
Historical Fiction Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"The creative leads have always understood that historical fiction can be extremely cool when well done."
"Historical fiction brings in a whole level of immersion because these people really existed."
"Unfortunately, that day never came, and Jaime, finally unable to simply stand by and do nothing, slayed the Mad King, saving thousands of innocents."
"This book is everything I think that you want in a historical fiction book. It's got action, it's got love, it's got revenge, it's got betrayal."
"I like historical fiction a lot... reading books about Genghis Khan or, you know, things like that. That shit's tight."
"I want you to become the protector of Rome after I die."
"Imagine what it must feel like for Priscus and Varus, overwhelming relief, pride, and joy."
"Davy Gam carved a path with the enemy leading King Henry out of danger."
"My theory about Pearl Curran is that she was quantum jumping back in time."
"After rescuing him, Salah explains that Bellic and the Nazis used a one-sided copy of The Medallion."
"Furthermore, the Red Mortal Blade was taken and hidden by the Senpou High Priest, the man who founded Senpou Temple."
"Arthur embodies a brave new world in which descendants of Roman Britain began to build an independent future."
"This is just a sweeping historical fiction saga that will leave a huge emotional impact on you. One of the best books I read this year."
"It's a historical novel set in Victorian London, atmospheric and descriptive."
"Paradise Lost, a story about the mascara long before Wonder Woman was born in a Game of Thrones style political Intrigue thing."
"There's a missing chapter of history immortalized in stories like even Lord of the Rings."
"Nikola Tesla's Knight of Terror by Nina Matavir."
"Hope is the daughter of the history woman Miss Giddy."
"Welcome to my brand-new Stellaris Roman Empire let's play."
"The flatwoods monster originally appeared before the Great War."
"Lewis's Narnia stories have sold over a hundred million copies."
"When the German military officers see that Hitler invades poor little Switzerland and takes all their cheese, they will decide to overthrow him."
"Isgramor and his sons, Ingall and Ilgar, were among the first Nordic settlers of Skyrim."
"The synthetic rewrite, remember that? Literally, in Babylon Berlin last night, do you remember the doctor, the mind control doctor in Babylon Berlin?"
"But with the help of our allies and our fetishist fiefdoms we are sure to prevail and save the world from belgian independence."
"Inglourious Basterds, that film really hit me when I first watched it, you know it's the twist at the end and was like well history has changed what the fuck I didn't expect that."
"Ultimately, as we know, the loyalist forces are victorious."
"For a time, Magor as King was said to be ruled by three queens."
"Brian's son, Róchan, sitting atop a white horse and wielding a sword in each hand, is said to have slain 100 men by his own blows."
"And so the chaos that had overrun the continent was purged and at last peace came to the world."
"In 1942, a Nazi officer known as Johann Schmidt experiments on himself with an early version of Dr. Abraham Erskine's Super Soldier Serum, gaining both a physically perfect body and a decidedly redder complexion."
"However, as the ambitious would-be king of Numidia would soon discover, his path to power would not be quite as unopposed as he first assumed."
"The marriage between a Targaryen and a Stark could bring peace again."
"We wanted to tell a twisted version of something that could have happened in the south."
"Danny is the Cleopatra part of it what makes Daenerys a great character to discuss and explore is the layer of complexity she adds to pre-existing narratives that are all make up who she is."
"The tale of the lost city beneath the deserts of Arabia where Lorenzo allegedly found the crown is almost a carbon copy of HP Lovecraft's short story."
"Streaming right now is the hotly debated Netflix series Queen Cleopatra."
"Emotec's awakening led to civil war and power struggles within the dynasty."
"The uncanny valley of truth in historical fiction."
"The Battle of Mon Gazza, known to history as the Miracle at Mon Gazza, firmly ended the hopes of Supreme Leader Snoke for a swift victory."
"Bruce basically gets away with this murder at the altar of the church because the church backs him for King."
"I'm very glad I returned here. Look at all of the iron, and there was also a bunch of coins. I'm a rich viking."
"Having a viking riding a polar bear towards you is no fun."
"It's day 100, the last day of my journey. A capital city has fallen, and I have become the new king of Norway."
"The ancient kingdom's dream: a place where people no longer needed to travel the treacherous Grand Line."
"Monster is a fusion of post-world war ii iron curtain history and philosophical conundrums that jerks the mind through a labyrinth of death mystery and suspense throughout its dark story."
"And that is the full story of Mama Dolce's in Fallout 3, a front for the Communist Chinese engaged in covert operations on American soil."
"The idea of a coach and horses pulling in here to the Royal Victoria and bull Hotel carrying Mr. Pickwick and his friends is as delightful as ever."
"Robin Hood and his merry band arise to resist the non-king, the brother of the king who is a tyrant."
"I'm not Davy Crockett, Crockett's upstairs with Colonel Travis, I'm Jim Bowie, quit drinking you son of a bitch shoot the fuckin' priest."
"The Sarah palata Gold Rush: a tale of treasure discovery."
"By the time William Wallace comes over the hill in full drag and gives this rousing speech which ends with 'you'll never take our freedom,' I believed it."
"Pan's Labyrinth: Powerful fusion of history and fantasy."
"The legacy of Numenor... turned darker and darker... the Black Numenoreans levied immense taxes... and took a huge amount of their wealth for their own."
"Are the petty games played by the Westerosians 200 years from now the same ones about to be played by these a-holes?"
"This is Rizo showing his resolve, showing that, hey, my master, my shogun, my daimyo, he went through much worse."
"I am cut in two I want to see hazlitt hazlitt bends down on this rock to hear his friends dying words and he is shot dead upon the body of his dying friend."
"Lu Shang's spear Swift as a bolt of lightning struck with precision and ferocity."
"Each thrust of his spear claimed a criminal's life and then he would disappear in an instant just like the Grim Reaper."
"In the end, Viserys proved himself to be a good King."
"So this is a duology. It is a retelling of Romeo and Juliet. But it takes place in Shanghai in the 1920s."
"In 1942, a Nazi officer known as the Red Skull creates a splinter group called Hydra."
"Don Quixote charging against the windmills of his own time."
"The tales of the great Empire of the dawn follow this track—they were some sort of Atlantis-like civilization whose practice of sorcery eventually came to bite them in the butt."
"The intertwined lives of real feminists at the turn of the 20th century are mesmerizingly reimagined."
"With the downfall of anarchy and Bulgaria, a new civilization took over. The era of the Watchers has begun."
"It’s pretty cool to get these glimpses of the past with Rhaegar and Elia and Aerys."
"The jewel of the empire had become hell on earth."
"The historical influences of this from societal expectations to literal history infused in this sort of fantasy setting works so well."
"King James's England: Marvel characters in the year 1602, featuring a witch hunter named Angela."
"Its destiny is to belong to the man who will bring a golden age to all Brittany."
"Artorius was a fight that was interesting and unique."
"Robb Stark and his cavalry were about to make their debut on the battlefield in a display of tactical and strategic brilliance."
"Jaime had been captured, the siege of Riverrun broken and an entire Lannister army destroyed."
"Ryuma happened 400 years ago, he was the founder of the Shimotsuki clan and wielder of the great sword Shusui."
"It's a complex story with many layers that centers this kind of love triangle between three fascinating historical women."
"In this world and at this time, the princes had to die."
"The first form of space marine was originally created by the emperor during the unification wars of the late 30th millennium."
"Here we have a historical link with the mythic story of Odin's halls in Asgard and his 12 attendants."
"It's an amazing story. I had no idea what the history of Rahl was, what he actually went through, and I had no idea that a book could make you go 'what the, no way, that just happens!'"
"The aircraft he was designing would be the key element in a plot to kidnap Kaiser Wilhelm II."
"We must find Cesarean, or Mr. Allerton might yet help us find my brother."
"These are historical novels that bring Tudor England to life."
"God were unceremoniously melted down and auctioned off to the highest bidder. A nameless Jewish merchant from Odessa loaded onto the backs of 900 camels, the..."
"What made Wolfenstein so intriguing was that it took the most horrendous possibility and made a story so compelling you can't help but be interested."
"Holy [ __ ]! All the alternate history stuff that Assassin's Creed has always done has been awesome, but I don't think they've ever topped Assassin's Creed 2."
"It takes a special kind of bastard to let women and children board ships to a far-off land that doesn't actually exist purely to make a few quid."
"Look at this place, Remus. It's paradise. It will be the perfect place for our new city that I'll call Rome."
"Plato describes Atlantis as a pinnacle of urban sophistication."
"Anything by Ruta Sepetys is entirely incredible."
"This is like a shining star amongst historical fiction."
"Roger's words only motivated them to keep pirating, leading us into the great pirate era."
"When Xen Ching saw this, he smirked and said that he had died from simple bleeding."
"The Great War lasted for all of 2 hours on October 23rd, 2077."
"It's also a period piece... that I am always a sucker for."
"1917 is a beautiful piece of historical fiction, set in an often overlooked period of World War I history."
"The empress's grandfather exclaimed, 'Little sea, don't blame esteemed purple Emperor, back then he was concerned about your intentions.'"
"Founded in the 9th century by the legendary hero Kahless 'the Unforgettable', the Klingon Empire was a feudal monarchy led by an Emperor and High Council."
"Hate-A-Mean: from slave to savior, unifying her people and preserving their traditions."
"The Legend of the Dariennes begins sometime in the 18th century."
"Brazil dropped the first nuclear weapon in world history, fantastic!"
"That is the story of Ghost of Tsushima, a fantastic game and very unique in many ways."
"Martin died an emperor and a hero to rival Tiber Septim."
"I play Dr. Strauss, Nazi doctor, and I have built a new kind of soldier, a soldier who never sleeps, a soldier does not eat and a soldier who does not die."
"Aya of Alexandria, aka Amunet, was one of the original founders of the Hidden Ones, later known as the Assassins. She worked in the shadows for Cleopatra while the royal battled Rome for the Egyptian throne."
"The Imperial truth was their greatest weapon."
"Definitely a really deeply moving historical fiction with a badass main character."
"Imagine a trailer: Samurai, Knights, Arabs all fighting together."
"This is truly ingenious writing jar megiddo is an artificial mountain kind of in the jezreel valley made up of over two dozen layers of destruction."
"A suspenseful 17th-century story that spirals into a mansion of melodramatic mystery."
"Putin wants another army and he wants to clone three thousand-year-old ancient warriors."
"Red Storm Rising is a great book and if you have the time I do recommend it."
"The Treasury Secretary Henry Louis Gates is a real-life historian and author watchman does this a lot they take advantage of their alternate history story to put real-life people in incredibly different situations."
"Now we begin in Jolly London back in the year 1977. This is at the premiere of X-5s Zaniac who we learns became a big film star."
"House Targaryen ruled for almost 300 years after the conquest of the Seven Kingdoms by Aegon at first but all this would change during the reign of King Aerys ii."
"The Song of Achilles... made many of us cry, swoon, and fall in love."
"The German Reich has declared off and the Dutch guys are right. Welcome the Third has come back and has started a civil war against Heinrich Himmler, presumably by shooting Hitler in the face."
"This was a problem though because there was somebody else who had also put their life on the line during the third great shinobi world war and done a massive amount of good for the village: Fugaku Uchiha, Sasuke's dad."
"A good historical novel hits those same beats, that same emotional sort of feel."
"A singular and stunning debut novel about the forbidden union between two enslaved young men on a deep South plantation, the refuge they find in each other, and the betrayal that threatens their existence."
"An epic tale spanning some 300 years from the end of Roman Britain to the early Middle Ages."
"The lives of these young women from their early days in New York in the 1870s were memorably captured years later in Edith Wharton’s book 'The Buccaneers'."
"There's so many things in our world that are just there are fictions that we believe about the past that have no basis in reality."
"Historical fiction is the only thing I reach for in all categories."
"Once again, Marshall Reeves began bringing in desperados and villains by the dozens, earning good money."
"Hom Dove is an absolute Masterpiece beautiful historical fiction it's often considered a western which I can see why it's about two Texas Rangers retired Texas Rangers that all they want to do is really have a farm and and they get caught up in pretty much starting a ranch."
"It's really enjoyable to be able to essentially walk into another century and escape from all your current concerns and just be fascinated with another world."
"She has become one of her time's greatest historians by letting us live in the 18th and early 19th century with her characters."
"The first book I read this year was 'Last Night at the Telegraph Club' by Malinda Lo. It's set in 1950 San Francisco. It's kind of a cozy read, and I really enjoyed it."
"Zone of Interest presents the shocking and heartbreaking story of an ordinary family living adjacent to a Nazi death camp, raising questions about complicity and indifference."
"History is a creative exercise, and historical fiction is coming up to the importance of academic interest."
"Most people get their image of the past not from history books, not even from what they learn at school, but actually from historical fiction."
"I love these books by Enid Blyton. She's very good on historical London, of course, fascinating detail."
"Jedediah Smith reaches for one of the two single-shot pistols he keeps tucked in his belt."
"It's always fun when a story from another time really drives home how different that society was by smacking you in the face with some hardcore moral dissonance."
"Dearest gentle reader, this is the story of Queen Charlotte from Bridgerton."
"I hereby confess that I skimmed x millions of dollars from George Washington in 1802."
"There are very few authors who have really dealt with the 19th century at any length, and you have now done it."
"all deviations from fact are intentional uh we're dealing with historical fiction emphasis on the fiction and it is delightful"
"She and her daughter, Prairie Flower, ride in a carriage making its way north toward the new capital building."
"The film Master and Commander is a work of fiction yet it is the greatest historical epic I have ever seen."
"The way he brings history alive, the way he brings us something that's unique that nobody else has and creates an environment and a desire to know more and go back and read those books."
"...it just captures a place and a period in history very very well."
"Welcome to treasure Holt, a haven for smugglers, an inn of disrepute, and a hiding place for the king's supporters."
"This is where Adolf Hitler can stay safe and secure and live out his old age and move his plans forward for the Fourth Reich."
"The matter implicates the Great House of Ormstein, the head of which has three kings of Bohemia."
"Together they ignite a battle between Pagan and Puritan, one that threatens to destroy the entire Village leaving nothing but ashes and bloodshed in its wake."
"Sweetie crawled out of her trunk, wrapped her feet in newspaper, and walked 40 miles in the snow to the nearest town."
"Living there was very exciting, except for the sister of the king, Aredhel."
"Gladiator is my favorite movie of all time, and that is very historically inaccurate, but it's one of those things where, you know, Gladiator was like, it's my favorite film of all time."
"'Foul Lady Fortune' by Chloe Gong. I can't wait to dive into this because it is the follow-up to 'These Violent Delights', which I absolutely adored."
"It is absolutely beautiful if you love historical fiction it is such an epic story."
"The doctor and his companion met a famous historical figure."
"Things are looking up again with the haunting of Villa Diodati, in which our fam comes to gorp at Mary Shelley, her missing husband Percy, and Lord Byron who's a dick."
"...President Kennedy selected Joe personally to create and then command an ultimate freedom fighting force, a cadre of knights fit for a modern Camelot."
"...the story of the Spartans and their desperate defense is definitely... has a bit... is a bit stronger than the Space Marine story."
"The Talons of Weng-Chiang, absolutely masterpiece."
"Outlander was done entirely from library research, which just goes to show you how much you can find out about the place if you know where to look."
"I wonder, did her brother's approval of her future husband bring Elizabeth some comfort in her grief? Perhaps. I certainly hope so."
"Love in the time of rebellion, a story of 1798."
"He saves Kennedy, loses the girl in the process, she dies in his arms."
"I just thought it was an amazing piece of historical fiction."
"What's fun about historical fiction is that it can pretty much do anything."
"Historical fiction can be written by anyone from anywhere, and the more variety the better."
"Historical fiction can very cleverly cross with different genres like mysteries and thrillers or even urban fantasy and definitely the gothic."
"It's an incredible piece of Gothic historical fiction, a dedication to my favorite novel, and a beautiful, exciting book about dinosaurs. Of course, Frankenstein meets dinosaurs; you can't lose."
"It's an incredible piece of feminist medieval historical fiction."
"Hamnet is an absolute masterpiece of historical fiction."
"If you are looking for a more historical vibe like 'The Song of Achilles', you could read 'The Silence of the Girls' by Pat Barker."
"It's a historical fiction, it feels like you're learning at the same time."
"Mighty is he, and Bernard Cornwell's novels are historical fiction and they're always great fun."
"It's a historical fiction but it's just this very beautiful portrayal of humanity in all of its flaws and all of its beauty."
"Robert was able to kill Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, who by all accounts was the greatest knight in all of Westeros."
"What makes the Northman feel genuine to me is not the absurd attention to historical detail... but rather it shows us their world through their eyes."
"Defoe takes his readers on an inside tour of the slums of London during the 1700s."
"At the end of the day, Cregan Stark called his banners in support for Queen Rhaenyra."
"The girls really eat up historical fiction, oh my God."
"I take on the challenge of reimagining history."
"The Apothecary Diaries creates a natural feeling world by combining real medical truth in Chinese history with fictional elements."
"The rebel army invaded the resident palace of the emperor with torches held high, however, what awaited them was an empty Wushan Palace."
"The whole dance of the Dragons story is absolutely fascinating."
"Even if she was thrown into the Great Qing dynasty, she would also be a mild and decent person."
"I always admired O'Brien's extraordinary grip of the period and how that was reflected through the books."
"For to kill a man silently with the bare blade was no job for a king beginner."
"We don't even have guns," Frederickson spoke very slowly and softly to the boy. "We've simply come here to talk to your master."
"You have my word of honor, madam, as a British officer, that none of us has been here before," Frederickson turned to Lucille.
"For Rossendale well remembered Major Sharp and had preserved a great admiration for the rifleman."
"The conquest of Mrs. Sharp, if conquest it was, was seen by society as an act of great bravery."
"The Englishman who can kill me has not been born, Major."
"It's a lot of really good stories... most of these stories are actually rich in the Middle Ages, the Icelandic sagas, the ones that are about the Viking Age, they contain really good stories."
"It's a nice notable subversion of the historical fiction genre where the action takes a back seat to more documentary-like moments."
"Our story starts in the summer of 1860, in the busy city of Baltimore."
"Merlin allegedly carried King Arthur in one of the caves under Tintagel Island."
"Think of them as seeing the books as really good historical fiction."
"11/22/63 is an attempt to stop the JFK assassination and it's just fascinating."
"The historical novel is essentially history; it's like a libretto, and the fictional characters are the music."
"The mark of a good historical fiction... is faithful to the historical events and authentic to the character and actions of the historical figures that appeared in the show."
"Raised by the Vikings who murdered his family, Thorfin became a terrifying warrior, forever seeking to kill the band's leader, Askeladd, and avenge his father."
"Sometimes tying history into fiction can be a very good thing."
"Let's stop his assassination and so you have a story where they're trying to figure out if the conspiracy theories around the JFK assassination have any validity to them."