
Abstract Concepts Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"What we're watching are the fruits of spiritual war."
"Good is like the color yellow; it has no synonyms, it can't be described to someone who's never experienced it."
"Indeed one might argue that money itself is really just a generic, mobile, and liquid abstraction of things like influence, respect, trust, reputation, and prestige to begin with."
"Freedom is not simply a matter of some sort of abstract good that you can either have a lot of or a little of... it's precisely because freedom is such an imprecise concept that we're always struggling to define and balance and get right."
"Visual learning makes abstract concepts much easier to understand and digest."
"Interfaces are better than classes abstract classes."
"Diversity and representation matters in abstract."
"Immersion is one of those things you have to experience."
"What's the worst predator? The spirit that animated all of them."
"It does not mean anything because mystery means nothing either. It is unknowable."
"There's this one thing that brings us back together again, and that's this."
"Mathematics is just purely a code, it's the language of the universe."
"You really don't understand until you have it."
"The kind of fear here treated is purely spiritual, that it is strong in proportion as it is objectless on earth, that it predominates in the period of our sinless infancy."
"More is the big underlying thing to everything."
"Contradiction in that sense is the very moving principle of the world. It's ridiculous to say that contradiction is unthinkable."
"One little shift somewhere and it can turn into the most Mighty Force you know we see the might but we don't see the fruits of things."
"By removing it from the laws of our reality, we take away its definitive meanings."
"Negative areas, which make no sense in reality, must exist as an intermediate step on the way to the solution."
"Money at this point is just numbers... it's just a point system."
"What do these mechanisms actually represent?"
"Naming a division is kind of like naming nothing."
"We have the ability to manipulate time. Time does not matter to us."
"There's a war with no fighting. How is that even possible?"
"I guess love is NASA lipstick, nobody knows what it is."
"It's like they've drawn this air of chaotic expansion and possibility."
"Congratulations to the concept of time as it continues to rocket forward regardless of anyone's wishes."
"These numbers don't just represent where you see a double, they represent the energy of that compounded in and of itself."
"They're outside the natural order... they're outside the norm."
"Things are us things incorporated we can't both be things but you've managed it."
"I felt like I understood what that meant about this entity."
"Developing abstract qualities like emotional stability."
"Borders are just random lines in most circumstances."
"It’s general relativity – our modern theory of gravity – cast in terms of very abstract building blocks."
"Those are the intangibles that are really valuable."
"They want to have equality so the ability to appoint two points for the same x and y's."
"Uncertainty is not just a word. It’s a force of nature that we can never get rid of."
"People need to know that in entity constructs."
"Infinite time and infinite space — that to me is the 'ultimate.'"
"Literally having a verbal conversation with it."
"Liminal spaces are something of a reminder, a memento, a lens into a world that is and will always be nothing but a burning, fading, and ever-so-distant memory."
"You are one, infinite, and zero - a perfect mathematical structure."
"Legitimacy is like the dark matter of the universe, directing our lives."
"The abyss corrupts and destroys, molding and changing as it is needed."
"The brighter the light gets, the darker the shadow."
"Physical power is inclusive, unbounded, and systemically exogenous, unlike abstract power."
"A win-named Amnesia is a perfect representation of unrestrained creativity maybe a little wonky but it's art."
"All objects are human-made constructions, including abstract constructs such as purpose, time, and ego."
"Wisdom is a person, a disembodied personality."
"It's sometimes really hard to wrap your head around it."
"The most real things in the world are the things we can't see."
"Everything is limited, but it is itself unlimited."
"The idea is reality, the shadow it casts is our physical realm."
"Far more important are concepts like justice, truth, beauty, and courage."
"The only currency that matters. Because without it, you can't say your thing."
"It's almost the electricity of what love is."
"I like this a lot, some people struggle with the abstractness of this, actually like it."
"Transection is basically it's a placeholder for all those far-off future states that we can't possibly imagine."
"Somewhere out there is normality, somewhere of course is a relative term."
"The desert is the realm of abstraction located outside the sphere of existence and susceptible only to things transcendent."
"Life might not necessarily rely on atoms and molecules but could be intricately interwoven with the very fabric of the cosmos."
"The back rooms are a space that eats. And I don't mean like the house and monster."
"The night or dark matter is the ocean of black liquid light living omnipotent omnipresent substance permeating every aspect of all manifest and unmanifest levels of experience."
"I love the idea of these kind of three forces that are kind of pushing and pulling space and time."
"A lot of meta life lessons within a story kind of like mildly psychedelic."
"Words, pacts, these things are forces of nature."
"Love is that fifth dimension. Love is that thing that travels through time, forward, backwards, up and down."
"Talking about infinity is perfectly reasonable."
"Exploring the Mandelbrot set is like exploring a shape in the mind of God."
"I'm just obsessed with everything that time does."
"Math allows us to hypothesize things that cannot be represented in the physical world."
"The first technology of magic is something I call wordlessness."
"Everybody wanted to be the crazy one... It's the abstract influence of parents that really gives you your experience."
"Creepy neutral colors and infinite rooms that reminds me my sexuality is a romantic attraction sexual attraction or sexual behavior toward both males and females or to more than one gender."
"The mystery of being and non-being - 'beyond being' is ultimate - nothing is greater than 'beyond being.'"
"The needle is the will of Atheon. I do not know the name of the shape that comes after the needle."
"Wow, that's some real liminal spaces [ __ ]."
"There are secrets hidden within that rectangular prism."
"Love is this intangible, kind of indescribable really."
"Right and wrong are two completely different things."
"I've witnessed first-hand the power of ideas. I've seen people kill over them. Ideas do not bleed, they do not feel pain, they do not laugh."
"So every vertex could be its very own group."
"It's a classic case of maths wanting to know for certain."
"Everything is metaphysical before it's physical."
"When we're finding novel math, we are finding something that already exists."
"Just like happiness or joy, its abstractivity is compounded even more by its fleeting nature."
"We also can ponder about abstract concepts and relationships such as being in love or social justice."
"During this stage, we're able to use symbols and relate to abstract concepts such as algebra and science."
"...lean all the way into the conventions of genre and to statisize abstract ideas and concepts earnestly."
"The idea of evil is represented as a gigantic heart pumping through this spiritual void of souls."
"A mathematical line, a line of thickness nil, has no real existence."
"I do have a worry about God's relationship to abstract objects like numbers and propositions and possible worlds. It seemed to me that these were uncreated realities and were therefore incompatible with the existence of God."
"Entities like equality and goodness exist as objects of pure intellectual inquiry, unmediated by the senses."
"But I think a common theme here is that there are concepts that are very hard to wrap your head around because you can't see them."
"If a pole or a zero doesn't have a friend then they go off to infinity searching for them."
"If they don't see their fellow human beings actually doing this stuff in their real life um it's all going to feel very abstract."
"Life, love, liberty, whatever comes to mind."
"True peace, true love, true truth, true justice, true freedom, true you cannot be visualized."
"Signs in space, symbols in space before form in space, the space is defined by instances by points, not by walls."
"Eternity, happiness, self, illusion, happiness, reflection, death, clarity."
"The greatest reality is intangible."
"We certainly have access to mathematical truths."
"It seems as though even such new ideas reach wider circles usually not in their abstract form, but as interpretations of particular events."
"Infinity by its nature, by its concept, is an unattainable thing."
"Minds are like love, like value, like freedom, like beauty, like truth."
"Place and space are not abstract categories ready to be filled with objects of a determinate size that exist in the determinant orientation to them."
"Love is a noun, it is a thing, but it is not a thing that you can see or touch or taste."
"You can't really measure attraction or love."
"Time in some ways is like... a social construct."
"What can fly but has no wings? Time."
"Thoughts, beliefs, emotions, etc., are all abstracts, because while they sometimes describe aspects of this material world, they do not need those material aspects to exist."
"Knowledge is not merely abstract or propositional."
"These very abstract universal properties can interact nicely with something very intuitive, namely our physical intuition of how quotient spaces should behave."