
Environments Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Evil spirits are attracted to nightclubs, concerts, and any place with alcohol. Demonic things gather in dark places."
"There's something lovely and peaceful about the environments; the slightly outdated graphics and vast levels give the game a nostalgic, liminal feel that's really nice."
"Humans can exist in the largest number of environments of any species."
"Excited to see how environments can scale down or scale up depending on what your need for them is."
"It adds a lot of character to the environments."
"It's kind of a nice immersive change when you're walking around looking at raiders."
"There's a lot of different environments that all come together to make up the western United States."
"There's much more variety in the landscapes."
"There's nothing else like The Finals. They've taken so many other ideas and turned them into a cohesive streamlined thing and put it in destructible environments that ensure that every single match is different."
"Plants live in two worlds: above ground and below ground."
"We can create many different types of environments and planets." - Pascal Muller
"This flying animal confirms that mammals had adapted to different environments long before the extinction of dinosaurs."
"Remember to leverage profiles for handling multiple environments."
"...you can adapt and actually be successful in all sorts of different environments."
"The harshest landscape on Earth seems friendly compared to the desolation of Mars or the hellscape of Venus."
"As women, I think we don't really deal well with high-stress environments."
"Anything from microscopic up to a whale will be around these weed lines. They’re really neat environments."
"The number of different sets of Peaks that we have shows the number of different environments we're looking at."
"Libras do well in education and enjoy being in educational environments."
"So, even if you have multiple environments that are all located in the same workspace, you'll be able to differentiate the resulting pipelines associated with those environments."
"There are environments that we're gonna be able to go to that we didn't have access to in the past."
"Plants can live in places without us; they can live in harsh environments."
"The four Lords were cool; I enjoyed their backstories and how each of the environments they lived in were diverse and interesting."
"I love testing Elden Ring because I can warp to different environments that look completely different."
"It's the DTAP environment, you know, Dev, Test, Acceptance, Production."
"You can create as many environments as you want."
"One of the most remarkable aspects of the tiger snake is its adaptability to different environments."
"What happens if we have arbitrarily many environments as well as arbitrarily many reward functions which we don't know in advance?"
"Working with multiple environments is super helpful and powerful."
"It works not just with cooperative environments but competitive ones as well."
"It's a really powerful tool to do continuous delivery pieces and have different environments."
"Extremophiles are organisms thriving in extreme environments, pushing life's boundaries."
"Life has explored extreme environments."
"Console can work in the same way across all of your environments so I could actually bring together service registry or service mesh for my VM environment, my Nomad environment, my ECS environment."
"Reinforcement learning is this very different paradigm for machine learning that allows us to build agents that learn to interact with environments over time."
"...injectable supports environments as well, and I think it's doing it in a very nice way."
"Now the task at hand is to move from finding planets in the habitable zone to finding truly habitable environments."
"I think America seems so beautiful to me because like what other country is made up of 50 different environments that have different views on finances, politics, social issues, all that."
"We have the language of logic in the world of deterministic environments and the language of Bayesian networks in the world of probabilistic environments."
"You have three main lightning shooting environments: daytime bolts, sunset/dusk bolts, and nighttime bolts."
"You should have environments in such a way that they are disposable."
"Extremophiles are organisms that can survive in the most extreme environments."