
Philosophical Reflection Quotes

There are 763 quotes

"What we're watching are the fruits of spiritual war."
"Be careful when fighting monsters, lest you become one, for when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back."
"Darkness is where everything was created. We wouldn't know light if it wasn't for darkness."
"We are never alone. Interconnectedness can never be taken away from us."
"Death is just another path, one that we all must take."
"Maybe it is all love. Maybe love does win after all."
"We know nothing about the things that we know the most about."
"The main message of this advertisement is not that we are here, but that we were once here."
"Fiction can change the world; this ending breaks the cycle of fictional games."
"When life ends, it gives off a final lingering aroma. Light is but a farewell gift from the darkness to those on their way to die."
"Life is not going back to normal because I believe normal was an illusion."
"The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."
"Read it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same."
"We have this relationship to the cosmos; it affects us physically as the tides do and planting cycles, as well as the cycle of women and fertility."
"This belief that the oppressed class only seeks revenge against its oppressors relies on the assumption that one must only be able to exist within its reflection."
"Funny how karma worked, isn't it? Funny how things come around full circle."
"Understanding our place in the world and our place in the universe."
"It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when."
"When you spend so much time looking at the sky you forget that the ground is the thing that's supporting you."
"He can't accept that all things die... even the most beautiful of things eventually come to an end... he is in the end powerless to stop it."
"Evil is never truly gone, but neither is good."
"One of the great lessons of history is that it repeats."
"Politics is not the end and purpose of our being."
"The entire franchise is one long meditation on the nature of human consciousness."
"I don't think that people are good or evil. I think they're both."
"Maybe this is how it all ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper."
"It was the good themselves that felt and established themselves as good."
"There's something majestic and bigger than us called what? Truth, the quest that we never possess of truth, but the quest and the condition of that truth is to allow suffering to speak."
"The illusion of meaning is all we can get, then I guess that has to be enough."
"There's always a lighthouse, there's always a man."
"The truth is the truth, there's no changing it."
"It's not about reality, it's not about moments like this."
"The thing that has been is the thing that shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done, and there is no new thing under the Sun."
"The dream of utopia is always better than the reality."
"Endings and Beginnings are ending and beginning now."
"History repeats itself twice, first as tragedy and then as farce."
"Trends may be fleeting but values are timeless."
"Yes, it is true that you likely would not be here today if history had not unfolded exactly as it did."
"Science and faith do not contradict, they're like two lungs that breathe together."
"If you think you're just a drop in the ocean, what is an ocean but a multitude of drops?"
"The path to hell is paved with good intentions."
"Intelligence, curiosity, compassion for our fellow man, and hope are something that exists within all of us."
"Let's just be more humble and modest and assume that we are not privileged."
"The only lasting truth is change... god is changing."
"Welcome back, Explorer. Surely, you didn’t think it’d be that easy, did you?"
"All these imperfections that we have are actually this vital part of the universe that keeps the universe in perfect harmony."
"Everything that humanity has done on this planet is in pursuit of happiness."
"Grace has nothing to do with the receiver of the Grace. Grace is always in the heart of the one who gives it."
"All good and bad things must come to an end."
"Remember, whatever you do, you do it because deep down in your heart you believe it is better and more lasting."
"The living embodiment of love. That's the only thing you get to take with you when you die is love."
"Humans are imperfect... we can't create perfect systems."
"What I think is important is not when you see happiness but when you don't see happiness, the absence of it."
"Ultimately, the film is about the value of human life, no matter how inconsequential you may seem to others or even to yourself."
"When do you just say, I'm tired of all this bullcrap?"
"Any trait that sets humanity apart from the animal kingdom when examined closely doesn't actually set us all that far apart."
"History doesn't exactly repeat but it does rhyme."
"Pain is not always a bad thing, pain is not an evil thing, suffering is not exactly an evil thing, it's kind of just a fact of life."
"Life deals its own karmic cycles and lessons."
"It's an incredible opportunity to be born in a human body."
"The road to hell is paved for bad intentions" - it's not that they are wrong, it's that they're evil.
"A single action, no matter how small, can alter the course of the universe."
"Humans are odd but there is grace in their feelings."
"History may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes at times."
"We're actually now, we went so far past Eden, we're actually now back in the garden."
"Things that are false, things that have a short lifespan, they're not going to last."
"You can't take your life, it's not yours to take."
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... all of these moments will be lost in adaptation like tears in the rain."
"Death will always win, even if we are clever and are able to outwit him, longer than most. He cheats."
"When you lose your values, you lose yourself."
"Sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same."
"Do you trust in your wealth? That's wrong... you're gonna die someday and leave it all behind."
"There are moments when the good becomes bad and bad is good."
"Life is tragic, but it's also beautiful because it's tragic."
"The universe works in fractals and it starts at the micro level - you the individual. In order to create change we must stop funneling these companies our energy."
"Next time you take life too seriously, just think about the Hercules Corona Great Wall and think again."
"Life is a precious gift from our creator. We are all part of one large family, the human race."
"You don't make mistakes, mistakes make you. First of all, makes no sense. That makes no sense, right?"
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."
"Nothing, absolutely nothing happens without a reason."
"Some things can't be rationally explained, right?"
"I dreamt I was a butterfly. I couldn't tell I was dreaming but when I woke I was and not a butterfly I was at I and huh."
"Burning at the stake was a particularly gruesome form of execution."
"The duality of man, folks. The yin and yang of life, huh?"
"Death isn't always this like evil thing in a weird way death, I guess can represent life, right?"
"My takeaway from the debate: human knowledge is extremely fragile, especially when we decide what the axioms are."
"We have to reaffirm the innate sacred value of every individual human life."
"Maybe the real cyberpunk was the friends we made along the way."
"At the end of the day, we are just walking each other home."
"Love is the purest experience humans will ever have on this planet. I think love is why we're here. We need more of it always."
"If you attach yourself to weakness, you become weak."
"The Millennium will prove once again that our problem is not our environment, but our nature."
"Life represented by the sun is or can be, at least for a little while, stronger than what represents Pluto."
"To love is the most glorious thing we can do."
"From rigidity to softness... a thought that water, there are so many references to water."
"Human beings are the most remarkable product of the universe that we know."
"Ultimately, we're not even these people every single person that Jesus healed in the end guess what happened to him they died they're not here."
"If you play the game of your enemies and you win, you win their game. You don't win, that's not victory."
"Congratulations on whoever wins because it will matter. Nothing matters."
"Everybody ain't Jesus, and that ain't the way."
"Embrace each moment, live each day, love each other, and in so doing, you'll find me, for I am you and you are me forever intertwined."
"Even the worst people thought they were doing good."
"We're in this amazing position where we're still within the human metaphor."
"At the end of the day, this should be about how you feel on the inside."
"But the point is, this is all pointing to something bigger."
"Remember, the first shall become last, and the last shall be first."
"The most entertaining outcome tends to be the truth."
"At the end of the day, it's all about results. The impact of your life is what matters."
"We should not think of self-relevance and other relevance or self-love and the love of others as separate opposing things but as interdependent and interdefining things."
"We've got to stop asking what is the universe done for me. It's sort of embarrassing that we've taken this thing of infinite complexity and we've decided that it's about humans."
"Life goes on, maybe they can give you a score here under your life and but something that seems like a loss in one moment becomes like a victory later on."
"Wow, there's that expression that life imitates art... maybe art imitates life."
"No one asked to be born and so wouldn't it be good to make life a little nicer on people."
"The real issue is not what man can do to man; the real issue is what's happening as a result of man's activities on the earth."
"Even after all of that, human beings at the end of the day will always be imperfect."
"We are visitors, imposters maybe, paying someone who is already here a visit."
"Happiness is temporary and purpose is joy because joy is internal."
"Light cannot see inside things; that is what the dark is for: minding the interior, nurturing the draw of growth through places where death in its own way turns into life."
"It was always going to be about us in the end."
"Life is so complex... sometimes it's just everything."
"It's not a choice, it's a funny world we live in."
"Two seemingly contradictory things can both be true simultaneously."
"It's one reason why when you talk about elevating these things, I just imagine more human dignity."
"If we were all the same, thought the same, looked the same, and acted the same, how lame would that be?"
"Life is like that, every now and then suddenly an important question gets in your way."
"History doesn't always repeat itself but it does tend to rhyme."
"Sentient food is hilarious to a point, but then it undoubtedly always gets dark if you think about it for even a little bit."
"The power is not to be in control, the power is to be one with everything."
"There is a kind of beauty and inexplainable perfection in how temporary and limited everything is."
"The wilderness is in some respects the opposite of civilization, but also there's a sense in which we carry a bit of wildness in ourselves as well."
"Memory just matters because it's part of a good human life, because it contributes to the flourishing of prudence, which contributes to the flourishing of the human being."
"Love alone is credible... do you love your brother?"
"Even monuments in stone were just sand castles to be washed away."
"The only thing of value in this world is whatever part of it you look upon with love."
"If their lives of pleasure then maybe we've maybe we've done something good."
"Powers can get so expansive that they lose their soul."
"Love is god. God is love so 16 is literally god's love."
"Something that can be bought is not a real treasure."
"Maybe there's some truth to just because you think and talk about it enough it becomes real."
"Reflect on the philosophy of love and compassion."
"Ultimately in the grand scheme of things, nothing we do really matters."
"Wrong no but can members within it be wrong absolutely and can large groups of members be wrong yes."
"If there was love, there would be no evil in the world, there would be no violence."
"Don't be anxious. Can you add a single hour to your life by being anxious? It sounds like him."
"Sometimes there are these really bad things that you don't want to have happen to you in life but yet... good can come from them regardless."
"Nothing was stronger than true love, the real strength in all of us was love."
"Life has always been and will always be a mirror."
"Maybe perfection is not supposed to exist in the real world." - Mark Rober
"People are rocks in your way sometimes. They have their own nature, and that nature isn't yours."
"Earth is a proving ground for spiritual energy."
"Truth is one of those things that gets revealed over time."
"Wouldn't a crooked mind see the world in a crooked way and create problems for itself without knowing it?"
"Being able to control oneself is the true mark of humanity."
"The reality of it is, things that are coming actually always were."
"If you're not excited about the future, that quote about Society functions when old men plant trees under her shade they will never sit."
"We humans really are connected to the universe. We're made of the same stuff in this beautiful landscape."
"Heroes really are a projection of what it is to be human on a large scale."
"Bad situations just happen, I mean they just happen."
"Everything in the universe is connected through an infinite web."
"Money can't buy life. I'm gonna tell you what else can't buy life, that's true money can't buy you life."
"Time marches on, people and places change, such is the case with life."
"Congratulations to the concept of time as it continues to rocket forward regardless of anyone's wishes."
"Hope. It burns us. It burns the flesh, I know, but it's important to have it every once in a while."
"The point is that people, even today with their sciences advancing, still don't have a clue about the journey they're on—this multi-dimensional journey we all share."
"You're looking at life and thinking, why is it so complicated?"
"The world hasn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside of us. Are you sure about that?"
"Nothing wrong in having desires, it's just natural for the soul to have desires."
"There is value to suffering as long as it's not unjust, ah okay, right, so this is important."
"Dread it, run from it, Destiny arrives all the same."
"Just because you did a good deed doesn't make you a good person."
"Paradise would lose its value if we were to have everything we wanted here."
"We are insignificant moments in the cosmic sphere, and the universe existed long before us and will exist long after us."
"The only thing greater than yourself is the universe itself."
"Life finds a way, and if you are trying to order the universe to be perfect and pure and clean, yeah, life finding a way will be quite annoying."
"Our capacity to fail is maybe what makes us human most of all."
"Cemeteries are filled with indispensable men."
"It's really beautiful to have things in life that so matter but don't matter."
"That last step for everyone, believer or unbeliever, is faith."
"I think that's the beauty of this life, isn't it?"
"Death itself is a gift; our hearts are restless, always seeking something beyond the world."
"Every act is significant whether or not you can explain it with your rational mind every choice matters."
"Life offers sweetness amid a void of meaning."
"Reality doesn't change based on what you believe or think."
"True love is more important than all of the wars and ordaining atrocities in history combined."
"Nothing is either good or bad, thinking makes it so."
"There's no compulsion in religion, the truth is made clear from falsehood."
"Reality is way stranger than fiction. After all, the reality we perceive is only inside our mind."
"The outer world is a reflection of the inner world."
"We are all puppets to fate, controlling our actions."
"Everybody dies. It's really the last frontier, the last stop."
"Freedom isn't free, but its costs can be burdensome in the extreme."
"Evil is the same thing, it has the same nature, it's ugly, it's hideous, it is indefensible."
"It would be nothing without a woman, a girl."
"We are each a cell in the great body of humanity."
"The whole world doesn't revolve around sex, there's more to life than that."
"Life being precious as it is, human life in particular."
"Would we be changed people with the truth? We'd be elevated."
"Nobody said it was fair... but that's just life."
"The futility of conflict and the pointlessness of war."
"The right thing at the wrong time is a curse."