
Patriarchy Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"We can only stop male violence against women by ending male domination, by eradicating patriarchy. Patriarchy is the problem."
"Patriarchy tells men they shouldn't be vulnerable or show emotions, labeling those things as feminine, so when men get vulnerable or emotional, they're criticized, made fun of, told to 'be a man, not to act like a woman.'"
"If you stripped away the patriarchy, misogyny, sexism, and White supremacy, truly what are the incentives for a woman to give up her agency and submit to a man?"
"The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not violence towards women; instead, patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves."
"Women don't have a real choice; we have a very narrow set of predetermined choices within patriarchy."
"Feminism means support above all else. Forget about girl-hate and competition and jealousy because these things are just symptoms of the patriarchy."
"The real wake-up moment is recognizing that adhering to and reproducing patriarchy really only serves a few in our society."
"At the end of the day, it's taking a look at patriarchal systems and seeing the flaws in those systems and how they negatively impact everyone."
"They acquired the right to personality, something alien to the highly patriarchal family structures of the old country."
"You mean the patriarchy won't let you wear a dress? I don't know about your country, but I can wear a dress anytime I want."
"Whether random men think a woman's body hair makes them gross or unattractive or unfeminine, which like, hi patriarchy, nice to meet you, thanks for all the beauty standards. I hate it."
"Men struggling don't want to be lectured about the patriarchy; they don't want to be told it's all their fault."
"Patriarchy doesn't just hurt women; it hurts us all."
"The patriarchal age is coming to an end in the Philippines."
"Women filled the highest possible roles and only years later in church history were they slowly excluded from those types of roles because of the patriarchalism of the surrounding cultures."
"Overlooking a qualified woman because you expect misogynists to have a problem with her is the very definition of patriarchy."
"Patriarchy creates a hierarchy where the most 'logical' person sits at the top, and who is considered 'logical' is conveniently decided by the existing power structure."
"If you as a woman or femme person genuinely want to combat patriarchy, one of the easiest things you can do is make it safe for the men in your life to be vulnerable with you."
"The idea that listening to men's feelings is coddling them is actually a direct reinforcement of the elements of patriarchy."
"Being a feminist means working to dismantle the patriarchy, working to improve the material conditions of women, and working to achieve systemic equality between all sexes and genders."
"The patriarchy thrives off of women hating themselves."
"By giving a voice to the cognitive dissonance of living under patriarchy, you take the power away from it."
"Many young men feel their difficulties are often dismissed out of hand as whining from a patriarchy that they don't feel a part of."
"It's understanding that it's real and do you think that the patriarchy is oppressive? Absolutely oppressive to everybody."
"If we all accept that there is an oppressive patriarchy, then we are now telling young men that you are a beneficiary of this patriarchy."
"It shows us what kind of people patriarchy produces, people who can never be comfortable in their own skin."
"The thing about the patriarchy is it makes men powerful, not happy."
"On the masculine front we we tell young boys that while the world's a terrible patriarchal tyranny and all of that patriarchal tyranny which is the whole explanation for history has done nothing but oppress and exploit people."
"We're doing a terrible job with the patriarchy."
"What is patriarchy? Patriarchy is a social system in which men are granted greater privileges than people of other genders."
"The world has progressed but patriarchy has not vanished; it is simply adapted."
"I think patriarchy is just a male-dominated society. There's nothing inherently wrong with a male-dominated society as long as it's respectful."
"My conception of the patriarchy is not that men are beastly to women. It is that there is a structure in which women participate that overall privileges and benefits men in order to control female reproduction."
"There's a fear of the toppling of the white anglo patriarchy in the U.S., everybody who is afraid of white men no longer being the ones who are in charge are going to be afraid."
"Vaginas stretch out with use? It's a deeply rooted myth in the patriarchy."
"It's patriarchal politics as usual because the very definition of patriarchy's is controlling reproduction."
"We've done patriarchy for a long time. Has it really worked?"
"Teamwork is fundamental, it's a big part of the future of a new patriarchy and a better future for this country."
"The father is about the passing of a patriarch, the family dynamic experiencing a significant change."
"There is a huge male-dominated patriarchal way in which we look at the justice system."
"They are undoing the evils of the patriarchy."
"Yet in the breakdown of our families we've been sold narrative that says women if you want to have a baby, you're just being subservient to the patriarchy."
"Her feminist beliefs were made clear when she discussed patriarchal society structures."
"The concept of hypergamy has always existed sadly because we live in a white supremacist capitalist patriarchy."
"The patriarchy is literally killing you. Let it go."
"This film is about how toxic patriarchy traumatizes generations of women."
"They unintentionally created an advert for patriarchy."
"There's a great deal of investment in patriarchy that does not exclude black women."
"Part of this is because of the patriarchy. I'm just going to let that sit. Part of it is because we've been left out of medical decision making specifically for the last several hundred years."
"A patriarchy is a society that oppressed women and is in favor of men."
"The problem has shifted away from being white supremacy to now the problem is patriarchy."
"You see their patriarchal beliefs, their emphasis on modesty and purity."
"It did ignite the much needed discussion about the need to normalize mental health issues and the fatal consequences of patriarchy."
"Patriarchy limits the autonomy of other genders specifically and historically the bodily autonomy of women."
"The goal, the definition of feminism, the overthrow of patriarchy."
"But that's because of your own ignorance of Islam. I mean again like someone might say, 'Oh, you're adding to Islam because you use the word patriarchy.' Why? Patriarchy is a descriptive term and Islam is patriarchal."
"The entire Bible is about patriarchy, the journey of the seed across generations. Jesus replaced lampstands, churches, in Revelations, he's doing it now."
"Patriarchy hurts men too, for all these reasons."
"Nothing is more offensive to the patriarchy than a confident woman."
"What type of world are we rebuilding, if we're not tearing down patriarchy?"
"That's patriarchy we don't need that kind of patriarchy."
"It's the result of patriarchal conditioning, the justifying logic of patriarchy of maintaining male privilege backfiring and making men sad because the thing it is justifying actually sucks."
"Patriarchy is not just the fact that men are powerful. Patriarchy is a double-edged sword because in trying to be powerful, men in turn become weak."
"So what does 'doing it for you' mean in the context of socialization under patriarchy and capitalism?"
"Religion is strictly and fundamentally patriarchal; spirituality is a system of balance."
"Patriarchy helps a small group of men at the top and really oppresses women, the true victims of patriarchy are low status men."
"Ask not what you can do for the patriarchy but what the patriarchy can do for you. Now get that bag, bestie!"
"A man is the head of the household."
"The man has complete authority and ownership over them."
"By challenging patriarchal interpretations and advocating for a more inclusive and egalitarian understanding of Islam, women's rights advocates endeavor to reclaim the religion as a source of empowerment."
"Subsidiarity requires patriarchy. Patriarchy requires subsidiarity. You don't need your Bishop's permission to lead your own household. Men out there, you don't need Pope Francis' permission to lead your own household."
"Patriarchy is the biggest [ __ ] blocker to heterosexual relationships truly because it sets us up to fail and it sets up relationships to be very difficult."
"You can't get rid of capitalism without getting rid of the state and you can't get rid of the state without getting rid of patriarchy."
"Religion was hijacked from goddess worship and turned into patriarchal religion."
"It's actually demoralizing how much people are paying to see me naked, it's not as much as they're paying to read my writing. So, thank you patriarchy."
"Under patriarchy, everything is about being that man... everything is about being that [__]."
"...and what we're talking about is not just changing the behavior of individual boys and men um but about changing centuries of patriarchy misogyny and male entitlement."
"Being a good woman according to the rules of patriarchy does not protect you and does not guarantee you happiness or well-being."
"Men have a lot to gain from the end of patriarchy as well as something to lose."
"This isn’t about saying you can’t date a man. It’s about trying to dismantle the cultural institution which reinforces patriarchy and oppresses women."
"True matriarchy operates underneath the umbrella of a patriarchy. A woman can be the matriarch of her family and operate underneath the patriarchy of her husband."
"The patriarchal structure upon which her family is organized, and the white supremacy upon which American society is organized, stem from the same hierarchies of violence."
"Patriarchy, sexism, hell, hurts us as much as it hurts women, just in different ways because it's almost like it's a male prison that we're stuck in."
"Patriarchy promotes insanity. It is at the root of the psychological ills troubling men in our nation."
"I really do believe that there is a patriarchal order and there's a matriarchal order, and that they both serve."
"I love a person who sees the gender Norms the patriarchy grabs it by."
"No matter how much the patriarchy wants to suppress the feminine, it cannot defeat the archetypes of wife and mother, especially the latter."
"Self-validation is us walking out of our participation in patriarchy."
"You see women in the patriarchy drawn more clearly than when you look at other women."
"Porn is not the cause of women being dehumanized by men; it is a symptom of that problem. The cause is patriarchy."
"Christian nationalists want to build a patriarchal Christian Nation, believing America is too soft and feminine to uphold patriarchy."
"...clear affinities between kind of Hispanic machismo culture and patriarchy..."
"The word patriarchy is used I don't know how many times."
"But is this because of the patriarchy? Is that what you're saying? I mean, some would argue that that's a part of it, yeah."
"The nuclear family does not require a mom who stays at home and a father who works, even if it does that's not patriarchy."
"The patriarchy really has done men so dirty in the emotional connection department."
"Because everywhere I turn, especially in age-appropriate men, I don't see anything but patriarchy."
"Here we have the dangers of the patriarchal society dramatized again."
"We all live to this day under the rule of patriarchy. Patriarchy is the water and we're the fish that swim in it."
"I am here today to invite you to live a deeply relational life instead of a linear patriarchal life."
"The patriarchy is a society that oppressed women and favored men. It has historically been like that."
"The majority of issues or insecurities or like things that people that especially young men don't have, the root cause of it would be patriarchy."
"The culture of individualism teaches us that we are apart from nature, and patriarchy teaches us that we're in control of nature, and they're both delusions."
"Leading men and women and non-binary folks leading everybody into true intimacy is synonymous with moving them beyond patriarchy because patriarchy doesn't allow intimacy. It's not built for intimacy."
"I love it when women admit to seeing the red flags but they just decide to ignore them because of patriarchy and oppression of course."
"Men grow up in a system where they are told, 'You're the end-all be-all, you are the priesthood holder, you get the last say.'"
"It's definitely reflective on Hoster as an individual but it's even more important to realize that this is the SU societal gears like the reason why she's she's looked at as soiled and and all this stuff this is all the the patriarchy hashtag you know all that stuff."
"He's not baptizing patriarchy and calling it good, he is injecting the yeast of the gospel into the household situation in order to change it."
"I think that the idea that the pattern of reality is patriarchal is a technically true statement."
"And until we can take violence seriously, there is no way we can challenge and change patriarchy. Because violence--"
"Patriarchy oppresses everyone, men included."
"Let's just call a spade a spade: misogyny, patriarchy. I mean, it is what it is."
"Barbie isn't even feminism 101 but is a story about an innocent childlike woman who experiences patriarchy for the first time she is like a lot of young girls in that way and her experiences and changing perspective are certainly relatable"
"When a man is mediocre that's because you had the upper hand y'all created the patriarchy i didn't create it my mama didn't create it y'all created it right you created patriarchy and you still couldn't get it done right."
"Patriarchy holds up misogyny and Christianity. They're the trifecta of suck."
"Patriarchy is not going to end until men decide to end it, just like how white supremacy will not end until white people die."
"...the only brain I'm not interested in is one that is benefiting entirely from patriarchy and that's just not sexy to me at all."
"Feminism is supposed to be antagonistic towards the patriarchy."
"But if a man is being genuinely vulnerable about the ways the patriarchy harms him I think you should show him empathy."
"The future is female, but it felt very patriarchal."
"The argument against patriarchy is not men bad and women good, so therefore we should put women in charge. That's not it at all. In fact, patriarchy is not even synonymous with men, nor is it solely about gender."
"Some angry men and some angry women hate conventionally beautiful women because they believe that they have too much power without realizing how patriarchy and objective beauty hurts women and men simultaneously."
"Once I found out the patriarchy wasn't really about horses, I kind of lost interest."
"They're okay with being subjugated by the patriarchy as long as they get to subjugate others."
"Research from the social sciences suggests that recent decades have seen a retrenchment of patriarchal power in the domain of heterosexual romantic love and sex."
"Any true understanding of patriarchy and any true feminist perspective is one that recognizes that one gender being dominant is never good."
"...the patriarchy is alive and well I think racism is alive and well."
"All domination in recorded history up to today was patriarch domination."
"I am a woman. I cannot join clubs, so I cannot advance myself as they can. Guys, should we change the patriarchy? This seems like a reason not to."
"The simplest definition I can give of patriarchy is the hierarchy of male dominance and female subordination."
"Patriarchy plays out through what is projected on women and what is withheld from women. Some things projected onto women: the notion that women cannot be trusted, marital elitism, and limited theological interest."
"Patriarchy doesn't just hurt women. Under patriarchy, you can either be powerful or connected, but not both. If women want to be connected and powerful today, men need to be able to be powerful and connected today."
"The system which harms men has and will always be patriarchy."
"Moving beyond patriarchy means understanding victims can be anyone."
"Patriarchy is oppressing women based on a false premise."
"I would say that the patriarchy is a system put in place that helps white men specifically."
"Patriarchy is a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it."
"The practice of foot binding may have also been encouraged to limit how far women could leave their homes."
"They feel guilty because under the patriarchy, they're given the role of being Society shock absorbers."
"Ken has got there first and he's re-established his patriarchy dream where all the men are now in charge."
"Hey, take that patriarchy. Keep it in your pants boys."
"The topic at hand is, is patriarchy good or bad for relationships?"
"Patriarchy damages both genders, not just women."
"It is patriarchal and sexist right at the heart of it."
"Your consent to get married is not what matters it's your dad's like it conveys a sense of ownership and it devalues someone's personhood which gr patriarchal and like yeah I don't know Antiquated."
"Most patriarchal fathers in our nation use various techniques of psychological terrorism, the primary one being the practice of shaming."
"Ruthless patriarchal assault on the self-esteem of teenage boys has become an accepted norm."
"To change patriarchal traditions, we must end patriarchy in part by envisioning alternative ways of thinking about maleness, not only boyhood."
"The one unifier that you have is a patriarchy, patriarchal systems they will agree with that."
"Christian patriarchy is the same as Pagan patriarchy."
"Patriarchal systems are really about controlling women's labor power."
"This is why heterosexual marriage is the building block of patriarchal society."
"Gendering things like cooking, cleaning, childcare, weightlifting, sports, and fashion is the perfect example of patriarchy, and this is why men need feminism."
"Gender roles in the patriarchy literally kill."
"As long as we continue to push men down and hinder their ability to be emotional, feminine, dynamic human beings, the more the patriarchy will continue to damage men and young boys."
"If the majority of men stopped and observed the plights of women due to the patriarchy, they would solve a lot of their own problems."
"Feminism is about recognizing that there is this thing called patriarchy which benefits men and disadvantages women."
"I think so much of the ways we talk about patriarchy, is that it's just men doing it. And I think actually women do patriarchy every day."
"Is this what they mean by take down the patriarchy?"
"Patriarchy is universal; we're all in this together."
"Norse mythology, as well as other systems of mythology around the globe, is sometimes challenged by people today who insist that it embodies a sort of patrifocal, patrilinear, in other words, male-dominated perspective."
"The Modern Woman is seen as such a threat to the patriarchy and a threat to the men that are looking for the traditional bells as their wife."
"I don't need to read more about women being victims to the patriarchy because, honey, I live it."
"Patriarchy is not exactly an alternative either, so I recommend a third alternative."
"I really realize a lot about the patriarchy that I grew up in."
"To be a feminist, you need constant humor and imagination to get through the patriarchy."
"The patriarchy has many ways in which it privileges men, it also has many ways in which it hurts men."
"You're one small step away from making a more conscious effort to dismantle the patriarchy."
"As always, patriarchy is a system of economic exploitation."
"...systems of domination and structures of power and patriarchy have long fed the production of glaciological knowledge."
"Men are as much victims of patriarchy as they are perpetrators of it."
"Systemic patriarchy is messed up."
"Our men had patriarchy, they just weren't oppressing us with it."
"Here's the reality: the way misogyny and patriarchy work, they don't care about us."
"When we talk about patriarchy, we're talking about order, we're talking about organization."
"We live in a patriarchal society which uses power to oppress and keep women inferior."
"The development of Lady Macbeth is a salient feature of the play as it presents the overwhelming power of the patriarchy."
"Shakespeare criticizes masculine society by pointing out that patriarchal male control of women is damaging not just to individuals but society as a whole."
"Her identity and individuality shouldn't be anchored to the patriarchal idea that women are publicly defined by the men in their life."
"As far as women are concerned in this patriarchal construct, the woman is always the scapegoat."
"Feminism is basically the application of an anarchist analysis towards patriarchy."
"Both men and women suffer under this patriarchy because of the inherent expectations for both men and women in gender roles."
"Thoughts on the patriarchy? I'm doing everything in my power to end the patriarchy."
"The structure of society was undoubtedly a patriarchal one, but that did not mean women were without power."
"I don't know what men have to be so angry about; the patriarchy hurts them too."
"America, judicially, socially, and financially, on all accounts historically, is a patriarchy."
"It all stems from patriarchal sexism and gender inequality."
"Those disparities come from patriarchy; they don't stem out of some vacuum."
"The patriarchy is negatively impacting not only women but also men."
"I don't think infantilizing women is going to do that, and I think it's like this old patriarchal thing that we hold on to that we don't realize how damaging it is."
"This is all symptomatic of patriarchy, which is a global phenomenon."
"The more we can rid patriarchy from our society, everything gets better: politics get better, people's love lives get better, everything gets better."
"Feminist criticism was born out of a response to the patriarchy, a system or society in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it."
"It delves into patriarchy, ultimately landing on the fact that it is just as damaging to men as it is to women."
"Feminists believe that schools transmit ideas that sustain patriarchy."
"I want to change our society's patriarchy, a son can do whatever he wants while still bringing honor to his family."
"A patriarchal society... flourishes as a result of having rightly ordered families."
"Chaucer has real issues with this view. Chaucer is not so sure that the patriarchy is as natural as Ruthie's tree being a birch tree."
"We all become agents of misogyny and patriarchy and all these different things whether or not we want to or not."
"Patriarchy does not mean men; it means a society that is overall dominated by men and men's choices and men's needs."