
Natural Law Quotes

There are 298 quotes

"In the wild, survival of the fittest is the ultimate law."
"Visualizing, or making a mental picture, you are not endeavoring to change the laws of Nature. You are fulfilling them."
"Our Declaration of Independence is based on natural law and natural rights which come from the Creator."
"Rights come from natural law, which comes from God."
"The law has merit because it upholds morality that exists as part of nature, and through reason we, as humans, uncover it."
"It's contrary to Nature because nature doesn't have any two equal outcomes."
"The same laws that are working in nature are also working in man... Only in harmony with Him can be found its true sphere of action."
"The universe runs on natural law, immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior."
"Energy can never be created or destroyed, it's all just going in and out of form constantly."
"Natural law is what it is, it's the moral law and so far as we can know it by the operation of our reasons, by the use of our intellect even apart from any special revelation in scripture."
"Natural law is an idea in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern our reasoning and behavior."
"Everything in this place we all share seeks equilibrium. This pull to balance energetic imbalances is inherent to the reality within which we exist."
"Mother Nature always has her own set of rules, and sometimes, natural law doesn’t quite carry out as expected."
"We are all born free, with real natural, unalienable, god-given inherent human rights."
"To do evil, a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good, or else that it's a well-considered act in conformity with natural law."
"The law of survival dictates that competition and battle are necessary for continued existence."
"There are laws that exist that we did not create."
"The iron law of nature is that you are responsible for your own safety bottom line."
"The world has a moral law within a starry sky above."
"Legal doesn't make right. There's God's law, the law of nature, and then there's laws of man."
"Opposites don't attract in nature, opposites repel each other."
"The left is losing it. They are losing it because once you remove the constitutional right to abortion, this brings back into play The Rules of Nature."
"To get something, you have to provide something, this is how nature works."
"Thou nature art my goddess. To thy law my services are bound."
"Natural law is completely binding... regardless of whether we're aware of it or not it's at work."
"Extinction is the rule, survival is the exception."
"In nature, there is nothing resembling equal opportunity."
"Success therefore is built into creation; success is actually automatic. The only difficulty is you have to know its laws."
"Man has dominion over all things when he knows the law of being and obeys it."
"Self-defense is justly called the primary law of nature. So it is not, neither can it be, in fact, ever taken away by the laws of society."
"You cannot create more moral order when you abandon the created order."
"Inexorable law of nature which knows no such reality as failure."
"Because the fundamental idea is that in order for something to live something else must die that is the way of the natural world."
"The existence of a stable order of nature counts as evidence against miracles."
"Slavery is wrong by Nature it is wrong according to God."
"Private property is implied by natural rights and natural law."
"Nothing escapes the law of cause and effect; nature itself is constantly compensating."
"The laws of nature and of nature's God... is talking about natural law and the idea that simply by being born you have certain human rights."
"Human beings are something that is so beautiful and so special and of course I have many different reasons to believe this but I'll make a natural law argument that that DNA will never exist again it's distinct and it is living."
"Nature doesn't let you keep something if you don't use it."
"If human laws are contrary to the law of nature, they're not of any validity whatsoever."
"A grim reminder that nature has its laws and you cannot bypass them."
"There's no excuse for not knowing certain aspects of the natural law."
"Human intelligence may very well also be an inevitable consequence of natural law."
"That's the truth of the Bible, that's the truth of natural law."
"Natural laws that applied in the past apply now. That's why we embrace them."
"Rebirth is a great wonderful possibility. It is the law that makes all things roll to the fulfillment of themselves."
"You cannot break natural law without consequence."
"I'm thankful for the opportunity to discuss it, but I think those are inherent natural rights that God gave to every single one of us."
"The universe can be understood, we are the kinds of things that can understand it, and it's good for us to understand it."
"It didn't result from some freak changes in the laws of nature." - Yuval Noah Harari
"Natural law is rational, empirical, philosophical. Natural law can be discovered by reason alone."
"Nature gave us a moral compass and our consciousness."
"The most fundamental right any human being or any animal on earth has is for self-defense."
"From an incandescent mass we have originated and into a frozen mass we shall turn, and merciless is the law of nature." - Nikola Tesla
"It smells like Spinoza's God right which is that the whatever God is to you the laws of physics are the manifestation of it."
"The regularity of nature's behavior is a given. We can predict what nature will do next."
"Any ideology that doesn't take into account natural law, that people are not equal, people naturally form hierarchies, and people are selfish at heart, this ideology is going to fail."
"A true sovereign individual recognizes the laws and he also honors the laws of man as far as they are in accord with the laws of the creator of the boundless Universe."
"The right of self-defense is the first law of nature."
"Under the law of nature, we are all born free."
"All situations and events come about because of the Law of Attraction, which is a natural law."
"There's no earthly authority that can settle disputes about natural law."
"What would happen if there was no government? Well, it wouldn't be a very efficient situation because everybody would be the enforcer of natural law themselves."
"Polybius is talking about something very much like natural law. People naturally have a sense of justice when they see behavior like the disrespect of parents or disrespect of elders."
"Newton proclaimed that this invisible force operates everywhere in the universe."
"Liberty is the birthright of every human creature from the first time it takes its first vital breath, and no man-made law can deprive him of that which he so freely receives from the laws of nature."
"And his main axiom or theorem was, if Veda is truly total natural law, then it has to have a perfect structure that unfolds in a perfect way."
"Natural law manifests itself in infinite possibilities."
"A miracle is a violation of natural law."
"The first is the natural law or the natural structure that God built into marriage."
"Natural law has not faded away into oblivion. It's in the hearts and souls of people. It's part of our DNA spiritual and physical."
"Abundance is a natural law of the universe. The evidence of this law is conclusive."
"The next principle is harmony. Throughout nature, one may find evidences that all natural law moves in an orderly manner through the law of harmony."
"The difference that makes a difference is not the law but the configuration of matter. The information about that has to be fed into the structure of the natural law to give us a prediction."
"Truth is everywhere we look, often best described as natural law."
"Everything in the earth is based on law, based on systems, is based on functional predictable principles."
"The possession of all things in common is natural law."
"Morality is nothing more than a simplistic divine command theory... I believe in natural law which is the rational creature's participation in the eternal law of God."
"Never give up hope, but there's a real problem: the knowledge of this natural law is severely impeded."
"Manifesting is not black magic, it's a natural process."
"The laws of nature need to be obeyed and our principles and our laws of governance need to be in accordance with nature."
"Living according to the laws of nature is not just a method to face life's challenges, but also a path to true freedom and happiness."
"God made us male and female. Not chips and salsa. Not peanut butter and jelly. Male and female."
"Man becoming skillful then in the administration of natural law becomes the preserver of his planet."
"In times like these the only things you can truly rely on our number one human instinct and number two natural law, which is gonna reign supreme."
"Having a post-Christian society hasn't led to an overall loss of knowledge of natural law."
"What we're grasping here are, on a Catholic view, the requirements of the natural law."
"The universe is lawful, causal, unfolds naturally according to its own laws."
"Nature responds to balance, more than morals, more than right and wrong."
"This law was called the law of nature because people thought that everyone knew it by Nature and did not need to be taught it."
"I am law. Henceforth, in my freedom, nature obeys me, for I am law and I am law because I am love."
"The laws of attraction are exactly the same in every life force and being. If they are attacked, they will fight back. If they are squandered, they will grow stronger."
"Seed time and harvest shall not cease as long as the Earth remains."
"God set down rules that he follows himself. He said, 'As long as the earth remained there would be seed time and harvest time.'"
"Everything in the universe always follows the path of least resistance."
"...health is your birthright. Health is the default state. If we give a human what they need to be healthy, they will be healthy because that's the law."
"Natural law does not refer to the law of nature that science describes. Natural law is an ethical and philosophical theory proposing that humans possess intrinsic values that govern our reasoning and behavior."
"Human laws must follow the natural law if we are to create a just society."
"The universe is sure to pay you back; it is a law as immutable as the law of gravity."
"As long as the Earth remains, seed, time, and harvest shall not cease."
"Natural law is what you go by in order to conduct your life as a human being."
"The world and science work the way they work simply because that's how it works."
"Karma is considered to be a natural law that happens automatically without needing someone to oversee the process."
"The heat energy will move from where it's hotter to where it's cooler; thank the Lord that that's the way He made it."
"This law of nature cannot be changed."
"Those that are born according to nature should be given the same names as their fathers."
"Everything can and indeed must be explained by three things: time, chance, and the laws of nature working on matter."
"Nature has one answer for the frequency, and that's only determined by K and by M, not by my initial conditions."
"Every time there's a disaster, people fall back on natural law."
"The law is natural law, and the law is in the land."
"There is a prevailing natural law that people even if they have no religion."
"Everyone's born with life, liberty, and property, okay, and nobody can take that away from you."
"We're seeing society collapsing before our eyes... due to our intense, extreme deviation from natural law."
"Natural law helps us be happier, have less pain, less suffering in life."
"Understanding natural law helps us to live better lives and be better people."
"Natural law is the rules of decent, good behavior, human behavior."
"Everything becomes easier, everything becomes happier when you go with the natural law."
"Enlightenment, knowledge, ignorance, temptation, that's Frank's framework for understanding how the laws of nature enable life to emerge."
"The course of nature is the law that governs much of the land."
"You must live in right relationship to the universe and to the laws that sustain all that is within it."
"Mother Nature doesn't deal in duality, since that's an inherent contradiction and completely impossible."
"Perfect health is yours for the asking, if you will only obey the simple laws of life and live aright."
"There is no natural law through which matter can give rise to information."
"As long as the Earth remains, seed time and harvest will remain."
"No man-made law can cancel natural law."
"Everything on this Earth must follow the laws of the Dao."
"The process of evolution could very easily be explained as a guided process by natural law."
"In order to command nature, we must first obey her."
"Integrity is something that naturally would express itself in the lives of most people."
"The natural law comes from the very nature of things, especially the nature of man."
"The kingdom is like getting into an environment where what you desire happens naturally."
"It is the working of a universal, natural law."
"Water finds its own level, doesn't it?"
"The true zero of nature is a Taurus as the magnetic torus of force and motion."
"It has become a fundamental law of nature that for every fermionic particle in the universe, there exists an antiparticle."
"There is no law whatsoever that entails the becoming of the biosphere."
"The true patterns of maturity must come from a partnership with the laws of existence and not a constant violation of universal law."
"There are laws of nature and of Nature's God that entitle us to rights that are fundamental and apply to every one of us, whenever and wherever we are born."
"Everything is composed of the same substance and operates under the same rules."
"The discoveries of modern physics have... shattered the absolute validity of natural law and made it relative."
"The laws of the inner life are based upon natural law itself."
"For here the law of the jungle prevails, the law that is older and infinitely better than man-made laws."
"The way of heaven doesn't compete, yet wins handily."
"Water, it says, will always reach its own level."
"We also have law, you know, common law, natural law, God's law."
"Creation is rationally ordered; there's a wisdom to the world governed by natural law."
"Everything in the universe takes the path of least resistance."
"This is the universal method of nature on every plane."
"In order to learn how to govern yourself, you have to learn creation because it's from creation that you can extract the absolute laws of nature and the absolute laws of creation in order to pattern your social universe after."
"An actual crime is defined in this way: malum in se, a wrong in itself, an act or case involving illegality from the very nature of the transaction upon principles of natural, moral, and public law."
"Nature does not ally us with any vice; she produced us in health and freedom."
"We can't redefine the laws of nature and nature's God; that's limited government."
"Symmetry is a really powerful law of Nature."
"To act according to nature for a Stoic is to act as reason would dictate."
"There is a natural law that supersedes human law."
"The Constitution itself is a kind of reflection of the natural law."
"The Constitution actually does have a deeper foundation in the natural law."
"The more local forms of governance are essential in governing in accordance with the natural law."
"Like attracts like, that's part of natural law."
"Whether Tathagatas arise or not, there persists this law of nature, this regularity of natural principles."
"The law of sowing and reaping works every time, like gravity."
"You just have to find the natural law and follow it, and that will lead you to happiness, it will lead you to strength, it will lead you to the good life, a really good life."
"The civilization of India asked the question: How can we align our activities with the laws of nature so that we have a future?"
"Science is not the invention of the West. Science is how nature works."
"When you follow the natural law, everything becomes easier and better."
"We are one people, diverse, but when we function under that one law, we come into the law of light and life and motion."
"As long as this earth exists, the protocol or the law of seed time and harvest will prevail."
"Natural law is constant and stable, and the result is that things that are based on it are natural and healthy by our standards."
"There are laws of nature, and you can't escape."
"Whether Buddhas arise or not, this law of nature persists, this regularity of natural principles."
"A blessing is within natural and spiritual laws."
"The first law of nature is the lower vibration; everything in the universe vibrates."
"They are the great champions in the ancient world of what's sometimes called natural law."
"If you live your life according to natural law, you're going to live a virtuous life."
"Now as then, these mighty works are not supernatural but supremely natural."
"That's yin and yang, that's cause and effect, the fundamental law of nature, not evil."
"...the macrocosm nature as a whole is ordered, law-governed; the microcosm, your moral life, is ordered, law-governed."
"When you talk about the natural law and its groundedness in God, we find the very things that can bring us together."
"The law of Yahuwah is no less a reality than the law of gravity."
"We're very much dependent on a power greater than ourselves and that's imbued in creation itself in the laws of nature."
"Natural rights are given by the Creator, which is to say God."
"Let's see the world as it really is, we live in a world that is shaped by laws of nature."
"The Zohar is the actual structure of nature, a system of laws that flow down and cause an effect from a single simple law in nature."
"It supposedly resonates with the natural frequency of the universe itself."
"The world flows too, must also follow laws. Everything circulates, even death is a part of that circulation."
"The spiritual and the physical world is one and the same, and the laws which run through this life are the same laws that run in nature."
"For Aristotle, the world is ordered, the world is law governed, and it works according to necessary laws."
"The law of nature is: do the thing and you shall have the power."
"Energy moves from higher level to lower level by physics."
"For us human beings and animals and trees and all natural things to exist, there must be a force to exist."
"Natural law is a body of universal spiritual laws which act as the governing dynamics."
"80/20 is a law of nature and it's all over your life."
"The natural Liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but to have only the law of nature for his rule."
"We live in a world where there's universal laws like the law of gravity."
"Every seed would reproduce after its own kind, that's a law from God."
"Miracles occur not in contradiction to nature, but in contradiction to what is known to us of nature."
"The phenomenon of restoring fate is like a law that cannot be broken."
"The world of natural law and the world of moral law intermingle when we enter the spiritual world."
"The creatures who act as though they belong to the world follow the peacekeeping law and because they follow that law, they give the creatures around them room to grow toward whatever it's possible for them to become."