
Introversion Quotes

There are 1042 quotes

"Natural introverts out there, you have the gift of knowing how to be alone. Use it, find something you love, and dive in."
"I'm the most outgoing introvert you'll ever meet."
"The first and second cognitive functions... have gotta be opposite attitudes, one introvert, one extrovert, to bring balance to the psyche."
"This is more social interaction than I've had in years."
"Sometimes you just want to come home from a day surrounded by people and go and exist in a fantastical virtual world by yourself."
"You don't have to try to be an extrovert, just understand that your strengths are different, and you can engage people just as well by playing to your strengths."
"What a beautiful day, the sun is shining, cats are roaming about, the birds are chirping. This is the perfect day to stay inside and watch a bunch of nostalgia."
"Introverts can make actually really good CEOs."
"I'm not an extroverted person. I talk for a living, but I get depleted by socializing."
"Introvert and extrovert... It exists as part of a spectrum."
"There's such a massive difference between the introvert who spends eight hours a day playing video games... and the introvert who is engaged in self-improvement."
"You shouldn't judge the merits of an introvert based on his ability to survive and thrive in an extrovert setting."
"Extroverted people might think I live a boring life, but I was happy with the lifestyle I had."
"Introverted thinking is a logical process. How do I put the puzzle pieces together for myself?"
"Introverted intuition is always trying to reduce. It's like a funnel that takes in concrete reality and facts, and then tries to reduce it to the smallest, compact meaning as possible."
"Being a loner doesn't mean that I don't like people. It just means that I really dig being by myself."
"I am a natural homebody. I love being home, I love chilling, I love relaxing."
"Introverts recharge very differently, requiring low stimulating environments, a lot of quiet, a lot of solitude."
"Interpersonal intelligence could have been called social intelligence, but many introverts wouldn't resonate with that, despite the fact that they might be excellent with people but in smaller groups and in a one-on-one capacity."
"It's that time of year again where you just want to curl up by a fire and avoid the outside world as much as possible."
"I'm a homebody, and I would say I'm an introvert, so I do just love nights like this where the baby's asleep."
"We're fundamentally social beings as humans, right? I'm pretty introverted. I love spending time on my own like today... but actually, overall, being social and making those connections with people is really magical."
"I'm not a talker in real life, and that's why I appreciate you guys watching these and allowing me to do this because it's like my little therapy time."
"Introversion and extroversion are as profound a part of who we are, as core to our identities as our gender."
"The bias in our culture against introversion is so deep and it's so profound."
"The more freedom that we give introverts to be themselves, the more likely that they are to come up with their own unique solutions to these problems."
"Why do introverts get mislabeled as creepy just for not talking a lot?"
"Because when it comes to creativity and to leadership, we need introverts doing what they do best."
"When it comes to creativity and to leadership, we need introverts doing what they do best."
"Solitude matters, and that for some people it is the air that they breathe."
"The more freedom we give introverts to be themselves, the more likely they are to come up with their own unique solutions to these problems."
"Honestly, there's nothing wrong with being an introvert."
"Silences for extroverts are space to be filled. Silences for introverts are space to be cherished."
"His introversion, he thought, was crippling... but then later in life, he realized that his introversion was actually a power."
"Being an introvert means that you draw energy from quiet, from solitude, from being alone with your thoughts and your imagination."
"We absolutely loathe insincere conversation."
"Silence may be painful to you as an extrovert, but for us, the pain starts when you break that silence."
"Introverts... draw more of their energy from time spent alone, from solitude. It's not an aversion to other people, it's a style."
"Social introverts do enjoy social interaction... They're not your big group, life of the party look at me draw the attention."
"Anxious introverts... might be uncomfortable with the potential scrutiny of a social situation."
"Restrained inhibited introverts... hold back, they're not going to be the one who just sort of throws themselves in."
"Own your introversion... it's okay to say no to the dinner invitation at the end of a long day."
"Being an introvert or an extrovert is not about being superior to the other; both have their perks and their adaptive functions."
"Introverts are also wonderful friends... they tend to be characterized by more depth, and the conversations go deeper."
"Introverts don't need the constant attention from other people in the same way. They'll actually listen and they'll listen with a really compassionate, attuned ear."
"Introverts get energy from alone time, and extroverts get energy from social interaction."
"The extrovert ideal refers to the culture of promoting extroversion and pathologizing introversion."
"Introverted leaders are more likely to listen to good ideas and implement suggestions."
"The most creative people tend to be introverts."
"Introverts are looked at with suspicion, as if there’s one personality type they want you to have, and if you don’t have that, then it’s suspicious."
"Introverts...crave silence. That’s when we do our best work, that’s when we can think and create."
"It wasn't until I read the book 'Quiet' by Susan Cain that I found the right word, and that is 'introvert.'"
"Depth, rather than breadth of experience, is required for mastery, so it's little wonder that introverts tend to be more intelligent and creative than extroverts."
"Introverts, when you want to eat breakfast alone, have your own little Breakfast Club, retreat to your restorative niche, do it, and do it with pride."
"Being too much of an introvert or too much of an extrovert is not going to have the best kind of life. You really want to be able to blend the two."
"There are a lot of introverts who figure out ways to draw on their own strengths and they're incredibly successful."
"These live streams are difficult because I'm an extroverted introvert."
"By introvert, I mean I enjoy solitude. I enjoy being alone. I enjoy thinking."
"For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to spend the majority of my time alone."
"Being introverted means that you feel drained after being around a lot of people for a while and you need to be alone to recharge. That's it."
"I just want to be left alone most of the time."
"He was quiet, shy, and not particularly opinionated or assertive, so nobody really went out of their way to interact with him."
"Making videos has been a really fun way for me to talk about stuff that I don't think anyone would want to listen to me in real life talk about."
"He's like a recluse. He doesn't leave the Bannon townhouse."
"I'm very much a anti-social person so I have had many times where people have to dm me four or five times."
"You're going to come out of your shell in some way."
"Little Simz might be an introvert sometimes, but she's more than capable of delivering a powerful personal statement. Stellar work."
"Who needs social interaction? I'll take the superpowers and be a monster."
"If you stop coming out into the world like that, you're actually smarter."
"She had a way of making everybody feel comfortable, even a person who's an introvert and shy. She'd bring that person out."
"I don't like meeting people that I don't know."
"Anything I can check out without having to put on pants makes me a happy nerd."
"Minecraft is perfect for introverted people like myself."
"I'm pretty loud around people I know well, but around people I don't know so well, I'm much more timid."
"Real talk, I'm a shy individual, like if it weren't for YouTube, I'd be even more shy than I already am."
"She often fades into the background of conversations due to her unimposing nature but nevertheless contains an incredible intellect."
"I would rather just like fade into the background so I wouldn't have to deal with all the thoughts in my head."
"I have never been the most sociable person so I actually really like the whole thing of it just being me with nothing but my stereo system and the open road for company."
"A lot of times the quiet people have some of the most interesting things to say."
"Majority of my time I like to be alone and to myself."
"They prefer to spend their time alone where they don't have to compromise any aspect of themselves to make others happy."
"I'm happiest on a day when it's raining and I have six books to go through and they're by the fireplace and they're Shady by my feet and I'm got a blanket I'm happiest cocooning with myself."
"I really am an introvert and I am happiest on a day when it's raining and I have six books to go through and they're by the fireplace and they're Shady by my feet and I'm got a blanket I'm happiest cocooning with myself."
"I love being alone; I'm an introvert. Give this to me, Mom."
"Introverts avoid people because they derive no benefit from social interactions."
"Introverts prefer solitary to social activities, finding less reward in large groups of people."
"Shyness is a form of distress, introversion leads to strength."
"The introverted person is a benign phenomenon, not a pathology."
"You need time to recharge after being around people."
"Spending time on my own helps me recharge my batteries."
"Sometimes I don't feel like blowing anyone's mind. Sometimes I don't feel like talking. Sometimes I don't feel like being entertaining. And that's okay."
"If I had known you were coming over, I would have left the house."
"Being introverted isn't about being anti-social. Being social is a skill, not a personality trait that can be improved."
"It's been a unique kind of 'okay, this is what it's like' to go full introvert again."
"The U2 didn't even get two flights, it was tracked on its first ever Soviet mission on July 4th of 1956."
"At social events, you rarely try to introduce yourself to new people and mostly talk to the ones you already know."
"Imagine the peace introverts in public walking past someone they've known their entire life."
"I think for me I know a lot of times why I think I'm an introvert is maybe because I'm not necessarily a people pleaser as much as I when I'm around people that I don't necessarily feel super comfortable with I feel like I have to entertain"
"Ninety-eight percent of high-performance people are introverts."
"Being a miserable anti-social shut-in who hates everyone has rewarded me in spades."
"I love being home. I am a people person but I absolutely don't mind being by myself."
"There's nothing wrong with being an introvert."
"Some of the best sales people I know are introverts."
"INFJs and ENFJs: Navigating the social introvert paradox."
"No one's purely an introvert or purely an extrovert. Most of us are somewhere in the middle."
"For an introvert, this is like, whoa, I can't believe this many people react to something that I create every day."
"Despite how introverted she seemed, she was extraordinarily perceptive."
"Introverts not only perform very well in business environments but might also be better leaders than extroverts."
"By reframing our perception, we can turn a shy, quiet, and somewhat antisocial person into someone who's insightful and empathetic."
"Introverts are more likely to take everyone else's wishes into consideration, leading quietly through empathy and thoughtful consideration."
"Just because you're a little quieter or more awkward in some social situations doesn't mean you can't build a thriving and massively successful business."
"She's so shy and reclusive on the outside, but her mind seems to be completely different."
"Shy, quiet, likes their own company. Needs to have deep connections with something, needs to find meaning in what they do."
"The most high god have used the most introverted people to do some of the most extroverted work."
"I am an introvert... yet this enabled some fun chats."
"People bother me. I came here to hide from them."
"Michael was a quiet man, introverted and shy, but also a very good listener and friend."
"If you enjoy being a homebody, don't feel the need to justify it."
"I've realized that because I am an introverted person it's just not the place for me and it's okay."
"One of the best definitions I heard for the difference between introverts and extroverts is extroverts energized by being around people and introverts energized and refreshed by taking space for themselves."
"It's just so easy to shut yourself in, just stay at home not talk to anyone."
"Introverted guy who was very curious and very observant."
"I'm someone who is still admittedly a bit of an introvert so I kind of enjoy my chill time you know I enjoyed just chilling out and relaxing."
"We don't need to go out and make friends and meet people anymore fucking everything is through a screen which is great as a sort of introvert."
"Being introverted is basically still having those shy characteristics but you still push yourself outside of your comfort zone. You don't let that stop you. You still pursue life, you still pursue goals."
"Quiet people can be very confident. Confidence doesn't always mean being the alpha in the room."
"I don't really like talking about myself, but anyway."
"I'll take rarely will I venture out on foot as my personality is a typically loud and forceful presence."
"You're very introverted, you are somebody who's very quiet, you might be quite still. That is very attractive."
"We are dreaming about a world where introverts will have exactly the same social powers as extroverts."
"Don't conflate introversion with social anxiety; speak up when it matters."
"I like to be with people that I actually enjoy being around... I like more cake, more as a crib than going out though."
"There are really introverted people that are really shy and don't want to talk, but are you gonna let that bring down your grades and your GPA?"
"I am introverted and most of the time I prefer hanging out with a small group of people."
"I love my alone time. Love it. But this was the year that I definitely realized that I am an extrovert."
"He appeared normal. He was quiet, he didn't volunteer any information or conversation but he was responsive to questions."
"Just because you're an introvert man does not make you less appealing to someone else because you yourself have to know who you are as well as come from a place of integrity."
"Introverts make the best out of any situation."
"Noah being a strong introvert thinker... liking to pick apart for himself what actually makes sense to him."
"We're not introverts that are sitting in the house and just afraid to talk to people. We're actually alpha males out maneuvering through people."
"Purpose is bigger than ego, and there is a need for representation for people that are not comfortable, that are not extroverted. It's okay to not be that, and it's okay to not be perfect in front of the screen."
"He's someone who kind of shied away from the limelight... wants to go back into his cave."
"People who say 'go big or go home' seriously underestimate my willingness to go home."
"You prefer the more one-on-one, quiet, intimate conversations versus a large group of people."
"This is the most uncomfortable thing; that's why I don't go outside."
"I was a standoffish child. I had no friends and spent most of my time alone playing with toys."
"I'm very sensitive, I'm very shy and introverted."
"Highly recommend especially if you're an introvert and you don't feel like you are a people person."
"Being an introvert doesn't mean that you can't keep a conversation going or you're automatically shy or awkward."
"It's worth embracing being an introvert and realizing that you can still function perfectly well as an introvert."
"I prefer to either be alone or with a few people that I know well."
"Being an introvert is cool until it gets too lonely and you're like, 'F***, I'm in too deep.' But I think you just gotta go put yourself out there and meet new people."
"Introversion is not a character flaw and it doesn't need to be overcome."
"I always felt much more comfortable under the stars than I did in the company of people."
"I'm less compelled to go out as much and really enjoy a chill night in."
"There's a certain calm that comes with being able to keep everyone at a distance."
"INPs speak the least; you need to listen to them."
"They're very kind, they're very humble, they're very introverted, they're very cozy, and they love nature."
"They just want to sometimes disengage, go off alone, be in that private comfy area to regain their mental energy."
"What introversion does for you is it allows you to think deeply about things and kind of distill down to the clarity to get deep wisdom about things."
"He was naturally quiet, kept to himself, and was remarkably polite and helpful."
"I'm introverted anyway, I don't mind not being able to go outside for like two or three days."
"You need both. You're going to get energy and you're going to enjoy extraversion more, but it'll grow you and really be in your best interest if you can boost up some of that introversion as well."
"I'm not really the type of person to host many people; I like my personal space."
"I love this social distancing stuff, not having to worry about people talking to you when you go out."
"Introverted thinking gives them a real quiet strength, it makes them constantly re-evaluate their own beliefs."
"Introverted feeling wants this internal harmony with the self, being in alignment with its ideals, its values, its convictions."
"I have that weird thing where like some days I just want to talk to people, and then other days I can just sit on my back porch and stare at the trees."
"You are here to grow in your own confidence, you are here to help others but in a very quiet, unextrovert way to absolutely be of service."
"I'm a total homebody. If I spent the entire weekend binge-watching reality TV shows with my cat, I would consider that a huge success."
"Hi, it's me, I'm an introvert, and I probably don't want to talk to you."
"I'm a bit of an introvert, so time alone indoors working is perfect for me."
"I'm an extreme introvert so I know that I need time to recharge after a day of talking to people."
"I was a very shy, withdrawn bookworm, teacher's pet."
"You're very withdrawn... you just want to be alone."
"Making friends is really hard, Kira, especially if you're an introvert."
"so if you're looking to splurge on First Class doing so on an ICE train might make a lot more sense especially if you're introverted and you're traveling solo because in these cars there's actually single seats that you can book."
"I'm an introvert but I'm not shy."
"What's the worst that could happen? I get quiet." "Yeah, people might like that."
"Many covert narcissists actually are introverts."
"It's better all around if I stay in my hotel room and don't go out."
"I love to party, but I'm a quiet guy, I'm a very, very quiet guy."
"You know who we are. We're the ones who sit in the back, in the corner. We don't talk much."
"You got to get out your comfort zone. You got to get out that comfort zone. You think I like social media? I don't like social media. I'm an introvert."
"...Carson struggled with social interactions and was quite introverted off camera."
"Introverts lose energy being social and extroverts gain energy being social."
"There are introverts who don't experience social anxiety; they just prefer to spend more time alone or in small groups."
"He was quiet, reserved, and it took a lot for him to open up with people."
"Being an introvert is not a character flaw."
"It's okay to be introverted. It's not a character flaw, it's just your personality."
"Introverts sometimes they're in a place they've never been before, they would be more useful to them if there were signs."
"You're not doomed just because you don't like parties."
"Even the most introverted person needs connection and even the most extroverted person can find ways to connect deeper."
"We prefer being alone, cancel plans, skip class, drive far away, avoid people, faking illness as well as faking identity, etc. to be alone with our thoughts and have complete control over how we spend our time."
"I prefer a night in over and night out."
"I'm more quiet, I'm not interested in outside validation. I don't care for external validation at all."
"I think it's a dance between the introvert and the extrovert, knowing when you have the energy to give and when you need to refill yourself."
"I don't leave the house a lot. I think I'm a bit of a shut-in."
"You're not quiet out of weakness. You're not backing away because you're ashamed or embarrassed. So why do they do it? They're saying, 'To be seen and not seen.'"
"This person has a difficult time with opening up with their feelings."