
Electricity Quotes

There are 1434 quotes

"Imaginary numbers are used to describe real electric currents."
"Electricity will always take the path of least resistance."
"Electricity, when you have it, you don't notice it; when you're lacking it, it's a huge deal."
"Thank your lucky stars that there are positive and negative charges in the world because that's what lets us manipulate the electrons."
"Electricity is the key to a better life for everyone, everywhere on the planet."
"Electricity frees women and girls from the pump, the stove, and the wash tub."
"You deserve to be happy. I'm a mess, and I don't want you to suffer because of me."
"Your body's conductive, your body's electrical first, chemical second. So, everything in the body is electrical."
"From chemistry to electricity, from theoretical science to practical experiments that revolutionized the world, Faraday's contributions can't be overstated."
"Electricity always takes the path of least resistance."
"Each time you pull a switch and light floods your room, you have Tesla to thank for it."
"Moving people between cities using electricity is a sustainable solution for their future transportation needs."
"Attempting to create an electrical grid without wires, poles, or substations, it can help provide electricity to almost one and a half billion people who have no infrastructure to install it."
"Our body's operation is all electric – my hand moving, my muscles, my brain, my thinking – it's all based on electrical signals."
"The vast majority of the stuff you use and rely on is electric: from hair dryers to air fryers, curling irons to waffle irons."
"In the modern world, we often take electricity for granted."
"The human nervous system relies on electricity to function."
"Germans are making a bold bet, that by 2050, 80 percent of their electricity will come from renewable sources."
"When we start the car, the voltage will drop because the starter motor is pulling a huge amount of current."
"Every time you put electricity into a battery and take it out, you lose about 20 to 40 percent of the power."
"The only man in the world that could have pulled off alternating current was George Westinghouse."
"We're transitioning our electricity systems to renewable."
"The alternating current induction motor, an alternative to the direct current method."
"This is a new world, this is a reset, this is something very exciting."
"Nikola Tesla... made numerous advances in the generation transmission and the use of electric power."
"Taming electricity is probably the most important innovation of our lifetime."
"Destroy the Regent's family tyranny by providing electricity to all homes inside the Kingdom."
"I would like to be electricity, be able to use electricity and harness it."
"From February to October, we didn't have current."
"Our world runs on electricity. Without it, we pretty much get sent back to the Victorian age, which was a nightmare."
"Find ways to generate electricity and you can sell it to the grid."
"Well we don't yeah we know how to make electrons electricity but we don't really know where it comes from or what really okay so this whole thing."
"Texas was seconds and minutes away from catastrophic months-long blackouts."
"Faraday's work showed us that electricity and magnetism are deeply interconnected, two sides of the same coin."
"It's like you can feel electricity, it's weird and interesting."
"Electricity is a dead simple business made difficult by process." - Doug
"Without electricity, life as we know it will end."
"Electricity is something that everyone takes for granted these days."
"Tidal energy produces electricity with zero carbon emissions."
"It's about electricity too... rebuilding our power infrastructure, making it more resilient so that things like what we saw in Texas don't keep happening."
"You actually helped millions of people lighting Africa right, brought electricity to places that have never had it ever period."
"Jolt is the only Cybertronian who was able to use electricity as a weapon."
"Voltorb: Electric bowling balls, better not mess with them."
"Revolution Ben Franklin getting pissed off slowly taking off his monocle snacks like a kite in the range shooting electricity at people."
"If you want to go buy an iPhone or any other kind of consumer product, you go out to a store and you have a number of choices. With electricity in most of the country, you really only have one choice, and that company has a monopoly."
"Perhaps electric current stimulated a spiritual experience."
"If current's not flowing, where is it flowing?"
"Maxwell gave a physical meaning to what he initially called the quantity of electric current, which I called the quantity of electric lines from sinks and sources."
"Lightning generation: guiding a bolt of lightning from fingertips."
"We have so much excess electricity that we don't know what to do with it."
"Tesla's greatest invention was the method for electrically generating and using alternating current."
"Taming electricity is one of Mankind's biggest achievement."
"Cuba's electric grid is old, inefficient, and obsolete."
"There are two types of electricity: DC or direct current, and AC or alternating current."
"Respect electricity, because it can kill you."
"Perhaps the biggest by far of Tesla's inventions and undoubtedly one of the biggest ever is the development of alternating current or AC electrical systems."
"I don't think you need to, wow, the lights are on."
"Voltage is the push that causes the current to flow."
"But the Thai video is real, and it does suggest that some people can take massive jolts of electricity, possibly because of their skin."
"Liquid electricity opens up applications and electricity generation where it's never been available to us before."
"When you plug in an electric device, it's easy not to even consider where the electricity actually comes from."
"Generation is only the first of many steps our power takes on its nearly instantaneous journey from production to consumption."
"Substations are the linkages that connect the various components together."
"Many of the ways we protect equipment from faults are handled at a substation."
"Substations are usually the only locations where extra-high voltage power lines get close to the ground, so safety is absolutely critical."
"Every electrical substation is customized to meet the needs of the infrastructure it links together."
"Substations will continue to play a critical role in controlling and protecting the power grid."
"Bring down thunder with the Goro Goro no Mi!"
"Do not touch anything plugged into a wall while you are wet."
"The power's back on, I guess you guess it is back on."
"Copper, aluminum, gold, and silver are great conductors of electricity."
"100 milliamps of current or higher will kill you with a single shock."
"It may look cute but be careful, it can store up large amounts of electricity."
"All the evidence to date points to electricity as the primal force in nature."
"Even with all that we're going to need a lot more electricity storage in the future than what we have now."
"His most well-known signature attack is probably his ability to emit electricity when crouching, shocking anyone stupid enough to come into contact with him."
"People use electricity every single day and often they take it for granted."
"Tesla is best known for his discovery and invention of alternating current which made today's modern electrical appliances possible."
"Storm release creates bolts of electricity that flow like water."
"There's power wheel you'd work with high voltage systems and delivering or generating lots of electric power."
"Jolteon has such an electrifying design, it screams static and thunder."
"The torque increases perfectly linearly with the amps that you're putting through the motor wire."
"Using just one lightbulb that she moves from room to room, she saves more than $60 a month on her electric bill."
"Static electricity seemed to be the cause of intermittent hardware interrupts and unexpected IPLs."
"The most important thing is to have electricity, have some way forward in terms of farm machinery so that you can plant next year's crop."
"An electric field of over a billion volts per meter, that's hundreds of times stronger than what the accelerators produce in the Large Hadron Collider."
"Get that out of the way, and that exposes your positive and your negative wire."
"We need to isolate all of the overcurrent protection devices or the switches inside of this distribution board."
"The lights of the ruins of LA start to turn on, powered by her device."
"Shore power will allow us to power our 120-volt outlets and charge our batteries directly from shore power at a campground."
"We don't have enough electricity, so pretty much every single day we have power cuts."
"If you know the voltage and the resistance, you can calculate the current which will flow through that particular circuit."
"The safe voltage is around 14 volts... this is called float."
"Electricity is not just a luxury. It is a necessity of modern life."
"The humble RCD has become an absolutely critical part of the electrician's line of defenses when it comes to protecting property and people from the harmful effects of electricity."
"Your body's alive, it's electric, it's electrified, there's volts of energy going on right now in your body that's how it communicates."
"The War of the Currents had been won by Westinghouse and Tesla."
"The ability to black start a power grid quickly after a total collapse is so important because electricity is vital to our health and safety."
"All this cost and effort and careful engineering just to ensure that we can get the grid back up and running to power homes and businesses after a major blackout."
"Pioneer of alternating current, remote control, and wireless power."
"Tesla's entire life would be shaped by electricity."
"Tesla unveils his induction AC motor, further fueling the bitter conflict between Edison and Tesla."
"Tesla's AC current has finally won the war of the currents."
"No matter how much the conservatives try to deny it every single day in this country we get closer to never using coal to uh generate electricity again."
"Volcanic lightning is an electrical discharge caused by a volcanic eruption."
"...it's progress that put electricity in the toothbrush, progress put potato chips in a tennis ball can."
"Electricity is dangerous and can be fatal; you must be qualified and competent to carry out any electrical work."
"Remember, electricity is dangerous and can be fatal."
"When the contact point opens, we often find an arc forming because there's lots of energy flowing."
"There's a lot of passion here, a lot of spark, a lot of electricity."
"The switch was turned on, and the Niagara Falls were powering lights and street cars all over Buffalo, New York."
"If you put a fluorescent light bulb next to a Tesla coil, the light bulb lights up with no wires attached."
"Electricity literally goes into the Earth, which is why they have to pound a copper rod into the ground."
"Geothermal power plants can generate electricity continuously, making it base load capable."
"We're definitely going to have a big electricity bill this year."
"If your power goes out you can run your refrigerator, your stove, a microwave, laundry, stuff like that."
"I finally vanquished all difficulties and succeeded in producing a machine which, to explain its operation in plain language, resembled a pump in its action, drawing electricity from the earth and driving it back into the same at an enormous rate."
"...so I've officially managed to run the whole magnetron entirely off a 12-volt DC source."
"Electricity comes from the Greek word for Amber."
"The fact that this water Channel model is able to so accurately depict the Dynamics of electricity, a completely different system and one that operates on time scales that are orders of magnitude faster than water, is just really amazing to me."
"Facilitating the transmission of clean electricity."
"However, even before any major outages began, conditions on the electric grid, especially in northern Ohio and eastern Michigan were slowly degrading."
"Capacitor banks are often used to help bring current and voltage back into sync, providing reactive power."
"There's really nothing to be overwhelmed about electricity, hooking these circuits up is actually pretty simple."
"Electricity likes to flow from the path of least resistance."
"Resistance doesn't actually affect the speed of electricity."
"If you want to learn how to take electricity and add it to your shed, then you're in the right place."
"While it normally varies between $30 and $50 per megawatt-hour on an average day, the wholesale electricity price went up to the cap of $9,000 per megawatt-hour during the storm and stayed that high for days."
"Electricity has the potential to completely change the world."
"Electricity is transforming the world."
"I loved it. I mean, I love having electricity but it was such a sweet, simple time lighting the lamps every night, lighting the candles, you know, trying to do everything that you had to do in the daylight."
"The shock gave me the feeling as a point of reference. And once I understood that, all I had to do was have the feeling to continue the experience. I didn't need the electricity to do it. Thank goodness."
"...if we start to regulate the end use of electricity in this country we are going to open up a Pandora's box of political Weaponry."
"Peppa quite enjoyed the power cut, but she's happy the electricity is back again."
"Having the solar and being able to just lift the light and have power inside has been amazing."
"Voltage is a Seeker. Amperage is a lazy one."
"Voltage will only drop when there is amperage, when there is a direct path to ground."
"Amperage is what burns things and smokes things and blows fuses."
"Very cool technology, also requires electricity."
"Nuclear, wind, hydro, solar, natural gas, coal power - it's all great ways to generate electricity."
"Fortunately, we live in a world of electricity."
"All the charging stations suck, but we need a lot of juice here, so let's use the 150."
"The Tesla coil builds up a charge which jumps through the air to this neutral rod, just like a lightning bolt."
"That's enough to power the average American home for about 4 days without charging."
"Electricity has benefited the lives of all - the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker."
"Enough for today. The lamps need to be switched off."
"a solar generator is three things it's an inverter a charge controller and a battery so basically that's output power input power and fuel tank"
"Electricity changed every single thing in the world. It changed night into day. It changed productivity. It changed what we made. It changed everything."
"The impact of load shedding on day-to-day life in South Africa is enormous."
"Avoid overloading your outlets and circuits with high wattage appliances."
"I'm tuning everything for efficiency and that means that I'm trying to maximize my return against my electricity bill."
"Experts believe that by 2040 offshore wind farms have the potential to meet the world's electricity demands 11 times over."
"Gentleman, I do not know what this electricity can be used for, but I predict that one day you will tax it."
"which will look just like this but will be clearly indicated by GF for ground fault or GFCI"
"There's really no other magical thing that you change. Now, people will argue and say, 'Well yeah, but you could change the voltage.' The voltage could vary, and that is true. That is true. That's not generally what goes on though."
"The NEC, National Electrical Code, is actually written by a fire organization. And that's because, contrary to popular belief, we do not want houses catching on fire."
"When it comes to electricity, calling in an expert to work with electricity directly is a fantastic idea."
"Making over 300 bucks a day. We'll break down how much of that actually goes to the electric company but to be frank it's a lot less than you may think or guess off the bat"
"All the best things on earth start with the letters AC, man."
"As that sine wave, as the voltage changes because in alternating current we have this constant changing voltage right, everybody buy that? If I measure with an oscilloscope or something, that's going to actually show the voltage changing on that outlet on the wall."
"Using diodes as rectifiers: Diodes can pass electricity only in One Direction."
"Honestly, 59 cents a kilowatt hour for here in Midtown Manhattan is not a bad price. I would pay."
"The brain generates enough electricity to power a 25W bulb."
"Electricity availability is going to be a limiting factor in the growth rate of AI. That's how big this is."
"The UPS does help with surges helps with uh brownouts it helps with temporary power loss so if it's something very quick the power went out for two seconds and then it came back UPS has already taken care of that and the generator doesn't have to kick in."
"You might think that since we’re dealing with AC power here polarity doesn’t matter, and yeah everything will work if it’s wired backwards, but that introduces danger in certain situations."
"That's from here on out. I'm just done, done with electricity."
"Our battery voltage right now coming into the inverters thirteen point three volts."
"Electricity has really been the undercurrent-- Get it?"
"Exercise extreme caution when working around high voltages. Always consult a professional technician when in doubt."
"If you're able to charge at night during Economy Seven or perhaps on something like Octopus Go or Agile, you could get that charging cost down to five, maybe seven, eight pence per kilowatt."
"The problem is how do you get electricity into your metal vacuum chamber."
"You want a metal object, same shape and size that could have been connected to mains or cable."
"Don't forget, the fuse has two main characteristics: voltage and amps."
"The power is equal to the voltage multiplied by the current."
"Doug just hooked up the lights to the shed. Yeah, that's awesome. We got power!"
"Electricity takes the path of least resistance."
"Putting all of these in series is very easy, I'll just connect one panel to the next all the way down and then create an extension cord to bring the final connection all the way back to my combiner box."
"If we could connect these various energy generating locations, we would have an uninterrupted supply of renewable power regardless of the time of day or weather conditions."
"Pure electricity, pure fire going on in this connection."
"They have it in their heads that I invent electricity. Who am I to dissuade?"
"It's just another switch electrically not connected to this one but it's part of the same mounting plate."
"Never use things like this to confirm the power's off, unreliable and dangerous."
"Don't bring them up to the same voltage before you connect them in parallel, okay? It's a communication established."
"Electric grids are considered some of the single largest machines in existence—they stretch across entire continents—but they’re machines with absolutely zero slack."
"Your lights, your TV, your microwave—everything plugged into the grid uses electricity produced just moments ago."
"Water is one of the earliest forms of energy that humans harnessed, and it still represents one of the best sources of electricity."
"When there’s a need to transmit a huge amount of electricity over a long distance, the economics can work in favor of converting power to DC at its origin, and converting it back to AC at its destination."
"The electric force is millions and millions of times stronger than gravity—it's one of the strongest forces in nature."
"Never have I ever been electrocuted."
"They come through also in other ways. You've got to be open to electricity, lights going on and off, blinking all the time."
"In the decades between Niagara and Hoover, privately owned power companies flourished throughout the country."
"Over a third of the world's population doesn't have electricity today."
"...this is not connected to the consumer unit in the house so there's no power to this garage electric so technically what I've done is just rigged up a dead circuit."
"Current is always going to be traveling in one direction."
"You need to be very, very careful where the mains come in."
"120 volts can kill your ass. Like, for real. Less voltage than that can kill you."
"A magneto... I have no battery I have no alternator I have no anything I can create a spark just by turning the magneto right here."
"I really like that it's not plugged into the main system so that you don't get surges in the electricity."
"This place will transport you into a parallel universe where it's just lightning all the time."