
Political Dissent Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"This was an attempt to make Russell Brand shut up because he has views that diverge from those of most western governments on big issues."
"I interviewed for the BBC a person who is under house arrest for political dissent. So yes, it does happen."
"He's making his life so much harder simply because he's telling the truth as he sees it, and he's giving liberals across this country permission to oppose what happened during the COVID regime, to be against the war in Ukraine. That is a goddamn heroic mission, and we should totally support him on that mission."
"Trying to mobilize angry people, the vast majority in the country who don't want this."
"People have stopped enforced overwhelmingly two men in the EU...because tonight not only have they being ignored their views have been dismissed with utter contempt."
"Trump emerges as a lone voice questioning the rational behind supporting an enduring conflict in Ukraine."
"Totalitarianism relies on mass support... contemporary societies desperately need more people to withdraw their support of this brutal form of rule."
"Protesters across China have directly challenged the authority of the Chinese leader and the Communist party."
"The government chased away a lot of vendors especially those who are potential dissidents preventing them from selling their goods."
"Their actions showed the world that despite the Kremlin's propaganda, there are Russian people who profoundly disagree with what he is doing in Ukraine."
"They're fighting on the wrong side, supporting these people. They can hate me, I don't care."
"We should have seen it earlier. If you empower the government to violate civil liberties in pursuit of a foreign terror organization, it's just a matter of time before ambitious politicians use those same mechanisms to suppress political dissent."
"If Ruth is not prepared to tolerate government by Boris Johnson, then why should the people of Scotland?"
"The government's just been weaponized basically against people who dissent from the regime."
"Most Republicans... are coming out against President Donald Trump, saying that yes, this actually needs to happen from the Republican side."
"The best revenge against the collective leftists is to live a stalwart, meaningful, and high-quality individual life."
"People hate them, I hope so, I hope people remember that they're supposed to hate the CIA and the liars for imperialism."
"The United States government is going down a pathway to war and destruction. I do not agree with the current path that we are going on."
"It is dangerous to be right when your government is wrong."
"Dissent is patriotic, but what's happening right now is dissent as treasonous."
"Human Rights Watch criticized Singapore's decision stating publicly punishing a youthful dissident who dared besmirch the image of the recently passed leader and intimidating anyone else who might think of doing the same in the future."
"These insurrectionists, these anarchists, these thugs, these criminals... They do not represent America."
"Robbery invasion and rape, these are not criminal acts, these are the acts of the state."
"Hong Kong court denied bail for government critic and newspaper publisher Jimmy Lai."
"Dark is the hour when telling the basic truth makes you An Enemy of the State."
"We shouldn't seek to find common ground with insurrectionists."
"Individuals speaking out against the progressive order are targeted."
"Disagreeing with the House of Commons on what is going on in another country should not be outside the bounds of respectable opinion."
"Contempt of parliament used to be a crime, is now a moral obligation for anybody who is sensible."
"Sheriff in New Mexico's most populous County rejects Governor's gun ban calling it unconstitutional."
"Anybody who's against the Make America Great Again agenda, anybody who publicly criticizes Trump within the party itself, they are pushing those individuals out."
"Democracy is about dissent, not blind patriotism."
"I cannot stand the Democrat party and what they've become."
"Well, it's been a fear that they will label politically dissident ideas a sign of a mental disease that requires mental treatment. Well, they actually are. That's happening right now."
"It was a rare moment of outright descent directly to Putin's face."
"On tax and spend, that is about as fundamental rebellion as you can get."
"I don't do respect the Prime Minister. I despise the Prime Minister." - George Galloway
"This is nothing less than the weaponization of the penal code to stifle dissent."
"The people in power have been totally screwing you your whole life... finally someone said, 'Screw The Establishment.'"
"Trump evangelicalism is a cult and I reject it in Jesus' name."
"The people on the left and the right have a common enemy—the establishment and the oligarchy."
"The biggest lesson that we have to take from all this is that you can't cover up dissent as you once could."
"My country commits heinous crimes within its boundaries and I refuse to take part in them."
"How many countries do you think are going to turn their backs on the World Government because of this?"
"It's about doing to the internet and big Tech censoring and silencing dissenters from the neoliberal order."
"I decided to defect and to entirely dissociate myself from the brutal regime."
"I s I read about Jack Ma missing that's crazy because he was actually speaking out against CCP and actually there was rumors of him."
"We're not against Islam, we're not against any religion, we are against the oppression of the regime of the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran."
"If you're truly anti-establishment, there is an argument to be made that what Assange did was necessary."
"I'm not gonna participate in the fascism that is being demonstrated by these oligarchs."
"You don't have to love the things happening in America to love your country and to be a great patriot and a great American."
"This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive."
"Nixon said he will not listen to us and that he will not be dictated to from the people in the streets. The people in the streets are me."
"He had never shied away from criticizing the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, even from inside the prison."