
Fallout Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Power armor is super iconic. I mean, you can tell it's everywhere in Fallout."
"So the Fallout franchise just turned 25 years old on October 10th, 2022."
"Playing with others in a Fallout game felt amazing, being able to take down some of those harder enemies with your cooperative efforts and actually reviving each other when you got downed."
"In 2010, Obsidian released what pretty much everyone regards as their magnum opus, Fallout: New Vegas."
"New Vegas playable races: 'Originally, we had this idea where the player would be able to choose between three races: human, ghoul, and Super Mutant.'"
"There's just nothing else in games quite as intense as moving across the northwestern side of the world map in Fallout 1."
"The final confrontation takes place at the second battle of Hoover Dam."
"With a game like Fallout, immersion is everything."
"Encounters really help to drive home the amount of times that you could reasonably play Fallout 2 and still have a brand new experience each time."
"The world of Fallout 2 is absolutely packed with great new ideas."
"The Unwashed Villagers encounter pays homage to the Fallout Community."
"Fallout 2 is the only Fallout game in which you can become a porn star."
"The encounter with the Vault Dweller's Stone Head is outrageous and humorous."
"This is the Fallout game that we have been waiting for."
"The largest Fallout world in the history of the series is at your disposal."
"This is an actual travesty as the classic fallout games hold some of the best stories when it comes to the main plot especially in the entire fallout universe."
"Fallout was effectively a spiritual successor to Wasteland."
"Hiding something as silly as a party hat next to one of the best weapons in the game is the type of thing that makes me love Fallout."
"Welcome to New Vegas, allow me to introduce myself."
"Having a technological advantage in Fallout makes a big difference, who would have thought?"
"Mama Murphy is the most annoying NPC in the Fallout franchise."
"Your help with Vault 15 launched the New California Republic's push to civilize its neighbors. Though there were many more obstacles to overcome, the NCR now had a foothold in the northern wastes."
"With your aid, the Deathclaws of Vault 13 became a thriving community. When the vault could no longer hold their numbers, a peaceful campaign of expansion was launched to claim the surrounding lands."
"A solid power fist in my opinion would be this bloodied faster swing speed and plus one strength and as you can see the damage that is on this is 3084."
"Everything in this series is officially part of Fallout lore."
"The best game to take inspiration from is Fallout: New Vegas."
"The side quests in New Vegas are just bar none."
"The timeline of Fallout is Grand and intricate as we find ourselves presented with a world of what if set in a universe that diverged from our own."
"...this initial Fallout game shows us the birth of the NCR, the New California Republic, which is officially founded years later in 2189."
"The new Fallout TV show on Amazon Prime freaking rules."
"Season 1 of Fallout is great. Wonderful. Fantastic even."
"That is everything we found in the Fallout series. There is a LOT packed in here, and I love the care and attention to detail of everything."
"Project Van Buren is a bit of unfinished business for the Fallout series, a turning point between two eras and a final project of one of the most influential developers of the 1990s."
"The Fallout TV series was produced by Jonathan Nolan, brother of Christopher Nolan, and if you know these guys, you know that they rarely miss."
"The Fallout show may have some flaws, but it's extremely faithful to the source material. For me, it's everything and more I could have hoped to see from a Fallout show."
"It was a terrible interview which really did huge damage to the monarchy."
"From story to memories to I'm here because of Fallout frankly to the DLC modding complete and box experience so much to get into."
"Are you a Fallout 3 lover, or are you a New Vegas lover? It's that fork in the road we all find ourselves in at one point in our lifetimes."
"An 800 kiloton nuclear warhead would instantly kill between 1.5 and 2 million people, with another 3 to 5 million seriously injured from radiation, burns or collapsed buildings."
"In our second video on the lore of Fallout, we will be covering the events of the Great War."
"...the entrance to a fallout reporting post like this would be marked by a vent stack."
"If the core of Fallout is post-postapocalypse, the idea that there's a day after the end of the world, that there's a world after the end of the world, then to be a true Fallout adaptation, the show needs to restage that moment where a future becomes visible amidst the rubble."
"I like the Fallout model where different parts of the Wasteland all have their unique quirks but they still feature the same basic elements."
"War, war never changes." - Fallout series
"I feel like after that, it was sort of a fall out, and people were, you know, people were like, didn't want nobody to use it."
"The Fallout extended beyond the poker table, casting a shadow over the entire gambling industry."
"I mean, look, I don't really think that like fallout is a negative and what palette doesn't have fallout, but this is a little extreme."
"I don't think he anticipated anything like this fallout and the enormous criticism that flew at this film for a year. You were front-page news for a year."
"They just completely go for it with the quirkiness of Fallout."
"Woodstock Ventures Incorporated hired a bevy of lawyers to descend on White Lake ready to handle any potential Fallout from the festival."
"The scandals' fallout saw Forest end his 31-year career with the Nashville Police Department."
"For fallout is probably the most dangerous product of nuclear disaster in terms of the number of people who could be affected."
"Fallout dust is dangerous, but it can be dealt with by following safe procedures."
"It's like in a Fallout, this place."
"There are three unique versions The Sim version from operation Anchorage that has functionally infinite durability, the reservist rifle, and the Victory rifle."
"I genuinely believe that I am not solely to blame for the fallout."
"My favorite Fallout game is New Vegas."
"I'm not getting any fallout from this palette, like zilch."
"I thought 'Fallout' was good. I had a good time with it. The set pieces were fantastic, the action stuff was really solid."
"Fallout's a game that still has quite a lot of goodwill."
"The fallout of All Out 2022... it was an embarrassing, unnecessary spectacle for everyone involved, fueled by backstage politics and a lack of intervention back when it could have meant something."
"Understanding the pre-war time period is important because it deepens our understanding of the Fallout wasteland."
"Fallout is some of the best television I have seen in recent years."
"The good parts of New Vegas are the level in world design and the RPG mechanics."
"The objective was to determine the distribution and intensity of fallout and to plot ISO dose rate contours on the radiation field as a factor of time."
"The Fallout universe is inherently so interesting."
"War may never change, but Fallout does when it's allowed to."
"I love it, I do get some fallout with the shades and stuff like that, but the shades incorporated together with the different textures, it just is so, so pretty."