
Life Metaphor Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"The only way to complete this game is by creating life itself."
"Adventure riding isn't just a hobby; it's a metaphor for life, encapsulating the highs, the lows, and the courage to continue despite the odds."
"Everything is practice for the big show. Everything is preparing you for the big show."
"A marathon is not just a race; it's a metaphor for life. Long, exhausting, but ultimately rewarding if you don't give up."
"The future does not lie on a single path; rather, it is like grains of sand scattering before him."
"You're always blooming, always blossoming, always growing."
"The race of life is not a sprint at all, it's a long cross-country run."
"There's just like the world's like a big rubik's cube and you have like a tiny little line through it I just want to try to like connect the colors in my line and just you know eventually die chill with God."
"When the desire comes, it is like a tree of life."
"I'm getting ready for this fight my whole life."
"Sitting at the dock forever wastes the ship and destroys its purpose. We are ships meant to be sailed."
"Life's but a walking shadow... all the world's a stage."
"Life is older than the trees, younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze. Country roads, take me home."
"Growth isn't like a ski hill it's like stair steps."
"Sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug."
"Fight until you have a weapon with lightning powers, and then bail out. Isn't that the way life goes?"
"There's no breaks on this thing, and when people realize that, oh my God."
"Life is a game and your character determines the outcome."
"Life was like a box of itself, you never know what you're going to get."
"Life is like a pack of cards... The goal of life is to make your way through a crowded deck where the odds are stacked against you and draw an ace."
"The trail is such a great metaphor for life... It's just being able to work with that and adapt to that and be kind to yourself throughout."
"Your life is a canvas, and you're the artist."
"Everybody has failed at something in life. If you say you haven't failed at something, you're not being honest."
"We could all have extra lives if we just share."
"Life is a video game, if it's real you can achieve it."
"It's like life, you never know what you're gonna get."
"I guess life is like a box of chocolates, I mean, you never know what you find."
"The Christian life is not a playground but it is a real battleground."
"No one dies a virgin because life freaks us all."
"Remember that life is also an MMORPG and you need money to play it."
"Your soul is like a driver within the shell, experiencing the journey."
"Run, think, shoot, live: it's the cycle this game is meant to be played."
"When you think of a succulent... it's called the tree of life."
"If life could write, it would write like Tolstoy."
"Most babies come out of the womb crying because they entered a massively stimulating and unknown game called life."
"Change is like death. You never know what it looks like until you're standing at the gates again."
"Embrace change as a brand new page in the book of your life, leaving space for positive surprises."
"I would like to thank adventurers everywhere for challenging me, for defying me, and for making life worth killing."
"Your goal for the rest of this year should be to accelerate your income not because money is the most important thing but money is like air when you don't have it you need it and that's all you can think about."
"In life, we are all truly making something out of nothing."
"Life is kind of like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."
"Life is a video game, right? We're living inside the Matrix."
"All the world's a stage, that is not a light statement."
"You can't drive a straight line in America, you gotta hit the curve."
"But somehow never where you're looking it repeats and repeats and repeats always a little different sometimes long sometimes short yet always fundamentally the same."
"Driving is like a spiritual place where every mile is a new beginning and every bend holds a new end."
"We're all little trash cans rolling down the hill of life after being kicked by somebody cooler and stronger than us."
"Sometimes we are the turkeys, sometimes we give turkeys."
"In the symphony of life, every instrument plays a vital role."
"Life's like a box of chocolates right, you never know what you're going to get."
"Everyone plays Minecraft differently; it's like life, but in a game."
"April is going to be the happy ending of the first movie of your life."
"The bully is gonna have you in prison and you're gonna be you're going to be a prison inmate in this cell called your life."
"Each of us is playing our own melody, our own unique song in life."
"Your whole life is about surviving within the dream that you're dreaming."
"So many people float down the river of life without ever even putting their paddles in the water."
"Life is notes underneath your fingers, man. You just gotta take the time to play the right notes, baby."
"Eventually gotta wake up, smell the freshly brewed coffee."
"Life's like a roll of toilet paper, closer to the end the faster it goes."
"Things come apart very easily and they go back together very easily."
"Mounting the horse of life and galloping off into the sunset, but we don't know where we are going."
"You can't walk through an open door with a closed mind."
"Time is like a river that flows Swift ensuring one direction."
"Would you ask the sun why it shines brighter on Sundays than others? Would you ask the moon why it breaks the darkness and some nights and not others? Such is the course of life."
"It's like an autosave for your own failures, a nice feature indeed."
"But really, you might just find that those smooth waters are leading you straight towards the biggest storm."
"You make your money in the red zone. That's where you gotta make your life."
"Life is a movie and you are the author, your life is a movie and you are the director."
"Life is like a box of chocolates, he'll make you fat."
"The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse."
"Life is a roller coaster, you have to strap in and enjoy the ride."
"Everything washes away with the tide. What happens next is unpredictable. There's no telling where the current will go."
"You're meant to be a flower, not just a seed. Don't waste your life away being a seed stuck in your hard shell."
"Life is like a book, and every day is a new page."
"As I'm watching my vomit go down the toilet, that's my life right now."
"Your life is an exam, a test, and the grade will be seen on the day of judgment."
"Sport is the greatest metaphor that we have for life, and it's important that we treat it as such."
"Parallel lines have a lot in common, but they never meet. Every other line meets once and then drifts apart forever."
"Life is a raindrop in a thunderstorm. It will be over as fast as it arrived, and how you choose to live it will be everything."
"Imagine life as your own personal track. You can walk, run, or even rest at your own pace."
"Mama said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. And that's all I have to say about that."
"It was like there was a collision in your life in the middle of an intersection but before that you ran through 20 red lights."
"Bounce ability: it's not just down and up, life is much more of a roller coaster."
"My life here is one big piece of cake, life's recipe makes sense for me."
"Survivor is a wonderful gold medal that you win, and of course, it's a stepping stone. It's like life, but you move on."
"Your life will look like an unbroken Boulevard of green lights."
"It's kind of like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."
"As I type this out and hit post, I've realized one thing, you don't truly ever win the game."
"Life is almost like the matrix, right? The blue pill, the red pill. You take that blue pill, whatever happens, be ready to take action for it, man."
"Life is a game that the universe plays. We are the pieces in a puzzle called fate."
"We master archers say one shot, one life."
"The second derivative is responsible for Movement and, therefore, life."
"This life is like a play on a stage. One day the curtains are going to pull and the costumes will come off."
"Especially when it comes to fitness, it's such a great metaphor for our lives."
"Every human being is an actor on a stage, and at the same time, every human being is a director of a play called your life."
"After all, the world is a stage, and the stage is a world of entertainment."
"Many people die at the age of 25 but aren't buried until they're 75."
"It's like a roller coaster, expect ups and downs."
"You push the dominoes; they go in different directions. You don't know how it's going to end."
"Everything around us is a game, and we are merely actors playing on the stage of life."
"The road to happiness is always under construction."
"All the world's a stage, my boy, and this is where you tread the boards in this particular little comedy."
"If the water is bumpy, you will feel the turbulence, but if the engine is good, it will sail you through."
"Pile up a stack of dominoes, push one, and the others will all fall."
"Life is a canvas, and every moment is a stroke of paint."
"Just because you know where you are doesn't mean you know the direction you're facing."
"The world is a stage, and the people are the players."
"Cooking is about, you know, it's the dance of life."
"Let me work on life's peace work quilt through the rainy days and the sun, trusting that when I have finished my block, the master may say, 'Well done'."
"Our life is like this glass of water here; every service that we render is like a drop of water that you put in this."
"Life's a jungle, survive you've got to move quicker and jump higher, you've got to compete."
"Maybe we all need that impression, maybe we all need a wet brush for our life, blending some things."
"Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep."
"In the middle of an overall storm, it seems like we have found ourselves in a bit of a time out."
"The world's like a stage, and you are the actor, so which role do you take or do you play to maximize your wealth?"
"It's my life in the box in front of me, taking junk in my arms is the soul of me."
"In the symphony of life, each note matters."
"Be lighter than air and sharp as a knife, dance for your life!"
"If you don't have a good foundation, you don't have a house."
"May the tapestry of your lives be woven with rosy threads of love, the deep reds of passion, the quiet blues of understanding and contentment, and the bright bright silver of humor."
"Falstaff is not human, all too human... Falstaff is, as he says, the true and perfect image of life itself."
"All the world is indeed a stage, and we are merely players, performers and portrayers, each other's audience beyond the gilded stage."
"Forward motion makes you sway like the ocean."
"Life's a beach, maybe you can hear the ocean."
"Enjoy where you are, not where you are trying to be. Enjoy the journey because all the world's a stage."
"Baby going down, down, down. Tried so hard to stay afloat, yet we keep moving like the river goes."
"Life is not a playground, life is a battleground."
"My life is like a video game, trying hard to beat the stage, all while still collecting coins."
"Behold the candle how it gives forth its light; it weeps its life away drop by drop so that it may give forth its flame of light."
"This game is such a metaphor for life it is, and so take it slow, take it easy, do your best; it's gonna be how it's supposed to be."
"We meaning Earth people have wandered naively perhaps into a maze and we're just not sure which way to go."
"Life is a bow, a deliberate play on the same word varying only the accent on the first or second syllable to define the meaning."
"It's like being in a maze. A maze with endless twists and turns, a maze built to confound you no matter how smart you think you are."
"Surfing is a metaphor of life to me. Think of the tube now, think of the wave as being in the past, and what you're trying to do is engage with the past in the present moment."
"Fire represents your life, and that is what you'll be playing for today, for fire, but to get it, you have to earn it."
"The wire is not just the wire tap, right? The wire is like the connect line we all walk."
"It's so sad to live in a cage, even though we technically jump from one cage to another."
"If this world has been gamified, then the pay-to-win mechanism is fate."
"One tiny seed, that's a metaphor for life."
"Life itself like Championship chess, dark players jousting on a checkered field."
"All the world's a stage, and people are actors."
"It's like a lot of metaphor for life, bro, you know what I'm saying?"
"People are like fireworks; they rise and they rise and they eventually explode into this Blossom of colors before falling and scattering once more."
"The world is a stage, the world of entertainment."
"God is good, it's sunny now; in the video, it was rainy, which is a great representation of how it was in the season of my life."
"It's not just growing stuff in the soil, there's a whole metaphor to living."
"Time is a river that speeds up and slows down."
"After all, the world is a stage, and a stage is a world of entertainment."
"It is a metaphor for the way one has to live life."
"You have 70 years to cook yourself. Whatever you do, whatever you see, whatever you hear, whatever resentment you keep in, everything is like an ingredient that you put inside yourself."
"The world's a stage and everyone's simply a player, but then when you get onto the stage, you'd have the free will, within that arena."
"Sometimes you lose and sometimes you win, but most times you just keep playing."
"Folks in life we have big ships, we have small ships, we have ships that sail the seas, but the best ships are friendships, and may that always be."
"The world is your oyster, and privilege is invisible to those who have it."
"Duck hunting is an emotional thing for me. It's a metaphor for life in a lot of ways."
"Jenny, I love you. Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
"I want to choose the letters I want to go into my bowl."
"So much of our lives, metaphorically speaking, is Saturday."
"In the symphony of life, we are the melody and the beat."
"Life is a canvas, and we are the art."
"Life is a dance; it moves fast and then it moves slow, and sometimes it stops altogether."
"A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit."
"It's like life is a box of chocolates; you don't know which one you're going to get."
"It's your page one, it's your day one of 365 days. It's your choice as to how you want to play out that full 365 page book."
"Life is like an ocean; we are not on the land, we are in the ocean."
"We are the players in that play; we are the characters, we are the villains, we are the heroes."