
Unexpected Behavior Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Aardvark says hello; however, his definition of hello involves violence and destruction."
"I'm usually stoic, but watching this show is like watching a house guest who looks like your friend, doing something inexplicably bad."
"Windows thinks it's going to sleep, it closes its eyes, it passes out, and then its body gets up, goes out into the night, and commits murders it'll never remember."
"We're fascinated by animals that behave in ways we would never expect."
"It’s mind-boggling how such a clean-cut, well-liked, obviously intelligent man with no history of trauma or violence could become such a maniac."
"It's funny because you just never see that, like, if Graham were to say something like that, you would be ousted."
"You didn't really sense the gravity of what I'm telling you until you witness a 55-year-old white guy with glasses walk into your club in a Hooters girl outfit."
"A kid with a coffee mug is pure comedy - there's something hilarious about it."
"Next thing you know, he's cuddling with you in your bed, holding you, caressing you with his whiskers."
"They've been bred psychotically and they wake up one day and be like, you know what, I'm on croquettes. Wow."
"The public display of police work soon turns into a public display of affection."
"They start randomly spinning, like they're in a Phish concert. It's unbelievable."
"Just imagine pillman appearing on something like TRL or David Letterman at this time and going Buck Wild much to the confusion of everyone around him."
"GM Superman caught gambling in Vegas first night on the job. I couldn't help myself."
"Lee Tang Witnesses one such incident and he can't keep himself from putting out a smoke on the lady's car's windshield."
"In all my years of Madden, I've never seen a man spike the ball on Fourth and 28."
"I'd never seen Dad scared in my life until then."
"He started crawling out of the closet toward them on all fours and making sounds like they'd never heard any living thing make before."
"My GPU boosts itself to 1910 megahertz when it's only meant to go to 1545 MSI stock 2080 Ti. I don't know, that doesn't sound right. No OC, just up the fan curve."
"It looks like an act of sheer luck, but then it knows to pull the door towards itself to get inside, which is just creepy beyond belief."
"Volunteering Kappa out of spite seems out of character."
"The world's richest man said he doesn't own a home and crashes on friends' couches."
"My son put some Trix in his ant farm instead of eating them. The ants dug up all of the dead ants in the farm and piled them on top of the Trix. Not sure what that means, but I'm not eating Trix anymore."
"Everybody has within them the potential to one day have a psychotic break and run down the street naked."
"Moral of the story is don't mess with the Quiet kid, man."
"Nobody really expected these two to do something like this."
"Vivian's suicide was out of character; many who knew her stated that she would not leave her children behind."
"Trisha ate my whole chalupa, Trisha you do that? Did you do that?"
"For those of us who follow him in Florida, we've never seen Ron DeSantis make these facial expressions before."
"He starts to act differently, surprising everyone."
"I knew he had hurt her before, but I never thought in a million years he would do this."
"She woke up and chose violence. I don't even think she knows she woke up."
"It's hardly the kind of crime you typically associate with one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes."
"He never talks so the fact that he's over here blabbing his mouth makes me kind of suspicious."
"Seeing this thing just wandering around effectively just executing whatever it felt like, yeah, it gained a bit of reputation."
"There's going to be an apology or a gush of emotions. The [ __ ] didn't know how to act."
"He was just like just like sits down on the floor and and I'm thinking okay yeah yeah that hole I'm gonna give him some pills and try and be his friend thing like that's not going I ever say well is it."
"I mean, because if I come and punch you in the face, you're gonna come out of your shell and be like, 'hey man why'd you punch me?'"
"I did a joker impression, yeah. Why is it that when I pee in a toilet nobody cares, but when I poop in a urinal everybody loses their minds?"
"She has been an exemplary employee. This is not the Vicky White we know."
"Not only do ducks get into bad situations, but they can also try to help others when they're in trouble."
"She's walking around with dynamite in a handbag."
"Tiger refuses to eat goat who was giving to him as live food instead they became best friends."
"Having coached this bear to close her door with treats over several encounters, there's something surprising about seeing a usually fearsome beast carry out commands, particularly in such a gentle manner."
"Darko's actually crazy, okay, Darko, oh, Darko, oh ****!"
"An eagle decides to adopt a baby hawk instead of making it dinner."
"My main goal for this year is to blow up and then act like I don't know nobody."
"You guys want to see how I almost vandalized my own car?"
"One of these days I'm just gonna get in my Tesla, and it's just gonna drive me right to the police station."
"Nobody suspects a talking bush. They just think, 'Hey, that's weird. Better steer clear of that thing.'"
"Even the soccer mom that comes in... she may very well be into all sorts of you know have found on the gym type of shits but but but she's gonna be pissed eventually."
"People do very occasionally snap and in a moment of madness they act completely out of character."
"To this day I can't explain why my brain chose to have me turn and just walk away from the car."
"I even think she had a shoe thrown at her when she ran on stage to stop him from finishing the comic to the surprise of No One."
"Plot twist: the teacher was doing the graffiti."
"She managed to break a record, but what surprised everyone was her unique way of celebrating it."
"It's funny because it's not even picking Seth up."
"He would go like... like that. Would he bump her? When a headbutt will literally make contact."
"What’s so utterly shocking about this next crime is that the murderer was only 11 years old and to most people she seemed like a little girl who was as harmless as the teddy bears she kept by her bed."
"Anybody that knows her will tell you they are in complete shock about this, man."
"His character and what a good person he was—you couldn't even fathom the fact that he could do something like that. Nobody could."
"So he walks past us with the chunk, dark skin, [__], with black titties, lifts his shirt up, and rocks his titties like that right in front of you."
"If the gorillas didn't go after clay, I'd be really surprised."
"The smallest, most innocent child is always the one to be watchful of."
"He's just like, 'It's a little bit weird to just come through the back door like that.'"
"All things stop moving once they are dead, but Jack did not follow that rule."
"I'm just blasting the Digimon theme song and they're just like, 'I don't understand what's happening right now,' and I'm just like, 'Go with it, it's happening.'"
"It's insane that he was like, 'Well, she [ __ ] on my bed.'"
"You would never think such a chilled dude could be an absolute killer."
"He's smiling in his mugshot, but Park Rangers are law enforcement, I'm sure it was a felony assault."
"If you fit into the conventional beauty standard or if you don't fit into a conventional standard, don't bring other girls down. That's just really upsetting."
"He comes very calm, does not come the way we know him to be."
"It's not like something literally takes off running and just slams against the wall."
"Damn, Karen brought a gun!" - "She's like, 'Can I speak to the manager?'"
"During the trial they actually played this song 'Hungry Like a Wolf' out loud in the courtroom... and she was, like, bopping her head around and tapping her feet."
"Morrowind reboots the system during loading screens."
"I was never afraid of mannequins until I played this...they move when you don't look."
"He's good but not safe. He's not a safe lion but he's a good lion."
"Look at this dude, flying through his guise."
"I just scare you, boom, and I'm still going left-handed."
"Sophie on stage with Trudeau... just starts doing yoga."
"Eleanor Roosevelt once snuck out of a White House event with Amelia Earhart."
"Danielle never does this she loves her son so much why would she not show up to pick him up without even calling it's like completely unlike her so they were worried but like immediately."
"The second we started making real power, this thing just wanted to do backflip."
"Yo, why'd this get all funky Lotus out of nowhere?"
"I didn't see everything, but I've never seen somebody take their dentures out and hit another woman."
"The thief hadn't expected moo to be so ruthless at such a young age."
"It's weird Goku and Gohan have never seen this side of Vegeta, same for the other Fighters."
"Her eyes go cold, and she walks over, but instead of doing anything crazy like you might have assumed, she does a classic Faraday and pets his head."
"Oh damn, bro, he's not even about to leave his dead body, okay, never mind."
"'The words were coming out of my mouth and I had no control over them, but I wasn't alone.'"
"You know something, Twilight? Sometimes, you're scarier than the villains we face."
"At a maternity ward in Hartlepool, an urgent investigation is launched after a baby tried to climb back inside its mother."
"Calm down, Tiddles. I don't know why you like climbing trees. You're a tortoise."
"There's nothing like a six foot seven, 350 pound scary biker dancing to Wham on his motorcycle to let folks know that they're in the right place."
"Never sleep with your pet snake because there will be one night when it will straighten out its body next to you in bed and it's not stretching, it's measuring you."
"I never thought a cat would be scared of a pumpkin."
"You are a fluffy bunny, but a terrifying fluffy bunny with a chainsaw."
"In the middle of the night, their Alexa decided to do them the horrifying favor of defining the word kidnapping."
"Watching Annie actually protect someone else is something that I never thought I'd see."
"It's just that we never see you except at the command center, so this is kind of... you know, it's a side of you we're not used to seeing."
"No matter how much love and affection you pour into a hermit crab, they will still pinch you."
"...he was well liked, he was intelligent and nobody thought that he could hurt a fly."
"He walked into the class and he instead of going to his seat, he walks over to me."
"This behavior was incredibly uncharacteristic and out of the blue."
"He did not get angry, he did not get upset, he didn't fly off the handle like we are so used to."