
Media Bias Quotes

There are 761 quotes

"The amplification and normalization of the agenda of the powerful, that no opinions can be allowed into that space."
"The dreariest effect of this war has been to teach me that the left-wing press is every bit as spurious and dishonest as the right."
"None of us knows what's happening on the ground because it's just wall-to-wall propaganda from at least five different...interest groups who've all got a stake in skewing the story one way or another."
"The New York Times knows its base of support, so they would never [__] concern troll around abortion in this exact same way."
"The problem with our world today is not that humanity is bad; the problem is a negativity bias where the worst of us are on mainstream media."
"Unfortunately, some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think. This is extremely dangerous to our democracy."
"This detailed research shows unequivocally that the overall tone of coverage in the western media has been pro-Israel."
"You look at who gets targeted. That's how you should judge a person and judge a news organization by."
"Taylor Swift's media coverage shows a clear double standard when it comes to how the media and the public treat men and women."
"Most of the media is left-leaning, so a lot of the conservatives, their voices aren't being heard."
"You're only reading media that tailors to your particular belief system and within that content, you're not being exposed to any other ideas."
"Sean Hannity came out and praised Chris Cuomo. Chris Cuomo did nothing wrong here... but let's be clear, if this were somebody on the right shouting at a protester and threatening to throw them down the stairs, it would be another in the line of data points proposed by the media that the right is too violent."
"Furious liberals demand CNN fire Obama advisor Van Jones for saying Trump doesn't get credit for the good things he has done for the black community."
"The mainstream media in this country overwhelmingly is deceptive and is lying to us."
"The establishment has a left-wing bias, the media has a left-wing bias. It's a fact."
"The media have a narrative...that it's gun ownership that is the problem, not a function of culture, family structure, or anything else."
"The media shows that they have a bias towards certain players that come from certain backgrounds, especially Black players."
"If you share a common goal with the person whose literal job it is to do spin for the White House, you're not a member of the press; you're a member of the lapdog media."
"It's not about the event itself, it's 'here's what's going to piss you off about the people that we are vilifying.'"
"I hope this opens up a conversation of how little press coverage typically missing people of color get in the media."
"I don't want a conservative media. I want a fair media."
"Will you even get to see the information you want to see, will you be able to fight back against the misinformation put out by the left if the left controls all the sources of informational dissemination?"
"Media everywhere is mostly liberal... we've become political activists in a sense and some could argue propagandists."
"The press are indeed incredibly biased when President Trump smacks the press around, sometimes it is justified."
"Media bias comes in two forms: it plays a role in deciding what news is and is not covered, and also in deciding how that news is covered."
"Senator Johnson: 'The bias in the media is revealed far more in what they don't report than what they actually do report.'"
"China did not cover up anything about the coronavirus. That's Western propaganda."
"This crisis also exposed what we have all known existed, but we tolerated. The bias of the media, the suppression of academic freedom on campuses, the lack of neutrality in big tech, and now, more obviously than ever, the politicization of science."
"The left now believes that there are no boundaries when telling lies, omitting the truth, or misrepresenting facts when telling the news because their end justifies their means."
"It's hard to ignore the fact that it seems to be very convenient where the corporate press focuses their humanitarian impulses and where they don't."
"Nuance, patience, fairness are usually cast aside to feed into what people want to see and hear."
"We wanted to show a human face of China... We didn't set out to do that from the lens of 'Oh, this is so unfair the way it's portrayed.' We just wanted to show reality."
"Watching only Fox News makes you less informed than watching no news at all."
"It's not what the media tells you a lot of times that's the real story; it's what the media doesn't tell you that's where the truth often is."
"Between the top five largest newspapers in the United States...they've had a total of 10 successful defensive gun use stories...at the same time, they had over 2,700 gun crime stories."
"These people want this kid to go to prison, not for any matter of justice. And let me tell you, shout out to Anna Kasparian, she says I was wrong, she admits she bought into the false Rittenhouse narrative."
"When you give the patina of objectivity to a subjective decision to ban prominent people, what you are actively doing is deceiving the public."
"Words matter, they told you but they selectively edited the president's words over and over again."
"Demonizing an entire group of white teenage boys just makes it worse."
"The facts are indisputable the part that they will dispute including the mainstream press who is the biggest advocate for establishment politicians like Joe Biden..."
"If there is a decline in institutional trust in America... it begins with the media." - Ben Shapiro
"The media were more focused on protecting Joe Biden's electoral chances than reporting the news to you. It is simply that easy."
"The bubble of communication dominance that the left has created creates these illusions."
"When cnn and fox news and all the media agree with each other we are in deep propaganda."
"We live in a world right now of media companies who cherry-pick what they want."
"We are completely moving beyond the fact that a woman was holding a knife and trying to murder someone else, and we're trying to turn her into a saint and the police officer into the devil."
"The censorship that is going on in this country right now by big tech and by big media is almost as dangerous as the election fraud."
"Worldstar is the hood news; if those videos were on CNN, we wouldn't point the finger the same way."
"No one in this country has been a victim of unfair media coverage more than President Donald Trump."
"The media have just been, when folks say honestly when folks say that the media is unbiased I don't know how you could possibly say that."
"The only time Christianity today has ever received a kind word in the press ever is when they came out against Trump."
"The stories are taken down not because they are false but because they are true. The closer to home we hit the more truth we reveal the worse it gets nothing stops so many insiders it's happening now."
"If you're not hearing both sides of the story you're not hearing the truth. I mean that's the that that's what you should just accept you're hearing propaganda."
"I think Vic will be the winner, even though I think the media is going to say Nikki Haley's the winner."
"This story has to get out there. It's important that we see the double standard here."
"Media coverage sets a dangerous precedent with uneven defamation standards."
"If the media covered any of this stuff in even-handed fashion, the gap would be smaller." - Ben Shapiro
"It's really disheartening to think that a lot of us could be classified in the not Jessica's body category as opposed to Jessica."
"Mainstream establishment media coverage really just never wants to go for obvious reasons."
"The only objective voice in a world of bias."
"Drama drives interest... an epistemic bubble you can argue that people are kind of trapped in an area where they only get like a certain type of news."
"If Joe Biden had the cognitive glitches that Donald Trump has had over the last two weeks it would be 24 7 on Fox News every single day."
"If it's a black shooter, the media never covers it. That's just how it is."
"The New York Times is way more comfortable profiling the charming, affable Nazi."
"They're claiming oh we're just reporting the news when they have a very clear angle."
"This is the road to that a western mainstream media never tell people."
"If our news media abandons objectivity for this idea of mission driven storytelling and resistance, well then we no longer have objective reality."
"Social media is the new media now because whenever stuff goes down with news stories especially with black people there's a media blackout they will not tell you certain things that's happening live."
"The majority of news since the war began is skewed by systemic bias towards Israel."
"Never rely on one source for all your information, including The Young Turks."
"Virtually nothing the liberal says is true, and the lies are so brazen, so aggressive and unending..."
"The media's narrative is obviously driven by politics more than it is driven by data."
"There's only two types of treatment from the media: the AOC treatment and the Trump treatment."
"The video game industry needs a course correction. It needs to stop attacking its audiences with stupid braindead articles and tone-deaf opinions."
"He basically says whatever the hell he wants and the media just treat it as though it's a moderate thing."
"If this were violence against Biden supporters by Trump supporters, it would be front-page news."
"Don't let YouTube decide what information you get. That's your choice. YouTube is deleting our videos and cuts you off from a source of honest reporting."
"The fact is, it's not that the media are pro free speech..."
"If the media are sunglasses for the Democratic Party agenda how can you trust what's behind the sunglasses?"
"It was absolutely disgusting what the media and also Phil's defense team did to Lana's name."
"Black women are not being listened to, that the community is not being listened to, and that people prefer to listen to police departments and white news outlets."
"When you're missing a white woman, oh, it'll get reported like crazy. But if you're black and missing, it takes protests, a lot of yelling, and screaming."
"Believe all women narrative of the left breaks apart in this story."
"Trump feels unfairly under attack, and he is right about that."
"The media treats Republicans unfairly, 100% that is true."
"The biggest mistake that you can make in media is claiming to be unbiased."
"You can't live politics in a vacuum, there is no totally neutral outlet."
"The media falsely frames things, making money to get the mob all angry."
"Business Insider wrote their story as if he was guilty of a crime."
"Disney isn't keeping their leftist politics to Twitter either."
"It's really easy to destroy someone's career when you buy into a narrative that wide swaths of this country are wrong."
"We really, I think, should be concerned when these companies that represent themselves as neutral platforms are actually exercising editorial control and pushing particular political viewpoints."
"It's a complete disgrace that we're more likely to get more matter-of-fact news about America from British and Australian news sources."
"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." - Malcolm X
"Once you get that label the only thing these reporters are doing is finding ways for you not to be yes in his category so they're not even evaluating your game for what it is they're evaluating your game for what Michael Jordan is."
"She gets no credit from the media but from the people."
"One of the things I really can't stand about this cycle is how the media finishes Biden's sentences for him."
"The U.S. media covered protests in Cuba far more negatively than in Colombia, conforming to Biden's foreign policy agenda."
"Rox News was telling everybody this wasn't racist at all."
"Everybody is spinning, ladies and gentlemen, the job of a journalist is to cut through that spin."
"Every movie has some liberal propaganda nowadays."
"Non-biased news has always been an illusion."
"We've abandoned all notion of any kind of Truth, and now it's just simply a battle of Spin and narratives."
"The media wrote article after article attacking me... simply because I was black."
"That's presented as balance and that's not balance at all."
"Black lives apparently only matter if they're killed by a white man, and it's politically driven in some sort of strange way."
"The media is totally fine with anti-white racism."
"Everybody has an agenda on YouTube and Twitter."
"Military professionals should provide expert advice, not echo media predispositions."
"Just this week a massive protest broke out in Ireland over immigration most of the media called it a far-right protest but did anyone actually bother to ask the average Irish citizen what they were most concerned about."
"Most black people shouldn't [have an issue with it] because when you think that he's simply being racist then you allow them to paint the picture that it was only black people in the streets acting like idiots."
"The reason the New York Times dedicated this much space to it is because this is part of a hard push by the left in advance of the 2020 election to silence right-wing views."
"If you believe that Google and YouTube and Facebook aren't going to elevate left-wing sources above right-wing sources you're out of your mind."
"But the democrats especially the ones in california turn a blind eye towards corporal Ronal singh who was killed by an illegal alien gang member who we hear the story time and time again."
"The Democrats have a narrative right now and the media views their job as defending the narrative at all costs, facts be damned."
"The mainstream media and social media are also working in lockstep to censor any and all doctors, scientists, and investigative journalists who have an opposing view."
"There's not a spate of black people killing five-year-old white children, so that really should not be a national news story either."
"Reaction channels… showcased YouTube's favoritism toward copyright holders."
"Does the media have a favorite extremist group to dump on and a favorite extremist group to protect?"
"The presumption among journalists and the media class is that censorship is already what people want."
"It's a bit Rich to be like they targeted this... give a realistic view of it as well."
"The media only shows the violence, not the whole picture."
"The media pretends not to understand a joke when they want to demonize the person who said it."
"Every film is going to have bias because it's going to be told from a certain perspective."
"The media has effectively become propaganda."
"I really did want these students to hear a different perspective when I know they're not getting from the professors or from the media."
"This is the type of people that they protect and then the media just goes along with protecting a black indigenous family from the eviction in the winter."
"So yeah, Steven Crowder has to put on his big-boy gun holsters, sit in an air-conditioned studio, and make his half-assed, racist points in the safety of his own bubble."
"The stories of the working poor and even the working class are invisible in the media landscape because commercial advertisers don't make money from them so the media doesn't report them."
"I find it so discouraging to cover a game where only the preferred creators get to have exclusive access."
"American Media is politically biased as well."
"Bias isn't just in how you describe things, it's what you cover."
"Chinese media is only biased, and it's biased one way—it's all about blaming the West and praising the Chinese government."
"The media soft pedaled Antifa for a long time."
"If you see the letter CGTN, know that it's [ __ ] it absolutely is from the Chinese government."
"Enough with the bothsidesism crap that needs to go."
"The media has a dual narrative when it comes to mass shootings: one, it's guns' fault; two, it's whiteness' fault."
"The media love themselves some Beto. They see a white kid who grew up extraordinarily privileged, but they love to think he's the cool, considerate guy they want to be."
"History is written by the victors, and now, through political correctness, today's media are as rotten as those of us with common sense know was true history."
"It's just tribalism in general. I remember something that really disappointed me was, I went on a bunch of right-wing shows and I stayed liberal, you know?"
"Democrats have never had to answer a single difficult question about their own policies."
"It's clear that independent media is not that independent, put it that way."
"Evidence of election fraud mounts as the mainstream media and Democrats loudly insist Joe Biden is still the 2020 winner."
"No media bias it's just astonishing I love it so much in the New York Times doing yeoman's work to prove just how ridiculous they are every single day."
"The media sided with Biden against their own colic."
"Do you think the Legacy media and state agencies sometimes cooperate in order to create a narrative?"
"So the rule is in our media and in our International Politics as it turns out that if you mirror the priorities of the left then you can pretty much do whatever you want so long as you're not caught on camera doing it."
"Project Veritas caught him on camera talking about how he is a socialist and how he buries particular stories in order to achieve particular purposes basically admitting the truth about how the media business works."
"I think that's a good point but I think media in general tends to call it the extreme right."
"Most content produced is either politically left or slightly to the left."
"I think that the story of how the media has overplayed its hand every single day of the Trump presidency is the fascinating one."
"Every single time, the story that we get from the media and these Black Lives Matter police shootings are verifiably false."
"The media keeps lying through sins of omission and commission."
"The media are doing yeoman's work to demonstrate exactly where they stand on all of these issues."
"The media cover the funeral for Soleimani but not the bravery of Iranian protesters."
"Nick Di Paolo has always reviled the left, political correctness, or what we know today as cancel culture."
"They really try to twist everything into a race thing."
"The major media like to pretend that all women think alike and that conservative women are just the exception that proves the rule."
"Many outlets have since grappled with the flaws of both sides journalism uncovering conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, or just flat-out misinformation coming from government officials."
"Both side-ism or false balance is a phenomenon wherein a media outlet portrays differing facets of a debate as having equal merit when in reality the factual evidence is strongly stacked on one side."
"This makes me incredibly angry and aggravated because what they're doing in a lot of the articles that I'm reading is they are framing the argument to prime the pump for you."
"Every major outlet has found a way to be negative about this."
"They would make a sponsored content article and choose a woman that was a feminist."
"If people are taking money from the very entities that they're supposed to be critically covering, they are submitting themselves to the bias of the for-profit incentive."
"Suddenly Fox caring about the environment trying to smear Taylor Swift because she flies on a private jet to her concerts."
"He deeply loves your reporting and Rebel News... because we have been his most frequent and fair journalists."
"This Obama gate scandal is the biggest one of our lifetimes and it's not getting any play because the media are corrupt."
"I like to kind of talk about the glass we can have full though because the elections in LA county and actually nationally were completely contrary to what the narrative was talking about this year."
"This video is the problem. If obvious racism is being sent to a black actress and the response from all of conservative media is to go, 'Actually no there isn't, it's not racism and if it is it's fine,' that's the actual issue."
"The article tries to paint the father as a bad person and that being with the father is bad for the kids."
"It's our position that the media should not be making decisions about their guidelines to us about social distancing based on political ideology."
"It all has a bias. Even the best, even the 'quote unquote' impartial media, even NPR. You should always be asking, 'Is there another perspective?'"
"The line between commentary and journalism has been blurred."
"Many on the left watch mainstream news and don't watch independent alternative or conservative news."
"If the video of what happened is biased against the prosecution's case, that's because reality is biased against the prosecution's case." - Michael Nolis
"It's kind of wild how much [ __ ] you can get away with when you are a right-wing reactionary and a virulent racist."
"Tom Newton Dunn went to Marlborough, his parents paid about 35,000 a year to educate him, and he's just become this horrible sort of establishment creepy stooge."
"Smollett concocted a deeply flawed hate crime but the far left immediately rallied around him regardless of the facts and instantly made him a hero."
"Mainstream media equals an arm or an extension of the D Party? Nothing to see here."
"We have a good friend Patrick Lancaster that can definitely tell you that that's not the case."
"This isn't about clickers folks, this is about gay propaganda."
"The Press are acting in cahoots with this Administration."
"As we move toward the election, you can see this narrative being set up...it seems as though almost it doesn't matter how the election goes... Democrats and media and the left would like to tear down the system."
"The total amount of white supremacists in the country according to I think the ADL I'm not sure it's like 10 000 people not several million like the media is lying about."
"Fox News spent infinitely more time in one day on a celebrity not endorsing Trump than Trump's former vice president saying he's not going to support his former boss."
"News outlets are actually getting shut down, the conversation gets silenced. Regular people are sitting there watching CNN with only one allowed opinion."
"Right wing news for right wing people; sour apples for sour people."
"Maybe you should take a look at his sort of stories he propagates instead of lying about the people who are doing the very thing he accuses them of not doing."
"He finds enough information to confirm his narrative of leftist media pushing the destructive agenda and then he moves on confident that his audience won't do the basics to fact-checking."
"Every story nowadays is framed to appeal to our inane prejudice and personal bias."
"I'll never get the benefit of the doubt. No, you know, if I was on, if it was the Don Jr. laptop from hell, oh yeah, it would be a serious problem."
"They vilified him and they knew what they were doing and they knew why they were doing it."
"I understand that the attacks against Jeremy Corbyn were politically motivated."
"You can't come to me and tell me I'm radicalized when I'm like these are the long-standing American traditions that have been around for hundreds of years."
"Let's just call it what it is here: the media has blatantly blacked out people like Tulsi Gabbard."
"Why is the corporate media showering Elizabeth Warren with attention?"
"They haven't stopped selling hate Russia since I was born."
"Somebody smashed a window at a CVS, and Jeff Bezos just became the world's first trillionaire. Guess which one we'll frame as a danger to the public."
"I really despise anyone who wants to disparage Russia as some kind of dystopian capitalist and imperialist regime."
"Mainstream media ran with that story: 'Black men are the problem.'"