
Global Politics Quotes

There are 412 quotes

"The empowerment of NATO, the empowerment of world Banks, and the WHO, it's extraordinary."
"Artificial intelligence is entering... You just have to imagine, it is reshaping global politics."
"Western financial, military, and industrial resources are such that if the will is there, Russian victory can be severely complicated or even averted."
"The world has changed, and let's think about multiple actors and not just two of them."
"The fate of the world depends on us giving enough of a [__] about American democracy that we not only save it for our own country but we shore it up as the leading alternative to the ever-growing autocratic movements gathering steam around the world."
"China is doing everything right to become the new global superpower."
"Iran is just coming, you've got ideological motivations that are completely different."
"The Indian intellectuals and the American and Western intellectuals need to work together to fight wokism because the global left is very unified, and the people who are countering the global left are not unified."
"Even if the current aid levels are nothing compared to what the United States could hypothetically do, by the standards of just about everywhere else in the world, the request of 60 billion dollars for 2024 is enough to make a major difference in the way the fighting plays out."
"The rising of a great power to challenge an existing great power represents a dynamic of utmost importance."
"The world's peace might just depend on the neutrality of these swing States."
"Saudi Arabia's central role in the stability of the global order of energy is very important."
"Even in China, there are people who are able to get the word across. Even in Russia, people are spreading information. These old boomer-age world leaders are dragging us towards nuclear annihilation, and they're too stupid to realize that half of the world has moved beyond this insanity."
"Maybe if our leaders in the West had had even a modicum of humility and prudence, perhaps we wouldn't all find ourselves today on the brink of World War III."
"We live in such a video game at this point that they literally went out of their way to crown him with the United Nations 2030 sustainable development goals."
"African nations are no longer passive actors; they are proactive creators of their destinies, challenging historical imbalances and shaping a future based on self-determination."
"Ukraine is without a doubt winning the information war."
"This is the new Cold War. On one side, Xi Jinping's strong authoritarian China; on the other, the US and its allies."
"The economic rise of China is one of the most important developments of the 21st century and has a profound impact on the global political order."
"A multipolar world is one in which people have to negotiate rather than reaching for their rockets."
"It seemed like democracy was on the march... even places like South Africa, which had been mired in a bitter conflict for decades, transitioned in the early 1990s to a multi-racial democracy."
"Davos is a grift and a cult but it's also a bid for global domination."
"The best thing that ever happened to Vladimir Putin was Joe Biden becoming president."
"Standing up to bullies is crucial for global democracy."
"The US needs to find a constructive role to play on the global stage among all other nations."
"When the shadow cast by Washington becomes smaller, the dawn of Peace becomes bigger."
"There is a new China and there is a new world."
"It's always been seen as a deterrent, right? The idea of getting a nuclear weapon is just to be a deterrent. It allows you to elevate to the world stage."
"When the powerful forces that hold the current world order together abdicate their responsibility or abstain from that responsibility, then other people will attempt to fill that void."
"Vega Punk's contingency plan will hamstring the world government."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the end of an era...the whole world is reverting back to nationalism and national trading blocks."
"Everything we see about this Ukraine war is about the collapse of the Old World Order."
"Now Russia is a little bit in a pickle here because they are at war with some of the top 10 strongest countries in the world."
"The world cannot be free until China changes."
"Just as we fought to build our rules-based international order, so are we now fighting to protect it."
"It is extremely important that Putin does not win."
"This war is really a war of autocracy against democracy."
"We do not want tyrannical regimes to expand or become emboldened or oppress more people, period."
"Aggressive action that establishes deterrence always bears the immediate short-term risk of retaliation, but non-action bears the risk of a completely reshaped world map."
"Is nuclear war indeed no longer the unthinkable?"
"The West, if they want to be the World Police, need to make sure this stuff doesn't happen."
"This is a much more significant moment than people realize for YouTube, for all of social media, and for international politics."
"In the battle between democracy and autocracies, democracies are rising to the moment and the world is clearly choosing the side of peace and security. This is the real test."
"It's becoming a kind of... an elected world government that the people never asked for and don't want."
"China is important because China is emerging as a global superpower that is rivaling and challenging the U.S."
"The great reset is leading us towards a new world order."
"It's incredibly important for us to pursue peaceful coexistence with Russia and China."
"Putin knows it, Xi Jinping knows it, and here we are. This ideology is one of the main reasons we are seeing this."
"South Africa's role within BRICS becomes a conduit for reshaping global power dynamics, fostering a more balanced and inclusive international order."
"South Africa's strategic alignment with BRICS, spearheaded by the collaborative efforts of Russia and China, marks a significant move to challenge Western dominance on the global stage."
"The game changer would be if Vladimir Putin unleashed a nuke... that then I think takes all of this to the next level."
"The reign of Davos is ending... a weakening of globalist power structure."
"Trudeau has become an exemplary Junior leader for the World Economic Forum."
"A group of strong democracies will work together."
"The European Union wants to project power to Africa to Asia, they want to be a kind of competing empire alongside the United States."
"This is not just about Ukraine. This is about the control of the world."
"Why was Africa kept marginalized and away from world matters?"
"China is pursuing its global ambitions more aggressively than ever before." - Former Vice President Mike Pence
"My level of existential threats come mostly from global governments."
"China is becoming a more significant shaper of the global economy than the United States."
"President Zelensky's rise in world politics is not temporary; he'll survive the crisis."
"Democracies are rising to meet this moment, rallying the world to the side of peace and security."
"Donald Trump has to be stopped the guy has aligned himself with authoritarians and dictators around the world."
"When sanctions lose effectiveness, it gives rise to reserve currencies and creates a multi-polar world where new alliances are formed."
"It's a disguised attempt to impose global communism."
"We're exporting to dictators around the world the ability to say fake news and delegitimize the independent media."
"Whenever you created the vacuum somebody else will show up... today that'll be China probably tomorrow that will still be China."
"There is a new Cold War on the horizon but instead of oil the space race or nuclear weapons this one is being fought through the penetration of currencies."
"Institutions and regimes, all across the world."
"Putin's the number one world leader right now."
"We shouldn't be involved in hundreds of small wars throughout the world."
"Nuclear war isn't cool, and you know, it's heading in that direction."
"This has been the principal purpose of the United States and the world, to strengthen institutions, to limit what countries can do against human rights, to promote democracy and freedom in the world."
"Unlike Communist China, the US stands for a free and open global system where all nations can prosper in accordance with shared values and long-standing rules and norms."
"China's economy is the size of New York State. China, and this is not the Chinese people, this is this kind of radical cadre of the Chinese Communist Party."
"No nation has done more to advance the human condition than the United States of America."
"China tries to impose a political system or a vision of the world, whereas United States still does."
"Every nation on earth is [corrupt] and let everyone play the game."
"As I understand it, we're trying to prevent World War 3."
"This is an opportunity now for presidential leadership, the world is desperately crying for presidential leadership."
"The powerful appeals for help from Ukrainian President Zelensky have touched hearts and minds across the world, even bringing veteran interpreters to tears."
"We're in a competition for freedom in the world."
"Our goal is to remove the evil ideologies of both fascism and communism from the entire world."
"It's a struggle on the global stage between democracy and autocracy."
"It's a bad look for the world government. It might convince countries that the world government isn't an entity that they should be a part of."
"But with the help of our allies and our fetishist fiefdoms we are sure to prevail and save the world from belgian independence."
"The desperation I heard from some people... I can't separate that from a context in which you have the world's largest superpower making it really difficult if not impossible for their country to survive."
"We're in the end game now—the world government's on the move, the Marines are on the move."
"A country without credibility cannot be the leader of the world." - Miles Yu
"The U.S sanctions war is now starting to enable the Russians and behind the Russians the Chinese to press forward more vigorously."
"It'll be a war by Society against these Powers, the whole of democracy trying to defend itself."
"The initiative does not lie with the Free World; it lies with the autocrat who will choose where and when they want to play this game."
"We're playing checkers and Russia's playing 3D chess."
"It's seldom that global power shifts without conflict."
"Modi is a really impressive human being, a transformational leader for India."
"The democracies need to respond appropriately if we are to stay democratic."
"You can either fight the battles when they are far away, or you can wait until global powers have decided."
"Globally, it is hard to understate the importance of the Afghan-Soviet war to the prominence of Militant Islamic Fundamentalism."
"It'll be as if the great powers need to sit down with themselves and recognize the fact that the policies they are pursuing are going to lead to the end of the world." - Dr. Ira Helfand
"China is trying to take control of the internet, and that would probably not be in the best interest of the world."
"Days from war, will this spiral out of control into World War Three?"
"We need all continents to rise up in defense of the rules-based order."
"It's about containing all the global South, keep them there. Because what China did, you know why China invested so much into the Belt and Road initiative..."
"The more a free world entity invests in China and helps to strengthen this anti-free speech, anti-liberty, anti-soul communist party, the more it's not about money. It's about fundamental human values."
"Welcome to a multipolar world where the earth is no longer the property of a sole superpower."
"We're not gonna have a world war three, it's all in the figment of imagination of the internet."
"The urgency... an attempt for global domination... a fight for individuals to retain their sovereignty."
"It's not a choice between the U.S. and China, but between freedom and tyranny."
"The goal of the New World Order is one-world government, no religion except theirs, no borders, and no presidents."
"What we're talking about is a control system that is going to be implemented in a global coup d'etat."
"Do you know who has the largest navy in the world right now? China do."
"Out of these troubled times a new world order can emerge... a world in which there is the very real Prospect of a new world order."
"If Ukraine loses the war, the whole Democratic world is losing."
"A superpower is defined as a state with the ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale."
"The United States- currently the world's sole superpower- fits this description."
"It's very clear that China, North Korea, and Iran are all supporting Russia."
"The New World Order merging the west and Islam is the prophetic iron and clay."
"Anyone in the world that doesn't accept the will of the world government, in goes the world army to sort them out."
"Britain and Germany could truly stand as an unstoppable force on the global scene and monopolize geopolitics as two halves of a whole superpower."
"I believe we're in a moment history is going to look back on... as a fundamental choice having been made between democracies and autocracies."
"Stronger together: China, Russia, and Iran forging alliances."
"The best we can hope for is a multi-polar world."
"The coronavirus reshuffled the global order."
"America is the primary target of the globalists because we are one of the only countries with the means and the numbers to stop them."
"Global power centers are going to fight to the death over remaining resources unless we stop them."
"If we get the mix just right, we might be able to bring order to the chaos and end war forever."
"A strategic effort to challenge and reshape the current power dynamics in global politics."
"We have a president who is bringing peace throughout the world."
"We are witnessing the brink of a new world order, a great reset."
"We're moving towards a multi-polar-backed system."
"Out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."
"I think that what this shows should send a message to Donald Trump, message to the rest of the world."
"We're reaching a level of warmongering that is beyond terrifying. The only objective worthy of pursuit is peaceful coexistence."
"March 20th, 2003, President George W. Bush officially announced the beginning of the Iraq War."
"Governments are no longer the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage." - Klaus Schwab
"Mr. Putin has played the world democracies and free markets like a fiddle."
"This is a moment of truth for Britain and its allies over whether it is possible for the democratic world to peacefully coexist with China."
"This is not a rivalry between the United States and China. This is for the soul of the world."
"It's actually working out pretty well for them I'm not sure it's working out for civilized society and for democratic societies around the world."
"This is a war between two systems: authoritarianism and democracy."
"This new 11-member bricks will control it will include six of the top 10 oil exporting countries in the world and 80 percent of global oil production."
"Trump went toe-to-toe with the globalists in their own house."
"For a lot of countries in Asia and elsewhere, it's almost like the world can't be into when the US is kind of torn."
"Distractions on the global theater... all add to a volume of things that the West has to deal with."
"Two-thirds of the world's population either live in countries that are neutral to or supportive of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine."
"We are at war with Islamic fundamentalism because the fundamentals of Islam really are a problem."
"The world needs somebody who's willing to stand up to China."
"China's military is growing, and we need to respect that."
"This is about China taking the world stage as a sole global superpower."
"At no point is that mirror ever going to be held up to people in China and in other countries who are hostile not just to the United States but to our values." - The importance of accountability and self-reflection.
"Control of the world: World War One was merely the first salvo in this clique's attempts to create not a reordering of this society or that economy, but a new world order."
"I want America to be the 800 pound gorilla in the room on the global stage."
"The critical steps taken to reshape the world order."
"China now recognizes that this era of interdependence might step back."
"Anthony blink's face is an expression of that Anthony blink's face shows us that the American Empire is in fact crumbling that there is nothing left that it can do to salvage its um to salvage its power to salvage its hegemony."
"The collapse of the liberal Global Order hasn't made the world a better place."
"The number of democracies in the world has begun to drop dramatically."
"The first question should be, how do we create a situation through which no country in the world would ever dare attack the United States?"
"Russia is interested in being a stable and positive multi-polar force on the world stage."
"Forces of resistance are increasing, and that is good for people around the world."
"In 100 years, we will live in a world with a dominant Chinese superpower."
"We're trying to rally a global coalition to combat Russian aggression in Ukraine."
"President Woodrow Wilson went to Paris to help rebuild a new world and advocated for the independence of colonized nations."
"We're in the middle of an AI arms race, in the thick of a literal nuclear arms race."
"There is going to be a world order. There is such a thing as a liberal world order. We are living under it."
"Competition from China, and Russia now, in a decoupling of these two great centres of economy, power, military, from the West, has increased the variance of possible Western outcomes."
"You know the US has never cared if they destroy the world over these wars."
"Right now, Zelensky is arguably the leader of the free world."
"Who caused this attack if we are going to help our allies?"
"I think Putin, you have to take his threat seriously...this is not a bluff."
"We need to be taking every action that we can to stop the fighting rather than to let it play out on whose terms."
"We're not rooting for anything other than total peace talks."
"But there's no shade of grey in the way that Russia is promoted and presented in the global media by global governments because all governments are ruthless our governments manipulate but the global perception of Russia has been way way out."
"The recent incidents involving white immigrants in Africa have brought to light a concerning double standard in the global perception of racial issues."
"In the new global order that is the way I see it... both the United States and China fully understand that New Delhi, India will play the role of the pivotal."
"Look at what they've done to Ukraine, dangerously close to direct conflict with Russia."
"China is almost at another level... an example of a country prioritizing sovereignty over universal values."
"It creates a better balance of power, checking the worst impulses of any individual nation."
"The absence of Putin... Will completely eliminate the global catastrophic threat facing the modern world."
"It's not about black and white or left and right. It's about globalism and nationalism."
"The defining struggle of our time is autocracy versus democracy. We need to be on the side of democracy."
"Democracy defending liberal democracy at home and abroad."
"George Soros had organized the overthrow of Mosovich just like he had organized the overthrow of the Eastern European Communist governments."
"You're watching the beginning and the birth of the New World Order."
"What's happening so crazy crazy news yesterday was that all the Middle Eastern uh countries have cut the oil supply."
"President Trump is the one who stood against the communists, fought the globalists, and took on the military-industrial complex."
"We just have to keep informing people, speaking up about it, against it, and trying to encourage people to see that multi-polarism is an alternative."
"The biggest threat to individual freedom in the world today is not a bunch of woke poseurs in the United States, it's the Communist Party of China."
"My fear for the last several years is that what started out as a trade war will turn into a tech War, and then eventually morph into a cold war."
"It's statistically impossible for Western media to be 100 percent right and China to be 100 percent wrong all of the time."
"The Chinese would be delighted, the Russians would be delighted, the North Koreans will be delighted... and that's not good for world stability."
"President Chakera raised his voice at the UN General Assembly about cancelling African nations' debts."
"National sovereignty everywhere around the world is under attack by these amendments put forward by the USA."
"The ultimate goal for the New World Order is to destroy nationalism and the greatest nationalism and threat that is not totalitarian as or it wasn't were traditionally white countries."
"It's never a good bet to be against the U.S."
"This is not another four-year election. This is nationalism vs. Marxist globalism."
"It's not just happening in Johnson, it's happening in authoritarian figures all around the world."
"Are we witnessing the beginnings of a new world order?"
"Last year when the war broke out, Hurst predicted it was a turning point in global politics signaling A New World Order."
"As governments continue to head towards the direction of one centralized worldwide government, we're going to continue seeing Tremors in the financial system."