
Threat Perception Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat."
"Why are they so threatened by you? Because they can sense something in you that's worth being threatened by."
"Fear makes some strange decisions about what it perceives to be a threat."
"We got so damn sensitive to threat that we were finally able to conceive the ultimate threat, not proximal threats, but the fact of threat itself and the fact of mortality itself."
"Anxiety is essentially a heightened baseline of worry around projected threats."
"We don't feel any real threat from them; they're just there, they're curious."
"Silence is compliance gang, we're a threat and we have to be eliminated."
"Anxiety is deep-rooted in our lizard brain and it's evolved to keep us safe from harm. But the problem is when anxiety is being triggered all the time and being applied to non-tangible threats."
"Binary Thinking... Us and them. Surviving as a tribe requires cooperation, which is greatly aided by the perception of a shared threat."
"There's a certain liberation that comes in confronting this and realizing that of all those threats out there in the world most of them will never harm you."
"I think we come into this year with an odd bipartisan agreement that China is increasingly the biggest threat out there."
"Anybody who interprets your growth as a threat is an enemy."
"There's nothing more threatening to a dying Empire than a successful example."
"The tongue is a f***ing weapon... people like Immortal Technique... they're a threat to all societies..."
"I function every day as if somebody wants somebody like my father... wants me dead."
"The Chinese Communists are dangerous, odious, and absolutely not to be trusted."
"Literally this dude is like a deep rooted misogynist... scary."
"They're trying to kill me, I'm going to die."
"That is a free and moral society obliged to allow the promotion and growth of an ideology that seeks to replace it with immorality and tyranny."
"The establishment thinks she's the biggest threat they have seen in a long long time."
"How we judge ourselves, how we grade ourselves, determines what is a threat and what is expectable."
"The greatest threat I ever perceived was that of being watched near constantly."
"Why expend this amount of time and resources to discredit this movement if it did not pose a significant threat?"
"Your body is now in a constant state of feeling threatened."
"This is the biggest threat to freedom we face."
"Just because you're paranoid, it does not mean they are not out to get you."
"Droids are only a fearsome thing when they are numerous and march in unison."
"Bernie Sanders was a threat to the donor class and if you think that he was a threat I'm 10 times the threat."
"I'm not sure is this mean you're not gonna kill me? Hahaha, no of course not."
"If we are weak and they're getting stronger, they will soon attack us."
"It's kind of a badge of honor if opponents always identify you as the biggest threat"
"What we have learned is that once they have the capability to slaughter us, eventually they will use this capability."
"This is the kind of thing that threatens the very fabric under which YouTubers exist."
"Someone or something wants us dead. Don't look up."
"They're gonna find a way to slit your throat." - Rick Wilson
"It's done been plenty of times I done felt threatened."
"Convince your brain the girl of interest is a non-threat."
"What message does that send to enemies domestic and foreign? If they can do anything to America... it's open season."
"This is a monster and it's hurtling towards Dana."
"You can't threaten a child of God with death."
"YouTube views alternative edgy channels as a threat to their image."
"Derek Carr is really starting to establish himself as a threat."
"We officially went from being annoyed to feeling threatened."
"Moose were so underrated as a threat for so long that they become a bit overrated."
"A well-delivered threat is perceived as, 'Oh, you're not just going to do it anyways, right?' It makes the person receiving the threat go, 'No, they're serious about this threat, but if I cave to them, it'll be okay.'"
"When people are stuck in this scarcity mindset, I think that's why they view all of these things as a threat."
"The ceo of a company starts talking, your head turns quickly but everyone around him has value so to speak because they pose a potential threat."
"The biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right."
"Did you feel there was an imminent danger that the defendant was going to kill you? Yes, absolutely."
"There is an emerging bipartisan consensus on the China threat."
"From their perspective, whether they feel that they were entitled to that money or not, they may have felt that that money was under threat."
"You had damn well better be scared to death."
"We are on the precipice of a group of truly evil people who are prepared to destroy the constitution and the rule of law."
"Evil is only a label we place on those who threaten us."
"Pikachu could announce it was running for President and, in all honesty, it would stand a fairly good chance of winning. That’s where we’re at here."
"I'm not rich yet. I'm not rich yet. I'm saying right now I'm dangerous and I'm powerful. I'm a threat. When I max all of them, they're gonna come try to buy me first."
"The protective and providing role of the father becomes inverted, and he becomes a threat to the family."
"You're not going to kill him; the clan boss is going to kill you."
"How far away do you think starving and desperate people can see and smell your fire? Farther than you think."
"Would you feel safe with a man that thought Predators were cute and cuddly and we shouldn't like, you know, do anything to them even if they're attacking you? Like, I don't know about you, but that doesn't make me feel safe."
"when you're threatened it could be a lion at the cave door or it could be a question about steel in the tip jar that could be either one"
"The most dangerous enemy is the one you can't see."
"In the absence of a threat, we will redefine and reassess what a threat is, right? Okay, so what was once like saber-toothed tiger, sea croc, primate going to kill us and rip our limbs off now becomes cell phone at three percent and I might get a call from my boss, right?"
"Sometimes the people who you think are the least of threats turn out to be the deadliest of all," Sarah emphasized.
"Magic isn't this huge threat that has to be," Archer said.
"Using any excuse to do so, British colonial officials and the commander-in-chief in South Africa, Lord Chelmsford, claimed that the Zulu Kingdom and the vast armies the Zulu King Cetshwayo had raised was a serious threat to the British colony of Natal."
"The uncanny valley is where we perceive these things to be a threat or not of us, and it can cause feelings of panic."
"The real threat is not, say, China, but our own loss of faith in the civilization we inherited from our ancestors."
"The world is like an extension of the person and things are opportunities, not threats."
"She seems very non-threatening and she talks like she is very threatening, I think that's all fantastic for her."
"When we face stress, there's a section in the brain called the amygdala that senses a threat."
"Negativity bias: we're wired to detect threats, so we give more of our attention to things that are negative."