
Art Interpretation Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"It's funny because the way the paintings are done, it shows war and then it shows children being better than the war and then a world of peace."
"Conspiracy theorists believe that there is more to this painting than the depiction of climate change and the impact humans have on nature."
"Film theory discusses the essence of cinema and provides conceptual frameworks for understanding a film's relationship to reality, other arts, individual viewers, and society as a whole."
"Interpreting art is by its nature relative and you can make cases for countless interpretations of the work."
"Once the artist puts it out there, they have no more control. If they don't write it on here what this stuff means, then we get to guess and we're just as right as anybody."
"Living its last days in a never-ending cycle between sustaining life and simultaneously bleeding out, figuratively and literally, as its hydraulic fluid was purposefully made to look like its actual blood."
"I think that the mark of a good piece of art is that it invites lots of different readings. Having these discussions and disagreements and learning from the different ways people can see a work of art is great."
"This video is about one thing: It's about the way that art is interpreted and about how it's given meaning."
"Interpreting Jack Chick's artwork is a lot like looking at a Pollock painting. To a lot of people, it just looks like splashes, but there is meaning there."
"It's one of these pictures that manages to fuse the almost mythical with the deeply personal."
"When looking at the Board Ape collection, I find myself now wondering if their entire thing has a coded hidden meaning."
"Once you've created a piece of art, you've lost your right to tell people what they should feel about that piece of art."
"Context can shape how you view a piece of art dramatically."
"Titles transcend the work itself, becoming a poem within an artwork."
"The painting is trying to understand her death and the baby's death in intensely religious terms."
"Eventually, time and tide strips away the authorial intent behind almost any piece of art and gradually supplants it with the ax meaning conferred by the audience."
"Art can speak to you, and the mood through which it does will inform you of its message."
"Just because you interpret something and it's a widely accepted interpretation that doesn't mean it's what the artist intended."
"A song is just supposed to describe part of the human experience."
"Believe what you want, art is interpretive after all."
"If the goal of a piece of art or commerce is to get people to understand a specific issue, that's a different thing."
"I don't buy that, she's pregnant all right and this pregnancy is the key to the picture's meaning."
"It might be possible to think of it another way which is that this woman in the picture was actually portrayed posthumously."
"It's interesting, it's hard to know... these terms are just sort of like a dialogue, a way to sort of explain the unexplainable which is art and art is not explainable."
"Art is subjective and can express different things according to each individual."
"Great art isn't about following the rules or ignoring them outright."
"Art is perspective in turn interpretation of art is perspective."
"I'm a firm believer in the idea that the artist's intent doesn't invalidate the listener's experience."
"That's what it is you say Green Point that's a really important these look at a picture like you suddenly you're depressed you're tired."
"Every portrait makes me feel like there's a disturbing backstory behind the person it represents."
"Art shouldn't moralize us directly... it should make you do the moralizing."
"The paintings reveal a secret: when death is face down, when the child is looking up, when the knight looks at the window, and the witch looks at the door, the mirror will reveal the truth."
"There's just so much meaning in them if you just look at the gate."
"Skin tones are different in any lighting, so Isabella's skin isn't going to look the same in every drawing. What you need to look at is how the skin contrasts with surrounding factors."
"Comic books are art. Your takeaway from a comic book is different from mine. Art in general is subjective."
"Each time you see the 'Mona Lisa,' you have a different feeling about what she has in mind."
"It's about the way that art is interpreted and about how it's given meaning."
"Art is always up to interpretation, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"I do however think that all art is a way for people to interpret and reflect the world around us."
"Art is subjective and therefore we will always interpret it with the projection of our lived experience."
"Science is no more than an investigation of a miracle we can never explain and art is an interpretation of that miracle." - Power of Three
"No song has to be bound to a single interpretation."
"Are the objects captured in these works of art records of religious devotion or evidence of the church's connection to spacecraft and perhaps even creatures from another world?"
"Remember, art isn't about the author's intention but the reader's interpretation."
"Leonardo da Vinci was a part of this like secret society and The Last Supper is filled with tons of symbolism."
"Good art has many different interpretations."
"No one mistakes the sheet music for the melody itself."
"Space is in fact a giant Elvis painting blown up really just from the groin region thus to give you the vast expanse of space." - David Hewlett
"Every single thing that's depicted here means something. Everything, every curl, everything."
"Vermeer's focus is on the maid as an 'ideal woman', a paragon of homely virtue."
"If it doesn't immediately speak to you, cause wait a now the work of art to yield its message."
"Art can not only be seen as merely an aesthetically pleasing world of wall decorations but also as a means for us to express what can't be explained through words alone."
"Art comes in strategy nothing if art becomes strategy is you know it's it's not hard anymore something else it's maybe the propaganda."
"It is only a portrait, and yet it seems to have dimensions and mysteries that have yet to be explained."
"Van Gogh's interpretation of this art piece would be absolutely allowed under the conditions of fair use."
"Suddenly all of the paintings that we look at in our collections have this subtext that we can begin to read."
"So I feel like we need to use art as a way to interpret that."
"All art she maintained is anagogic, an interpretation that finds beyond the literal, allegorical, and moral senses a fourth and ultimate spiritual or mystical sense."
"It distills down and the essentials of whatever you were meant to take out of that particular artist are left over."
"I love the depiction of her without her eyes because she is in a flow state, right? She is absolutely in, like, this is de-personified, like, this is visual language telling you that she is not even herself right now."
"Art piece is much more than what the artist says."
"David... You're looking into the eyes of Renaissance man as he's sort of sussing up the challenge of slaying the giant of medieval superstition and all that holds us back."
"More than one well-known author of a cultural history of American art has described this painting as an image of sex and subservience, of obedient girls who are returning the gaze of their father, who monitors them from outside the canvas."
"...it means that there's something going on there in the middle of the painting it's not just white or it's not just something super calm and with nothing going on..."
"If we're talking about this as an art form, there might be interpretations to think that both people won."
"According to the plaque, it was supposed to depict the guardian angel of the graveyard."
"The painting is a window into the person's psyche."
"...this angel is coming to gather the blood of Christ, I showed him kind of in the process of going to gather the blood of Christ."
"This is not a pipe because it is a painting of a pipe."
"Trusting viewers to interpret their work while being immersed in its facts."
"The artist put in that boat just so people looking at his picture would realize how enormous the cliffs were and how grand the sea was swirling round the rocks."
"We see the mind in the art, we see the intentionality in the art, and we're not fooled by the labels."
"...to understand how the meaning of his art intersects with the quality of his art."
"His portrait can tell a number of different stories."
"A painter catches with a single glance the whole person, but I catch simply his soul."
"This piece of course is rife with symbolism."
"Neoclassicism is not a slavish copy of the past; it's an interpretation of the past."
"What if M.C. Escher illustrated hell as a depiction?"
"Sometimes the thing is the thing, the backstory and the info can give you a different appreciation for it."
"I think what I loved most about this portrait was once you looked past the portrait of the person, you notice there's little people crawling on her shoulders."
"You do all the rest of it; you know, the viewer finishes off the painting for you."
"Art is no matter who or whatever makes it, every person's perspective of interpretation of art is different."
"A lot of people have been asking me to do an interpretation of the recent image I did of the flood as a cosmic image."
"What he was looking for in these paintings and in these woodcuts is what he called a hieroglyph, which said so much, said more than he can put into words."
"I think art should be interpreted however you want to be interpreted."
"It's interesting to watch people do that and I think it goes to how you view art and what you choose to make meanings of."
"The colorless background itself is suggestive of infinite spaces surrounding a finite world."
"This painting's official name is called 'Arrangement in Black and Grey' by James Abbott McNeil Whistler, but the painting is also known as 'Whistler's Mother.' Now doesn't that change how you see it?"
"It's up to interpretation, I guess that's how art is."
"I could find a meaning behind any piece of art."
"I think the artist is trying to convey a strong sense of emotion in this piece."
"It's art, it's whatever you interpret it to be."
"When you show your artwork, people are going to be asking about what it means."
"Art is representational, not exact."
"Every time I look at this painting, I find a little new splatter, a new interpretation or something."
"When future generations look at the art of the 20th and 21st centuries, what will they make of it, and the society that created it? In other words, what will they make of us?"
"Death is life," she said. "That's why they're called 'nature mort'."
"When you see a movie, we know that's fiction, but with songs, we don't know because there's been this label of like it's autobiographical."
"Art that's tougher to read, that's more resilient, that's more content-driven and psychological tends to attract the interests of the market."
"This canvas is among the most superficially childlike of Klee's paintings but on long contemplation, its tones shift and merge until it becomes an icon of almost hypnotic power."
"Picasso shows his young man leading his horse without the benefit of reins."
"Reception, what do you see? Because anyone looking at this will see different things, you know what I'm saying?"
"Music, what does it provide? It could mean everything and yet at the same time it's nothing."
"Sometimes straight art does capture messy queer feelings better than finely manicured representation."
"So that's it for this painting, this is my interpretation of the reference photo."
"All art has an allegory, every piece of art has a story."
"You could be talking about how black the painting is; it's a new beginning."
"This work has become a kind of Rosetta Stone for those trying to understand this art."
"Art says something by whoever made it or to whoever's looking at it."
"It's still portraiture, but it's the warrior expressed in a different light."
"That's art, man. Exactly what art is. It's interpretational."
"Oldenburg's objects... have nothing to do with the objects they are like; the work is a thorough corruption of all its sources."
"There is always a figure at stake in the pictures, and they always seem to be real people."