
Atman Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The Atman is beyond death, a simple statement but a very powerful one."
"The ultimate reality, the pure consciousness, Atman, Brahman, God, Turia, whatever you call it, is available right now, right here, and it is myself."
"There's a difference between I and me. Atman is the ultimate I."
"Atman is Brahman; that is the solution to everything."
"Far beyond name and form is atman ever free."
"What is this true nature by knowing which all problems are solved? It is the Atman that we are infinite existence consciousness bliss."
"Naming something requires pointing it out, but Atman cannot be pointed out."
"Vedanta circumvents the problem of the inexpressible Atman by showing what it is not."
"But far beyond name and form is Atman."
"By the pure mind, atman can be realized."
"Beyond all of that, beyond all the bodies, is the real self, Atman."
"You are this immortal awareness, Atman, which is not subject to old age, disease, death."
"Atman alone is the reality; it is existence and it is consciousness."
"This Atman, this consciousness, this being, is not born, it does not die, it is unchanging."
"The glory of the Atman is revealed automatically; it's continuously being revealed by that alone you are experiencing all these objects."
"You are always experiencing the Atman because we are the Atman."
"The sun shines forth, the Atman reveals itself."
"Happiness is right within us; it is actually the nature of the Atman."
"What they are telling you is a clue to the presence of the Atman and clue to the fact that the source of happiness is right within you."
"The Atman can be realized by the purified mind."
"You stop looking for the Atman; the search stops. Why does the search stop? It's because you have found it, not as an object, as you yourself; there is no more doubt at all."
"The enlightened person realizes 'I am the Atman'."
"Atman remains as beyond causality, unchanging, non-dual."
"Your real nature is Atman, the real nature of the universe is Brahman; Atman, this is the crucial insight of Advaita Vedanta."
"You are always safe. Nothing can destroy you because you are the Atman."
"You are essentially the Atman functioning through a body-mind complex."
"The ultimate stage is to get to the level of the Brahma Vidya, which means that you will abide in the Atman, which is identical with Brahman."
"One who knows Om and knows that the Om is Atman, such a person knows the Atman through the Atman."
"Both types of yoga, the action yoga and inaction yoga, they're both based on knowledge that there is an Atman."
"Advaitha shows you a spiritual path where the existence of the Atman is absolutely certain."
"The bliss which is atman is not dependent on any of these; rather, they are dependent on it."
"The real you is the Atman, the consciousness."
"All this is Brahman. This Atma or self is Brahman."
"But far beyond name and form is Atman, ever free."
"You are not the body, not the mind; you are the Atman."
"I take refuge in the Atman, the indivisible existence-consciousness-bliss absolute."
"You are not the body, you are not the mind, you are the Atman."
"Man consists of three parts: the body, the mind, and the Atman."
"Far beyond name and form is Atman, never free, know thou art that, Sannyasi bold, say Om tat sat Om."
"The Atman is never trapped in a cycle of birth and death."
"You are perfectly at peace and joy as the Atman, beyond action, transcending all activity."
"Ignorance veils our real nature as the Atman."
"You are the Atman always; you are Brahman."
"By the correct knowledge of the Atman, I am indeed an unchanging witness of these appearances."
"Atma alone exists in which a body-mind appears."
"The goal of life is to diminish our attachment to the body and mind and to understand our true nature as Atman."