
Experiments Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"Is it possible to pop popcorn with an explosion?"
"A laser pops an enormous amount of popcorn in the house, blows out all the windows in the doors, just from the power of popcorn."
"They can experiment; confetti cannon into space, how cool would that be?"
"Whatever you do, don't let some random doctor, or anyone for that matter, do a shady experiment on you."
"There is no intelligence necessary because we're not talking about any assembly of parts but rather development of affectations over seemingly infinite series of experiments."
"...but we're going to test pouring your milk first or your cereal first."
"YouTube special: It was a lot of fun to watch the Mythbusters launch a bowling ball with 60,000 match heads."
"The best way to illustrate quantum coherence is with the good ol’ double-slit experiment."
"Mark Zuckerberg conducted covert psychological operations... on almost 700,000 unwitting Facebook users."
"The laws of physics are exactly the same in every inertial reference frame. So the results of this experiment are the same in each of these frames, no matter what speed it is moving relative to something else."
"Let's do some scientific experiments and drive-throughs. We're gonna get so much fried potato it's crazy."
"Among the many experiments carried out, some truly stand out as bizarre."
"The Biden team has been reviewing ongoing experiments run by the national party and looking at Democratic Senate campaigns involving once obscure organizing strategies."
"There is some final proof of MK Ultra and its use of LSD for mind control experiments."
"Experiments have shown that water remembers everything that occurs in its space."
"MK Ultra is actually an umbrella term for a bunch of different experiments."
"There are two British experiments on board today."
"It's a strange social experiment, somehow they all get on the same page."
"Experiments such as these prove that many animals have an unprecedented level of understanding of human speech and communication."
"It's no secret that the United States has conducted some pretty odd experiments during the Cold War so certain things may be within the realm of possibility."
"Activate your crystals, do the experiments, make the orgone."
"Fairness is being shown in monkeys and dogs in experiments."
"Extraterrestrials exist, they've been interacting with humans for ages, and they've been conducting hybrid experiments."
"How do you think Umbrella populates these test scenarios? Hundreds of people dead each time they run a simulation."
"So yeah, a lot of really cool science experiments coming up on this one for sure."
"Groundbreaking scientific experiments."
"There's a bunch of interesting experiments that are being done to help astronomers understand the true nature of dark energy."
"Legend has it that Galileo Galilei conducted experiments on gravity from the top of the tower."
"This parabiosis experiment revealed something really important."
"We instantly formed a friendship around our obsessive 'n of one experiments."
"Scientists across the world have run incredible experiments showing that when your glucose levels are not steady, there's too much glucose in your system, so many things start happening."
"Al-Biruni's experiments are an early dramatic example of using mathematical reasoning to comprehend the real world."
"You can't stop it, it's already too late. The experiments have already taken root and soon the entire town will be consumed by darkness."
"In the experiments, five percent of the subjects were able to travel into the past, and that was not the end of it."
"There will still be a platform in space where people can go and do science experiments."
"Experiments can be confirmed, again no difference between classical and quantum mechanics in this respect."
"Does everyone know what the Stanley Milgram experiment was?"
"These experiments could definitely provide answers about the universe itself and once again, many of these answers seem to actually guide us toward black holes."
"Our brains were going crazy with government conspiracies and wartime nonsense, the things that they'd done in secret, human testing stuff like the Russian sleep experiment, no doubt, all in a quiet town in rural England."
"These are used for our global proteomics experiments."
"In our experiments, we have measured that a single photon can tunnel across a tunnel barrier at 1.7 times the speed of light."
"Experiments, this is a research method in which an experimenter can determine cause and effect through the manipulation of an independent variable."
"Greeting, Science Maximites! Welcome to Science Max Experiments at Large."
"Aviation experiments kept making the headlines."
"It detailed that the experiments and the interviews that he carried out revealed that the memory was based on synesthesia which turns sounds into vivid visual memory."
"We publish the methodology of experiments so others can see if our reasoning was correct or incorrect."
"...doing experiments like that can be very difficult and also that's not necessarily incredibly helpful because even if we were to find out oh yes gender is entirely um brought on by your culture what would we do just stop just have no?"
"So what was shown in single crystal experiments by the colleagues were that wherever you have a defect you're prone to form a lithium dendrite."
"Experiments have given some weird hints that just maybe we might be getting close to finding whatever particle it is that makes up Dark Matter."
"Now I want to end with an experiment that again makes the point that genes are these entities that are on chromosomes..."
"Legendary physicist Richard Feynman once famously compared the critical mass experiments carried out at Los Alamos to tickling a dragon's tail."
"You see he was actually a 55-year-old scientist named Professor Lum who had inadvertently deaged himself in his experiments with human rejuvenation."
"Mandy experiments to make fish more comfortable—like using shredded trash bags tied to tubes as cleaner spawning mops."
"The experiments are like the directions to show you the door, but go through the door, step over the threshold. Don’t stay at the threshold."
"So we have one last experimental facts to deal with. And this is Bell's Inequality, and this is my favorite one."
"My dad started showing interest in my experiments and asking questions about what I was doing."
"Experiments, like breaching experiments, challenge social norms to observe reactions."
"Breaking social norms in breaching experiments reveals underlying social dynamics."
"It's actually one of the most unhinged experiments you've never heard of"
"Greetings, Science Maximize! Welcome to Science Max Experiments at Large. My name is Phil, and today we're going to be looking at the power of magnets."
"The demons wanted someone to deal with people who were causing trouble for their experiments."
"The Stanford Prison Experiment is one of the most famous unethical psychological experiments of all time."
"So this was actually quite exciting at the time because this was the first folding experiments that have been done by mass spectrometry."
"Methods based on counterfactuals and natural experiments can help us make stronger causal claims."
"So, stuff like that, when you have some downtime, you know it's a little bit science experiment, it's a lot of fun, and it's really great team building."
"I wanted to design some little experiments that people could do at home so they can make their own pigments."
"That's so cool. I love stuff like this, like cool science experiments."
"You can fire manhole covers off the nuclear bomb."
"These complex sorts of experiments depend very much on the sort of teamwork of people working together for a common goal."
"Astronauts are scientists too, that's because they do experiments when they're exploring on the moon."
"These kinds of trends are really nice; they're the kind of trends that you might see in a very controlled physics experiment."
"The device with a yield of less than one Megaton was detonated to determine the environmental and structural effects."
"The United States of America offers a sincere apology to those of our citizens who were subjected to these experiments, to their families, and to their communities."
"The results of Alicia's experiments are dazzling."
"I was shocked to learn that the Stanford experiment was faked."
"Franklin Richards is kind of like the end result of the Celestial's experiments."
"Blockchain gives us an opportunity to conceptualize, design, and execute experiments using game theory and behavioral economics."
"We now have dozens and dozens of well-done double-blind experiments to show that the wishing makes a difference, even though there's no normal physical mechanism to account for it."
"Causal relations are the kinds of relations that would be manifested in an ideal controlled experiment."
"My name is William Justice, and today we're going to do some tracking experiments with DaVinci Resolve and Fusion."
"Topological order is a totally different kind of order that we were forced to think about because of experiments."
"The density of these experiments is something that's rather unparalleled."
"The records reveal a far more extensive series of experiments than had previously been thought."
"So this is a binomial, isn't it? Because that's exactly what binomial does is you repeat an experiment and then you are counting how many successes you have."
"We're going to perform a couple of experiments that will teach us about the air we breathe."
"Everything is calm; we're living in harmony as always, and all the experiments are going to plan."
"This large range that we know is possible really means that we need a very diverse set of experiments to try to probe this."
"I love weird scientific experiments like this."
"The experiments which are carried out during long expeditions are unique and in all senses are very expensive."
"Some believe these experiments created what are now called lizard men."
"So what have we learned from the ping pong ball cannon on how to crash safer?"
"It's the same sequence for all of them and it can be seen in experiments on chaotic chemical reactions."
"Teaching design of experiments can also be a lot of fun."
"The real part that brings this whole story together is looking at the stack of these experiments."
"There's never been a prediction of the standard model that has ever been nullified by an experiment."
"I hope you guys are enjoying these crazy week-long experiments, stay tuned for next week's challenge, it's gonna be awesome."
"India is a kind of Crucible for some of the very interesting experiments taking place."
"I love these sorts of experiments, you just don't know unless you try."