
Transaction Quotes

There are 558 quotes

"People want something, it's like they'll give you money, but they're happy to get it in return."
"Caddy is off with its new owner, and uh, went to a perfect guy."
"I can send a billion dollars of Bitcoin anywhere in the world without anyone knowing about it."
"A price is a number at which two mutually consenting adults agree to transact."
"You have to keep in mind, every time you make a statement... there's another person that's never talked about on the other end of that transaction."
"I know he's going to be amazing, so 18 million straight up. Okay, let's negotiate."
"Politics is a transactional exchange—that's literally what it means."
"It's just going to be a straight, for purchase, 'I want that thing. It's 50 cents. I'll take that thing.'"
"Over half a billion dollars worth of Ethereum are now burned."
"Just get him gone man, okay? If you want to sell him, sell him right."
"So if there's a buyer found or no buyers found, and once the buyer has been found, you can ship it to a mailbox and they'll be whisked away."
"The idea of a censorship-free regime in the ability to transact...is the foundation of freedom in the world in the 21st century."
"Does she get the money? No, no, sits in the QR. All right, then what?"
"Client says thank you very much, how do I pay the balance, and they leave."
"When a seller and a buyer love the wares, that's when a profit is made."
"The easiest way to avoid it is one transaction at a time."
"It's totally glitching because Ethan has a check for me now."
"Wow, that was the easiest trade deal of my life."
"Thank you, Anthony, for making a purchase on Brian Gamble's comm."
"May commanded him to hand it over... he signed over the lease worth eighteen thousand dollars."
"I'm banging right now, you're buying right now, literally right this second."
"The Kings just came up. The Kings just got maybe the best player in the league right now for like nothing."
"I am gonna have to get it re-wrapped, it's gonna have to be cleaned up a little bit. I'll do 650."
"The value of everything is just what someone else is willing to pay you."
"Bitcoin was created so that people who the banking system wants to cancel have a way of transacting outside the system."
"It's a business purchase at the end of the day."
"You want a garage door? pay 515 scrap and boom you got it."
"2000 silver in exchange for an artifact of the ages. All right, I'm in."
"Congratulations, you played yourself. We legit sold him for 76.9 million, this is hilarious."
"If you expect my money, I expect your quality."
"An altar is a sacred desk where business goes down."
"So once you've actually paid for that, then I'll say Auto completed."
"I'm gonna flip it, reverse it. You prove to me right now that you sent me four thousand dollars from your corporate account and I'm your customer, and I will give you four thousand dollars myself."
"That is one of the steals of the window to get Shaqiri for that price."
"Looks like I'm all done here. That'll be $45. $49. You got it."
"If you buy a meatball sub with a $10 bill, the cash is gone, the sub is gone."
"Bitcoin appears to be the way that rich people are going to transfer value."
"Place your hands where I can see them. Would you like, uh, somewhere between half and a third of a diamond?"
"Three confirmations was enough for a value of eleven thousand dollars."
"The Twitter board is committed to closing the transaction."
"He was only offering 400 more than that for the droid."
"When you make a commitment, if there's an exchange of goods, if there's an exchange of money, then that's a contract."
"...sold the rights for a single dollar."
"...the academy has the right to buy it first for $1."
"You can pay money into a British person's bank account if you have two things known as their account number and sort code. Easy, easily done."
"You add some weight to your transaction."
"He wasn't going to ask her for her night services for free; he would pay for a night with her as he would feel bad for those who actually paid."
"The money will be on your books tomorrow."
"I just sent you thirty-four thousand dollars. Did you not see that?"
"Mr. Yong paid two billion dollars for this building and is now its owner."
"We have our money back just in the first bag"
"The credit card transaction has replaced the actual credit card number with a different number."
"Selling it is tough, I'm happy it's going to one of you guys."
"£ 6,800 on bid now it's on the telephone at 68 it is once twice out the door it goes now then at £ 6,800 on the telephone it is now and gone."
"I'd drive it half a mile down the road and I'll just flip it to someone for 800 quid. Yeah, and that's beautiful."
"I'm on the job. It's yours for ten thousand dollars."
"I'll pay you a good fee if you do this for me."
"This was the cheap option right in a summer where I also recorded 80 million pounds for James Madison and so they instead just go and buy this failed child star for just 30 million quits you know someone who's truly just a Norwegian Freddy at dude."
"Nobody owes anybody. Isn't it an even transaction? We're providing information and enjoyment. They're providing viewership."
"He just paid like that. It's just like, I will pay you money to give to, so you do what I want you to. It's just like so straightforward."
"Saki handed over the elixir to them."
"Whenever you take money from somebody, you have an obligation to fulfill the minimum of what you said."
"You pay in credit card with the system automatically converts it to usdc and then usdc is deposited into the wallet and then this wallet is held in ESC."
"Just give me my service fee and I'll holla at you when you come back to work tomorrow."
"Money is never emotional. It goes to where it's being moved."
"If you know how to do a bitcoin transaction, you're set."
"Transactional freedom was as critical a human right as the first amendment guarantee of freedom of expression"
"We are in escrow meaning someone else is holding our money while me and the seller are in a transaction basically so I can't believe it like basically the house is ours is what that means oh my god it's gonna be crazy."
"Aligning costs with Bitcoin micropayments."
"The mirror and the table have both sold immediately. They've both gone to the same person and they're both winging their way to California."
"So by following through on her coercive threat to file a chargeback against me, she managed to lose both the item and her money."
"It works like this, say for instance I want to buy Thomas' sweet pair of crepes."
"50,000 cash, that's not bad, I'm gonna take it, sweet."
"For both, I could do like 200 credit."
"I'll transfer you 200, does that sound okay? Fantastic, just let me know if you need more."
"I mean, every relationship is transactional whether people want to admit it or not. You do something for me and I do something for you. You stop holding up your end of the bargain, well that's not what the [ __ ] I signed up for."
"...I nodded and told him the price before he pulled out a five-dollar bill and went to hand it to me, making sure our hands touched."
"Isn't he cute? Yes, I'll uh, you know, I got him right. I'll do eight dollars on that."
"Well, they are currently wrapping my items. They are paid for. I now have to run across the street again to use the restroom and then come back and collect my things."
"These are a pair of throwaways, you don't like them, you only spend 12, no big deal."
"It's not a transaction, it's about relationships, all of our businesses are that way."
"How much is this one, sir? $5? Five bucks? Okay, thank you."
"A Brazilian student has sold her virginity this week for half a million pounds."
"Delighted, the girl thanked him for his purchase and stated that it would amount to 60,000 gold."
"Kindly send the payment through family and friends to the PayPal information below."
"Business is business. Ain't all that friendship [__] is out the [__] window. Business is business."
"Instead of going back to zero when they were reming out the transaction, the sum doubled."
"People try to request me as friends on Venmo, and that's always weird to me. That's weird. It's a transaction."
"If he's asking you all that, get the money. That means he's asking you if you just want to sleep with him for some money. Say no."
"Time locks control the spending of Bitcoin scripts by setting a future time before which the script is not valid."
"The lightning Network uses payment channels to make Bitcoin transactions fast very very cheap and equally secure as the Bitcoin network."
"Anything that's free, you're the product."
"I went to the car and I pulled out $3,000 and I went up to him and I told him straight up man $3,000 is all I have for this truck."
"Man, it's a guy that if you buy some keys for your car, he'll give you one."
"There's a difference between a woman and a ho. A ho is a garden tool, but hoing is transactional. Yes, okay? Is there a difference between a woman and a ho? Yes."
"Why are we paying for all the drugs man when we buy them and then other people pay us for them and then we'll also have all the drugs man?"
"It really is about unlocking value on both sides."
"People pay you to be their friend?"
"Love is not transactional or conditional."
"And because when people say, 'I gave them cash,' and even with an ATM slip, you never really know if the cash transferred hand, but this actually makes our job much easier."
"Cause he asked you: 'Are you coming home with me tonight?' And you said yes and the 800 was there in the morning like payment for your services."
"'We have four carts,' Alex said as he peeled off twelve hundred dollars, which seemed like highway robbery for what they'd gotten, but since that cash would soon only be useful as toilet paper, he didn't really care."
"Make sure you've got cleared funds in your account before they take the car. Don't accept a check or a banker's draft or well you can but make sure it's cleared before you give them the keys."
"The pair then wrote a six hundred thousand dollar check to the owner, equal to ten million dollars today, and the rest is history."
"That's what being a customer is: you buy something, it's no longer theirs."
"You send Bitcoin, your recipient gets the actual full [value]."
"Escrow is a way to transfer money or property from one party to another through the use of a neutral third-party agent."
"Yup, got the money deposited last night 😊."
"You actually, they're paying to get rid of it."
"You'll be more than happy to help the sheep find a home if a small finest fee would be involved, that is."
"Traded one of our family members."
"Afterward Chu walked down the street with the money he received."
"I hate buying and selling cars. Even if you don't like cars like it's not your thing."
"I think the one thing I would do, because I don't want the IRS getting crazy on me, is I'd make sure that the one transaction, the sale transaction closed before I made the purchase transaction."
"Yo, it's two bucks for the Fiji Water, by the way."
"For you as a seller, you're protected, buyers are protected."
"It came about in this way when the Rajer put his jewels into the hands of Ammed he did it because he knew that he was a trusty man."
"Just business, strictly business."
"Sleep next to a rich guy every day and get money for it."
"I'll give you 200 bucks for it. Alright, sounds like a deal."
"I don't make money off of you buying a sailboat for more money or less money."
"He begrudgingly had the staff count the quarters and I got a receipt."
"So if you go and buy someone's driveway they don't need to declare it, obviously it can massively affect the value of the vehicle by about 30."
"Here's a credit card, I will take it."
"I'm sorry, but I've already paid for it. Good luck in your search though."
"I'll give you two Silvers now and the armor and the rest of the coin on the morrow," Dunk assured him.
"Shooter said I want to buy it and offered to pay 220 about 580 when adjusted for inflation for the concept."
"An offer is when one party promises the other something in return for something else."
"This is the part where you're asking for my credit card."
"I paid cash for because I sold the Ferrari."
"Are you refusing to take my money?"
"Can I help you? I'd like to freeze this bank account and cancel all existing checks."
"But yeah, look, a guy came along and offered me really good money for the business. I sold the business to him, had his own boat, so I kept Peggy Ann."
"He was dumbfounded when I handed him all the coins. What's this? It's your change sir, as you kindly reminded me, I'm the cashier and I dealt with it."
"Transactional freedom is as important as freedom of the press."
"We were backing up. So we did the right exchange."
"Bitcoin can be sent anywhere in the world in just a few clicks. There's no need to have a complicated exchange fee fight with a bank to release your money, and it can be all done outside of the traditional finance system."
"This is how you get happy customers who will rate you positively and give you five stars once the transaction is complete."
"This will be 200.00. Yeah, yeah, there's 65. Yeah, yeah, I didn't even need to use my calculator for that one, actually. The perfect sit down. Okay."
"It will be a fine addition to my collection," Otto replied. "Do we have a deal?"
"You have ordered three x pizzas your total is 17.97"
"It's like, the second you have sex and you receive income, it's prostitution."
"What kind of person sells a hundred thousand dollar Super Bird and doesn't even hook up the speedometer? Shady."
"It's funny what happens when people pay money, John. They expect something in return."
"Their car fixed and pay on credit to the local mechanic, no problem whatsoever."
"I officially own this vehicle now because uh I was actually in contact with the previous owner too."
"Ma'am, you have received 2700 dollars extra, please ma'am."
"The only transaction that human beings have where you give something with nothing in return is a gift."
"How much? What do you want for this? This is it. Like just like friends one time. Yeah, 100 bucks for this one."
"Selling a property you have listed to a buyer who lives in a different state is legally performed by a licensed real estate agent."
"How much on these ones? Two for 30 quid, okay."
"I'm interested. Would you do 150 plus shipping?"
"Excuse me, ma'am? $7.50? That's the cost."
"Five minutes in and it's coin number one."
"To close a real estate transaction you need a closing company to handle the transfer of ownership."
"They don't do fairness, they do vertical transactions with winners and losers."
"Enjoy your click on successfully transfer the funds."
"He explained that it was a present for signing a contract."
"I won't pay you money, I pay you in quirks. That's kind of cold though."
"Love, love, love selling them, but I think somebody may have gotten the majority of them in a previous sale."
"He puts one of the pouches filled with money in front of her."
"Everything can be sold for a price, dropping wisdom."
"It's a transaction. It's not like the tooth fairy gives you anything. The tooth fairy gives you money in exchange for teeth."
"...if the customer is not paying for it."
"We will turn all of the photographs over to you after receiving payment."
"It's almost never about just the money, it's how do I win. Not just financially, but how do I win and feel good about this transaction?"
"You want to impress me? Just send me some money. Sprinkle, sprinkle."
"Human trafficking is a high volume business model which requires a person-to-person transaction."
"Every lightning transaction is actually still a Bitcoin transaction."
"Fergus, you put a million pound into our bank account. Shameless stuff, if that's proven to be the case."
"I had to grease the tailor. Something fun about spending one check though on the whole thing."
"Financing is often the most underappreciated yet one of the most important parts of any transaction."
"If you need help, I help you, you pay me, I pay them. This way everybody wins."
"Type your refund amount, the first amount you're going to receive is $100."
"It is very reassuring to hear your voice, because it makes me feel more confident about this transaction."
"That's why OTAs demand an offering. To not give an offering is to steal from an author because you use the exchange and then abuse the exchange."
"This person has received money from a man."
"Once the transaction goes out onto the blockchain, the device can be safely shut down."
"In August of 1918, another contract was let out to the Kerrin Brothers of Montreal, Canada. This was for three hundred thousand pistols at a cost plus 10 percent for the first ten thousand, negotiating the rest later."
"I'm counting on you to play Cupid," he told her, slipping a 20 bill in her hand.
"You paid for a service, you got that service."
"You can sell a property you have listed to a buyer who lives in a different state."
"...we made a deal I will give him my father's van he called and said to me they're gonna junk it for 200 I'll put three hundred dollars credit towards the van."
"This guy's a scam artist he if if you look at him why'd you give him a receipt for 2500 if he was 500 shorts."
"This was probably the most stressful part of the sale."
"I'm buying grams of coke and meatballs for 350."
"I made arrangements with her after speaking with her on the phone to visit these puppies I did so on that day visit the Golden Retriever puppies and was very happy with the puppy that I saw."
"This is not the turbo off of a core engine this is off of a good engine so I suppose I may try to sell it."
"Now you can use Bitcoin in a way where it settles instantly anywhere on earth like I've sent value from my living room to the Middle East in 3-4 seconds"
"No, I'm sorry, unfortunately, I can't sell you any wine."
"10 bucks to machine it, 20 bucks if you watch, 30 for lip."
"How did you know when did at what point did you PayPal her?"
"That's why cash deals... I tell people all the time, cash is the worst way to buy anything for both the seller and the buyer."
"No exchanges of stacks of cash on the cruise ship."
"It's really great that when you want to pay for something with your credit card, they bring the little credit card transaction processing handheld unit to the table."
"But there's also been rumors that the price paid was closer to 2 million as a private sale. The exact number will likely never be known."
"Now that you've met," she said quietly, "why don't we get down to business?"
"'Thank you for visiting Dr. Candle's Consortium, and remember, no refunds,' he said abruptly, ushering me toward the door."
"Within the hour we had an inquiry on it and it sold for the asking price."
"We go to the we pH now we come to that [ __ ] 100,000 on the table."