
Natural Order Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"It was just the way of the world to eat or to be eaten, it was the same for animals or humans, and naturally for devil beasts as well."
"A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun."
"A miracle might be defined as a specific event that would not have happened if only the natural order had been operating."
"The Tao is not a name for a thing but the underlying natural order of the universe."
"Allah created the male and the female the way He created the night and the day."
"Eating animals is part of the circle of life for humans."
"Aristotle believed that everything had its order and its place..."
"No parent should ever have to bury their child."
"Ancient Chinese eschatology is deeply intertwined with Chinese philosophy, mythology, and the natural world, emphasizing renewal and the restoration of order."
"There has to be this kind of delicate balance where some animals eat plants but they can't eat all the plants."
"Final headline: teenage thief allegedly steals and eats world's hottest gummy bear immediately suffers consequences. Just let nature take its course."
"Nature doesn't really like anything that's unique... if we were alone, because we would be a one-off and nature really doesn't seem to like that sort of thing."
"There is a natural order to this world, and those who try to upend it do not fare well."
"Control, freedom, chaos, order, they're all just natural processes the universe goes through."
"Miracles are not rare, the truth is, miracles are the natural order of things."
"I mean, leftism is a rejection of the natural order."
"There's power in being passive, nature will run its course."
"Chaos is merely a human construct. The world only knows its own natural law of harmony and order."
"The intelligibility of nature, the order of nature, and the contingency of nature."
"In a world where everyone uses magic in their daily lives, Mash's existence defies the natural order."
"Nature has an order, a power to restore balance."
"Means liberation from sex as it is intended to be the natural order of sex which is basically between a man and a woman so all homosexual activity is a violation of the natural order."
"Hierarchy isn't just an aspect of human nature, it's an aspect of nature."
"Love and life are about trusting that there is a natural flow that is supportive."
"Spring follows winter inevitably, believe that. That's some truth right there."
"The real reason why we should be rejecting this is because it's rebelling against the way that God created the world."
"The way of the world is to bloom into flower and die."
"Synchronicity is a natural thing collapsing us to understand how to connect with universal order."
"Trust the process, trust the universe, cheesy lines, but in time, it all kind of works itself out."
"Top of the food chain, you're right about that."
"Lust is the thing that takes what God called natural and distorts it, contorts it, manipulates it."
"Everything that comes, everything that happens in the dark comes to light. It's the natural progression and order of things."
"The vast majority of what we can see around us is ruled by chaos and disorder."
"You've really turned everything around and you're going to continue to turn things around."
"Parents aren't supposed to bury their child, and that's a fundamental, almost like a law of the universe."
"Nature isn't hierarchical, it just emerges from chaos."
"Even the earth, all things that are on the face of it and the motion and all the planets which move in their regular form, witness there is a supreme creator."
"Cats remain cats, dogs each of these bring forth after their kind."
"Nature is not an orchard and it will not obey, no matter how hard you try to force nature to be an orchard."
"Life is just a series of cycles, even when things die, they will always come back again."
"Just like it is put there for the lions and tigers to eat, it is also put here for me to eat."
"If the Olympians represent change and progress, then the Giants are nature itself, the adverse reaction to change."
"Change is an integral part of the natural order."
"Nature wants to be with its own, whether black, white, or in between."
"Complex societies are inherently more fragile and even the slightest change to the natural order of things can have catastrophic consequences!"
"This is the chain, this is the food chain here in Africa."
"Everything has its season, its divine and appropriate timing."
"There is an order to how things happen; flow with it, don't jump ahead."
"Animals need to know who their leaders are, otherwise, they will be coming."
"It's the natural order of things. Try not to take it personally. Instead, look at how far we've come."
"Restore the natural order of the world. What I don't know is if that's good or bad."
"Life is just the way it is, things unfold the way they're supposed to unfold. Don't force it."
"All animals become food eventually... we'll all be food for something."
"Nature exhibits a design, a plan. It does not, God. What I would give to have a conversation with Professor Piercy..."
"You're not supposed to bury your children. They're meant to bury you."
"The galaxy is built on a cycle of extinction."
"One king gets old then a young gorilla comes up and kills him and takes everything he arms disrespectful now he is over the Tom's."
"The king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun."
"Mufasa's view of how the circle of life is supposed to work."
"The story is about how the natural order is broken by Persephone being dragged to the underworld, and Demeter withholding the harvest, and how Demeter restores that order."
"Everything just works how it's meant to be."
"You are organized, you just are. That's butterfly organization."
"Complexity emerged, the pattern suddenly came out as a natural consequence."
"Karma, then, is part of the natural order but only one part."
"The whole point of the Principia was that he was arguing that the mathematical harmony of the universe displayed the handiwork of God."
"It's part of the order of things."
"Miracles are the natural order of things not the exception."
"In emptiness, nothingness, and simplicity, he is in harmony with the natural order of heaven and earth."
"If kings and Lords observed this, the ten thousand things would develop naturally."
"The man should lead. That's the natural role for a man."
"The world continues to turn even without divine intervention."
"Even though this is specifically about lustful same-sex behavior, all same-sex relationships are wrong because they go against the natural created order of God."
"The Galu, fearsome demons, agents of transition between the world of the living and the realm of the dead, guardians of the natural order."
"Divine law is divine because it expresses the profound structures of a permanent natural order."
"There are rhythms innate in things, rhythms which mean continued function."
"The strong rule the weak. That is the natural order of things."
"...to me as an engineer a universe that works that way is way more impressive than a universe where God has to show up and push buttons..."
"Everything in the universe knows exactly what to do."
"This is evil, and I want to say to the women of God who are watching, do not let the enemy talk you into change that which is against nature."
"We are nature, so if you're part of nature, you are supposed to let nature run its course."
"There is something natural about the way that identity flows down from this hierarchy of beings."
"Everything moves according to its own rhythm."
"And in accordance with god's design the dry land was earth and the water's oceans and once again it was reestablished and good as god intended."
"The sun doesn't try to bring the moon up and the moon doesn't try to bring the sun up, they rotate and they show up when they need to."
"For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."
"Figure out what's my place and play your part. And to do that is to square your will with the natural order. To do that is virtue."
"God works his supernatural works in very natural ways."
"The universe never fails to balance itself."
"He expressed wonderment about the incredibly high degree of ordering of the objective world, something that he described as a miracle or an eternal mystery."
"...this is the natural order human beings even if you believe in evolution human beings are designed to be male and female that's how the human race is propagated that's how human marriages are constructed that's how societies are constructed."
"When something is meant for you, it's just going to happen naturally."
"We need to return to the natural order of self-giving, which is what society should be about."
"Let go of your control films; allow the situation to unfold naturally."
"What can we do, My dear Lucilius, how otherwise can we find a word for that which the Greeks call osya, something that is indispensable, something that is the natural substratum of everything?"
"Inequality for Locke is natural and beneficial for everyone."
"Gaze on the mystery to come. Learn the ways of every living creature and how they walk as God appointed them. Understand those things, and you won't have problems."
"The world and science work the way they work simply because that's how it works."
"Wu wei means non-action or non-doing; it doesn't mean not acting but rather taking action that is in harmony with the natural flow of things."
"That's how the universe works, right? It's this constant just like oscillation back and forth."
"Things have natural names and that not everyone is a craftsman of names but only someone who looks to the natural name of each thing and is able to put its form into letters and syllables."
"Your kids are not supposed to go before you, and if they do, you should know what happened."
"The moon can never overtake the Sun."
"They follow the recipes written by nature and grow according to the season."
"Biodiversity is natural in the outside world; neurodiversity is natural in the human existence world."
"Life is going along in its own way."
"The universe unfolds according to its own genius."
"Surrender to the natural ebb and flow of life."
"Live in harmony with Dharma, live in harmony with the Dao, it means you go with the natural law."
"Sometimes life has its own way of sorting things out."
"Pass then through this little space of time conformably to nature, and end thy journey in content, just as an olive falls when it is ripe, blessing the nature that produced it, and thanking the tree on which it grew."
"It feels very natural, actually in alignment with natural order or natural law; it's organic."
"The hanged man represents the moment when the fool learns that when he relinquishes his struggle for control, everything begins to work as it should."
"Things will generally work themselves out."
"The spiritual realm is our natural inheritance; we are first spirit, then natural."
"Wu-wei is always to act in accordance with the pattern of things as they exist." - Alan Watts
"In order for something to live, something else must die."
"Follow the natural order of things."
"Healthy things grow, right? This is how it should be."
"The balance between life and death is often disrupted but then quickly restored."
"Psychopomps act as stewards of the natural order, focusing on the passage of life to death and back again."
"Miracles are natural. That means that is our purpose, that is our goal."
"The universe is perfectly balanced by natural and moral laws which are regulatory vibrations to maintain order."
"Jormungandr is the symbol of the world serpent that bites its own tail, it's the idea of stability and conservation of the natural order of the universe."
"There are certain things that just have a natural order to them."
"All that is composed shall be decomposed; everything returns to its root."
"It's very important that we let this River function naturally as it should."
"Nature has been thinking about order for a long, long time because nature wants to be efficient."
"Chaos is sort of the natural order of things."
"The ringing comes after the impulse; effect follows cause. This is natural and wholesome, like motherhood and apple pie."
"Being unwell is about as unnatural as for water to flow backwards."
"The whole idea of order and entropy are opposites."
"It's pretty obvious that the animals kind of run the show."
"You don't change it, you understand it, you look at it, you observe it, it'll take care of itself."
"For it is according to Nature, and nothing is evil which is according to Nature."
"You that have commanded the air by your nod, and have seen those things which are to be as those things which you are doing."
"Everything's going to fall into place naturally and move and sail positively."
"It's not in the order of nature to outlive your children."
"The way of heaven doesn't compete, yet wins handily."
"Go with the flow. Force nothing. Let it happen."
"Everything's evolved as it should."
"The way of heaven is like a bow: it brings the high down, lifts the low."
"If you force things in life, you break them. Allow something to be what it is."
"Christ's healing Miracles are signs that disease does not belong to the true order of Nature."
"You've treated the world as if it was Legos, and you could just take it and put it together however you want when really it's more like a garden or a tree."
"When everything flows from that, when your priorities are right, things just work out naturally as they should."
"Mother nature has a way of working things out."
"Chaos is not randomness, chaos is a much higher form of order."
"Equality is not a natural occurrence; it's unnatural."
"Just realize things are gonna happen the way they're meant to naturally."
"The past comes to an end, and what is there unfolds in its own way."
"Love yourself and let go of control issues; allow the situation to unfold naturally."
"All things happen in time; there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens."
"Both authority and obedience are natural, necessary, and fundamental."
"Sleep is meant to relax us, because everything in creation is based on the principle of polarity."
"It's okay to fall back and allowing things to unfold naturally."
"Look at the sun and it runs the day, look at the moon and it rises at night."
"Humans come and go, cities rise and fall; it's the natural order of human civilization."
"Rather than seeing in terms of self, this individual independent entity, we're looking at this life as part of a natural order, that this is a part of an organic living system."
"Everything is perfect; everything in this world has a balance and a system to it."
"The energy of authenticity and sincerity allows what is, and what wants to be, to happen on its own."
"Nothing has been lost, nothing has gone wrong, nothing is out of order, this is Dhamma, the lawfulness of nature."
"Everything in its due course, everything has a season."
"Justice is natural order and truth, and nobody on this Earth, no matter how much money they have, one way or another, can violate it."
"This is proper, this is how we're meant to be, I believe."
"The process is one of orderly growth, having its sequential stages, like the growth of a tree."
"Death is the most natural thing of all, Lord Eddard."
"One queen rules each of the hives."
"Life er finds a way and in the end, they've been here longer than we have."
"There's always a season for everything under the sun."
"Natural order, unity of human needs and the interests of all, complete freedom within complete solidarity."
"The universe is full of law and order, cause and effect."
"It was natural that he should lead, indeed it was his duty."
"Waiting for death with a cheerful mind, as being nothing else than a dissolution of the elements."
"The termination of life for every man is no evil, for it is seasonable and profitable to and congruent with the universal."
"When everything is working beautifully, everything is harmonious, even the elements behave harmoniously, which is the fruit of virtue."
"A pre-born baby belongs in his or her mother's womb, it's a natural habitat."
"God has set a boundary here you will be, but when I want your proud waves to go somewhere, it will go only this far."
"Let things flow the way they naturally want to flow."
"In Taoism, one must follow the path of nature."
"That's the way nature intended to be, man."
"All natural law moves in an orderly manner through the law of harmony."
"It is splendid, this indifference of nature to death and her greediness for life."
"Christ's healing was not miraculous but was simply a natural fulfillment of Divine Law."
"Nature rejoices in nature, nature subdues nature, nature rules over nature."
"When you look at the universe around us, like the day and the night, or the Sun in the sky, the sun giving us heat, the sun giving us light, the sun is the right distance away."
"Basically what he's saying is the ball's natural home is the hole."
"You should never ever have to force anything. If you do stuff correctly and take your time, stuff should almost just fall back into place."
"One cannot exist without the other; there would be no day without night, no summer without winter."
"The way is the way of heaven and earth; man's place is to follow it."
"People should be afraid of natural order because that is the way it should be."
"Let things be and let things happen on its own."
"If you're going to re-enter the food chain somewhere other than the top, I think that is entirely natural."
"Birth is a natural order of things; if anything is to come to pass in this earth, it has to be birthed."
"That's just the way friendship and life works; that's just the way the universe works."
"Matrimony is in harmony with nature and divine law for true bond."
"This is a very positive thing; this is natural, this is part of the universe's evolution."
"It's raw will to power; there's nothing else except pure natural predatory dominance."
"It's amazing the way life works out."
"Everything dies, Orochimaru. It's a natural part of life."
"Let things happen in their own time, in their own course."