
Natural World Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"For he hath given me certain knowledge of the things that are, namely to know how the world was made, and the operation of the elements."
"Scientific findings are cumulative, and they have gotten more precise and accurate about the natural world."
"Newton was able to discern patterns in the motion of objects...his mathematics gave us an astoundingly precise description of the natural world."
"You are not a spirit trying to have a supernatural experience; you are a spirit having a natural experience on earth."
"The goal of science is to improve understanding of the natural world."
"Just because humans have an ability not found anywhere else in nature doesn't mean it's unnatural or superior."
"Our planet is in a kind of collapse. The natural world is collapsing around us, and that's actually happening right now."
"If God were to make a sign of His intervention in the world, it'd have to be different from the natural world around us."
"Science is a tool that we developed to help us observe and interpret the habitual behavior of the natural world."
"We construct categories because they're useful to us, but they don't exist in the natural world."
"If we are really seeing the signs of something new, then it will surely tell us a lot more about the world we live in."
"Something that had survived somehow the advance of humanity had emerged terrifically, betraying a scale of life still monstrous and immature."
"The outbreak offered an opportunity to slow down the rate of production and consumption and to learn to understand and contemplate the natural world."
"Yeah, there's sheer respect for the natural world that we've lost."
"But actually we've always used the word theory to mean—some framework that, loosely described, allows you to understand some aspect of the natural world."
"The sounds of mystery beckon us to explore, to question, and ultimately to connect more deeply with the natural and the man-made world around us."
"Trail cams indeed provide us with intriguing glimpses of the natural world."
"There is only the natural world, so how do you explain things like purposes and meanings?"
"That island belongs to the dinosaurs now. It's their world."
"Science is just knowledge about the natural world based on facts."
"There's a lot going on in the plant world that we maybe don't know about."
"Preservation of the natural world is key to a prosperous future."
"Awareness of one's own state is key to survival in the harsh and beautiful world."
"I consider myself very privileged to have grown up in a rural environment, and so very early on, the love and appreciation of the natural world around me was part of my natural orientation to life."
"Literally one of the most busted creatures that has ever been made."
"Plants and ceremonies meant to align my spirit and bring it into harmony with the earth energy and the spirits of the natural world."
"Legends tell of many spirits and entities living in rivers and lakes."
"They make the biggest and the strongest webs in the world."
"There's a whole forest full of insects signaling using incredible sounds."
"It's incredible how epic the lives of ants are!"
"Such interactions provide great insight into the intricate dynamics of the natural world."
"This was a scary encounter that left us in awe of the bravery and resilience of the animal kingdom."
"The largest insect in the world is a moth from India called Atticus Atlas."
"You are never gonna survive on this planet if you're completely alien to viruses, funguses, and bacteria."
"It's pretty incredible so again there's a great color palette to work with not only with different localities but even with animals within the same locality."
"There is a spirit in nature, an intelligence or consciousness that lives through all things."
"You might think by now we've uncovered all there is to know about the natural world, but you'd be wrong. In fact, there's so much more out there to discover."
"Science is the systematic study of the natural world."
"That's all scientists do guys, is they're, they're detectives and they're just trying to make sense of the natural world."
"The only thing that's not designed by somebody is nature."
"The creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay."
"Nothing speaks more volumes of truth than the defense of nature."
"He achieved harmony and peace by focusing on the mysteries of the natural world."
"Science is a way of thinking, it's a way of understanding and probing the operations of nature."
"Science deals only with the natural world. Science is an organized way of using evidence to learn about the natural world."
"We're just a little speck, meaningless speck, in the giant natural ecosystem. We don't matter at all."
"In the midst of mysterious encounters and spine tingling moments, it's heartening to witness the beauty of human kindness intersecting with the natural world."
"We need to do in the natural what God does in the supernatural."
"The lioness fights fiercely with the wild dogs, but the wild dogs are professional, cold-blooded predators."
"Show me a straight line in nature."
"Object-oriented ontology is the idea that the natural world doesn't revolve around our sense of perception and things can't be explained because the universe doesn't conform to our understanding."
"There is only one world, the natural world, the real physical world. That's what's real."
"We've seen this before when we exist in the natural world. The natural world operates according to definite rules."
"May the echoes of the nymphs' tales inspire us to find harmony with the natural world and remind us of the delicate balance between humanity and the Earth we call home."
"I think the key thing here is just the quantity of evidence that exists in, you know, the natural world."
"Surrender to the beauty of the natural world for healing and peace."
"A place where history is alive and the natural world is a constant source of inspiration."
"Darwinian revolution was a profound shift in the way we see the natural world how it came about and our relationship to it."
"The wheel of the year helps me connect with the natural world."
"And that's why the old people said, 'If you want to understand, you've got to learn the language of the natural world.' And that's what I have done all my life, is learn the language of the universe."
"Able to retain some of that childlike wonderment of when you look at the natural world."
"There is no conflict between the Bible and the natural world."
"The blue whale is often referred to as the largest living thing that ever lived."
"It's just nice that everybody's out enjoying the natural world, wouldn't you say?"
"Language used carefully can reveal deep insights to us about the natural world."
"...I see two facets in the National world I see a natural world in which there are dist destructive Tendencies at every level..."
"It's a brutal, beautiful world, and it's up to us through trial and error to learn how to survive in it and find our place in it."
"We're living in a world now when many people can see what's happening in the natural but they cannot see what is going on in the realm of the spirit."
"The scientific method is a systematic approach to understanding the natural world."
"STS tries to argue that that particular material conception of the natural world is itself a social and cultural artifact."
"We do not reject technology as a principle - but we must reject any technology which obscures or obstructs our path to the divine such as those which alienate us from the natural world."
"Seeing silverback gorillas in their natural habitat was honestly a life-changing experience."
"Tune into the natural world in a way that we rarely get the opportunity of hearing."
"Everything we see in nature is made up of a few fundamental particles."
"Even fireworks, for all their prettiness, come from the chemistry of the earth."
"Science is an ever-evolving way of trying to describe the natural world."
"It's just the type of non-fiction that I love these days, just about the natural world giving me lots of really interesting thought-provoking information about the world we live in and how little we know about it."
"This could treat a sick civilization and if enough people had access to this, we could repair our relationship to the natural world."
"The supernatural entered the natural."
"In the natural world, there are discussions and debates, which means we're going to have better science."
"Insects will always make their way into our collections; they are a natural part of the outside world."
"The persistent of Bigfoot legends in contemporary times and depiction of Satyrs in ancient times point to a universal human experience or fear of what lurks in the uncharted natural world."
"We can only examine the natural world."
"If you have any intention of making your way through this world unenhanced, focus on the people who are explaining the natural universe."
"The natural world isn't static but in a state of constant Darwinian evolution, with the consequence that there are always and inevitably new and emerging diseases."
"Let's all give thanks where thanks is due: to the natural world."
"Put it in perspective, the Sea of Japan has been open about 20 million years."
"The natural world is inseparable from the supernatural; its surface is permeated with mysteries and perforated with openings to other realms."
"Fungi provide a key to understanding the planet on which we live, and the ways we think, feel, and behave."
"Science is the application of reason to the natural world."
"In the natural world, death, when it comes, rarely arrives gently or peacefully."
"The natural world is constantly evolving and striving for diversity of expression."
"For everything natural, there's a supernatural."
"I had believed from a very early age that the most important knowledge was that which brought an understanding of how the natural world worked."
"It always sees humans as part of the natural world."
"Listen to your heartbeat, to your breath; both are always there, just like the rivers and oceans across our planet."
"The spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual." - 1 Corinthians 15:46
"Every century or so we discover thousands of new species hidden in the far corners of our planet."
"It's not like evolution in the natural world has some plan and we are the pinnacle of it."
"Science can't study the supernatural, but it can see things in the natural world order."
"Goethe approached the natural world with an open heart and not as an object to be studied and quantified."
"Whatever you see in the natural doesn't only affect you naturally or physically but it affects you spiritually."
"This is just fascinating, isn't it? Absolutely incredible."
"Those jaws are one of the fastest moving appendages in the animal kingdom!"
"Science is the natural observation of the natural world."
"It is the wolf that makes Algonquin Park wild; it reminds us of our own roots as the greatest predator of the wilderness."
"This certainly ranks it among some of the greatest threats in the natural world."
"Science is attempting to explain the natural world the best it can do."
"Even if you disproved everything we know about the natural world, it would not prove a creator."
"Science is our best tool for understanding the facts about the natural world."
"The supernatural realm has supremacy over the natural realm."
"Magic is part of the natural world, but people are born with the ability to use it."
"I'm learning to ponder and treasure, and therefore I will be unbothered by what I see in the natural."
"It dedicated to portraying the natural world with deep understanding as well as a remarkable degree of visual faithfulness."
"If humans are part of the natural world, then there will be problems and there will be mysteries."
"Symbols are carefully chosen from the natural world, and each symbol chosen is that which best expresses or represents a function or principle."
"Science is the process that produces information about the natural world."
"The biggest lesson for me out there was like natural to sort of sink into that natural world and that natural flow."
"I love having the chance to allow people to explore the natural world with us."
"A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment."
"Science is a process that produces information about the natural world."
"It is incredibly exciting, this first time that I've actually seen the two of them together since the disappearance of Karula."
"It's just nature playing out in front of you."
"I'm altering the state of things in the natural to affect a change in the spiritual."
"The natural world is the result of processes whose underlying principles conform to natural law."
"The understanding of the dynamics of the natural world must guide, if not dictate, landscape design."
"It's absolutely throbbing with the natural world."