
Health Concern Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"I think there's a concern here; your son might die."
"There is cause for concern... because in England at the moment we've got over 1,300 officially confirmed cases."
"I could have gotten pregnant, and I think that would have killed me."
"A single plastic tea bag...releases around eleven point six billion microplastics and 3.1 billion nano plastics into a single cup."
"How can you trust somebody who is telling you it's only going out a mile when you live 3.3 miles away, and I walk outside the morning of, and my lungs burnt. They felt like they were on fire."
"He holds up this bottle to me... did you drink this whole thing?"
"There were about four cases of coronavirus about 30 minutes away from us."
"My prayers to everybody around the world and here in the United States for protection from COVID-19."
"Women have to stop taking the fat out of their cheeks... it breaks my heart."
"Damn, I'm really sorry you want me to have a heart attack?"
"This is a skeleton with skin. You're not taking care of yourself."
"But the way it is being taken by kids when they've had a bit of alcohol in the mix..." - Nick Ferrari at breakfast
"Having air conditioning other ways of cooling people in the summer months is going to be incredibly important."
"Sudden death among healthy working age people worldwide is skyrocketing."
"How had an otherwise healthy young woman died so suddenly?"
"Vanessa: 'She thought she was going to die very soon.'"
"It's not just starting to pee, that's not normal."
"I don't want to be waking up from surgeries all the time."
"It's actually revealing of someone who's cognitive slippage is getting worse by the day and showing it more flagrantly every single day."
"There's just endless prayers being sent for this 24 year old tonight."
"Substance abuse is growing at an alarming pace all across the country."
"The fed will adjust to that like if you're a virologist you're worried about omicron ba two plus you know"
"Our body is ingesting too much harmful chemicals."
"I feel like there's something growing inside of it."
"Incredibly worrying when anyone goes to ICU."
"Dozens who lived in the same neighborhood diagnosed with brain tumors."
"I want it just to be a safe for consumption formula a formula that if I consume it will not kill me or make me very sick is it am I asking for too much I don't think so."
"Something's happening to me. I don't know what's wrong."
"Covid-19 mutation is evolving to bypass mask-wearing and hand washing."
"Sadly fearing for the further spread of the virus than going back to their communities wherever they live and spreading it further."
"Someone's really under the weather, and I do feel it's because of stress."
"I personally have been freaking out all weekend about this number-19 thing."
"I hope you're staying safe... I hope you are staying healthy."
"Trump's cognitive decline is equally if not more problematic."
"There's no way that Ron is gonna be able to make it through this."
"Is the vaccine going to be efficacious against the P1 variant? Well, the studies of this are only preliminary, but the answer seems to be yes."
"COVID-19 second variant found in the UK is highly concerning."
"We ingest enough plastic a day it's like we're eating a credit card a day."
"Wow, that is super cool, man. You made a candy out of that with corn syrup. That kind of color probably not healthy colors that you have to add unless you do organic."
"The right move has been made there, hope it comes through negative, hope Tony's okay."
"If he actually drinks four diet cokes a day that's seriously concerning for his health."
"One person having the coronavirus, what are you scared of?"
"Everybody, I have a huge favor for everybody, please like the video right now before I get a heart attack."
"I feel like my organs are getting kind of... you know."
"I woke up this morning and my face basically on the right hand side from my chin up to my temple has gone completely numb."
"If you dare take a cruise without travel insurance, I'm not going to talk to you... It makes me feel sick."
"I'm really worried, I've got a pain in my stomach."
"My hands are starting to swell up, they feel really hot."
"I was numb to how startling it can be to be an adult and look at a blood test that doesn't seem right."
"I found a lump on my boob... it puts me at a higher risk."
"Could Stephanie have suffered from hypothermia at the lower end of the temperatures?"
"The biggest thing that a lot of trans people fear is waking up with dementia one day."
"Mary feels dizzy, Mary gets up to check on her stepson."
"The world health organization declared that loneliness was a worldwide major health concern."
"I don't want to promote obesity and you will become obese if you start eating them."
"Let me see nation's. Julia is still coughing too."
"This thing in my abdomen was starting to grow, my belly was protruding, I was starting to look pregnant, like very pregnant, and I was very concerned."
"Florina was disappointed, but she was also relieved that Dr. Hennessy seemed to be treating her symptoms so seriously. Whatever was going on with her felt much worse than the usual breathing issues she experienced from her asthma, and she was starting to get scared."
"Is the water I'm drinking toxic? Is it causing me or my children to be sick?"
"I'm afraid I cannot drink because of my recent injury."
"STIs are the scary part for me though. That [stuff] is like detrimental to my health. It's like my most important thing to me."
"I went into the doctor and was complaining of shortness of breath..."
"Can a 70 year old diabetic use whey protein so I guess answer but then I guess for any diabetics that have general concerns about taking away protein"
"When is it that we should worry when is normal puke not normal puke?"
"But if they're throwing up every day that's chronic vomiting that's something that your vet has to get involved in."
"That game was way too stressful for my mental and emotional health."
"I know we've all felt tired from time to time but it seems like we have a pandemic of fatigue."
"We want you to lose weight because they care about you so much."
"We lose 1% of our bone density mass for every month we're up there."
"Your health is important; if you get sick, mom and I will worry about you."
"The blackouts were becoming more frequent, severe."
"Daisy had a high fever of 104° and had convulsions."
"Health and safety is an organization-wide concern."
"This is a concerning rise in the incidence of type 1 diabetes that will be with us for decades into the future unless some dramatic cure is found."
"The average American is now consuming has about a credit card size of plastic in their body."
"He appeared to be in some sort of distress; his breathing was rapid."
"Something is damaging the neurodevelopment of our kids."
"I hope everyone's staying safe and healthy with everything going on."
"Diabetic retinopathy is the number one cause of blindness in the world."
"It is a big relief to know it's not cancer and that it's just an abscess, but it's still a little scary."
"What's your emergency?" someone asked. "My father's been having chest pains," Simone said.
"Whenever we have a case and there's a death associated with it, it's guaranteed to be of interest to the media, and therefore the public becomes concerned."
"Obviously, I would never wish her any sickness, or I want her to be healthy, I want her to be happy."
"All that matters is how Demar Hamlin is doing right now."
"The rise in COVID cases in recent weeks, along with the emergence of the Omicron variant, pose[s] risks to the outlook."
"This does affect your quality of life... it affects it in a significantly negative way."
"For somebody to have new onset with a systolic over 200, you know, in a diastolic over 115, on a regular basis... I mean, 200/202 over 117, I'm like looking at these numbers, this can't be right."
"We're going to say that anything that is in the top 50 countries with the highest birth rate is categorized as having an alarming birth rate."
"Somebody can be concerned about your health while still loving you as you are."
"This is a bigger issue... I've never seen someone's heartbeat like I saw his heart through his chest."
"We've got an epidemic of heart disease here."
"If you're needing 15 Benadryls to sleep, that's a sign that something's not right going on inside your body."
"Your creatinine is really high for a guy."
"There's a difference between concern for someone's well-being and shaming them."
"I'm a little worried about this coronavirus, not gonna lie."
"I'm very sensitive to smells and I don't want to be sick."