
Political Promise Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"Here's my promise to you: As your President, I will go to work for you every single day."
"If you, the American people, send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you I'll restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land."
"We will not be leaving here before Christmas until direct assistance is on the way to the working people of this nation."
"We will ax the carbon tax to lower your food, gas, and heating bills. We will lower income tax so hard work pays off again."
"Our president will never stop fighting for the American people."
"He has a plan to bring jobs back to America."
"A manufacturing boom has swept across the country...President Biden hopes will boost his claim to have delivered on his promise to be a president that creates jobs for all Americans."
"Labour will make sure workers never pay for the crisis."
"We are going to Washington, D.C., and we are going to drain the swamp."
"When I get back in office, I will appoint a real special prosecutor to investigate every detail of the Biden crime family of corruption."
"Within the first week of our administration, we will introduce and we will finally pass a Medicare-for-all single-payer."
"President Biden promised he would address Putin's price hike at the pump and he has."
"I'm going to shut down the virus, not the country."
"A vote for safe communities, great jobs, a limitless future for all Americans. It's really a vote for the American Dream."
"Don't worry about it. Over the next four years, we'll be making America into the manufacturing superpower of the world."
"At least he kept his promise to legalize weed. You guys 20:18 here we come."
"The forgotten men and women of our country will never, ever be forgotten again."
"He represented the way out of the darkness by promising to bring jobs back to the country."
"My plan will create 18.6 million jobs, seven million more than his."
"I personally promised repeatedly that whatever the result of that referendum was, I would respect it."
"But you know what they say now? Okay, he's building the wall but Mexico's not paying for it. Yes, they are. They are. They are paying for it."
"Building this barrier is more than just a campaign promise. It's a common-sense first step to really securing our porous border."
"We're going to protect social security and medicare, you have my word."
"I fully expect the Biden administration to do exactly what they have said: stimulus checks and stimulus packages until the pandemic is over."
"Every single American to know if you're sick, if you're struggling, if you're worried about how you're going to get through the day, we will not abandon you. That is a promise." - Joe Biden
"Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws."
"I want to work for everybody in this country."
"Vote Labour, but also...there is the possibility now of making sure that...those that come from poorer backgrounds get the chance of world-class education."
"My economic plan would create seven million more jobs in four years."
"Every inch of wall that we put up is vital, and we're putting up miles and miles. We can, by next year, at the end of the year, have anywhere between 400 and 500 miles of wall built."
"Bernie Sanders goes, 'We're gonna deliver for you. Here's what we're going to deliver.'"
"Obi has promised them security Farmers going back to the farm... OB is the next president."
"Together we will bring back our jobs, our factories, and our American dream... God bless you and God bless America."
"As long as I am president of the United States, I will fight for you."
"Promises made, promises kept. He actually said that in a statement today."
"Under my plan, I made this commitment in the beginning. Nothing's changed. No one making less than four hundred thousand dollars, you will pay a single solitary penny more in federal taxes. Nobody."
"If we win this, you all get your independence back, and you get to be the short King in the north."
"Trump vows to declassify all documents surrounding Russiagate."
"I will never abandon the people of Florida. I will run to finish out this term; you have my word." - Ron DeSantis
"That's what President Trump has promised older Americans and that's what he's delivered."
"I promise you, if you elect me, when I'm wrong I'll acknowledge it, I'll take responsibility."
"I pledge you a New Deal for the American people."
"We're going to build the wall. Mexico is going to pay for the wall."
"My promise to you is this: I will fix our city's broken roads, improve our school test scores, and crack down on violent crime."
"The Forgotten men and women of America will never, ever be forgotten again."
"We're gonna bring honesty and integrity back to the leadership."
"We're going to become an increasingly transparent government."
"The incoming Biden administration is vowing to distribute 100 million vaccine doses in Biden's first 100 days in office."
"We will unite to create an America as good as its promise."
"Yeah if you elect me democratic senator I will get rid of the filibuster to codify row into law that's..."
"Every president has talked about the need to rebuild our infrastructure."
"We're gonna build the wall, we have to build the wall, and the Democrats are holding it back."
"I assure you that when we come to power by the Mandate of your votes the PDP Administration will not allow any Nigerian who legitimately earned their money to lose a single cover of it."
"We're not going to give a 20% tax cut to millionaires and billionaires."
"Pelosi has said that she is going to double down and work relentlessly and in a bipartisan way on a CARES 2 package that would extend and expand the current stimulus."
"If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true."
"The success is going to be when the wall's built... Nobody's coming through this here." - President Trump
"The promise of our country is that all people will be treated equally."
"Elon Musk holds several promises to improve this great country... Elon Musk is sure to revamp the whole education sector in America."
"The reign of defund the police Democrats ends this November."
"It's their least radio-friendly release to date and, in my opinion, their best and most ambitious release since 'Viva La Vida.'"
"The White House doubling down on a promise to thousands of Afghans."
"We're building the wall, Mexico's paying for the wall."
"America will never be a socialist country. That's another promise he's going to keep."
"If Lula comes back... he has pledged to revive the BRICS."
"We are gonna cancel all student debt in America."
"Democrats are more likely to deliver on the issues that are important to our community."
"I'm the next president of the United States and I guarantee you nobody will regret that."
"The change we need is coming because I've seen it, because I've lived it."
"Enough. This moment, this election, is our chance to keep the American promise alive."
"We're going to start winning again, folks. We don't win anymore. We don't win anymore."
"If I'm elected president, we're gonna act on day one, we're gonna act to get COVID under control."
"we're gonna fix this we're gonna make America great again this is going to be an incredible four years"
"Republicans want to rebuild our inner cities and provide a future of limitless opportunity for all Americans."
"We're here to invest in seniors as well, to protect their pensions. He though wants to attack and cut pensions."
"We will win and there will be a comeback... it'll take place very quickly."
"On my watch, I will never let the radical left take away your healthcare. You'll always have healthcare."
"We're going to take care of DACA. We're going to take care of Dreamers."
"I will keep America moving forward, always forward, for a better America, for an endless enduring dream."
"He will govern for all Americans, and you know that of course has to be backed up by actions."
"I will be a commander-in-chief that will have the back of the military. I won't trash talk, I won't be a divider-in-chief or an agitator-in-chief. I won't be out there blow hard, a big big game without backing it up."
"Together we are going to substantially lower student debt."
"We're going to have a big victory and we're gonna make America great again."
"I will bring truth and honor and decency back to the presidency."
"We will never let your charter schools be taken away from you, I will never let you down."
"We will build the wall. We've already started."
"If and when we win, we will make deals with Iran very quickly. We'll make deals with North Korea very quickly."
"I will protect and strengthen Social Security."
"We will keep America out of endless foreign wars."
"No one in my family will have an office in the White House, will sit in meetings if they're a cabinet member, or will have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation or a foreign country."
"We're going to start winning again. We're going to make America wealthy again, and we're going to make America strong again."
"We're going to deliver jobs, jobs, jobs, and the greatest economy in the history of our country."
"It's needless violence. And it's needless because eventually you're going to elect me and I'm going to heal all this stuff."
"I want to be a governor for all people no matter what you look like where you come from who you love or who you pray to."
"We said we were going to do the minimum wage. We're going to do the minimum wage."
"You've kept your promise to the American people."
"President Biden has promised to make depositors at the bank whole."
"He's very, very clear when he says we must keep our promises and deliver Brexit, no ifs, no buts."
"As mayor I will deliver public safety that you expect and deserve."
"We will not advance any law against the Christian Community." - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
"We can have Medicare for all, and that's what I'll make happen as president."
"If I see one third of a nation ill housed, ill clad, ill nourished, I'll make amends."
"If he really would this time around actually drain the swamp."
"President Biden has made some serious promises... increasing social security payroll taxes for those making 400,000 and up."
"I don't see America that way. I'm running as a proud Democrat. I will govern as an American president for everybody!"
"We're going to make sure you keep your protections for pre-existing conditions."
"The promise that we made to take assault style weapons off Canadian streets is a commitment that we are going to keep."
"On day one, we're going to stand up for law enforcement because they stand up for us."
"As long as I'm president my Administration will never stop fighting to deliver relief to borrowers and bring the promise of college to more Americans."
"I will kill the carbon tax, get pipelines built, and win the next election with a real environmental plan." - Mr. O'Toole
"You go to a hospital, you don't feel good, go to a hospital room and wait for three days to see a doctor. I will never allow that to happen under my administration."
"We will repair what has been damaged by this government."
"The president is firmly sticking by the promise he made for $2,000 checks."
"Together we're on a mission to move this nation forward from doubt and downturn to promise and prosperity."
"The Republican Party will always protect patients with pre-existing condition people with pre-existing conditions..."
"I campaigned on delivering results for the American people. This is not about settling scores."
"We're on the verge of a great American comeback."
"I promise to fight for a Virginia that works better for all people."
"Everything will be declassified and much more than what you just mentioned." - POTUS
"21 days from now, we're going to win the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and we're going to win four more years in the White House."
"I think it's smart... you have to show people that life is getting better, will get better."
"Without the Brexit Party, there will be no Brexit, and I promise you we are going to deliver Brexit. Thank you."
"I believe I can help get us on a path to real recovery."
"It'll be a new Congress that works for the American public."
"The reward is a return to greatness for America... The reward for us is that the swamp will be drained... The price to pay is exposing, holding people accountable, and then paying the bill."
"President Biden promised he would shut down the virus and he hasn't."
"We're gonna get Brexit, I know it's taking a long time, but we're going to get there in the end." - Nigel Farage
"We're going to end fossil fuel. I guarantee you."
"When I'm president of the United States of America, with the public defenders, federal defenders get paid the same as federal prosecutors."
"If I don't make another term, all you good black people... you're going to have immunity like you've never seen before."
"Under a Sanders administration, everyone has health care."
"My plan would create 18.6 million jobs in the next four years, seven million more than the president's economic plan."
"I promise you I will be the most pro-union president you have ever seen."
"Donald Trump: 'We're gonna free the earth from the miseries of disease.'"
"We're getting the wall built we've already started it one point six billion dollars we're getting the wall it's already begun and it's beautiful"
"That's why I ran for president, I promised to protect and build upon the Affordable Care Act."
"If I'm president, we're going to protect Social Security. America, you have my word."
"We will lift millions of our citizens from welfare to work."
"I'm gonna drain the swamp so fast, so [__] fast."
"I intend to close Guantanamo, and I will follow through on that."
"Marine Le Pen promises to pull France out of NATO... if she wins presidential election."
"So long as I am president, I will always protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms."
"Melee promises to carry out a major reform of the state."
"We are putting Canadian families first, and it doesn't involve cuts or fear tactics."
"Donald Trump last night announced that after the election the people will be getting the biggest stimulus they've ever seen."
"I'll be your president, I could jump see this crowd right here, I could jump right in, I could give every woman and every man right here a kiss."
"Promises made, promises kept. The strongest personality, the most foolish president we have seen in our lifetime."
"I will accept it. I'll be a president for Democrats and Republicans."
"Republicans will no longer ignore the mental health of our children."
"Trump Donald Trump was promising to make America great again, and I wondered if Americans would still vote for him if they knew how he had shortchanged the people of Scotland."
"When Republicans take back the house, the Senate, take back power, you're welcome for the good economy that will hopefully ensue after."
"As president I will make sure that your right to hold and use Bitcoin is inviolable."
"Transparency will be the hallmark of my administration."
"If you vote for the Democratic senators you will actually get the two thousand dollar check."
"I promise you I will raise the minimum wage to $15 within the next three years."
"My message to the American people is this: Help is here, opportunity is coming, and at long last, there's hope." - President of the United States
"Biden vows to bring every American home who wants to leave Afghanistan."
"The Forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer."
"I offer promises for the future of Omaha, not as it is but as it could be."
"I promised you I'd be the most pro-labor pro-union pro-worker president of history."
"Nixon was promising a secret plan to end the war."
"We're going to build a better America, not a joke."
"We will create 10 million new jobs in the first 10 months of 2021."
"We'll stand up for you, we'll stand up and protect the integrity of your vote."
"The Republican Party will never let it happen. We are saving your health care while the Democrats are trying to take it away."
"President Biden has promised a permanent increase in social security and SSI."
"As NYC mayor, I will make NYC the most cryptocurrency-friendly city in the nation."
"Under my administration, the safest of our families will always come first."
"A tax cut for all, not just for the top one percent – money back in your pocket because we are the party of lower taxes for working people."
"We are protecting people with pre-existing conditions, and we always will, always will, always will."
"If you elect me, I want to help you become financially free, I want to help you become a millionaire." - Pat
"I'm announcing today that one of the first supreme court vacancies in my administration will be filled by the most qualified woman I can possibly find."
"Promise made, promise kept, and I'm fighting for you."
"I promise to be president for all Americans whether you live in a blue state or a red state."
"Florida Democrat promises $1,000 monthly UBI checks."
"When he is President of the United States, he will give his undivided attention to turning around the criminal justice system. [Applause]"
"The forgotten men and women of America are forgotten no longer."
"I will not rest, I will not stop, I will not give up until we have delivered equal and abundant opportunity for every community in our land."
"We kept our promise... we asked others across this country to join with us to help us pass it in the Senate and get it to the president's desk." - Speaker Kevin McCarthy
"Trump promised to drain the swamp and Trump is going to keep these promises."
"I will always protect Medicare and Social Security."
"Together we will reverse the decline of America and we will end the desecration of your once great state, California."
"When it comes to reform, George Galloway in Rochdale, on his platform, one of the things that he promised was to bring a new Primark in the city center."
"The Prime Minister entered 10 Downing Street with a promise of change."
"We will get the health care weight off of your backs and then unleash the hopes and dreams of the American people."
"I keep my promises when I said no one, no one should be imprisoned for merely possessing marijuana or using it, and their record should be expunged."
"Together we're breaking the most sacred rule in Washington politics; we are keeping our promises to the American people."
"As president, I will do everything in my power to eliminate student loan debt."
"If you vote for me, prosperity will surge, normal life will fully resume."
"I want people to know you can count on me to make parliament work for you and I'm going to fight to make sure you get help."
"Biden has promised to appoint a White House director of disability policy."
"We've got a bold plan to make work pay."
"We will be free to start building our future immediately to change politics and Britain for good, and that's a promise."
"We commit to you, this is what's going to happen: from accountability to lowering inflation to lowering your gas price to making your streets safe again."
"There will be tax cuts for the middle class."
"Your taxes are too high, the amount you pay for gas is too high, your electricity bill is too high, and I've got a plan to fix it."
"It's only labor that's got a plan to get Britain building again and actually give our country its future back."
"In the Senate, I'll fight for a better future for your family."
"Vote for Morton; he's going to put this world into a better place."