
Portal Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Duan leads them to a portal that leads to shiang Yu and beyond the portal is a place which looks like a galaxy."
"Portal doesn't work like that; it's a game to use as an introduction to 3D video games as a whole."
"Portal incorporates a locked cell, countdown, ironic music, safety glass, and a glitchy sarcastic robot, combining for a sense of unease."
"Portal is concise in both its development and experience."
"Portal seems like it's going to be a massive win in the long run."
"Portal is something that I think everyone should play regardless of whether or not they even care about video games in the first place."
"Portal was intelligent, atmospheric, unique, satisfying, and condensed."
"Portal made an immediate impact on the video game industry."
"Miraculously, a portal just so happens to open up, saving the one who just put an end to the harbinger."
"Futuristic humans opened a portal and demons came to say hi."
"The fact that Portal can do more in two hours than most other games can do in 20."
"You are about to enter a portal that is about to change your life."
"How can you throw something that opens a portal and have it open a second portal wherever you want without throwing something else?"
"It's possible to find a fully loaded End portal with all of the eyes intact."
"I wasn't expecting that, that's pretty cool so we now have a Twilight forest portal."
"And just like that the sound of the portal opening rung out across this world of randomosity."
"Portal: consistently called the perfect video game."
"Portal: one of the most perfect games ever created."
"Portal's soundtrack is one of the best in any game I've played."
"I definitely believe that women are the chosen beings to be the portal for life to pass through."
"You're going through a portal into something new, a beautiful awakening."
"If you like Portal, a lot of people really enjoyed this."
"The M'Kraan Crystal is actually a portal to the Multiverse."
"I don't think these creatures came out of a lab. I think that somebody opened up a portal to somewhere, and these creatures were let in."
"She says that the love she has for him is real as she pushes him through the portal."
"...the volcano serves as an interdimensional portal Between Worlds."
"If this is in fact the location of where the portal is, we feel pretty strong that something has the ability to show itself for us."
"As for the portal, we may have got evidence, we may not have, but again, that was our investigation."
"The Large Hadron Collider looks a lot like that portal opener that they had in Stranger Things."
"A portal split in the fabric of reality and dimension appeared out of nowhere."
"The three elders directed their magical powers into the portal."
"You are stepping through the portal into your Garden of Eden, into a new life, stability, um, abundance, love, this very grounded shore energy."
"The energy in here it will it likes your voice go a certain tone of voice so still frequencies what what were you saying about the mirror about it becoming some portal yeah so a mirror is a portal where Spirits can enter the room."
"...their love seems to have created a magic all of its own, a magic powerful enough to forge one last portal."
"We're a portal to another place where we're Jacob's ladder, the meeting place of heaven and earth."
"He hacked the entire City's portal Supply."
"But that night the mysterious portal opens in the backyard and out falls a kid."
"This elevator that is a portal to other dimensions."
"Those angelic choirs provided yet another portal, a light portal."
"Some even say there could be a portal to another dimension somewhere in the Triangle."
"If she was terrified enough of being on her own facing the skull witch directly and opened up another portal and sent herself to the pain world, scholar, she's just [ __ ]."
"I also want to know what Ford saw in that portal, what he went through those 30 years. I'm really curious."
"Bonnie agrees and says he's right, they haven't any time and must quickly go there to hide now within the portal entering into this dark entrance."
"The Developer Portal allows developers to discover APIs, group them into products, onboard them, learn how to consume them, and access analytics of their usage."
"Drawing on unimaginable power, the portal squashed a hole through the fabric of time and space."
"A portal toward another dimension has opened in the land of Puppets, teleporting a building and closing itself."
"When he closes the portal and returns to Mars, Betruger contacts him and says that another hell gate has opened up, and this one is located at the dig site where the artifacts and stone tablets were found."
"The box itself was effectively a portal, linking reality with this realm of Fantasy."
"This is very much a portal that exists in the medieval concept of time and gives you the sense of time past, present, and future."
"I need everyone to stand clear of the portal. Yeah, don't need anyone else to be accidentally beamed into another dimension."
"So what is that? Obviously, this hole is some sort of portal or dimensional something or another because it's not always there."
"Appearing through a portal from the future that would create an eclipse in present day."
"Portal fantasy... I think this is something I love and I just haven't read enough of it."
"You'll never guess what just happened. You went out in the hallway, stumbled into an interdimensional portal which brought you 5,000 years into the future."
"By playing with a Ouija board, you are actually opening up a portal."
"Portal always had that creepy feeling just beneath the surface."
"Forget the lighting, Portal without GLaDOS is so much creepier."
"The Strand is kind of like standing in a portal between two worlds."
"The king's power is the key to opening and closing the rift between worlds."
"The Pokémon that graced the front of the case of each different game is a portal into the window of what this new experience might encapsulate."
"It was like I was standing in some sort of otherworldly portal."
"The Conclave technically doesn't exist in our world," Marin said. "The doorway is a portal."
"Narrative parity works in Portal mostly because it's based on primal motivation."
"Our fundamental portal narrative design goal was that the story story would never ever intrude or contradict the gameplay story."
"Some people say it has even opened a portal right beneath the ancient ram Inn."
"The artwork can be a doorway to another universe or to another reality."
"I love how that looks, the fact that they're coming out of the portal here."
"The number 11 looks like a doorway which represents a gateway or a portal into a different dimension and a different reality."
"Fantasy portal shines full of light."
"You made it out of the other end of the portal, you are safe and sound."
"There lies the gate between this world and ours; it is closed but it shall open once more in one hundred of your years, two hundred, three... soon."
"The thing with mirrors is if you have two mirrors facing each other, it's bad luck, apparently you create a portal."
"The scroll opens a gateway to the realm of Stygia and the nine hells into the frozen prison of Avistus himself."
"What do you call a cute portal? Adorable."
"I know it sounds weird, but a freaking portal is what I'm coming up with."
"Some believe that Hoia Baciu, the forest, contains some sort of portal to another dimension."
"Revealed the unrevealed," the mirror would activate and the portal will open.
"The present moment is the portal into the spiritual Dimension."
"So that completes all the necessary elements we need to build an end portal."
"We're creating a portal of love, guys, portal of beautiful love."
"Think of your author website as your portal for all things on the internet."
"Employee Center is actually an employee-facing portal."
"Think of a place and then it creates a portal."
"The Dolmen looking almost like a portal, a doorway between that realm and this."
"It's more than a place; it's a portal to the extraordinary."
"She eventually attacks the demon man and sends Timid to the portal in an act of survival."
"As we feared, the end eyes we threw are receding, the end portal is nigh."
"Hadouken everyone, today we're gonna be talking about how to make your very own portal."
"Let's just jump right into it, walk through the portal door."
"...all signs point to some type of interdimensional portal in or around the property."
"This is what the Google Developers Portal looks like."
"An altar is a spiritual portal or place of exchange where spirits land."
"You portal folk sure are full of surprises."
"We are the portal, we are the canal through which all life enters this earth."
"This is a very transformative portal; it will mark a new beginning for you."
"A mirror is a portal, it will increase your magic, it will make you ponder what is a mirror for."
"This portal is bringing about brand new beginnings."
"You are meant to walk through a portal in June and everything changes for you and your spiritual gifts fully flip on."
"This planet is opening a new doorway, a portal through the Sun."
"This is the time when the new portal is about to open for you."
"You're receiving the key here; you're going to be able to step through that portal."