
Inner Truth Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Trust in your intuition to make the right decisions; you're already equipped with the truth and guidance you need."
"You always know deep down in your heart what you really want."
"Purpose is inside you like this there's no way to get away from their purpose there's no way to like you can sort of mask it out by getting a big noise but you can't really get away from it"
"The Awakening of God within you is not about acquiring something new; it's about recognizing what has always been there."
"Deep in your heart, you already know the answer."
"Enlightenment is not found outside of you. Real truth is inside of you and always has been."
"Your intuition is your compass, untainted well of truth."
"Being true to yourself and having integrity...it's really important to follow your own inner truth."
"You're accessing your true feelings, your true inner knowing, your true intuition."
"Every Soul has a unique path and yet every soul is here to find the way home to Divine love and inner truth."
"We judge motives... only God knows the heart."
"Disclose information that's been hidden inside of you."
"Deep within you know what is without value and what holds value for you."
"I shoot for the stars. Radiance is my birthright."
"Feel the difference between our ego and our inner truth."
"Looking within: the answer lies in realizing our true selves."
"Honesty to your inner self is astoundingly important."
"Your inner truth will be revealed to you, cleansing beneath the surface to expose your authentic self."
"Listen to your intuition; the truth lies within you."
"Only you know if it's truly worth it for you in your heart."
"Your intuition, your gut feelings never lie."
"You can't deny your inner truth just because it happens to be psychotic at a cultural moment."
"Every single person, we all of us have this quiet little voice that knows the truth."
"The answers aren't out there, the answers are in here."
"The Soka Gakkai Buddhist Center here in the South Loop is a place where you might come to seek inner truth."
"Something inside of me is wanted to tell the truth."
"Our truest identity doesn't come from within, but from within our identity in Christ."
"The teachings of Sri Ramana express the ultimate truth that is the inner essence of all religions and spiritual traditions."
"The truth is that everything already exists within us."
"Your true identity is not based on the body, not based on the soul; your true identity is in the spirit."
"The word of God is living and true, and it is in your heart."
"The kingdom of heaven is within, and the first step is to know in your heart that you're wrong the way that you are."
"I will obey my soul and be true to that within me that is highest."
"We are all born with this compass inside us, and it points north, and north is our truth."
"Sadhguru is the truth that is already inside you."
"You desire truth in the innermost being, and in the hidden part you will make me to know wisdom."
"Truth that is already within you in the form of limitless light connected to all reality."
"If you do not bring forth what is within you, what is within you will destroy you."
"For man sees those things that appear, but the Lord beholds the heart."
"See the truth within, I am the pure consciousness."
"My inner truth is divine truth. I allow it to influence and guide me every day."
"What's in the heart will come out in our words."
"Whatever is happening in the world, the inner truth of breath, body, and mind is always there for you."
"The law of God that's written into each one of your hearts."
"It's a combination of something that comes from deep within and is also communicated."
"This is how people heal from suffering, this is how they make sense of suffering and get their life back, reconnect with the truth that's deeply within them underneath their traumas."
"We have within us our very own lens of truth, an awakened inner eye which filters truth from illusion."
"At dawn, I contemplate the reality of myself, ever shining forth in the heart."
"It's the experience of truth arising within you."
"Within you, there is something permanent, a permanent truth."
"When the mind becomes still, then what is within will naturally shine forth, and realization of your true self will occur naturally."
"Move into that place of perfection within you, that place of truth, responsibility, competence, and intuition."
"The Christ within every one of us, in my eyes, is our highest truth, our better self."
"You're becoming very aware of your inner truths, your inner calling."
"You already know the score here, you can feel it, the answer is inside your soul, your intuition knows."
"Deep down inside you, you know what you want to do."
"You're changing... your deeper senses are coming into fusion, are becoming more reality like your inside what you are inside is coming out in the open."
"Connect with your inner self, and you will find the truths that you seek within yourself."
"The high priestess is truth from within."
"It's about your inner knowingness, your truth, which is your instinct."