, it's our ministry."
"As soldiers in God's army, it is our duty to put on the armor of God."
"Speak up for what Allah says, for it has rights over us."
"If we don't spend time understanding what Allah says, how can we carry on the legacy of the Prophet (saw)?"
"Ministry is loving God and it's loving people and it's doing that well."
"I'm anointed to do this okay I'm anointed to expose certain things to expose the kingdom of darkness that's what God annoyed to me for."
"President Russell M. Nelson recently said, 'I consider [education] a religious responsibility.'"
"He was deeply religious and he said as a U.S. Marine and as a Christian he felt he was divined to use his skills for God to stop the raping of the young people because that was the finest thing anyone could do."
"Anything that is an obligation from God, something that you must do in Islam, has an immense amount of beauty."
"One of the things Allah has put down for you as a test is, look, you gotta do your bit."
"You've been just like Christ for five years and so you take part in the judge and you judge with it."
"God called me to prepare the way, raise up the prophets and apostles."
"Remember who you are in His eyes. You are a missionary of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Pray the rosary. It brings graces to do all the other things we ought to do."
"If I give to Ryan because of the Lord, and he has to give to me because of the Lord, that means we're all balancing one another out."
"Now our life after we're saved is about loving our neighbors and honoring God."
"Jesus has called us to be his light, we are called to make a difference in the lives of our fellow men and women."
"It's not that you should become a priest, it's that someone must."
"Nervous is good... because you're speaking on behalf of the almighty God... you should be nervous."
"We are the body of Christ. Our duty, obligation, and responsibility is to create the blood of Christ that bears no violation, no inebrians, no intoxicants, no artificial colors and flavors, nitrates, nitrites, and shelf stabilizers."
"Respecting the position God gave man is not an excuse to do dirt behind the shade of the pulpit."
"I realized I can't do that in order to do what God has called me to do I need to make sure that I'm not running on empty."
"Our assignment is not only to prepare sermons but to be discerning enough to see what God is saying and to understand what He is doing."
"He's asking them to be morning watchmen to proclaim to the world a new dawn of hope, brotherhood, and peace."
"We should be doing everything we can to hasten his return."
"The Gospel must be preached in all the nations of the world as a witness as a testimony."
"Clerics are beholden to their deity... everything they do is to fulfill that goal."
"That obligation by the way is not to me, to you, to any bishop, it's to Jesus Christ."
"From the beginning of the New Testament church, Christians have been mandated to share the gospel."
"No matter what other people do to you, you're still responsible in front of Allah to be a good Muslim."
"Your primary role before you're a mother or a daughter or a sister or a wife is that Khalifa on this earth."
"There is a God in heaven who has told us what we are to do."
"Seize the moment to share the gospel with family, friends, and whoever the Lord puts in front of you."
"Are we valuing the gospel and are we sharing the gospel?"
"Catholic tradition recognizes the Pope's solemn Duty toward the immemorial liturgical practice of the church."
"Everything in heaven can be settled, but the job of the church is to declare on Earth as it is in heaven."
"Requirements include a focused and persistent effort to keep God’s laws."
"We owe the world an encounter with Jesus Christ."
"Deliverance is incomplete until the delivered deliver others."
"And continue to pray and continue to march forth in this. It's His people who He wants to speak His truth and speak His word."
"Baptism is being reborn in the death of the waters and being reborn in Christ and we would absolutely be remiss and honestly I would say bad if we wouldn't want to give that to our child the second that we could negligent."
"Serve the umah any act you can do that gives the umah clarity to guide them gives them safety gives them security gives them a sense that this tie really is sacred you are serving the cause of God."
"Staying away from Mass is a failure to do a work of Mercy."
"We are called to stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters, to intercede on behalf of others."
"Be determined and promise to Allah when you grow up then you will spread the message of Islam, so we let the people understand what is the purpose of their life."
"The men were to work and give every bit of their money to the church."
"I'm doing full gospel ministry, spiritual warfare, equipping the ecclesia, exposing the enemy."
"Jesus's consecration was centered on action: doing His Father's will, working His work."
"As a Christian, my biggest concern is preaching the message of Jesus."
"I have an obligation, and I want to fulfill my obligation. I can't lie. I can't hold it. I can't cookie cut it. It's the truth. Jesus loves you, but you've got to repent before it's too late."
"We are the ones Allah has given that assignment, the role to be the moral leaders for Humanity."
"Are you being faithful to what God has called you to be and do in this world today?"
"Sacrificial giving, Father. Remember how I have sacrificed for your kingdom, for the widows, for the widowers. If you take me, who is going to do it? God will think about it and really see..."
"Time is almost finished, my friends. Every moment is His and we are under the most solemn obligation to improve it to His glory."
"Let's persevere, let's reach out to these people one more time, let's reach out to these people on behalf of the Lord."
"We are fighting a spiritual battle; we must put on the Spiritual armor."
"Christians must support Israel because the Bible teaches that."
"It's not a Christian's job to just walk around the world and be tolerant, it's a Christian's job to combat evil and to combat falsehoods."
"Be people who establish justice and be witnesses for the sake of your Lord."
"Whatever God gives us is a tool to be used to further the will and kingdom of God on this earth."
"We prioritize the rights of Allah, the goal, the vision Allah has given us as Muslims."
"When you start speaking against injustice, when you start being the church... those things are going to happen."
"Take every opportunity to serve God in every season of life."
"The gospel must first be preached to all nations."
"Since Christ also declared, 'If ye love me, keep my commandments,' clear and specific obligations clearly rest upon us."
"It is not your job to grade it. It is your job to declare it. And at the end of the day, the Holy Spirit will do exactly what He will do to get people into His kingdom."
"Giving in Jesus name, no matter what the target is, always the answer."
"We need to keep the commandments without stain or reproach until the appearing of Jesus Christ."
"There are plenty of texts in scripture that appoint us to the church's duty to engage in the public square."
"We gotta watch and take this Bible seriously and go teach our people. That's the true warfare."
"You are a spiritual diplomat, representing Christ in the kingdom of heaven."
"We are God's co-workers. We are co-workers in the kingdom of God."
"Becoming that beacon for God is our duty from day one."
"It's a matter of justice, right, that we go and worship our Lord."
"As Christians, we are called to be faithful to Him who is always faithful to us."
"The real action needed is for this ummah to wake up, to actually be someone that Rasool also can make shafa'a for on Judgment Day."
"Those who preach the gospel should make their living by the gospel."
"Spreading the gospel is a commandment that God gave you know that it wasn't a deed it's a commandment you do."
"If you have children, your primary concern is to get them to heaven and not just get them to heaven but to follow Christ's command to make them disciples." - Emphasizing the spiritual responsibility of parenting.
"God tells us to defend yourself as well because your family and your life and the life of the innocent people is sacred as well."
"That's just my anointing, the mantle that I carry, to make sure that I walk this line."
"We have to evangelize them with zeal, it is the greatest act of love."
"If we don't share Christ with them, who will?"
"It is our calling and our privilege to proclaim the full truth, the undiluted truth, of the Good News."
"The Levites are unique and set apart not to be counted amongst the tribes of Israel because they serve God above any tribe."
"In Islam it is the sacred duty of every Muslim to take part in the Hajj at least once in their lifetime."
"Our kingdom assignment is not elevated or suspended by the occupant of the white house or the majorities in the U.S. congress. Not even the supreme court of the United States can suspend God's directives to us."
"Every single person is called to go ye into all the world and preach the gospel."
"Anytime we assist another person in moving toward the exaltation and eternal life, we are involved in the Gathering of Israel."
"The priesthood of The Church Must in its activity be directed toward the truth and ever preserve itself from diminishing the claim of divine truths and their luminosity in the world through inactivity and human respect."
"All the baptized are called to the full level of holiness."
"There is an assignment coming for the church to prophesy, not just vocally, but creatively."
"Fear Allah... do not separate, I need your opinion."
"We are responsible to God and to each other to do our part."
"Looking for the Lord, right? Isn't that one of our duties? Is to look up, for your redemption draws nigh."
"It is an obligation on each and every one of us, a religious obligation, to have sufficient knowledge to do whatever is required of us in a way which is pleasing to God."
"If you're called to be Christ's minister and you're asked to be king, how dare you step down from such a high position to such a low one?"
"Wearing the full armor of God isn't a suggestion, it's a Divine command."
"Our function is to affect the politics and the policies of the earth."
"It's time to put on the armor of God and take dominion and authority in Jesus' name."