
Gradualism Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps."
"Now North Korea cannot change like China. It must happen progressively, slowly."
"The gradual part of this whole thing. Nothing in evolution suggests that all the changes between a descendant and their ancestor must happen simultaneously."
"We are conservatives. We want gradual change because gradual change will be lasting change."
"Donald Trump's fascist warm-up acts warm up the act with some light fascism that gradually gets more and more extreme."
"You don't have to buy all of everything at once. You can buy small pieces of a position and build into it over time."
"My tip to you just speaking from experience what I did was just getting like little pieces over time."
"Just starting small, not trying to power ahead towards the end, just little steps at a time."
"It's not about doing it all at once, take it step by step."
"It's always better to go in with like less and then build up."
"The darwinian lesson is that anything interesting has gradual edges. There's no sharp line between what's living and what isn't. Nature doesn't make jumps."
"Change things gradually, one step at a time, dragging the voluntary rest of us with you."
"Start the process slowly, one thing at a time."
"The key is to know this: it doesn't have to all happen at once."
"Just like exercise, when you want to build something stronger, what do you do? You increase it slowly. Go slow."
"God doesn't deliver us quickly, He does it little by little."
"Baby steps, friends, baby steps. You could start working on this weekly if you grocery shop weekly. Add one or two things more to your list."
"Don't strive for a big following overnight."
"Definitely do not buy a 40 pound vest and on day one wear all 40 pounds of it."
"It feels so good to take a step at a time."
"Let's just take some baby steps first."
"Gradual changes are going to be a lot more enduring than trying to change everything all at once."
"You don't have to change it all in one day. Small steps make a big progress."
"Just a little bit of space at a time."
"This is how Jehovah operates: he reveals matters gradually when it is needed."
"Okay, it's not like that. The images that Jesus uses, the mustard seed becoming a great plant or the yeast put in the loaf, the kingdom of God does not arrive like the 82nd airborne, right? The kingdom of God arrives slowly, quietly."
"We must take over gradually and to do that, some of us must sacrifice ourselves."
"Make very small adjustments at a time."
"That's all about just building up gradually."
"These jobs don't tend to get done all at once they tend to get done by degrees."
"Keep in mind you don't have to do everything all at once."
"You don't have to start big. You can gradually work your way up."
"You don't need to go from zero to a hundred. It's not necessary."
"I'll start soon, little by little. I need to start little by little."
"From a behavioral perspective, small gradual changes are often more suitable than sweeping overhauls."
"God works gradually, little by little, making all things new."
"And in fact when I've treated patients in the clinic that I work in I advise people to cut down first thinking that's an easier goal for people than stopping on a dime."
"No great thing is created suddenly any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig."
"Pick one thing to start with. Don't try to do all of it at once."
"Be authentic but reveal yourself gradually."
"If you still have a lot of the emotion tied up in the clothing and you feel ambivalent about it, it's okay not to get rid of it all at once."
"Try one block, see how things work, and then keep going and keep going. Don't try to climb this mountain with just one jump. No, you need to take it one step at a time."
"Evolution means evolution, it does not mean revolution."
"The slower approach also made the country more economically stable because the landscape of the economy wasn't being changed overnight."
"Change comes in small increments."
"When you're making these changes, even from bad to good, you want to go slowly and let those polyps accommodate to those changes."
"Indus writing was used very differently than that seen in other cultures; its origin was also probably very different and not sudden but gradual development over time."
"Build up from light to dark or dark to light, but whatever you do, you want to do it gradually."
"Minor changes gradually accumulate over time and this means that new species arrive slowly and continually."
"Both of these examples are correct; you can have lots of gradual change producing new species or change driven by sudden changes in the environment producing new species."
"Prayer is a process of gradualism."
"We have to change gradually, or we'll alienate our readers."
"I prefer to make small zero-waste adjustments over time that add up."
"It's not like there's some magic on-off switch where at one moment you don't know something and the next moment you've learnt it."
"Sin does not happen suddenly; it happens in small steps."
"You cannot change everything in society at once, but you can also not give up completely on societal change."
"You don't have to learn the whole Quran right now, just learn a little bit at a time."
"Gradualism: slow change from one form to another. Punctuated equilibrium: long periods of time without any change followed by short periods of rapid evolution."
"Gradualism is my new favorite word."
"We need change, which I shall introduce little by little."
"No man comes to sudden ruin; it takes time to corrupt the soul."
"Your life doesn't have to change overnight, and it shouldn't. It should be an incremental thing."
"It's totally okay to go lighter, to start small, and we have a lot of customers who buy a little this year, a little next year, a little the next year, and they keep building on the theme until they get the tree to look the way that they want it to."