
Job Creation Quotes

There are 717 quotes

"The world is a better place if we get more entrepreneurs around the world that are self-sustaining, who know how to make their money on their own and create jobs for other people."
"Immigrants bring entrepreneurs who start new businesses that hire American workers."
"We need strong local community banks helping local businesses; that helps job creation, local growth, local economy."
"We have created over one hundred thousand jobs during that period with unemployment being the lowest it has ever been in history."
"This is leading to massive investments in the clean energy economy that will both lower carbon emissions in the United States and create enormous numbers of good jobs."
"Eric Yuan is worth $16 billion now because of Zoom Communications. He has a tremendous impact on America. He's paying a lot of tax, he's creating a lot of jobs, he's really helping the American economy."
"We have a lot of job seekers in our community, but where are our entrepreneurs that are going to start businesses in the black communities?"
"I want a Green New Deal, emphasis on the New Deal part, to bring billions of jobs to this country, pay everybody a living wage, and make sure that we run the future."
"Our nation is experiencing an incredible time period where unemployment is low, and job creation is high."
"The American Jobs Plan, known as the physical infrastructure package, which the White House says will create millions of jobs."
"Yet if we act boldly, we can create millions of jobs, transforming our energy system away from fossil fuel, making our homes and buildings energy efficient, moving to the electrification of transportation in America."
"This is the moment to create millions of good-paying jobs, rebuilding both our physical infrastructure, dealing with climate, and dealing with the needs of working families and our children and the elderly."
"We could be automating a lot of work a lot faster, but the societal limits to it, our fear of creating...means we don't do it, and we instead create lots of person-to-person jobs at very, very low value that probably don't need to exist."
"The idea that small business owners don't create jobs is nonsense."
"We create more than 4 million new jobs by having high-tech manufacturing come back to America, decoupling from China."
"The way to hurt Russia would be for us to produce more of our own oil, drive the price of oil down, create jobs in America."
"At its best, transportation makes the American dream possible, getting people and goods to where they need to be, directly and indirectly creating good-paying jobs."
"This administration can deliver policies and resources that will create jobs, rise to the climate challenge, and equitably serve all Americans."
"It is the largest investment ever in the state's history and really the largest number of jobs that we've announced in any one project."
"This profound and really immoral transfer of wealth into the hands of a very tiny few under the canard that they would create jobs... their business model is not job creation; their business model is job elimination and worker exploitation."
"We're going to be in a position where we can create hard, good jobs by making sure the environment is clean and we all are in better shape."
"We can get to net zero, in terms of energy production, by 2035. Not only not costing people jobs. Creating jobs."
"We're on the road to becoming a critical mineral superpower, unlocking Canada's natural resources to create more jobs and prosperity."
"850,000 jobs last month was a very large number."
"The evidence is clear: investing in equity is good for economic growth, and it creates jobs for all Americans."
"Mandela Barnes: 'Combating climate change is a job creator'."
"You gotta also work with those that are building companies that create jobs."
"The real job creators are the American consumers because that's where most of the demand comes from."
"The Africa-EU Alliance... is to strengthen the economic dimension of our partnership and move much more towards the support of private sector investment in creating new jobs in Africa."
"I think it'd be great if we brought jobs back here...focused on empowering our people."
"These black mayors needed to figure out how to leverage jobs and services to improve the lives of the poor and minority citizens from the pro-growth business community that represented the best hope for economic revitalization in an age of declining public investment."
"Now is the time to create millions of good jobs building out the infrastructure and clean energy necessary to save our planet for future generations."
"We’ve created five million jobs over the last 30 months in the private sector alone." - OBAMA
"This administration's policy is to make sure that we build the jobs of the future we want, not continuing to nibble at an economy that is no longer going to be where our future lies."
"Instead of seeing it as something that's going to limit job potential, it's important also to conceive of the fact that it's going to create industries."
"Transforming the American electric sector to produce power without carbon pollution will be the greatest spur to job creation and economic competitiveness in the 21st century."
"We were born to be job creators, not job seekers."
"The fact is, creating jobs and tackling climate change go hand in hand."
"We got the economy rolling again, we started the longest streak of job creation on record, we covered another 20 million people on health insurance, we brought housing back here in Nevada, we cut our deficits by more than half, partly by making sure the wealthiest Americans, folks like me, paid their fair share of taxes."
"This landmark agreement will send cash and jobs pouring into the United States and into North America."
"New jobs will be created as productivity goes up."
"The choice is clear: a stagnant economy that promotes more government dependency, or a dynamic, growing economy that promotes opportunity and jobs."
"Becoming a tech nation can help Nigeria diversify its economy and create job opportunities for its youth."
"We are officially in a bull stock market... We've had more than 14 million jobs created under Biden... Unemployment down to 3.7%... Wages are higher than they were before the pandemic... Gas prices plummeting..."
"Technology can indeed be disruptive, but it always has and I submit always will produce more jobs."
"He has a plan to bring jobs back to America."
"Thanks to President Donald Trump's leadership, American businesses are growing again, investing in America again, and they're creating jobs in this country instead of shipping jobs overseas."
"Under Joe Biden in this binomics plan we have created over 13 million jobs that's more jobs in 28 months than any president has created in a four-year term."
"We need large projects that can mop up vast underemployed skills."
"A manufacturing boom has swept across the country...President Biden hopes will boost his claim to have delivered on his promise to be a president that creates jobs for all Americans."
"The American Jobs Plan will create millions of good-paying jobs."
"If we pass our American Rescue Plan, the economy would create 7.5 million jobs just in this year alone."
"We're going to create more than a quarter million jobs to do things like plug the millions of abandoned oil and gas wells."
"Passing the rescue plan will create 7.5 million jobs in 2021 alone."
"How we build that clean energy economy because that's where jobs are going to come from."
"The extent of manufacturing that we see is creating thousands of jobs direly required jobs across the continent."
"Our vision is pro-worker, pro-jobs, pro-family, pro-growth, pro-energy, and 100% pro-American."
"In just a short period of time, we created a record, never happened like this: 11.4 million brand new American jobs."
"Shrimp farming provides job opportunities and contributes to increased income through exports for Nations."
"every job we need to do to do this build out a grid build solar power wind power do hydrogen every every list building batteries switching to electronic vehicles electric vehicles all require jobs every one of those are people working"
"There's gonna be a lot more than that. Jobs will be on the ballot."
"You can choose policies that invest in our middle class and create new jobs."
"It will drive forward the clean energy economy, creating good-paying jobs and lowering families' energy costs."
"Since I took the oath of office we've added far more than 1 million jobs in the private sector."
"This whole clean energy space is one where we can put people to work, save energy, save people here in the United States a lot of money, and free ourselves from dependence on foreign oil."
"Extraordinary... greatest number of jobs created in a single month on record."
"Millions of jobs will be created right here in the state."
"We've created a record 11.4 million American jobs in the past five months."
"More than four million manufacturing jobs will be regained under the USMCA."
"10 million new jobs since I came into office."
"The goal is to create jobs, and putting a thousand bucks a month into people's hands would create at least two million new jobs."
"Bold action now to get people jobs back is not wasteful spending it's critical."
"There's so much innovation to be happened, more importantly, so many jobs that are emerging in this field that need to get filled."
"The goal of an economy is not to create jobs; the goal is to create an economy."
"America is built on the entrepreneur. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't have a job today."
"My plan will create 18.6 million jobs, seven million more than his."
"Since my election, over 121,000 new jobs have been created right here in South Carolina."
"We're focused on creating good sustainable middle class jobs now and into the future."
"As we create millions of new jobs, we're also transforming lives."
"You are able to provide jobs to other folk and then be able to help their families."
"We are creating a social enterprise that will not only provide shelter but jobs and opportunities for advancement."
"I think it's something like 99% of the jobs created in this country come from small businesses—truly the backbone of our economy."
"YouTube is a platform for small businesses, and every creator behind every creator are more jobs."
"My economic plan would create seven million more jobs in four years."
"They said it would take a miracle to bring back manufacturing. I brought back 700,000 jobs."
"Creating jobs, creating millions of good paying jobs."
"The USMCA will save the American auto industry, create over 100,000 new auto jobs, and our factories will not be closing and moving to other faraway lands."
"The construction of the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel has opened up the opportunity to create several thousand jobs."
"Those that embrace it... are going to be creating new jobs, new sectors, new industries, new ideas."
"Government doesn't create jobs, they stifle, they over-regulate." - Coy Griffin
"We've created so many new jobs in areas that didn't exist 10 years ago."
"I see myself building brands. I just want to give people jobs, make sure that I can do that for people as well."
"The President's proposal will create new jobs, strengthen our economy, and improve the quality of life for everyone."
"Obviously, there's a big debate going on about taxes, and about the need to grow the economy and to create jobs."
"This opportunity and this show of leadership it may create another job opportunity for you or financial opportunity for you that actually could be a new chapter or it could be something completely different."
"Climate change is an existential threat to humanity, but it's also an opportunity to create new jobs and promote social justice."
"Only four percent of the 49 million jobs created since 1989 occurred under Republican presidents."
"The largest American jobs investments since World War 2."
"It'll cut taxes, lower costs for the American people, create good-paying jobs, invest in our future while tackling the climate change crisis." - Bernie Sanders
"The government needs to revive employment, exports, and investment."
"We should send some prosperity and jobs over there so the migrants won't come here."
"My job is to rebuild the American middle class."
"Your government is 100% committed to bringing jobs and safety and opportunity back to where you live."
"Stop allowing the government to stop people or de incentivize them from creating new jobs."
"President Biden hears climate, he thinks jobs."
"The job future is not something conjured up out of anybody's imagination."
"Nobody thought it was possible. He has created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since his election."
"We have to sensibly focus on job creation, producing more at home rather than importing."
"Let's put people to work and let's once again re-establish America as the most advanced country in the world."
"The president's economic plan is indeed working."
"The president's first two years in office have been the best for job creation in history."
"Giga Texas's impact: Jobs, taxes, and ecological uplift."
"Nobody turns around and says, 'Hey, Joe Biden is right.' He added more jobs to this economy in two years than most presidents do in four."
"You can't be unemployed if you know how to create jobs."
"The ability to create jobs makes the difference."
"Our core objective is to sustain fast-paced economic growth and create more and better jobs."
"Americans are creating a huge number of businesses. In fact, in the third quarter, it was up 82 percent from the year earlier. It could mean more jobs in the next several months."
"Think about all the different jobs that are going to be created."
"Voting for what you don't want is throwing your vote away."
"The private sector creates twice as many jobs as money put to the federal government."
"Trade with China facilitates more jobs in the United States."
"Blockchain technology is like you said it's creating a lot of new jobs."
"We've created over 6.7 million new jobs since the election."
"Together we will lift millions more of our great citizens from welfare to work."
"Technological innovation brings about more efficient methods of production, encouraging economic development and job creation."
"For me the first thing is it's going to bring back manufacturing jobs to the United States."
"You ain't taking a job, you making your job."
"We need a real plan to clear the way for resource development and create hundreds of thousands of jobs."
"I want Americans to have good jobs, factories here in the United States."
"A federal jobs guarantee is so critical to uplifting people in this economy."
"He almost single-handedly created the damn job."
"Switching to green energy will create more jobs than our current energy system."
"Fracking actually provided some four million jobs."
"We'll create millions of jobs and fight climate change through a clean energy revolution."
"The problem with that is this is considered the American jobs plan the American jobs plan the American people need jobs now."
"We need a productive economy to create jobs. We cannot have a country without agriculture, without industry."
"The history of technology is yes there will be displacement but the history is that it will create many more jobs then it will destroy."
"We need to bring home our production, our jobs, our paychecks."
"What we saw last night was as Biden as Biden gets: calls for Unity, a blue collar pitch, the promise of job creation."
"It's going to create more jobs... that can't be outsourced."
"The project is one of the largest job creation investments in Georgia's history."
"The goal of an economy is not to create jobs. The goal of jobs is to create an economy."
"Tackle climate change with American jobs and American ingenuity."
"EVs represent a national effort to address climate change that creates jobs at the same time as it helps us prepare for the future."
"We've made remarkable progress in the past year: 2.5 million new jobs; unemployment at a 17-year low."
"We are going to see an auto sector grow on American soil where there will be more American jobs to be had."
"We've created more than 3.6 million jobs since the election."
"Since the election, seven million brand-new beautiful jobs have been added."
"We've been killing terrorists, creating jobs, raising wages, enacting fair trade, securing our border."
"When you support business... you create more jobs, you diversify the economy."
"We can create millions of high-paying union jobs by building a modern infrastructure and a clean energy future."
"We've added 9 million jobs back to this economy in the last three months alone."
"That's a tremendous thing because a lot of this money goes to jobs, jobs, jobs, and families, families, families."
"We can create up to 20 million good-paying jobs manufacturing those products in America."
"Even if you make up a job, that dog is going to be so much happier."
"The economy generated over 9 million jobs in the last three years."
"There is nothing more noble than... to start a business and create a job."
"We're gonna create millions of good-paying jobs, union jobs, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure."
"It's healthier, absolutely. It's healthier for the climate, it creates more jobs here, it keeps more money in people's pocket."
"Robots create new jobs; they don't destroy them. It's a transition, not an overnight change."
"A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for job opportunities and safety."
"Rebuilding the manufacturing base, good paying jobs, out competing China, national security. Come on!"
"500,000 manufacturing jobs created in our first three years."
"The single greatest three-month period of job creation in American history."
"Texas has been responsible for an absolutely astonishing 35% of all the new jobs created."
"I support creating jobs and opportunities for people who need them the most. I support prison reform. I support common-sense gun laws that will make our world safer. I support those who risk their lives to serve and protect us."
"The job growth that we have seen over the last three months, 9.3 million, is the single greatest period of job creation in American history."
"There is the potential to generate many, many millions of high-wage, high-skill jobs."
"Get inventive, anything can be a job. You just have to make it seem like a job."
"We will save all of creation by engaging in this massive job creation."
"Finally and most significantly, we're creating millions of new jobs, each one with the means to help families afford better healthcare."
"Of all the new jobs created in 2019, 70 percent were secured by women, which is truly extraordinary."
"Places that have been forgotten for decades, ignored for decades, are seeing high quality jobs, advanced manufacturing, new technological innovation."
"Our nation's ability to allocate capital to its best and highest use creates jobs, drives innovation, and fuels our economy."
"Democrats are focused on creating jobs, lowering costs, and bringing the country together."
"Keynesian theory says roughly that in times of recession the state has to spend but spending will generate new jobs which in turn translates into people with money in their pockets to buy things from private companies."
"Here we were saying we're Pride Automotive we're a U.S company with U.S jobs."
"We're going to deliver jobs, jobs, jobs, and the greatest economy in the history of our country."
"We brought our jobs back, a lot of our jobs are coming back now."
"Small businesses they will hire 70 percent of the new jobs that create the 70 of the new jobs they also wind up with about 50 of all the total jobs so you can see the economic impact is tremendous especially for small communities."
"Since my election, over 219,000 new jobs have been created right here in North Carolina."
"Cleaner alternative sources of energy improve the quality of people's lives and create good paying jobs."
"Small businesses account for over half, sometimes 75% of all job growth in recessions."
"Democrats are getting things done to create jobs and lower costs."
"Wind power alone bringing the 21st-century energy and infrastructure to our city could benefit with more than 30,000 jobs to New Yorkers."
"You've created like 20 jobs yeah people yeah yeah it's pretty crazy nice and this is technically you're on the clock right now I'm on the clock."
"We're trying to make this a business with decent paying jobs they can come to work and have a good job."
"It's not just possible that we will create jobs and economic activity by transitioning to renewable energy but it's inevitable."
"Not only can we effectively combat climate change but in the process we can do good economics and create millions of good-paying jobs."
"On average, 1.5 million jobs per year being created over the next decade, that is obviously very incredible."
"Joe Biden has a plan to create 10 million good clean energy jobs right here in America."
"If we can get the economy to grow at just 4% a year, it would create middle-class jobs."
"The actual stat I was looking for is it's set to be the largest and fastest job creator in the entire country."
"I consider myself as the one that creates the jobs."
"14 million jobs 10 times more than the last three Republican presidents combined."
"The emancipation of the black man starts with job creation. As long as we keep looking to other races to give us jobs, we'll forever be injured."
"We've added a historic 10.6 million jobs in the last four months."
"A massive investment in public infrastructure will create tens of thousands of good paying jobs."
"The tension between Republicans talking about needing more jobs and opposing domestic spending is really being exploited."