
Societal Role Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"The black woman has got to be the strongest woman there is on planet Earth."
"The black woman is our backbone. On blank, you got some men that's, you know, taking care of the woman in the house, but as a whole, our black sisters in America, they're strong."
"If you're not contributing to the group, you will have this sense of meaninglessness."
"Critique exists to protect consumers from unscrupulous companies and is a necessary part of our society."
"Now more than ever, we'll all have an increased sense of responsibility not just for the products we make, but the role we play for the world and our ability to make a difference."
"You really made them think more about how they're showing up in this world."
"I've really changed my mind on the importance of religion... organized religion has a lot to offer us."
"You are the salt of the earth...you are the light of the world."
"Martin Luther importantly made a distinction between inner lives and outer lives. Our outer life is how we conceive of ourselves in relation to society, and our inner life is how we genuinely feel inside."
"We have a role to play in this system to insist upon accountability."
"Fatherhood is the most fundamental aspect of our human structure going forward."
"The problem with our approach to mental health is that we've put all the burden on mental health providers and forgotten about the role of society."
"The duty of a doctor is so huge in society that it cannot be put into words."
"I want you to be fed. I want you fulfilled in your life. I want you to feel like you actually have control within your society."
"We have to be high-level men and women, not just valued on our dollar but our principles."
"The queen has played and the monarchy has played an incredibly important role in society."
"Royals are different... they cannot come into repute because they are there at the will of the people."
"A mother is a school. A mother has a rank higher than you could imagine in Islam."
"Ultimately everybody wants to be important in some way, right."
"Every man should serve in the military at some point."
"You are the light of the world, the salt of the earth."
"We need to get back into a position where we're going to produce justice for our children."
"There's no greater a position than that of Citizen."
"People that put their life on the lines, they're a different breed."
"Masculinity is a language. If you don't have masculinity as part of your language, it can't work."
"If you are now lie your job right now is to listen amplify voices and protect."
"BLM, Antifa, and right-wing militias: they are the antibodies, not the disease."
"Journalists exist to expose bad things that are going on in various industries."
"People want distractions, and that's what we can give them. It's just distractions, man. That's all it is."
"Journalists provide a crucial role in society by exposing corruption, keeping government officials honest, and reporting on some of the biggest injustices that might otherwise go unspoken."
"Many of you have always considered yourself soldiers of this war on drugs."
"The idea that the religious community has a purpose couldn't possibly be more important than in a moment like this."
"Our veterans deserve our our support no matter what they're doing. They are our defenders, they are our freedom providers, and we have to help them no matter what."
"If you don't want to have that threat of violence, don't call the cops."
"Whether you are a superstar or you are somebody who nobody knows, in some small way you can make a contribution."
"Online platforms play a vital role in our society, but they can abuse their positions of trust."
"We are called to be the light and salt of the world..."
"Our role now is to light up darkness as far as we can, illuminating the truth."
"The military is the last place in our society where we have a primary focus on leadership."
"The royal family is nervous about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as they are desperately searching for a role in life."
"Comedy, when it performs this task, is actually playing an important role in society, I think."
"Those of us that have seen and can deal with it have to go on and protect everybody else."
"Religion should offer something different, something substantive."
"We elect these people to be better than us, at least like take a step back."
"We need our news media to challenge those who are in power, to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted."
"Anarchism is the mother of God or not the daughter."
"More people need to be willing to take responsibility for the part they play in things."
"The police are the bravest people we have in America."
"Work is meaning for all of us. And it's relevance and it's our place in society--is dictated to us by what we contribute and what we're paid to do."
"Education is now a national civic duty. It is not a privilege it is a civic duty."
"Journalism in its real form remains so important."
"Life is like a machine, we're just a bunch of cogs in a machine."
"Business is not something we should take for granted or vilify."
"In societies where race is super important being mixed race is sometimes a very important category and it comes with its own unique challenges."
"Comedians have a real role in our society... be able to have the courage to point out the things that maybe are very seriously making light of them."
"If the most Googled man on the planet can't be written about in a newspaper then I'm honestly not sure what any of us are here for."
"Each of us as individuals have a role that we can play."
"Everybody always heard this is now morally responsible for doing something about this."
"Your show is crucial in reaching out to victims."
"Regardless of the verdict, it's up to the rest of us to guarantee different outcomes."
"Education should be about producing a good rounded person to go out and take an active role in the society they live in."
"It's not black folks' responsibility to save the world."
"If men are the providers, what have we been providing for our community?"
"I want to be a cog in the machine, not just like everyone else."
"We the people can be the solution to the problems going on in the world."
"I think we've entered a realm now where people have an obligation to share their opinions."
"This is the business of this generation to create conscious human beings."
"Judging me being a man is being a gentleman, going to work, doing the right thing."
"I enjoy reading the tabloids. They perform a valuable purpose in people's lives."
"You ignore it, but yes, that's what I'm saying, man. It's just the responsibility I have is greater than me at this point."
"The comedian's job is to just kind of be the everyman."
"This Ummah is supposed to be the people that are the best of both, knowledge of Deen and knowledge of dunya."
"Elon could actually control what people think. That's our job."
"You are not like a separated ego existing outside of the world. Your opinions and takes and actions do not have zero impact on said world. You are not like an outside spectator, you're a cog in the machine."
"Protesting is usually a right and a pretty important one."
"Being salt and light means doing good in the face of evil."
"Mothers are indeed the backbone not only of our homes but of our societies."
"It's almost like we are leading the country, not the leaders."
"Most men are irrelevant to current society... you end up like Will Smith sitting at a red table crying."
"The woman is the center of the home, the source of stability." - Discussion panel member
"Celebrities are the foundation of our society and they're some of the hardest hit by this crisis because now they just have to be like regular people."
"The media is failing in its role on checks and balances today."
"Football is very much the backbone of society."
"Before you are a spouse or a mother or a brother or friend you are a citizen."
"Journalists are trained to be critical thinkers, and we need that in our society."
"The gospel is a message of salvation from sin; Christ didn't come to save society, He came to save sinners."
"Morality is not a noun, it is a verb, it is something you do and take place and confront."
"Public intellectuals aren't defined by any specific quality or type of thinking."
"We don't actually have a press secretary, do we? We don't actually have a free press in America. We have a praetorian guard whose job it is not to speak truth to power but to speak power to truth."
"Comedians are supposed to be the skeptics, they're the rule enforcers now."
"It feels cool to be like the on the fringes of society; you're the Woodland, you are an elf ninja."
"Republicans know that American families are the true backbone of America."
"Police keeps us safe all day, wearing uniforms."
"With the drug trade on pause, gangs around the world have started helping in their communities instead."
"Our principal role is to hold people to account."
"With great wealth comes great responsibility, however."
"The cops are not there to provide you aid, mutual aid, or any kind of aid. Look what they were doing. They're there to protect property. That's what the cops are there to do. They're protecting crop property."
"Education in Jamaica is an important thing, I think it was important to him."
"I think it's an issue which faces all royalty. How does royalty fit in with modern life, with modern concepts?"
"Why write for the New York Times? ... The times, for better or for worse, is the paper of record."
"We live in this day and time for a reason. We are here for a reason. We were put in this time because we are the superheroes that we've been looking for."
"Being responsible is an enormous privilege. That's what marks you as a fully grown human."
"The black woman is the queen of this planet."
"That's what you're supposed to do with science."
"There are still heroes out there willing to put their lives on the line."
"Regardless of laws, Banks and payment processors should never be the moral Arbiters of society."
"The benevolence of government is that it can protect us."
"It is we who have been perfectors of this democracy."
"People talk a lot of [__] about police, but police are the number one people that deal with all the crazy people."
"It's not any of our jobs to raise your kids."
"If we're not part of the solution then we're part of the problem."
"What does it mean to be a conservative, what should conservatives be conserving?"
"Dating apps are a waste of time" - simple answer is no, they're a useful tool.
"Gaming provides a vital role in giving people entertainment that is needed now."
"A homily is supposed to reflect on and break open the word of God proclaimed... the entire human family needs to unite in confronting these injustices." - Reverend McCabe
"We do absolutely stand as an arbiter of truth in a time of great fiction and deception."
"The purpose of government is the welfare of the people."
"Every generation must identify its mission, fulfill it or betray it."
"Remember that our Lord said we are to be salt and light in the world, not indistinguishable from it."
"These guys are an example of the beauty of capitalism, the genius of capitalism, the miracle of capitalism, and the fact that capitalism needs to be a servant to our values, not its master."
"It's the best and when you think of the power of women what comes to mind phenomenal."
"That gift of life, and as a husband, father, the citizen, that's my responsibility. It's a very natural thing."
"You are for the street. We all have a street."
"I kind of see games as entertainment, and when I think about entertainment as a whole, I see it as a kind of industry to fulfill human desire, just like food and water."
"The people have always been in charge and now we're starting to realize that."
"We have an obligation to speak reckless as comics... if we don't talk [ __ ] up, who else is going to?"
"The president's the most visible person in America. He sets the example."
"Women elevate black men on a level that we would never be able to achieve on our own."
"The X-Men are superheroes, but they're defined by one statement: they protect the people that fear and hate them."
"Comedians as a breed aren't well known for holding back."
"Teachers are some of the most important members of our society, tasked with the often difficult challenge of educating our youth. Unfortunately, they are often not given the respect that they really deserve."
"Comedy and the importance of descent in society."
"We are the majority, the practitioners of common sense."
"Leaders need to lead by example and be an example of what's good in society."
"Ghostbusting has always been an opportunity for outsiders to be heroes."
"Who are we to change society? Individual changes Society."
"You don't exist in a vacuum as a person in a society in a state."
"Jobs aren't purely income, they are part of identity, they structure people's lives..."
"I am a product of my upbringing I think one of the best things a person can be in this world is a father a father who was present loving devoted just may be the greatest gift a child could ask for in our society."
"Royalty requires a different sacrifice in your life. Yes, you get great privilege, but with great privilege often comes great responsibility as well."
"If our leaders are afraid or unwilling to fight back against things that they know are wrong, maybe they are not leaders."
"Being kind, loving, and honest can at least help you find your place in it."
"It's our job as people to hold the government accountable."
"We all need to feel like we're giving and contributing something."
"It's important for black men to support black women."
"Having a type of establishment within a country that causes people to come together like this is one of the strongest justifications for having a monarchy that I could think about."
"It is important for our society and for you younger ones to learn."
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable."
"You can't and shouldn't just depend on people like us."
"We're definitely a sensitive bunch of people, but that sensitivity can play a huge role in society, and it can definitely have its ups and downs."
"Joe Rogan is right in the crosshairs of the enemy, and that's exactly where we should all strive to be in this day and age."
"What a wonderful chance to be somebody. What a wonderful chance to have meaning to people."
"Being able to enable people is one of the greatest things a society or a government should be able to do."
"If you have those urges, don't fight them. Being able to enable people is one of the greatest things a society or a government should be able to do."
"Thor, the god of the people, of farmers, and others whose function in the Scandinavian society was mainly production and providing services."
"We have just kind of decided to be perpetual Outsiders in our own country that we built and it just doesn't make any sense."
"Rajputs continue to be an important part of Indian society."
"It's a time for people to become responsible for themselves. With great power comes great responsibility."
"The law is the reason we exist. We do not exist to pass ideas or to pass suggestions. We make law with the corresponding expectation that that law will be enforced, respected, and executed."
"What is the purpose of police if they don't do their jobs?"
"We always have that feeling that you were creating music for the disenfranchised for the damaged out there."
"If this is not a job for the government, then what could be a job for the government?"
"We each have a responsibility and the capacity to be a light into the world."
"Peace is just as good as long as somebody preserves that peace."
"I'm a comedian, our whole job is to mock things."
"The responsibility of individuals and what freedom of the individual means."
"If you feel useless, remember this guy goes around recording everyone and everything related to the government."
"He made that choice to be a pawn, and that's what he is."
"Neither party knows who they are for anymore."
"An economics profession worth its salt would be figuring out how do you provide a decent income to people and a job."
"The media is supposed to be the accountability arm of the elites in this country... but obviously they're not."
"A woman who'll stand up for her village, who won't be crushed under the boot of oppression."
"They are at the heart of so much of what keeps our country going."
"There is no more essential worker on the face of the earth than that of a mother."
"The responsibility increases as your influence increases."
"People like Rebecca Schaefer are a light in their darkness."
"I think they are the censors, they're playing their role in this sort of globalist reset."
"There is not a clay figure that will stride in to stop injustice, to protect refugees, to prevent state oppression. That's us. We got to do that now."
"Our job is to be light and salt in this Dark World."
"The purpose of free speech in our modern society."
"The domestic element of life is far more important than people give credit to."
"Thank you to all the stay-at-home moms. I really do appreciate you guys."
"Essential workers were forced out onto the front lines literally risking their lives to keep the society minimally functional."
"You gotta be influential even in your own sphere."
"We need to be sympathetic about the armed forces."
"You're not just a cog in a machine, you're a human being with rights."
"They're the ones out there enforcing the American empire so you can maintain your way of life. Oh y'all didn't think I was going to get real, did you? If you're a male over the age of 18, the military will make you register for the draft."
"The press has lost their power because they have lost their purpose."
"Every responsibility fulfills the right of someone else."
"I think a lot of celebrities are leftist because to be in the arts and I know a lot of artists people that a lot of artists our people who consider themselves sort of outcasts as sort of the weirdos in their communities."
"As long as I'm breathing, justice will be served."
"You sir, you ma'am, are the light of the world."
"Black women are the moral compass of this nation."
"Comedians have such a special place in our lives."
"What's the point of prison? It's a rehabilitation center."
"You are the best Nation for people enjoining what's right and forbidding what's wrong."
"Big Tech is so large it needs to be considered the Town Square."
"They've become central to the functioning of public life. They've become central to the functioning of democratic life and as such then need to be subject to some kind of democratic oversight."
"Kanye might be the freest black man in this country right now he might be the freest black man in America."
"That's the job of a comedian sometimes, to take the bullet for a section of society."