
Freedom Of Expression Quotes

There are 616 quotes

"Dissenting voices are being aggressively crushed by almost any means necessary."
"The people that you and I spend a certain amount of our lives railing against is in part because they are censorious bullies. They want to tell you and me, and everyone else, what we should find funny, what we should read, what we should say, what we should think, how we should act."
"The right to express ourselves is God-given."
"Even if I'm wrong, I should have the freedom to express my false ideas. You should counter my false ideas with arguments and evidence, not by the sword."
"Tumblr is kind of a lawless wasteland, and I mean that in the best way possible."
"Everyone should have the right to express themselves freely, but big tech monopolies have instead opted for silencing tactics and censorship."
"If you lose freedom of expression, you lose your battle to fight for anything ever. That's how important it is."
"What democracy and conversation look like: people being able to express themselves, being able to confront leaders with difficult truths."
"We are the people's channel; we will always stand by the freedom to express yourself."
"Here's where you and I have a different point of view. I think we should be able to express our views regardless of the color of our skin."
"The strategy emphasizes the need to counter hate holistically while respecting freedom of opinion and expression."
"Scientists have to feel free to express their views and have debates and discussions."
"What is the point of freedom of expression if a Canadian family does not have the freedom to walk on a sidewalk in this country without getting murdered?"
"Free speech is only important when someone you don't like, or I would say someone who doesn't have your same point of view, is allowed to speak freely and to say their point of view."
"All we are saying is that you should not restrict what children can do or wear, just because of their gender. It's clothes; there's no biological underpinning in clothes."
"The antidote to pathological dogmatism is the free, truthful expression."
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
"Freedom of expression, freedom of speech, Americans have enshrined the First Amendment in our Constitution for good reason and for times such as these."
"I must know that if Steve Biko died so I could write what I like, then my pen cannot become the weapon that justifies the torture and murder of others."
"The Uncensored Library is a place you can visit within Minecraft to read the works of censored journalists from Russia, Mexico, Egypt, Vietnam, and Saudi Arabia."
"Controversial art in and of itself has a right to exist. It's art."
"When any of our laws start making comedians nervous, they're the ultimate canary in the coal mine."
"You're free to express your opinions, okay, absolutely, respectfully."
"To be for or against censorship as such is to assume a freedom no one has. Censorship is; one can only discriminate among its more and less repressive effects."
"A culture of freedom, expression, and community is now having a painful, slow death, suffocated by the glossy sheen of corporate and government influence."
"Freedom of the expression doesn't involve oppressing others."
"If you're okay pledging allegiance to the American flag, by default, you have to be okay with burning the American flag."
"You can travel to Xinjiang. If you want to know what Xinjiang is like, go over there. You can do it, and you can shoot videos in Xinjiang. Nobody is going to stop you and tell you you can't shoot, you can't do this, you can't do that."
"Men and women are not the same... people should be whatever they want to be."
"Freedom of expression is not without limits. We owe it to ourselves to act with respect for others and to seek not to arbitrarily or unnecessarily injure those with whom we are sharing a society and a planet."
"Any citizen who cares about freedom of expression... should be very, very concerned about the Digital Services Act."
"We may be facing a really dystopian future in the European Union regarding freedom of expression."
"The Pillar standing here symbolizes not only the fight for freedom and democracy but an even more fundamental thing: the freedom of expression."
"The principle of tolerance should be at the core of anyone who values their own ability to freely express themselves."
"It is crucial to protect the right to freedom of expression and ensure that the right of those who are expressing their views peacefully are respected and protected."
"You're free to be a jackass but people are free to call you a jackass."
"Burning the flag is the ultimate symbol of the freedom that it represents."
"A society that loses sight of [dissenters] is finished."
"Dissent is very important... societies that try to suppress dissent die."
"We have two responsibilities: to remove content when it can cause real danger as effectively as we can, and to fight to uphold as wide of a definition of freedom of expression as possible."
"What it actually is like to live in a society where you don't have the freedom to sort of like freely express your political opinions without fear of government reprisal."
"It doesn't matter what your politics are or who you voted for, everybody should have the right to express themselves freely."
"Freedom of expression and freedom of speech should not only go as far as your political party and ideology."
"The constitution and the best of our traditions counsel mutual respect and tolerance, not censorship and suppression, for religious and non-religious views alike."
"We live in America, and in America, we have the freedom to express ourselves."
"Harry has a right to write his book. Harry is a citizen and Harry has rights."
"Millions of Americans... standing up and saying 'I can do what I want, I can say what I want, and if you don't like that, you can go to hell.'"
"This is the chilling effect of censorship that John Milton called 'the greatest displeasure and indignity to a free and knowing spirit that can be put upon him.'"
"We now live in an anti-truth society, in which saying things which are patently true, scientifically verifiable, has become dangerous."
"The Scottish government says the law will protect against 'hate and Prejudice' without stifling expression."
"Whether you kill someone fast or you kill someone slow, if you are killing them because you don't like what they say, that is a final judgment on the state rather than on the victim of the state."
"Lauding the idea that a piece of art should be removed from sale is something that the games media frankly should never be taking a part in."
"I don't like the idea of restricting art. I think you have to have countercultural ideas."
"It's what we've been saying for a while, these are not content moderation, this is actual curation."
"People have the right to their views and the freedom to express them."
"Americans have the fundamental right to express themselves under the constitution whatever their point of view, but that expression must be peaceful and free of violence, vandalism, or attempts to intimidate."
"I always like to say that if you have to silence your opposition you no longer have a good point and that's what they're doing. They're silencing us."
"It's all about freedom of expression, freedom of thought."
"I don't want to live in a world where slapstick is not allowed."
"Shut the streets down and you can protest and burn the flag and do whatever you want to do and I will stand by you while you do it."
"Is it equality fair or freedom if one group can't go out and march because they'll be attacked by another group"
"The knee jerk reaction to censor people you disagree with has been absolutely terrible."
"Being offended or uncomfortable with what certain people say or do is a small price to pay for enjoying the freedom to express oneself."
"Creative expression, you can do whatever you want with creativity."
"Do we want to live in a country where people can go to jail over jokes?"
"People should be allowed to express their ideas and it's good news the woke are getting pushed back upon cancel culture is getting shut down."
"Chanting or displaying slogans of independence are now illegal."
"You don't have to stand for the pledge of allegiance, you don't have to say it, you can stomp on the flag and burn it on the ground. This is a place for you to be your best."
"62% of Americans say they have political views they're afraid afraid to share."
"I just want people to say what they think. Whether it's for Trump or Biden or anything, like I just want people to be expressing themselves."
"Freedom that was not being expressed in honesty elsewhere."
"You can only have interventions and trust if you have complete freedom of speech, expression, and the ability to debate things." - Sean Cochran
"The actual phrasing of the law under which he was prosecuted is that it is deemed grossly offensive."
"We should always stand up together to protect freedom of expression."
"Consistent with the First Amendment, the nation's answer is tolerance, not coercion."
"Censorship is the greatest threat to democracy."
"As long as you're not being hateful, it shouldn't matter what your opinion is."
"Yale's policy doesn't protect our religious liberty. Yale is telling its students you can do anything you want unless you happen to have a faith and want to act upon that faith then we're gonna discriminate against you."
"Nothing should be censored here... it's un-American."
"Just start speaking up, there are so many people that would love to silence you."
"You're allowed to say that you don't like certain types of people."
"I support the most traditional Muslim, Jewish, Abrahamic believers to be Islamophobic and transphobic as they want because guess what, that's freedom of religion."
"The best measure of the health of our American democracy or constitutional republic is the percentage of people who feel free to say what they actually think in public."
"People should be allowed to be crazy, people should be allowed to do crazy things online, people should be allowed to criticize."
"In terms of freedom of expression, we were significantly more free at least culturally 20 years ago than we are now."
"The moment we no longer have free speech and a free press to keep the government in check, we no longer have a democracy."
"I think anybody has a right to express themselves."
"You can't make any expression or language illegal in America because we could all express ourselves, and if you take that right, that freedom away from one person, you take it away from everyone."
"We were going to push back and say they're not going to tell us we can't sing, that we cannot worship."
"Burning the Quran is something that you have to allow as well. That's an expression of religious freedom."
"We won't let them beat us down, we won't let them stop us from expressing our opinions."
"The Satanic Temple support of freedom of expression sexual liberation and separation of church and state would seem to make them a libertarian a bunch."
"Freedom of speech was brought about to make people think."
"This isn't becoming a place where we can no longer speak our minds."
"Michael Wood explained that he wore the shirt because he has the constitutional right to do so."
"The first amendment recognizes wisely we think that a certain amount of expressive disorder not only is inevitable in a society committed to individual freedom but must itself be protected."
"We will not give up our cartoons." - French President Macron
"Censorship is done by intimidation, character smears... very harmful."
"And besides if we're going to deal with these trash bag politicians we might as well be allowed to laugh at them right."
"It's about equality and fairness; it's about freedom of speech, online anonymity, and self-identification."
"Tolerance for other people's ideas and the freedom to express your own are inseparable values at great universities."
"You have a right to express yourself in that way."
"America is a country that celebrates free expression that cherishes free association that is confident in the cause of Liberty if you want to address the evils of big Tech it's not the Chinese government you have to fear but your own."
"The concern here is that there has been an attack on unorthodox opinion, regardless of what it is."
"People should be allowed to express themselves and believe what they want to believe and do their own research within reason."
"YouTube is clear delusion at this point, censoring us all and blatantly ignoring the good that comes from heavily investigated content."
"In the end comedy will come back edgy humor will come back and the despots will lose."
"Stop you from saying and doing what you want, living in the kind of society you want."
"We will always stand up for Canadians' Charter rights, we will always stand up for freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of expression. That is extremely important."
"I think that people should be allowed to be as negative as they want, but I also think people have to be allowed to be as positive as they want."
"We shouldn't be banning books, we should allow people to read and be challenged and to challenge back."
"There are no sponsors to drop me... it is a wonderful thing to simply be free to think out loud."
"Freedom of expression is trumped by blind hatred for those that are just different from them."
"That's the idea of freedom: we protect your right to protest the system."
"Genuinely protect freedom of expression online and offline by removing ambiguous definitions related to cybercrimes."
"Nothing should be off the table. You should be able to make a joke about anything."
"Social media should not be used to incite violence and all that. But this cannot be used as a pretext to suspend freedom of expression."
"That's the price you pay for living in a free society."
"Our Western values of free speech require that someone like Salman Rushdie can write a book and not fear for his life."
"I firmly believe that people should have their own opinions."
"So long as the freedom of expression... doesn't impede on the freedom of others."
"People are being arrested for sharing memes and jokes."
"You need to be able to let comedians take chances, take risks, cross the line because that's what comedy is."
"Talking about stuff that like people don't usually let me talk about for an hour. It was amazing."
"People should be able to scrutinize and criticize, including sexuality."
"We gotta end censorship. We cannot allow our country to become one of these."
"Is this life? Yes it is. So you cannot do this censorship."
"The promise of the internet originally was you know everyone gets a voice you get to hear all kinds of perspectives that kind of died for a while."
"It's enforced self-censorship as destructive of creativity and free thought as the Stalinist dictates of any communist dictatorship."
"How do you foster debate while shutting down the leading spokesman of one of the two major parties?"
"It is far worse that somebody decides which messages we get to see and which ones we don't."
"Is it really wise for four people or one person to decide what a billion people can think and say and do?"
"Comedians still have that right to put truth in a joke... Otherwise, what kind of society is it?" - Importance of comedy.
"Privacy is also about the freedom to express a sentiment without worrying about filtering or messaging, right?"
"I want to start a movement based around freedom of expression."
"We're creating something a lot more meaningful here. We're working to protect the freedom of expression."
"Casters definitely should be allowed to criticize."
"They want to control the things that you can see and the things that you can do."
"Criticism of art is important, but it doesn't mean we should limit artistic expression for political reasons."
"I fundamentally reject the idea that art should be limited for political purposes."
"Speech protected by the Free Speech Clause retains its full protection when made to the government."
"Freedom of speech is essential to our well-being."
"You don't get to use the four swear words... you're not going to have to worry about being able to speak out freely."
"The most powerful and brave response to the kind of message that says you're not valuable... is for people to use every means possible to express the counter view."
"Just talk about honestly whatever the [ __ ] you want."
"Burning books is a dangerous road to go down."
"We're free enough for you to burn a city down."
"Censorship isn't just about silencing people, you can then steal their identity."
"America wasn't built by cancel culture, speech codes, and soul-crushing conformity."
"Not only the right of the speaker to speak, but the right of the reader, the listener, the viewer."
"Being able to freely express yourself is vital to a free society."
"This is a counter-reaction from society to protect us from those who are trying to use our financial lives to control our opinions, our philosophy, and our expressions."
"You're not supposed to shut up and dribble. No, don't shut up and dribble."
"What's the beautiful part of an obsession? Honestly, it's purpose."
"One-night stands involve pure interactivity and total experience, devoid of social constraints."
"Artists are getting cast aside for having the wrong opinions or being forced to quit."
"Controlling what we can say is a means of controlling what we think."
"Freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences."
"Freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, built on deep Enlightenment principles."
"In Green Hill, I'm free to express myself, jump off slopes, sniff around for secrets, or just smash my way to the end."
"You're not a driller and you're trying to dictate how they should express themselves."
"Some people don't realize that or whatever you can act and do as you please but on the other side we're also able in a free society to criticize that."
"If you burn the American flag, you are burning symbolically the First Amendment."
"It's not cancelled culture, it's totalitarianism."
"You can say what you want even if it is dumbass stuff you can say it on religion you can believe what you want even if it's dumbass stuff you can go worship a golden calf in your backyard if you want to we believe in individual choice."
"True freedom is the freedom to both protect yourself and express yourself."
"Censorship is a worthless tool that's only good for people who are too stupid to not know how to ignore things they don't like."
"Comedy exists to make you laugh, and in my opinion, you can do whatever you want as a comedian as long as you kill."
"Censorship is the dumbest idea that was ever invented by mankind."
"It's a free country, and I appreciate the doubters."
"If rap lyrics can get you in jail man look we all need to be in jail cause we all recited some horrible ass rap lyrics before."
"You can't say do what you want but then go hate on people. You can't do that. I just... It doesn't work."
"People have the choice to get mad about what the hell they want to get mad about."
"The fundamental commitment to free expression is there."
"I believe in giving people a voice. I believe that ads can be an important part of voice."
"Be not intimidated therefore by any terrors from publishing with the utmost freedom whatever can be warranted by the laws of your country."
"An opinion is not hate. If somebody says, 'Yo, I'm not feeling that,' that doesn't mean that I dislike you or I hate you."
"Freedom of expression, freedom of belief, freedom of speech is very basic human rights."
"The Liberation of Twitter is the most powerful and important work going on right now in the digital space."
"Content like this is not safe for YouTube a lot of the time so, you know, you gotta be able to, you know, say and do what you want to do over there on Rumble on the other side of the internet."
"I'm sick and tired of the media saying, 'Oh, you can't talk to this person or you can't put a human face on that person.'"
"Anyone else by the way we're against censorship period."
"If a child wants to color themselves as purple, then by God let them color themselves as purple."
"It's nice to see a balance where you can let people freely express their opinions."
"You have free expression in the United States."
"That's why the censorship that we're seeing on social media by Google and Facebook and Twitter going after people like me and you and other independent thinkers is just the small step towards the bigger step that we're all seeing here."
"The Balancing Act of enabling people to express themselves freely and to create things that we can all enjoy but also to be rewarded for their efforts."
"Unless I'm free to promote pornography, no one's free."
"The right to speak their minds and voice their opinions in public without fear of being shamed or shunned."
"It really is sucky but you can't be up that you can't be calling for violence you can't obviously be committing violence but short of that you got to let people do."
"I've seen some people get mad at me for like disagreeing with other people. It's like I'm allowed to disagree with other people."
"The tone of the ending that I'm going for is bittersweet."
"Our freedom of speech, our freedom to protest, our freedom to gather peacefully, our freedom to organize to bring about the kind of change we need to see."
"The rules are designed to uphold standards, particularly for news and current affairs, but also to preserve freedom of expression."
"The chief job of a newspaper is to inform, to tell people. For decades, the freedoms of thought and expression have been central to Western democracy."
"Freedom of speech is something I believe in."
"And I mean I look I don't like what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
"Miners should be able to draw explicit and non-explicit not safer work material and that they should be able to do so without judgment or insult from other people."
"We believe in equality of opportunity, freedom of thought and expression."
"People should be able to write without fearing for their own safety."