
Dreamlike Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"We are part of something alien and the images that Tarkovsky surrounds us with are intrinsically dreamlike."
"There's something almost dreamlike about this place."
"I was in a hallucinated state of mind where you just feel like you're dreaming. It's like a dreamlike state."
"Haruki Murakami's writing feels like you're dreaming, it's surreal and magical."
"This is so amazing, like I woke up in a dream."
"Watching his work could best be compared to looking into somebody's dream."
"I feel like I'm dreaming. I never thought this day would come. I wish this would last forever."
"It is so exciting, it is so much fun, it is just like a fever dream."
"That's like the kind of thing you might see in a dream."
"This movie truly is what dreams are made of."
"I feel like I'm dreaming, I just, this is so dreamy."
"Oh my gosh, somebody pinch me, I'm dreaming."
"I felt like I was finally alive and this was a dream, yeah because none of it affected that, that was perfect."
"This is a dream, there's no other way to describe it."
"I feel like sometimes I'm in a movie and I'm in a dream."
"It's quite literally as close to sleeping in a cloud as you can get."
"We awake just as we cross through the Bulgarian-Turkish border - in my semi-sleepy state, it truly feels like a dream."
"There are so many clear and deliberate editing choices in this film that are precise and necessary without spoiling anything. The entire dreamlike feel of this film is created through the editing process."
"I remember everything so vividly but honestly it was like a dream come true being there."
"It just feels crazy, like it's almost like a dream."
"A hypnotic dreamlike and visually satisfying ride experience."
"Some reviewers have actually explained the game as dreamlike, and I think that's pretty spot on."
"Art approaches the mind through the language of dreams, and games are like the next big thing to move people's hearts."
"It's the sort of dream logic that this game fully embraces all condensed into one bafflingly weird sequence."
"Pinch me, I'm dreaming; this is surreal."
"It looks more like a dream than a car."
"You have a very dreamy quality, kind of like a princess from a fairy tale."
"An experience I will never forget and one that I couldn't have even dreamt of."
"Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë... a fever dream, a glimmering trembling shivering nightmarish incantation."
"This space almost feels like it's out of a fairy tale."
"There was something heavy in the air, a strange surrealness that clung to everything like a fog, giving it an awful dreamlike feeling."
"Avery felt as if she was in a dreamlike state, grateful for the opportunity to read as much as she wished."
"Every day I almost wake up and feel like I'm dreaming. Like wait, this is my life. This is cool."
"Your person is in awe of being in front of you again, as if you're a dream."
"Scheduling all of this all at once has been an absolute religious it feels like a dream"
"Sitting by the campfire under a sky bursting with stars felt like a dream."
"I feel like I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and be like, 'Oh, that was a dream.'"
"There's something about the imagery that feels dreamlike and Heavenly and, like, from a Time bygone time where maybe things looked like this or something, you know?"
"It literally feels like a dream right now."
"It is a beautiful story it is a dreamlike story it's got a powerful message and so many layers and I can go on about this."
"It feels like a dream, it's surreal."
"it's really like a dream and very surreal and beautiful"
"I really like how this series so far has gone all in on the dream-like aesthetic."
"This music takes me to a whole different place it's just so dreamlike, right?"
"I just feel like everything was a dream or something. Everything was just like so magical."
"...this season has felt like a dream."
"Winnie the Pooh felt like a fever dream."
"That looked dreamlike before. Look at this, oh my god, clouds look very nice though."
"It was surreal in a way that was also... dreamlike."
"I just feel like I'm in a dream Mason's runs stayed with us as well oh it's just been unreal I actually really feel like I'm on cloud nine I feel like I've got married."
"I have to pinch myself every day. It feels like a dream."
"There's a dreamlike quality to it which is quite scary."
"It's eerie. It's very dream, it's, yeah, it's eerie. It's an eerie image."
"Aesthetics like dreamcore depict an altered reality, one that feels dreamlike in its approach."
"So i got off but they sent me back to i think it was like forest hills to the evidence room yeah I go to get my cane should disappear someone stole that heaven."
"All his fictions are as deeply colored as dreams."
"From that moment, everything was dreamlike and wonderful."
"Visiting this destination will have you feeling like you're in a dream or in a movie."
"Everything about this dance sequence is fantastical and dreamlike."
"It's hard not to pinch yourself when visiting the rock sites of Cappadocia, a place that could only be plucked from your dreams."
"It felt like we were playing in a dreamland."
"There's almost a dreamlike quality to life."
"They're very dreamlike, very surreal, very nonsensical, but very, very good fun."
"I just stood there with my mouth hanging open, doing all the usual things like pinching myself, rubbing my eyes to see if I was truly dreaming."
"This is one of the most incredible moments. Don't wake me up if I'm dreaming."
"It feels more like an archetypal world or like a dream world."
"It looks like it's out of a dream, the Dream Lights."
"What at first looked like a pretty standard map, it's actually starting to take on quite a dreamlike element."
"The ground is like something out of a dream."
"It was hard not to feel like I was in some fairy tale dream."
"They're free. Absolutely free. It's an incredible world. It looks like a dream."
"Miss California, she said it was like a dream. Very surreal."
"It felt like a fever dream to me."
"It's a look, it's like a dream you know you're looking at the whole picture."
"It's like a dream. I still can't believe it sometimes."
"I think the moment where you walk in is the most ethereal and transporting moment; it almost feels dreamlike."
"He's just been an absolute dream."
"It's just like you're in a dream."
"For me, it still feels like I'm living a dream; somebody needs to pinch me so I can wake up."
"The past two weeks have just been a dream."
"Some days in early June when it's so paradise achill, you can't help but think you're in a dream."
"It still doesn't feel real, feels like a dream because it's just too amazing."
"It's like a dream, only I'm seeing things from the back of my mind."
"It was the most amazing day that I've ever had, like a very cool dream."
"It gives the whole thing a very dreamlike feeling."
"It feels like a dream, doesn't it?"
"This album is literally a fever dream."
"The Castle of Magical Dreams is what it's called, and there it is, it looks really nice."
"It's Euphoria, it's pure bliss, it feels dreamy and enchanting."
"...it's incredible and very strange and dreamlike and beautiful."
"I felt like I was dreaming; this was a completely surreal moment for me."
"It truly felt like a fever dream."
"It's almost like we're in a dream or something, but it's real."
"I feel like I'm living in a dream."
"It was all kind of like a dream almost."
"Just standing on this beach is unreal, it's just like an absolute dream to me."
"We have the entire island to ourselves; I feel like I'm in a dream."
"I feel like this is like a movie, like a dream."
"A surreal Dreamscape blending elements of land, sea, and sky."
"That's unbelievable, that's like a dream."
"This doesn't even seem real; it's like we're touching a dream."
"The town of Twin Peaks feels like a dream within a dream."
"It's like it feels like you're just flying through your dreams."
"She is a creature of dreams, she is a perfect cat."
"It honestly feels like I'm living in a dream whenever I look at my room."
"It's like a dream, although I'm not asleep."
"This rare 1966 Chrysler New Yorker runs and drives like a dream."
"It's like a dream, this is like it's like a dream."
"Oh blessed, blessed night! I am afeard, being in night, all this is but a dream, too flattering-sweet to be substantial."
"Walking through the fog of Sleepy Hollow was like walking in a dream."
"There is something definitely dreamlike, even surrealistic, about Venice."
"It's so peaceful, here's something out of a dream, isn't it?"
"This is amazing, I feel like I'm dreaming right now."
"Every moment spent together felt like a dream come true."
"It's like, imagine having a really strong deja vu, except it's like a waking dream and it just happened to you."
"I adore the colors in this one so much; it's so dreamy."
"The thinking of the earliest earthly human beings was dreamlike and imaginative."
"It was a dream, Bet. The hotel that we stayed in was like a picture book."
"It was so surreal, felt like a dream."
"It almost seems like something out of a dream."
"In the dream, we would run across the water as though it were as solid as Earth, trying to reach the shimmering citadel that always stayed fixed under the line of the horizon."
"Every breath was a gift, felt like I was living in a dream."
"It's always like that when you go on a trip and you stay in a different country for three months, and you find good friends then everything seems like a dream."
"It is a dream place that isn't quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you are gone."
"It's like a dream world, appreciate you doing this."
"It's like something out of a dream, with huge caves to walk through, crumbling red cliffs, and pristine streams."
"It truly just feels like you're in a dream and then just occasionally, it just hits you."
"This is better than a fairy tale; you can't dream these scenarios."
"I love how dreamlike this game is, how it seems like no matter what we do, the same intrusive thought always re-enters the picture."
"It's really magical. I feel like I'm dreaming."
"It's like delving into someone's fevered dream without them knowing."
"Life has been so surreal over these past two weeks; I feel like I've been living in a dream recently."
"It's like sitting waiting for something to happen, and then when it finally does, it's like a dream."
"I love being on water, this is amazing, it's kind of like a dream, it's unreal."
"Most of my life seems like a dream; it's a fantasy."
"You know I've been here for two weeks now, and it still feels like every morning I wake up I'm in a dream."
"The entire thing felt like a surreal dreamlike experience and not your typical horror film."
"It feels like I'm dreaming, I genuinely feel like I'm in a dream every time."
"This feels a little bit like riding on a cloud."
"It all seems like a dream to her; it's more like a nightmare that she never truly woke up from."
"It's literally like a dream flight, it does exactly what the name says."
"The whole movie has sort of the feel of like a dream."
"I feel like I'm living in a dream right now; this is so surreal."
"I wish to paint in such a manner as though I were photographing dreams."
"It really feels like I'm in some sort of dream."
"It's seriously such a dream in here, like look at the view, oh my goodness."
"It just feels like a dream, like we love where we live."
"Every day is like a dream for me."
"The tunnel felt like it was a dream."
"I look back on it now and it seems like a dream."
"It's like you're listening to someone else's dream."
"The choux pastry itself, it's got... It's like it's something you'd find in a dream, it's honestly magical."
"I had the coziest Sunday yesterday, it was like a dream."
"What I'm aiming for are images that look halfway between photographs and dreams."
"I cannot believe that I'm so happy, oh my God, it feels like a dream."
"I feel like I'm dreaming right now, this is really cool."
"Oh, the sun through the clouds is unreal. Wow, sorry, this is the morning of just dreams."
"The next two weeks are something out of a dream."
"With you, I feel like I'm dreaming but I'm awake."
"It's a dream, it's magic, it's amazing."
"It's honestly kind of like a dream, I can't even imagine that."
"Being asleep and being awake at the same time, it has a very dreamy sort of quality to it."
"That's a nice view, a lot is coming like it's a dream."
"It had all the qualities of a lucid dream, the moon rose full and bright over the towers and the pinnacles of Notre Dame Cathedral."
"Cappadocia's ethereal beauty and sense of timeless wonder will transport you to a dreamlike realm."
"It's just so dreamy, look at that."
"Surreal is kind of synonymous with dreamlike, so kind of things that don't necessarily go together, but you put them there anyway."
"It's like a dream when we both get together."
"I'm living in a dream or in a cartoon."
"It's like holding a cloud almost."
"The existence is great, but it is dreamlike."
"It's like entering a dream world inside somebody else's head."
"I loved the way it looked; it was an evening wedding in an old church and we were all road weary. Everything was dreamlike to me in the most beautiful perfect way possible."
"That feels like a lucid dream, I can't lie."
"Out of a misty dream, our path emerges for a while, then closes within a dream."
"The immersion of feeling like you're in this state of a dream and uncertainty and subconscious."
"Do you feel like this is like a dream or a fairy tale kind of moment in life?"
"It feels surreal like Italy feels like a dream."
"...it's so full of symbolism, very in a sense mystical and almost dreamlike."
"It was like living in a postcard, it was like living in a dream."
"This doesn't feel real; this seriously feels like a fever dream."
"How can this be real? You know, I think I'm living in the dream and I'm just gonna hope that I never wake up."
"It's a dream, this thing drives like a dream."
"It's hallucinatory, it sounds like a dream."
"I feel your hands all over me, it's like I'm up in heaven, I'm in a dream."
"You're like a dream, you're like a waterfall, floating downstream."
"It becomes almost dream or drug-like; there's almost something hypnotizing about these shots."
"This is like a crayon dream; you can find anything you want here."
"Every time life feels like a dream."
"This is not a dream, and I tell you what, it feels like a bloody dream."
"Literally pinch us, we're dreaming."
"It felt like it was a dream because it was too unreal."
"Some of them have a dreamlike feel, some of them have a nightmare like feel, some of them are satirical, some of them are silly, but most of them are strange."
"The glowing moon, illuminating everything, becomes a dream."
"It was the most beautiful thing, it was just like a dream."
"It's really like a dream and very real and beautiful, so it's great."
"I love the dreamlike atmosphere, it's really comfy."
"...it has a very dreamlike sense to it, a little bit like you're walking through a mist."
"Wow, this is so cool, I'm freaking out inside, I literally feel like I'm in a dream."
"It's just so good, like a dream catcher."