
Family Care Quotes

There are 288 quotes

"If someone's got a stomach ache, just let them stay home."
"On average, women spend more time than men doing housework and caring for kids and older family members."
"Do I have the capacity to be able to work 50 hours a week or 60 hours a week and still care for my kids, care for my home, and really pour into my marriage and put God first in my life?"
"If there are still concerns and we go forward with the staffing, there's a wide range of options that we can introduce to the family."
"When somebody welcomes a new child into their family and goes on leave to take care of that child, that's not a vacation; it's work."
"Take care of your family, take care of your friends, cherish them, cherish these moments, not just during the holidays but every day."
"The more religious you become, the more of service you should be. You should do the groceries even more, you should mow the lawn before they ask you, you should vacuum the house, you should buy your mother flowers spontaneously."
"Time is up. It is time to finally take care of your family, finally live the life of freedom that you have always promised yourself."
"Check in on your parents, make sure they're not, you gotta catch them when they're sliding."
"The most important part of this whole thing is that we do the right thing for your mom, right? I am her voice right now, I'm working for your mom."
"We have got a big responsibility in our hands, not only to take care of our families but take care of other people."
"Once you understand the principles in that book, you're going to be able to give your little one the gift of a normal hemoglobin A1C for the rest of their life."
"Looking after your loved ones is a key factor for maintaining mental stability."
"Be an adult, make sure your family is taken care of in case, god forbid, something should happen to you."
"Everyone's just trying to do the same thing, take care of themselves and their family."
"I want her to stay in safe just like I wear my seatbelt, Ava wears her seatbelt."
"Our parents completely switched to caring for her. Ariana immediately stopped getting the attention and love she had been so used to."
"I wish Tom Happ all the best with his game, his future ventures, and the care of his beautiful child."
"Be smart, save up food so when you get fired for your religion or your politics you have a buffer against starvation for your kids."
"Your qualifications are fair. We decided the best people who can take care of our kids are us."
"The loving care we get from our children is not a constant, but whatever they do will actually be full of love."
"People want to get back to work, they've got to make a living, they have to take care of their family."
"Money is the most important thing that I want to secure, self-earned so I can be free. Free to do what I want, when I please, leisure, fun, happiness, and most importantly, take care of my mom."
"You're helping me take care of my family and give tangible proof that people and organizations actually do care..."
"We want to make sure that you can build your family food stores and take care of your family..."
"Take care of yourself and take care of your family."
"Hell yeah, it feels good to take care of your mother."
"So long as Cheryl was still taking Ethan to the doctors, it doesn't seem more likely that one of their medical recommendations was sticking than the scent of balance in his room."
"She rises while it is still night and provides food for her household."
"Let's remember how to take care of our moms."
"You're gonna become very proactive with things regarding your home and family, gonna fix a lot of problems there almost like very fast."
"Life is fundamentally about providing food, clothing, shelter, and safety for yourself and family."
"Make sure you can feed yourself and your family."
"I would encourage my child who is the parent of my grandchildren to get their children vaccinated."
"It's fine, she's all safe and tucked up in bed now."
"Reduce the viral load of your children, your parents, your partner."
"Wash your hands, avoid touching your face, reach out to your grandparents."
"Bank on yourself, be a good fearless soldier, feed your soldiers at your house."
"Having more physical and mental energy... is such a win in how I show up for those I love."
"Your number one priority is healing, not a reconciliation, not a new relationship."
"Americans were taught you take care of your community and certainly your family. It was considered actually a shame to have the state take care of you."
"My mum had a fall, she's now in an old person's home, lost all faculty, can't have a conversation with her."
"Life insurance is how you say 'I love you' to your family."
"If we love our children and our grandchildren, we have a moral responsibility."
"Take care of your body, take care of your health for your spouse's sake, for your family's sake, for your children's sake, and for your own sake."
"The first thing I did was get my mother a house."
"If your family is driving around in anything other than a Tesla you have work to do."
"This is his first proper big boy bed... okay I'll tuck you in there."
"Alabama families are caring about children after they are born."
"Abortion is important because I have special needs siblings and family members."
"Learn about what you need to learn for your health and your family."
"All the babies, all three of those kiddos that I have had dentist appointments this morning and they did so good, I'm so proud of them."
"Family needs are real, and whether you're talking about caring for a special needs child, an aging parent, a sick spouse, or even just a friend that needs your help, 80 percent of long-term care is provided by family members."
"Tim rushed to the hospital, took the necessary amount of money from the trunk, and ran to pay for his mom's surgery."
"I absolutely love keeping my freezer full of freezer meals just because on a busy night I know I have a meal to feed to my family."
"I'm not banking on dying anytime in the next year but I got life insurance because I love my family."
"Take a time for yourself. It's actually the most selfless thing you could do for your entire family."
"A will is not about you... it's about your loved ones."
"Make those decisions now so that they don't have to face them later without you."
"When you get into situations where the consequences could be so severe that I'm no longer able to take care of my family, that's where a guy doesn't cut corners."
"Your family's health is more valuable than that money."
"It's your duty to take care of yourself, your family, and your community."
"I want to give my mom a house and get my grandma's house fixed up."
"It was a real privilege to care for baby I and to get to know you as a family who always put baby I first."
"Not everything is free. You can't bathe your kids in Purell."
"We need a season of moral repair, it's a moral issue that you feed your children."
"Stay safe, keep your family safe, and continue learning new skills."
"I have room at my house right now for all of your children and you. We would help you."
"We live in a crazy volatile world and I think the more we can prepare the more we can be sustainable the more you can be ready to take care of your family for the time to come."
"People who have underlying health conditions... have to protect that grandmother."
"A good life insurance plan can give you the extra peace of mind that your family will always be taken care of."
"I would be vaccinated, and I would recommend the vaccine for myself, my wife, my children."
"My sister's in her bed, she can't travel like that."
"We're going to have a shortage of food soon, but it is more important to know... what can I actually do to make sure... my family don't go hungry?"
"Be careful with your blessing, you know what I'm saying? Be careful how you handle it. You turning up so bad, you off doing tours and you don't know you leaving your mom, your brothers and them, you know, in jeopardy."
"I believe that I'm responsible to take care of my household, my wife, and my children."
"I am in awe of caregivers, mothers, fathers, whoever who feed their families."
"A new year means new commitments to those we care about - family and planet included."
"Before leaving your home, bow your head, dedicate your plans to me, and pray for your family."
"Plan now, be ready to help keep your family safe."
"You should be getting this for your children, for your family, for your mother, for your grandma."
"2023 is a time where you can learn to prep more, be more sustainable, learn how to homestead a little bit better no matter what age you're at, and take care of your family."
"The most meaningful thing? I paid my mother's house off."
"It hurts my little mom heart to see my kids sick and there's not much I can do for her."
"What makes me happy is being able to take care of my family."
"Spirit of gratitude says thank you for giving me the money to take care of my family and put food on the table."
"I got all the stains out of their uniforms for the week. I washed out their clothes, their uniforms. I washed my clothes. I washed the kids' clothes like we're up on it on the uniforms."
"You don't have to hold until eternity, my goals are not your goals, and your goals are not everybody else's. So whatever you need to do to take care of you and your family, you do that thing."
"I'll take care of the kids. Thank you so much, Sophia."
"Nobody likes to think about death, but it's important to plan for the future and ensure that your loved ones are taken care of after you pass away."
"You're an adult when you're constantly thinking about retirement and taking care of your parents."
"You want to make sure that you and your family are taken care of."
"Just checking on your loved ones and that brother."
"I don't care. I don't give a [ __ ] dude. I don't want to be a part of that at all. No, I hope they're nice to my family and you and your family."
"Betty's mother Quincy never went to sleep until she knew that betty was home."
"I have three nieces of my own who are around the same age and I would never want any of them to do that"
"If I can afford it, I'm gonna put my mom in a luxury nursing home with the best care because she deserves an affricate with me."
"Daddy, does Daddy put your bed in front of the fire?"
"Thank you every morning... It looks after me and my family."
"Take care of your family, do what you can do to protect yourself, and by all means, get these benefits if you can get them, get them now while they are still there."
"We are here for you and to help families as they navigate these long-term care issues."
"Only one truly sacred obligation: to equip those we send into harm's way and to care for them and their families when they come home."
"If there's anything positive to report, it's that Dimitri was adopted by a loving family and is actually doing well."
"It's nice to have this time to be like okay I can go to the gym and I don't have to worry about my pregnant wife."
"It's better to confront these things head on, these fears and all of these things now because it gives you windows of time to do things that you need to do for your family."
"Well, she still has asthma with her as asthma didn't die to Hedonist Can and now my Duke can help take care of his daughter so that's good for, I guess, both."
"Get life insurance, it's a gift to give your family."
"You're more successful when you steady yourself, when you nurture yourself, take care of your children, take care of home."
"We just wanted to be able to take our kids outside on walks without them overheating without them immediately getting a sunburn and without getting their feet burned on the astro turf we have in our backyard."
"The motivators for me around money have been... I wanted to take care of my mom... I wanted to have a broader selection set of mates."
"We knew that my mom was struggling so we were like okay, but we have to at least clean the house for my mom."
"I think the most responsible things I could think of is I want to make sure my wife is taken care of, yeah, so all my debts are paid, my, all anything I could sell is sold, so she has extra money."
"Not only do I have her, but I have another little girl as well, so hygiene is a must."
"Mom, I need you to stay home and look after your sister tomorrow. She's clearly not feeling well."
"I thought that will give me flexibility so I can take care of my sons and that will also give me a rewarding career."
"I just want to do good enough and, you know, stay healthy, look out for my family."
"You know, I mean, he's a father, so what he does is he takes care of all his kids, regardless of which ways and how he had them, you know what I'm saying?"
"He said, 'If Grandpa saw you right now he'd be nagging you to take your treatment.'"
"But if my mom wanted to stay here, she could dang, we got the room and I would get her a nurse."
"My kids loved her she never put their mum down she made them breakfast lunch dinner on a days off and she would take them out to do girl things."
"What does it mean to live a responsible, caring, lovely, and loving life? What does it mean to care for those in one's own family, to be a truly nurturing and to revere one's older parents?"
"Deep down, they definitely care for their family."
"I'm going to school and trying to further and better my education so I can take better care of my son."
"Imagine a future with paid leave, because no one should have to choose between working and taking care of their sick family member."
"Lord, touch my finances, touch my family."
"I let my mum move in with me for free because I feel like it's my responsibility to take care of her as she is getting old."
"We owe it to the brave men and women of our Armed Forces to support them and their families."
"She loved taking care of her new little sister."
"I've always enjoyed baking and fed my son lots of homemade food since he was young."
"I owe it to my parents and to his mom to take care of them the way they've taken care of us."
"You're your insurance policy is to protect your assets but also to look after the people who are your dependents when you're no longer here."
"We have to be able to build complex systems that are safe, reproducible, and that I'm willing to use in my mom or my daughter or my son."
"You make sure that your family wants for nothing."
"I wanted to take care of my family and spend each day without any regrets."
"This was uncharacteristic of Lucy because she always came home early so the children would never go hungry."
"Take a special care of your family from this time henceforth and forever. Amen."
"I just try to make sure that she has a good life so that she does not miss him too much."
"My mom was the oldest in the family; she has five other siblings to take care of."
"I wake up every day, grind, go to work, come home, make sure my family's healthy, my bills are paid."
"I would love the opportunity to be able to take care of my mom and dad in their older years."
"You're going to take care of me forever 'cause you're my daddy, and that's what daddies do."
"I just want to make this money and go home, take care of you, take care of my kids."
"By showing us Katniss interacting with and taking care of her family, The Hunger Games tells you a lot about the character of Katniss and the world."
"He loved his daughter and wanted to make sure she was doing okay."
"Don't make them feel like they're a burden, make them feel like they're part of your life."
"Every working class adult in this country receives another 1200 direct payment plus 500 for their kids."
"As long as you're living under my roof or with me, I'll take care of you like my daughter."
"I'm here to take care of my mom, I will always do that till the day I die."
"All we want to do is look after you and the baby."
"I travel halfway around the world to take care of my sister, and that is what I do."
"The family is kind of the prototype for care work that's motivated by concern for others."
"We're at that point in our lives where the duty of care is shifting slightly, and it's our turn to start looking after people in our family a bit more."
"When you get old, you realize like, hey, I really gotta take care of some of my kids."
"She wants to thank them for always giving her a loving home and for always providing for her."
"Isolate that area... then you can keep that smaller area warm and take care of your family."
"The best thing you can do to protect yourself and your family is to get the flu shot."
"This is how I eat, this is how I take care of my family."
"Care more about the elderly in their family, making sure that we shouldn't treat them like nothing and abandon them."
"He took his grandmother to the hospital, assuring her that they could afford her treatment with the 3 billion and 90 million won they now had."
"It's always good to be prepared, especially if you have little kids, a family."
"She lived for her boys and did everything within her power to make sure they had the best life she could give them."
"I'll cook dinner and leave the kids to me. Don't worry about the family; I'll take care you so you go visit and stay with your mother."
"It's getting late, I have a few things I need to wrap up, probably should go cook some dinner for my kids."
"It's so perfect for sick days, whenever anyone in the family is sick, I make this for breakfast, lunch, dinner; it's like so soothing."
"You forgot that a real man doesn't need to brag or belittle others; a real man carries a sense of responsibility, an obligation to his loved ones, a real man protects and provides for his family."
"Family should care for each other."
"I am doing my best to support my wife through her postpartum depression and take care of our family."
"It's never enough to get the kids everything that they need."
"Ava likes to make sure her friends and family are always happy."
"It shows that Lincoln cares about his family more than anything else."
"I love to order groceries and make sure that the fridge is totally stocked for my family."
"I promised them I was going to make it cozy and comfy for them, and that's what we are doing today."
"The best deed is taking in food for the family and for the people over there."
"It's heartbreaking, selling them so they could get food, selling them so they could have a birthday party for their two-year-old daughter."
"We need people around who truly care for us, that care for our mental health, that care for our families."
"Take care of yourself, Ricky. Visit your mother. All the best, Uncle Leo."
"Investing in your professionalism is going to allow you and the families that you work with to reap the benefits of offering amazing labor support."
"Just stay in school and get your money so you can take care of your family."
"If we all took care of our kids and our family members and our parents, there wouldn't be any need for the government to come in and screw everything up royally like it does."
"Make sure you've got warm, durable clothing for everyone in your family."
"...so we made an arrangement to check on dad once a week in person."
"I've been looking into the legal ramifications of making the three of you my wards, and I found out it isn't as complicated as I thought."
"If I don't look after myself, I can't really be of any use to my children, to my wife, to my parents, the people who rely upon me."
"I sacrificed for them, I showed them love, I gave them exactly what I was missing."
"One day, you're gonna get older, and you're gonna take care of your mom."
"We can tuck in our children at night and know that they are fed and clothed and safe from harm."
"I'm definitely gonna get grief counseling for not just myself but all my children as well because it's clearly needed."
"Every child needs help and needs a parent."
"I'm grown, I take care of my parents and I'm not ashamed of that at all."
"I was fortunate enough about seven or eight years ago to retire to take care of some elderly parents and to spend more time with my children."
"Fight hard to get what it takes, honestly, to take care of her and the children that you produce from her, and you produce a woman that loves you, honors you, and she puts it in the children to love you."
"I was still in school, trying to take care of the fam."
"That's the biggest thing in the world to me, make sure that Quincy has everything that he needs."
"Stay safe, look after your family."
"Extremely concerned for her son, Ophelia decides to take him down to see his psychiatrist."
"I'm not going to find you on this, spend the money on the baby."
"Now when my parents will come back home, I will give them lots of happiness. I will obey whatever they will say and I will try to keep them happy always."
"You should take care of yourself first; that way you can take care of your family, your significant other, your kids, your pets, your business."
"There was no question based on the way he treated me that he was a guy that was gonna look out for me and my family."
"Make a will. It's the greatest gift you can give your parents, your spouse, your kids."