
Coincidences Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Denver International Airport has become a breeding ground for conspiracy theories fueled by a series of seemingly innocuous coincidences."
"The biggest coincidence of all would be if there were no coincidences."
"Sometimes what appear to be coincidences can actually be miraculous."
"The longer I live, the more coincidences I run across, and the less impressive they become because the more I learn about how weird and wild the world is."
"Robert Todd Lincoln's strange encounters with death."
"The strange encounter of Umberto and his doppelgänger."
"Coincidences happen but no matter how much we know that it can still be mind-blowing when we see them."
"Some coincidences can be so odd that you'll struggle to accept it. These are amazing coincidences that you won't believe happened."
"It's got to be an epic coincidence, one that'd almost make more sense if dragons did exist."
"The coincidence is are too many to be meaningless."
"Dark humor and coincidence go hand in hand during the international assassins."
"It all just kind of fell together, so it seems like all these coincidences started happening."
"Expect really quick results and meaningful coincidences."
"I refuse to accept that this is all coincidence. There must be a message here, but what is it?"
"It's amazing how often we see that, is that just coincidence or is that somebody trying to tell us something?"
"I am a big believer that there are no such thing as coincidences."
"Is it just a coincidence that booster landing and second stage cutoff occur nearly simultaneously..."
"Some coincidences are definitely enough to make you believe in fate."
"This app is supposed to be about coincidences, I'm not exactly sure how true that is."
"Throughout history, some of its most epic events have been preceded by a rash of coincidences, accidental happenings, flukes that make us reexamine the whole affair."
"Lincoln's black cat of a son: Robert Todd Lincoln's uncanny encounters with death, narrowly escaping multiple fatal incidents linked to presidential assassinations."
"Honestly I think it's a very, very odd list of connections. It's a lot of stuff that seems either incredibly coincidental or incredibly incriminating."
"All significant attacks in American history all had drills taking place on the same day."
"Coincidence is when two or more events occur that have no obvious relation to one another yet results in a meaningful connection or result."
"I think words are powerful. You see the example you just gave, you, I think that's merely coincidental, yes, but I think there are other ways of speaking things into existence that can happen now."
"You can only pile up so many coincidences before they're no longer coincidence."
"These things just feel like they're a little bit beyond coincidence, don't they?"
"Pay attention to the coincidences you experience."
"We just found out that the lady that bought the house today is a Saints fan."
"It was so unexpected and I don't want to go into details of it but they were they required so many coincidences that I have been tempted to see it as miraculous."
"It was funny because I'd always dreamt of playing in a Super Bowl in New Orleans, and my first Super Bowl was in New Orleans."
"Instead of dismissing them as mere coincidences, we can choose to see them as symbols of the wealth that's waiting to manifest in our lives."
"There are no coincidences in God's matters."
"Acknowledged that in God's matters there are no coincidences."
"Everything is a multiple of 6: It results in a long stream of coincidences in which characters often end up forming teams of 6, fight 6 types of villains, etc."
"I have these days where I'll have a million coincidences in one day..."
"Things happen for a reason. I don't believe in coincidences."
"And it's just absolutely amazing the coincidences and the similarities to everything that happened over the years."
"Occurrences or weird coincidences can happen that appear meaningful to you and your experience."
"Meaningful coincidences, grace, or just good luck - it's all the same thing."
"My life has been an extraordinary series of synchronistic coincidences."
"Synchronicity refers to meaningful coincidences between events in one's mind and the outside world."
"Coincidences just don't be making sense sometimes, bro."
"Coincidences aren't coincidences, you know."
"How many coincidences are you allowed before you begin to realize, maybe these coincidences aren't coincidences at all?"
"You know how sometimes things line up? Coincidences. Since we've been here, they've been happening more and more."
"There's no such thing as accidents; there's no such thing as coincidences."
"Whether large or small, I'm sure we can all agree that coincidences happen all the time."
"...they can't all just be coincidences and nonsense, no, there's no way."
"We live in a world of coincidences; weird things happen all the time."
"I love it when those little happy coincidences happen."
"I look forward to seeing how your own history in the future will be created with coincidences."