
Avengers Quotes

There are 365 quotes

"Avengers: Secret Wars is what the MCU is actually building toward, and I think that they can easily incorporate all of these characters and teases into this massive story in a way that makes sense and really adds to this epic scale."
"Gamora single-handedly dismantled the entirety of the Avengers team."
"Ever since Thanos sat down to watch the sunrise on a grateful universe, the rest of us have been waiting impatiently to find out how our surviving Avengers might undo that fatal snap."
"We can't wait to find out how our surviving Avengers might undo that fatal snap and restore our favorite heroes."
"It seems likely that someone may be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to obtain the soul stone and undo the snap."
"Maybe this show, X-Men 97, is giving us a crucial backstory leading into the Avengers that we're going to see in Avengers 5."
"'Hello, you've reached the Avengers emergency hotline. We are unable to assist you at this time as the Avengers are in space.'"
"The Avengers look up at it, ready to hold the ground solo, only to be surprised when their backup finally arrives: the rest of the Marvel Universe."
"Avengers: Infinity War... no question, no debate, this is in the top tier for me."
"Avengers: Endgame delivered on an impossible promise."
"I insist it's a bad idea because it completely undoes any meaningful emotional impact."
"I completely, I am completely on board that both Iron Man and Captain America are retired at the end of Avengers 4 rather than killing them off."
"She's had a rough time... She's alone but she makes some friends with the Avengers..."
"The Hollywood Backlot is 100 going to be used for an Avengers Campus expansion."
"Avengers endgame truly is the definition of a box office blockbuster and it is one that will still be looked back on with fond recognition and praise."
"Even with all my cynicism and critique of the Avengers, that's maybe the coolest thing I've ever seen."
"This is the Avengers in their most desperate hour."
"Doctor Strange is definitely... a member of the New Avengers lineup."
"Black Panther... he's definitely going to be on the New Avengers lineup."
"Captain Marvel... I think is almost definitely going to be an Avenger."
"I think Gamora joining the team... is very likely."
"Perhaps we'll get Rocket Raccoon and Groot to join the team."
"Why throw [Hulk] away... I think Hulk would probably stay."
"Avengers endgame is many things... it's a story about a group of people reconciling with their tragic past."
"Infinity war was the main event... it's the ultimate test for the Avengers initiative."
"The success of Endgame shows that the fandom for the final chapter of the Avengers saga was at an all-time high."
"All leading up to Captain America saying his classic line 'Avengers, assemble!'"
"Pietro's demise was the perfect catalyst to get Wanda over to the Avengers and solidify her place on the team."
"Once an Avenger, always an Avenger." - Voyager
"Moon Knight would be an excellent addition to the Avengers roster."
"How could the god of thunder not eventually be returning to the Avengers team?"
"I really love that Captain America emerges as the definitive leader of the Avengers."
"Just which new heroes that we've met so far would make the best fit on the Avengers squad rather than flying solo?"
"I think it's possible given her skills but also she could very likely be a member of the Young Avengers which would be a subset of the Avengers."
"A lot of Avengers are these larger-than-life superheroes dealing with huge universe-ending problems."
"The Avengers encapsulates so much of what the Marvel Cinematic Universe is."
"By the end of the first Iron Man, people pretty much understood that the vague overarching goal that isn't necessarily a storyline but feels enough like one that you're obligated to follow it was eventually shoving these guys into the Avengers."
"By saving their own timeline, the Avengers have doomed four others. Good job."
"Avengers: Endgame took that to an extreme length by only showing characters who hadn't been dusted by the snap in Infinity War."
"I'm going to go with Avengers endgame... it's the return of the king of the Marvel Universe."
"The result is the Battle of New York, in which the Avengers are gathered for the first time as a team."
"Though some of the Avengers were confused about how time travel worked, they soon learned that their own past was fixed and could not be altered."
"With Operation Time Heist a success, the Avengers returned to 2023 only to learn that Natasha Romanoff was gone and could not be brought back to life even with the infinity stones."
"After Tony Stark’s funeral, the Avengers and their allies went their separate ways, with Thor joining the Guardians of the Galaxy on their adventures."
"This is truly a stunning release; they've absolutely captured the look just like it had walked off-screen from Avengers: Infinity War."
"For all these reasons, I'm sorry, Wanda, I want you to turn against the Avengers and do your own thing because you deserve it after all this."
"The Avengers fell before they had a chance to rise. May they rest in peace, but we won't."
"This moment is like I mean it's like really nothing else Avengers Assemble."
"With the film's cast being as insanely massive as it is, many people have been starting to call this movie Avengers 2.5."
"There are even some rumors these heroes could be incorporated into the inevitable fifth Avengers film."
"This scene is only possible because up until now the Avengers didn't work together. In fact, they didn't even like each other."
"She's connected with the Avengers. She's one of these periphery characters, and she's sneaky. She lied to Steve at least once."
"This battle is the opposite of pointless - the Avengers are going after Loki’s scepter." - Bob
"Featuring action on a scale never before imagined, 'Endgame' was the ultimate theater experience for an entire generation."
"Captain America, Steve Rogers has to be in the game. Again another staple Marvel character. You have to have pretty much the whole Avengers, all right, spoilers, pretty much the whole A-team main Avengers have to be in the game."
"Helmut Zemo had a pretty brilliant and complex plan in order to tear the Avengers apart."
"Let's bring it back to Age of Ultron. The fact that they just let Whedon do his own weird little thing for the second Avengers movie is kinda wild."
"We see the three original Avengers, the last line of defense, take the final stand against Thanos."
"If you ask me if the other five Avengers each represent a stage of grief, I would argue that Cap represents the grief counselor."
"I mean, really when you think about it, the actors in Avengers are fantastic."
"Avengers Assemble is the line we've been waiting for, but in hindsight, I do kind of wish it was more of a giant proclamation."
"So it's kind of weird it's a good trilogy but also Avengers age of Ultron kind of fits in perfectly between Winter Soldier and Civil War."
"One of the coolest moments in Avengers endgame..."
"The Stan Lee cameo in Avengers endgame was particularly joyous..."
"A post-credits scene for the movie finds the Avengers in that very restaurant eating silently."
"The Avengers win in Endgame because they do make sacrifices including the death of Black Widow and of course Tony Stark."
"This is every single Lego Marvel Avengers figure."
"I'm gonna go through chronologically when all of the characters were added to the Avengers."
"There it is all of the Avengers minifigs ever made in official Lego form."
"Avengers: Endgame is the highest-grossing movie of all time."
"It's great to finally hear Avengers Assemble."
"You're amazing. Everything's amazing. Avengers Annual, first of all, half the characters are women. They never make any kind of big deal about it."
"But if you step out that door, you are an Avenger."
"We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine."
"This movie is very much focused on the core seven Avengers. It is their movie." - Ted
"The Avengers work best when they're outcasts."
"Vision, one of the most powerful and intelligent Avengers."
"Event comics month continues with the story that will be adapted into the next Avengers movie: The Infinity Gauntlet."
"Avengers: The first time we ever got something like that. I loved that. They did a good job of introducing every character in other movies. That's what makes it so amazing."
"In each of my as right gears, you can clearly see a trait that is the same, correct and that is called the Avengers might."
"The Masters of Evil... could be the perfect ongoing threat to the Avengers."
"It was an amazing fight that could only happen between the two Avenger powerhouses."
"After ten years of investment in this series and these characters, boy does Avengers Infinity War knock you on your ass. Humor sky high stakes and a truly overwhelming amount of emotion in it."
"Avengers Secret Wars where not just the Avengers not just the Fantastic Four not just the X-Men but all of the different ones in all of the different universes are going to come together to try to save the entire Multiverse."
"Avengers: Age of Ultron...this is an underrated MCU movie. I enjoy this movie a lot more than most people."
"A comic that forever changed how audiences saw the Avengers."
"On this world, the group of heroes normally referred to as the Avengers were known as the Ultimates."
"When you add all these characters, you add all this action, you're recreating those scenes from the various Avengers movies, man does this thing just come alive."
"Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Disneyland rethemed Tomorrowland as Avengers campus?"
"Avengers Tower is now yours to assemble; we hope you'll love it 3000 and enjoy the experience."
"The Hulkbuster Argonaut was so strong that it tore through the Avengers like paper."
"With all Avengers now assembled and working together, they stood together in a circle surveying the ongoing Invasion."
"We all liked end game because it was the end of 10 years of movies."
"They were gearing up, so why wouldn't they expect you to pull up with the Avengers?"
"We can't have three people fighting crime together; next you'll be suggesting some kind of avenging superhero team."
"His run on The Avengers specifically, he had a 9-issue run that has come to be called the cre scroll war."
"Together The Avengers prove their Invincible Spirit emerging Victorious and saving Earth from certain destruction once again."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures like seeking help from those who the Avengers once considered enemies."
"Avengers: Infinity War, they really had the balls to let the bad guy win."
"Avengers 5 will set up the cast and events of Avengers Secret Wars."
"There's a big possibility that when an incursion occurs in Avengers 5 it's possible that it could again be between this universe and the MCU 616 Universe."
"If they revisit this universe, I think they should do some relatively known Avengers not in the MCU, like Wonder Man."
"They reverse the snap and restore all the lives it took, including Peter's."
"Tony officially makes Peter an Avenger."
"What is an X-Men or Avenger story without a moral quandry?"
"I can see a place where Falcon leads the Avengers. Falcon leading the Avengers, I could see that, no problem."
"Enterprise TBF Avengers begin dropping 2,000lb bombs, the heavy ordinance hammers Japanese gun emplacements, bunkers, and rifle pits."
"This movie is [ __ ] hilarious this movie is sentimental this movie like builds a team that we care about in one movie this is the pacing is good and the pacing is great and [ __ ] phenom everything this movie does I feel like Avengers does better."
"It's like how do you draw them all together? It's like an Avengers team-up where your Avengers are like Captain America, Dom DeLuise, and [__] JJ the Jet Plane."
"Within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy had to ally up to defeat the Mad Titan Thanos."
"Avengers versus X-men... they might just go all in."
"I'm a sucker for, hey it's the Avengers but it's not the Avengers."
"Parker turned and inquired if this was merely a covert test of his character, questioning the existence of 50 reporters waiting to announce him as the newest Avengers member."
"Thor, accompanying Jane Foster at the University of London, received a notification from Jarvis regarding the Avengers reunion."
"Many of the Avengers got upgrades in their gear thanks to the Tony Stark and Bruce Banner Duo."
"The Avengers lives up to the hype and raises the bar for Marvel at the movies."
"He destroyed the Avengers, he got his Sweet Revenge, he's an S tier villain."
"I thought they're pretty unstoppable. This is the OG 'Avengers Assemble'."
"The Avengers roster always has room for more."
"Yo, this is like the Avengers Endgame, there's so much going right, like villains, yeah. So many iconic people fighting each other."
"Avengers Secret Wars is slated for phase six of the MCU and that means the beyonder is on his way also which is terrifying to think about considering the Avengers haven't even fought Kang in his dynasty yet."
"Avengers versus Fantastic Four would just make for a great viewing experience."
"The new Avengers will assemble for the first time in a huge crossover event with dozens of other Heroes and probably a bunch of nostalgic characters from The Multiverse."
"The Avengers are so much more than just team up movies."
"...the first 10 Avengers inspired by the success of the Justice League of America."
"...the true tenth Avenger was also just a footnote in the grand scheme of things."
"...something about being an Avenger just gets into your blood."
"After Tony's death, he created protocols for the continuation of the Avengers."
"Star Fox, Thanos's brother, may join The Avengers despite his problematic past, offering a unique perspective as a hero with a carefree lifestyle."
"Sentry's immense power and unique history make him a valuable asset for The Avengers, especially as a heavy hitter on Earth."
"Having Hercules on The Avengers team would hopefully dissuade Disney from making a live-action remake of the Hercules property."
"The Caped vigilante would be an excellent addition to the Avengers roster."
"Moon Knight's quirky nature presents a challenge for fitting into The Avengers, but a team-up with Blade and the Black Knight could pave the way."
"She-Hulk, with her super strength and legal expertise, could be a valuable addition to The Avengers, handling both physical threats and legal matters."
"Ghost Rider's uncontrollable nature presents a challenge for The Avengers, but his powers and skills make him a unique asset for the team."
"Blade's ties to vampires could lead to his eventual joining of The Avengers, especially if vampires become a significant threat in the MCU."
"Deadpool's zany personality and tendency to break the fourth wall could make him a wildcard addition to The Avengers, despite concerns about his reliability."
"Yelena, seeking revenge for her sister Natasha's death, may eventually follow in Black Widow's footsteps to become an official member of The Avengers."
"Loki, now on a redemption arc, could potentially join The Avengers, completing a fun piece of symmetry after being the catalyst for their original assembly."
"Thanos, he's a plague. They don't even know him."
"Reports by multiple sources like IGN and Variety suggest Marvel Studios is contemplating reuniting the original Avengers cast."
"So, would you want to see the OG Avengers back in action? Are you intrigued or skeptical about this reported revival?"
"...it gives us the Avengers, that really the Mighty Avengers as it exists right now."
"It's not the Avengers. If sunlight is so deadly, why doesn't moonlight have the same effect?"
"The Last Avengers movie was amazing... seeing the whole... Army of Galaxy was just insane."
"He's a new suit. The newest official member of The Avengers."
"When he snaps the Infinity Gauntlet, half of the people on the planet vanished. It chopped the cosmic power supply line to this new celestial that was growing, delaying the emergence."
"Avengers Endgame: the theater experience alone would have put this at the top for me."
"Avengers number four, the first Silver age appearance of Captain America Steve Rogers."
"If you wanna protect the world, but you don't want it to change, there's only one path to peace: Avengers extinction."
"one of the greatest movie memories of my life was when my entire theater burst into cheers and Applause as Thor's hammer Muer rocketed through the air and into the worthy hand of Chris Evans Captain America"
"I think Avengers goes through because of the comic-book stuff but Dark Knight I think transcends that head just goes into darkness just a good movie happens to be using comic book characters."
"In the wake of these tragedies, The Avengers disbanded."
"But part of the idea is the movie is meant to directly set up Avengers secret wars."
"Welcome to the circus, I guess you're an Avenger now."
"The avengers were always meant to be more than a team, the affirmation of humanity's need. I believe that in this universe, as in every other, hope never dies."
"He said you're an Avenger now. Yeah. Yeah, Peter."
"In 'Avengers: Endgame,' Tony Stark's death scene was improvised on the spot."
"Avengers, I love that movie. I want to watch it again over and over again."
"For the low, low price of uncuffing me, you can have the Avengers, alright? How about that?"
"Dave Bautista left Avengers so it's he's available."
"How awesome would it be if we got another villain like Zemo, someone who blames The Avengers for the snap? Now, that is a powerful motivation because the Avengers themselves suffer from guilt over the snap."
"No more Avengers had been his cry, but the Multiverse had shown him that Lokis were always fated to be the force that brought the Avengers together."
"The reinforcements are for said Avengers, of course."
"The Avenger's would unite no more."
"To most modern superhero fans, the Avengers are an undoubted cornerstone of the Marvel Universe."
"The Avengers have very much become the highest echelon of Marvel superhero storytelling."
"The Crossing remains one of the most controversial and unpopular Avengers storylines of all time."
"Alan: And she spent years doing as much good as she possibly could and capped it by doing the most good of any of the Avengers. She wasn't at peace because she was going to die. Jonathan: Yeah. Alan: She was at peace. and so it was okay to die."
"Future Hawkeye basically attacks Tony Stark and says like this is for everybody who died and all of us who live through it."
"Thor was really in his prime carrying the whole Avengers and he's out here saying 'bring McDonald's, man, I'll bring you anything. Keep cooking.'"
"There are no Avengers. Tony Stark is dead, the Vision is dead, Black Widow is dead, T'Challa dead, Scarlet Witch missing, probably dead, Steve Rogers disappeared, Thor is gone, Carol Danvers is gone."
"Avenger initiative, Captain Carol Avenger Danvers."
"The Avengers movies are positioned themselves, anyone can watch them."
"...it's a fun avengers sequel that delivers a lot of what you want from one of these big team-up movies but falters a little bit in the story and the villain."
"I love what Mark Ruffalo does. I love the way they utilize them in the Avengers and Thor: Ragnarok."
"Avengers, it's more than just a team. It's a family."
"I love that Tony, I'm glad you're back in the compound. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine."
"The Avengers, one of my favorite movies of all time."
"...I think the sequence of the airport is the best Avengers movie we've ever had."
"That's how she wound up on that present day Avengers team."
"Scarlet Witch is still just as powerful as ever, able to take on Avengers all by herself or even battle against possibly Universal beings."
"What if you have an Avengers story set in this era? I would love that so much!"
"Thanos's wish came true from infinity war when he's about to kill Iron Man he says 'I hope they remember you.'"
"...a Celestial now this Falls in line with what's going on with the Avengers in the main Marvel Universe right now."
"Well, what about the Avengers fell before they had a chance to rise? The Avengers were always meant to be and Marvel and a team."
"Avengers movies, very good, very entertaining."
"On your left, I never thought three words could be so powerful until I heard them uttered towards the end of Avengers: Endgame."
"There's no version of this where you come out on top because if we can't protect the earth you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it."
"Bringing things back into balance, writing past wrongs is a big Avenger type of energy, a big Justice type of energy."
"The way they addressed the Avengers stuff was really funny."
"Cap's intense loyalty and unwillingness to betray his team traits most said made him a boring character were the qualities that made the Avengers the best Marvel film to that point"
"When you're ready, I want you to try that on. The newest official member of the Avengers. Spider-Man."
"Thor, one of the most powerful Avengers out there."
"Before we judge Kate for her lack of superhuman abilities, just remember how key Clint Barton was in the makeup of the Avengers."
"He even became a founding member of the Avengers."
"It's a team effort. We're the Avengers."
"Avengers: Infinity War shouldn't be a surprise where I'm gonna place this immediately at the top of the current round kings."
"Teams I think right now are the name of the game like Avengers ass simple like instead of isolated you know isolated uh little you know Renegade you know factors."
"Avengers assemble! That's a pretty epic line to have, could you imagine reading the script and being like, I get to say it, that's pretty cool."