
Nuclear Warfare Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"If anything's going to stop the nuclear guy, it should be nuclear fallout."
"Just because there hasn't been a nuclear war before, it doesn't mean there can't be a nuclear war now."
"Mutual assured destruction or MAD...came to be seen as unthinkable."
"Nuclear war is an existential issue. It can destroy us."
"Every war fought since 1945 was basically a nuclear war."
"Limited nuclear war would change the world we'd be living in a different phase of history."
"America from this point on has to be prepared to fight a nuclear war against any adversary."
"The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended a war they also made it holy clear that we must never have another War there is no other choice."
"Recently, scientists and researchers have modeled how a nuclear war would escalate if Russia launched a nuclear attack on Western Powers."
"There couldn’t really be a winner in a full-scale nuclear war, but some countries would fare better than others."
"I hope that doesn't happen because once you've crossed the nuclear threshold in any shape or form the fear is that the escalation up the ladder or down the ladder will be horrifically rapid."
"The Hirosima Shadows endure as silent witnesses, etching a somber narrative of the catastrophic consequences of nuclear warfare."
"There is no such thing as a small nuclear strike. If Putin uses a tactical nuke, it's World War III."
"The real visceral fear of nuclear war before the cold war ended."
"It's the possibility of mutual Annihilation that ensures peace."
"For the vast majority of urban population in the nuclear war, there will be no survival. There can be no effective civil defense."
"Total defeat in the coming months was certain when the atomic bomb, saving far more lives than the lives they took, compelled surrender now."
"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." - Oppenheimer
"Nuclear bombs are probably the most destructive weapons ever created."
"Do you really want to go to war with one-fifth of mankind with nuclear weapons in their home court?"
"The risk of nuclear war is the price you have to pay to fight Russia Putin's aggression."
"Extermination from nuclear bombings means that nobody wins."
"At the height of the Cold War, the estimates were that a nuclear war would kill something around a billion people."
"I don't think there's any such a thing as the ability to easily use a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon."
"If Russia uses nuclear weapons, then NATO will equally use its Battlefield nuclear weapons. Now, if a nuclear power will not allow itself to lose a conventional war, it sure as heck cannot allow itself to lose a nuclear war."
"Imagine if someone dropped a nuclear bomb on a city, it would be devastating."
"The threat has never been sort of larger from a state-on-state threat from a nuclear threat from the Russians in particular since the end of the Cold War."
"In a last ditch effort to take as many enemies with him as possible, he orders a massive launch of Russia’s nuclear arsenal targeting the West."
"The world was one poor decision away from total nuclear apocalypse."
"Godzilla could save us from the bomb because he is the one thing that the bomb can't kill."
"Russia knows that if they were to nuke some U.S city or some European city, everyone's gonna shoot nukes back at them."
"If we reached a point where the nukes were flying everywhere anyways which means the person turning the key is about to die, at that point I feel like I mean I can totally understand the want for like I'm going down anyways I might as well throw my punch I get it right yeah."
"It’s quite unrealistic to imagine that, with good civil defense, that Hiroshima would have been so devastating."
"Nuclear arsenals create a condition of mutual assured destruction."
"Despite its beauty, the B-70 fleet was designed to annihilate hundreds of thousands of civilians or highly protected missile silos with free-fall nuclear bombs."
"What if outside of the president someone else had access to military codes to launch a nuclear strike and in doing so jeopardize all life on Earth?"
"The conclusion was that it was possible to survive an atomic bomb blast as long as you had a good fallout shelter or other protection and were fully prepared before the bomb dropped."
"The pattern of the use of atomic weapons was set at Hiroshima; they are weapons of aggression, of surprise, and of terror."
"The explosive force of a nuclear explosion reduced the need for pinpoint accuracy and increased the chance that the target bombers would be completely destroyed."
"The atomic bomb ends surrealism for all its sense of purposes and Abstract Expressionism becomes the next movement."
"The operation's cancellation likely saved millions of lives but opened complex debates about the use of atomic weapons."
"Playing Defcon was more effective at showing players how destructive nuclear war would be."
"Everything that they are coming up with now, with which they threaten the entire world – all this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, and therefore the destruction of civilization – don’t they understand this, or what?"
"Planet Earth is in jeopardy of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of human beings losing their lives in thermal nuclear warfare."