
Compulsion Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"There is no compulsion in religion; you can't force people to become Muslims."
"When you use compulsion on people, you undermine trust by definition because you don't need to use force on people where there's mutual consensus and trust."
"In a frenzy... read it cover to cover... could not stop reading."
"It became something I had to be successful at to feed my obsession."
"Things that aren't bad by nature can become bad when they become compulsive."
"It's not like I love doing this, it's like I have to."
"Scp-1085 is a fitness DVD it compels people to work out harder and harder as more time goes on."
"The killings are almost an OCD compulsion... how he wants to present himself, how does he want to use this moment to maximize his fame."
"Vaccination is a good example. They're bringing legislation to compel people to be vaccinated."
"Tick-tock is a dumpster fire that for some reason we just cannot stop watching."
"We're not about that life so yes you're gonna hear me talk about politics because politics compels the masses to do what they want you to do it's not discretionary."
"But when it comes to that compulsory thing, using it as evidence of somebody's moral failure is manipulation."
"There's two reasons people do anything: one is because they authentically want to do it, and the other is because... compulsion."
"Life is so short and this is what we're doing with it."
"I genuinely felt like it was driving me crazy not just an addiction either I'd get resentful for playing the game because I knew that I was snared in it but I'd get even angrier and feel even worse when I wouldn't play the game."
"Despite this, the pulsating symbols on my computer screen had become my obsession."
"Don't do it out of compulsion, don't do it because of the need."
"...direction is as powerful as destination okay a lot of people right actually are highly empathic and because they're highly empathic they are significantly more like to turn to compulsion..."
"There's a compulsion, not an addiction, with phone scrolling, scratching an itch that only exacerbates."
"Towels have to be lined up you know you get that little band on the bottom of towels they've got to be level like we're Sleeping with the Enemy."
"Addiction is an experience that a lot of people can relate to, not just substances, but that feeling of doing something compulsively even though it's having a negative effect in your life."
"It's almost as strong as his compulsion to make shitty jokes."
"Dermatillomania is being trapped in a relentless cycle of compulsion and shame."
"I'm definitely addicted to takeaway foods. It's a compulsion."
"I have a compulsion to create, and I kind of wish I did."
"Religion calls you to be compulsive, ain't nothing enough."
"I saw him too, and in both our cases, the compulsion to follow him was particularly urgent."
"Unlike common theft, kleptomania involves a compulsive need to steal"
"I've got this thing inside me that tells me to do things in even numbers. It's like someone's grabbing you by the net and it's that uncontrollable urge."
"...there was almost like this mental and physical compulsion to just continue having more."
"When men indulge this accusing spirit, they will resort to compulsion. Just as far as lies in their power, they will force men to comply with their ideas of what is right."
"An addiction means there's a behavior that I can't stop."
"I make them because I'm compelled to make them."
"When it happens to me, it takes over my whole thought pattern. It's all-consuming, and suddenly it's an urge and a drive which I'm almost have to follow."
"Sometimes you just feel very compelled to do something and it's almost impossible not to act on it."
"As an artist, every single person who starts making videos or music or writing feels like there's something within them that needs to come out. They have to put it out, almost don't have a choice."
"I literally cannot stop touching Lev."
"People don't understand that. That you can't stop. When it's an addiction."
"They feel a sense of compulsion that seems to emanate from these kids."
"There's not just an obsession, it's compulsory and it's rabid."
"It's a kind of un... unconsciously compelled thing where you just keep moving forward into the next possibility."
"She used the compulsions fell to gather a large crowd of crystal ponies in an underground cave."
"Sketchbooks have been a compulsion of mine since I was like 18."
"It's okay to say that you're compulsive about something. It's okay to say that you're obsessive about something."
"You don't do this kind of thing unless you can't not do it."
"It's my whole life. I don't know if I think it's true for other writers too that some people have writing as a compulsion. I don't have that. Reading, on the other hand..."
"Strangely, I feel like I can't just stay away. It's like an itch that needs to be scratched even though you know it will only spread the poison."
"Honestly, I hate how compelling this is and how I need to keep watching it."
"I prophesy because I am compelled. There is something working inside of me."
"The only reason to do this is because you just can't stop."
"I think you can't thank God for compulsions."
"God never forces the will or the conscience, but Satan's constant resort is compulsion by cruelty, through fear or force."
"I didn't mean to. I couldn't help it."
"If the Prophet Muhammad wanted Islam to be spread through compulsion, then this religion would not have got as far as it did today."
"If Islam was a religion that compels you to join, was there a sword put on their neck? No."
"Yes, you found that that principle was fundamental: no compulsion. I will not compel you to stay in Karbala."
"I started my company because I was just blogging for fun when it didn't make money and I didn't actually think it was going to make money. And now that I have something, I still do this because I am compulsive and I love it."
"...had this disastrous feeling that if I don't run that something very wrong is about to happen...and so I did."
"I don't believe that. I believe that serial killers kill to live and live to kill. He can't stop killing. Okay, he's addicted to killing, just like 13."
"That’s your answer for everything lately, I didn’t have a choice, like this job was forced on you."
"If I see a Post-It note on the ground I cannot not pick it up."
"I start to get the jitters because it's like there's something inside me and I can't get it out unless I'm doing this."
"The music was relentless, a siren call that I couldn't escape."
"In order for us to understand if we're in a compulsion, we need to become more connected to ourselves."
"People who force themselves to go into war are different from those who are forced by external factors."
"I feel like I don't want to put it down and I don't get that often with books. Like, I just feel like I can't put it down. I have to finish it now. I have to know what's going on."
"I can't not do this because it's so gorgeous."
"I'm stepping down from my position as CEO of Wayne Enterprises, but I am not doing so voluntarily."
"Mother Nature has to absolutely drag us to get us to fall in love."
"The act of trying to prove it is a humongous compulsion."
"It's that urgency, 'I must do it now or else I will feel awful,' that lets you know you're in compulsion territory."
"If you feel like your pants are on fire and you need to do a behavior but your pants aren't on fire, you're probably near a compulsion."
"People suffering from OCD suffer obsessions about a particular object or process and then compulsions to carry out a specific action."
"I felt compelled to follow it as if by some irresistible force."
"It's the only way I'll stop. I know what I got to be in a cell or I'll do it again."
"I think we should be compelled by the love of God and not by some fear of going to hell."
"The horrible thing about the two minutes hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in."
"Sometimes a person has to choose. Sometimes the world forces his hand."
"You always make me tell the truth."
"A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state."
"Prizes aren't what I'm doing science for; I'm for what, for better or for worse, so I have to do it. It's kind of a compulsion."
"It's like it had control over me, like it was drawing me in, pulling me closer and closer, like it wanted me."
"My impulse to visit an end to the temple has now become an inexplicable and imperious command."
"You forget yourself but only by becoming, taking on a shape that we were compelled to by the way."
"It's almost like compulsion. It's a good addiction."
"I have a compulsion to create things."
"Ananke, the primordial goddess of necessity, compulsion, and inevitability."
"Made me do for love what I would not do."
"By 1900, education had been made compulsory for all children between the ages of 5 and 14."
"It's the compulsion to know on the level of soul."
"There's something in me that compelled me to make sense of things."
"It is so inviting, you ever like walk down a hallway and you know you bout to die, you can't stop yourself from walking forward."
"He was compelled by this relational love with Jesus."
"When I saw an opening in my calendar, I felt compelled to return to the primal beauty where I grew up."
"It was like this sudden overwhelming feeling that came over me, that I need to go to sleep now."
"It was like a train wreck in the sense that it was painful to watch, but you just couldn't bring yourself to look away."
"It's gonna be like an uncontrollable on their part."
"I listen to music, new records, old favorites, the radio, anything until I feel like I can't take it anymore. I have to make something or I'll lose my mind."
"Listening to the album all four sides from end to end is not a chore, it's a compulsion."
"I must have something to do; usually, musical ideas are pursuing me to the point of torture."
"When we become trapped in obsessive compulsive self-centered routines, endless loops that lead nowhere but to mental, spiritual, and emotional decay."
"The room had this pull that beckoned me to it. I was hopelessly compelled to return, powerless to its call."
"Beauty will be compulsive, or it will not be at all."
"To say that I regret being forced to this outcome is a tremendous understatement."
"Writers write because we can't help ourselves; we have to write."
"When you see bubble wrap, you just got to pop them."
"That is beautiful because that means this is forced."
"An invisible force, something unknown, willing me to look, pulled my chin up."
"It's because it's a compulsion as well; it's just what you have to do."
"It's a compulsion... Everybody I know who is really good at something does it as a compulsion."
"He knows that what he's doing is stupid and wrong, but he can't stop."
"I can't just make a simple thing; it always has to be a thing that does multiple things. It's like an illness."
"You can't stop no matter how badly you want to, that's what addiction is."
"It's like an addiction; you couldn't stop."
"The fatal compulsion one feels so acutely when one is in love."
"Addiction isn't just a case of wanting something really bad; it's a psychological compulsion."
"I'm not making art to be 'Oh, this is me.' I do it because I have to do it."
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder involves intrusive thoughts and the need to engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts."
"There is nothing any longer compelling a Christian to live in sin."
"A negative feeling or apprehension frequently accompanies forced action."
"Every good novel is written because it has to be written; the need to tell is compelling."
"Some stories just beg to be told."
"It's a compulsion, a driving need to do, take, experience something that makes you feel alive."
"Compulsive gambling, also called gambling disorder, is the uncontrollable urge to keep gambling despite the toll it takes on your life."
"You don't remember because you were compelled to forget."
"At first, it was just curiosity, and then it became compulsive."
"After a big loss, you're compelled towards things that are not conscious or logical; they're driven by very deep things within you."
"It's almost like a compulsion, it's almost like something he has to do, it's almost like he can't walk away from his life because this is the only thing he has."
"If in the middle of the night we can't help the thought 'I must write,' then we have no choice but to do it."
"Stardom is the reason because it felt like you had to watch."
"We create art because the art demands to be created."
"Once you do this, it's like a drug, you don't just stop."
"I am compelled to do from that third piece is what I determine to be me."
"You just keep going and you can't stop."
"The outer man that clothed him is under compulsion to fulfill the commands of that inner man."
"I just couldn't stop, it was getting to a head."
"It's like biting your fingernails or eating potato chips; once you start, you can't stop."
"I felt compelled to keep watching."